Tips for Learning a New Instrument
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Now that you have chosen your instrument, follow these tips and tricks to amplify your learning experience.
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Set Realistic Goals
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Do not set yourself up for failure with unrealistic expectations. Your busy lifestyle will often only allow “micro-lessons�. Set aside 15 minutes every day to practice. Research has shown that we learn better in increments of 15 minutes!
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Make Good Use of Your Time
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I know most of us want to spend our free time bundled up on the couch with our latest Netflix binge. But next time try to swap out an episode with a quick online learning video instead. Or turn your lunch break into a micro-lesson and follow along with a YouTube video on your phone.
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Take a Class
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Although you can find thousands of great videos online, taking a class gives you an advantage of a one-on-one experience. Local music schools and stores are a great place to look for affordable lessons.
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Enlist the Help of your Peers
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Create accountability for yourself by playing and practicing with a friend. Even if they play a different instrument, playing together will be beneficial and fun. If your friends are not interested no need to worry, social media has a treasure trove of groups to connect with. Join a few and find people to connect and learn with.
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Be Patient
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Rome was not built in a day and Beethoven did not become a master overnight. Be patient with your progress. Learning an instrument can be fun, but it takes discipline and hard work. Give yourself time to get comfortable with your instrument before expecting progress.