3 minute read
The following is the tale told of the 2019 Ride to Gympie, the 2020 return ride was not as “exciting” weather-wise fortunately. There was a great turn-out and a repeat of the ride was led by Richard “Storm Boy” de Groot to Gympie where the group had a “dry” dinner at the Australian Hotel, and then breakfast Sunday morning before heading our own ways home...
By Wendy de Groot, Member #770
Wouldn’t you know!! GROOTY has organised a ride. Bloody good at organising rides. Annnd!! Wouldn’t you know the day of the ride a storm cell is brewing.
Cindy and Duncan arrive at the meeting point; as wet as a shag.
Then the antics begin; get a towel pat down the crutch, take off the boots, empty the boots, wring out the socks and dry the feet. Me thinks, ride over!! Not looking good.
Then; Wouldn’t you know; the sun comes out and off we go, 8 riders in total. Have no idea where Greg Gaffney is!
We wind our way up through the hinterland to Eumundi and stop, weather not looking good; in fact, bloody scary.
Now a bit of a corroboree takes place; rubbing of the sticks and a few smoke signals go up. What the hell are we going to do??
Then Wouldn’t you know!! Wet weather gear on and the planned ride squashed...... EXCEPT for 2 silly buggers who want to continue the ride; namely Huw and Liezel.
Now GROOTY being the person he is, THINKS this is great!! They want me to finish my ride, so let’s do it. Chest a bit puffed out!!!
Ian, Cindy, Duncan and Paul leave and head for Gympie.
Richard, Wendy, Huw and Liezel head off to continue the ride. Dratz didn’t get far; trees down, branches strewn across the road. Now the ride is called off and we also head for Gympie.
And Wouldn’t you know; it didn’t take long for us to catch up to the others, all parked and off their bikes sheltering under an overpass.
Now you wouldn’t think you would ever see Cindy on the side of the road wrapped in a dog blanket. Well she was!
Greg’s bike abandoned on the side of the road; but, where is he?? Well; Wouldn’t you know he was spotted in a stranger’s car and a lady to boot. He’s a bit of a charmer this Greg and we all know what goes on in the back of parked cars. The car was doing a bit of shaking. Not sure if it was the wind!!
Now here comes Marian in the Volvo; not a bloody hair out of place. Crikey she says!! They’re drenched and scattered along the road. And where’s my Ian?? Well; he pinged off with Paul and Duncan who has left Cindy behind.
Wouldn’t you know; the weather threw everything at us. Rain, hail, wind, lightning and thunder. Only tough motorcyclists get off their bikes, stand on the side of the road, laughing and chatting with such good humour in the middle of a storm pandemic and survive such a ride down under. And; survive they did.
Wouldn’t you know; the bloody dryers got a good work out at the pub in Gympie that night.
Greg Gaffney was awarded a prize for his “adventuresome” spirit in getting himself off his Beemer on the highway, and into the car of a lady
who was a complete stranger. Well done Greg