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of Environmental Teshuvah

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Recommitting to The Year of Environmental Teshuvah

One year ago, Hazon boldly proclaimed 5780 the Jewish year of Environmental Teshuvah. While we are soon to enter a new year, we recognize that our role in climate justice does not stop here. Now more than ever, our actions are important to shaping the future we want for ourselves, our communities, and our world. We are sharing


Hazon’s vision of Environmental Teshuvah with the hope that each of us will make a commitment, whether participating in the Brit Hazon or getting involved with the BJ Environmental Advocates, to make climate justice a reality. To make an online donation, visit www.wscah.org/donate.

We are in a global environmental crisis. Jewish tradition compels us to respond.

Now more than ever, we must stand up and assess the role that our actions play in creating the world we live in. We are called to make a change, to create a healthier and more sustainable world for all.

What is teshuvah?

Te s h u va h o r “re tu rn” i s a Jewish practice of turning inward and reflecting on the transgressions we make as human beings while acknowledging that what was done in the past does not h ave to b e re p e ate d in o ur future. The practice of teshuvah offers us an opportunity to face our negative actions and create a new path forward.

What is environmental teshuvah?

Environmental teshuvah is the outward manifestation of our commitment to doing better for the planet. As you examine your individual impact on the planet, consider: • How do you relate to the planet or the climate crisis? What inspires you from the natural world? • Which of your behaviors do you know are less than ideal? Consider the implications of your diet and transportation habits. • What are one or two areas in which you will commit to do better?

“Now more than ever, our actions are important to shaping the future we want for ourselves, our communities, and our world”

Taking action

The Brit Hazon is our opportunity to make a personal commitment to do better—to take a stand and take action—as we manifest our vision of a more sustainable and equitable world for all. Read more at hazon.org/commit-to-change/brithazon.

We must envision the world we wish to create and we must see ourselves as part of the solution. • Transition to a plant-rich diet • Reduce food waste • Buy less stuff • Get growing/buy local • Reduce household waste

• Reduce energy use

Join the BJ Environmental Advocates

The BJ Environmental Advocates focus on climate justice work in New York City and New York State. They are currently a coalition member of the Climate Works for All Campaign, which is made up of labor, environmental, civic, and faith groups throughout the five boroughs. The coalition is working to push Mayor de Blasio, City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, and the City Council to create green affordable housing, green energy, and green jobs in New York City. They are also part of the Jewish Climate Action Network NYC and a founding member of Greenfaith NYC.

Contact Les, lesjudd@aol.com, or Sandy, sandra.m.rocks@gmail.com, to learn more and get involved.

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