BNB Fishing Mag | April 2024

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Tide Times AUSTRALIA EAST COAST Registrations are open for the 2024BAR Women’s Fishing Classic. Photos: Women’s EAST COAST – BRISBANE BRISBANE BAR AUSTRALIA, Fishing Classic 2023 2024 2024 LAT 27° 22ʼ S LONG 153° 10ʼ E





Time Zone –1000 APRIL m




0235 0944 WE 1519 2100



2.25 0.82 1.63 0.81


0338 1044 TH 1647 2219


2.06 0.83 1.67 0.99

148 824 351 955

2.28 0.89 1.66 0.70

0141 0824 MO 1351 1949


2.15 0.96 1.59 0.79


249 947 507 056

2.17 0.98 1.51 0.83

0251 0953 TU 1523 2113

2.12 0.95 1.55 0.84

2.26 0440 2.04 0440 2.07 2 0350 17 1147 1054 0.73 17 1132 0.76 0.86

0324 1045 TU 1629 2147

2.10 0.92 1.51 0.98



2024 Women’s Fishing Classic

Times and Heights of High and Low Waters JUNE JULY Time

0424 1115 SA 1725 2320



2.27 0.52 2.05 0.74


0428 1110 SU 1744 2344





1.92 0.66 1.95 0.96

0451 1.97 1126 0.45 MO 1803 2.26

0523 1.87

0024 0.79




0428 1.69 1100 0.64 TU 1754 2.05



0139 0700 TH 1259 1945


Time Zone –1000 AUGUST m

0.72 1.61 0.50 2.41


0101 0616 FR 1220 1913



0.81 1.57 0.56 2.30

n Reeling in victory with exciting updates


0525 2.22 1207 0.44 SU 1825 2.23

0015 0.94

0234 0.63

0158 0.66

2 0800 dedication 1.86 17 1.65 their 1.66 17 0716and 1.68skill of trants will0534have S 17 the1157 sun0.60rises2 0556 0.43 WE 1155 0.59 MO 1834 2.10 FR 1355 0.46 SA 1319 0.44 the over the shim-TU 1221 eyes set on the ulti1902 2.39 1848 2.19 2031 2.46competition’s 2003 2.45 particmate – a0.83brand-0320 ipants. 2.32 0534 2.04 0.70mering 0046 waters 0.89 0.73 prize0120 0.57 0247 0.53 407 2.11 0418 2.16 0544 2.09 3 0500 3 of0034 3 0136 18 0635boat 3 0847 New 3 1121 1156 0.60 18 1215 0.68 0622Australia’s 2.14 18 0615 1.84 0700 1.78 1.66 from 1.72 18 0810 1.80 new 121 0.96 0.86 18 1235 0.78 coastline, categories, new $22,000 651 1.49 FR 1750 1.94 SA 1831 1.96 MO 1257 0.39 TU 1242 0.54 WE 1314 0.42 TH 1248 0.52 SA 1442 0.43 SU 1414 0.33 WE 1658 1.64 TH 1831 1.79 2343 0.69 1919 2.40 1919 2.24 for 1956 2.49 1938 2.33 2114 2.47 2049 2.58 225 0.90 anticipation mounts 2245 0.79 challenges Wynnum Marine. the event 0238This 0602 2.37 0030 0.87 0141 most 0.65 thrilling 0142 0.80 0.66 0215 0.72 0400 0.55 0333things 527 2.11 0536 2.28 0021 0.85 To keep fresh top-of-the-line 4 0929 1.77 exciting, 19 –0704the1.8220244 0759 19 0900 0.42 4 1232 0.71 19 0634 2.14 4 1250 0.49 19 0622 2.04 4 of0716the2.06year 1.74 19 0730 1.70 1.91 232 0.87 the 2024 vessel to take 0.41 promises 0.42 MO 1505 0.25 811 1.59 SA 1848 2.13 SU 1255 0.60 TU 1344 0.36 WE 1324 0.49 TH 1403 FR 1339 0.45 SU 1523 and TH 1812 1.81 FR 1315 0.70 1914 2.11 2009 2.53 Fishing 2002 2.36 2.55 2024 2.45 2.46 2132 2.66 353 0.86 1914 1.93 Women’s Clas- 2044 Fishing Clasfishing expeditions to2151 Women’s 0052 0.60 0121 0.80 0241 0.61 0232 0.73 0331 0.61 0306 0.62 0434 0.56 0416 0.34 630 2.17 0005 0.67 0112 0.77 sic. sic introduces new heights, providing 5 5 5 0640 2.41 20 0717 2.18 5 0658 2.38 20 0704 2.03 5 0809 1.96 20 0751 1.80 0852 1.73 20 0822 1.76 1004 1.80 20 0948 2.01six new 323 0.78 Set 0.35 against the0.45 stun-FR 1450 0.38 with 0.43 categories, 905 1.73 SU 1338 0.39 MO 1331 0.53 WE 1427 TH 1406 SA 1428 MO 1600 fish TU 1554 0.21 FR 1329 0.56 SA 1350 0.62 bringing the0.41 lucky winner 1940 2.32 1952 2.24 2057 2.61 2045 2.45 2.57 2109 2.55 2225 2.43 2215 2.68 1911 2.00 1951 2.06 ning backdrop of Aus- 2129 the total to an impresthe tools they’ll need to 0.53 0335 0.58 0.59 0354 0.54 0.56 0.29 0209 0.74 0320 0.67 057 0.76 0114 0.53 0156 0.69 spectacular 6 tralia’s 6 0418 6 0155 6 0505 21 0458 6 0733 explore even 0747 2.34 21 0744 2.00 0900 1.88 21 0837 1.80 0940 1.73 21 0913 the 1.81 most 1038 sive 1.84 23. 1035 2.09 719 2.24 2.52 21 0754 2.19 1508 0.36 FRthis 0.43 SU 1515 0.32 1446 0.42 403 0.70 year’sSA 1532 TH coastline, TU 1633 0.46 WE 1642 0.22 SA 1417 0.44 SU 1422 0.56 MO 1421 0.33 TU 1407 0.48 From elusive game fish remote challenging 2029 2.47 2142 2.64 2.54 and2153 2.63 2255 2.38 2256 2.63 2030 2.35 2126 2.52 948 1.86 2002 2.18 2026 2.17 competition promises 2210 to humble bottom-feedfishing spots. 0500 0.60 0440 0.48 0.49 0253 0.69 0.63 0.56 0.26 145 0.67 0213 0.42 0236 0.65 be0.59 bigger, bolder 7 to0427 22 0407 7 0250 7 0531 22 0537 7 0821 0948 1.80 1.74 22 1002 provided 1.87 0834 2.25 22 0822 1.96 0924 1.80and7 1023Generously 1111 ers, 1.86 there’s 1122 a2.16 800 2.29 2.56 22 0828 2.18 category 1547 0.40 438 0.65 FR more TU 1501 0.30 WE 1441 0.45 SA 1528 0.40thanSU 1612 0.46 MO 1602 0.29 WE 1706 0.51 TH 1729 0.29 SU 1500 0.35 MO 1452 0.51 exhilarating 2225 2.62 2248 2237 2.67 2115 2.59 2107 2.43 2208 2.57 2.32every2336 024 1.97 2050 2.34 2100 2.27 type2.49 of fisho to by 2.50 Wynnum Marine,2324 for ever before. 0453 0.60 0.49 0335 0.67 0515 0.62 0525 0.43 0.55 0614 227 0.60 0306 0.36 0315 0.62 showcase their0.28expertise this0.63 prize represents the 8 0343 8 Expanded 8 0537 8 0558 8 0905 0920 2.14 23 0900 1.91 1035 1.75 23horizons 1011 1.81 1101 1.74 23 1051 1.93 1144 1.88 23 1209 2.19 837 2.32 2.52 23 0900 2.14 in those pinnacle angling ex0.46 SU 1610 0.39 1648 0.50 TUof1649 0.29 1741 and 0.58 reel 1816 0.42 prized 509 0.60 SA 1625 MO TH FR MO 1540 0.30 TU 1521 0.48 WE 1539 0.31 TH 1515 0.44 One2.56of the2251most 2159 2.65 2145 2.48 2307 2.59 ex- 2324 2.43 2319 2.66 2353 2.22 057 2.06 2136 2.47 2133 2.34 catches. cellence and serves as citing updates to this 0611 0.66 0600 0.66 0608 0.41 0.52 0417 0.66 0.58 0.55 0016 2.29 303 0.55 0356 0.36 0354 0.62 a fitting reward for the continued P21 9 year’s 9 0433 24 0541 9 0625 9 0948 1120 1.70 competition 1.75 24 1140 1.97 1005 2.00 24 0940 1.87 1100 1.81 is9 1139 1220 1.89 24* 0650 0.33 909 2.32 2.43 24 0931 2.08 537 0.56 SU 1703 0.54 MO 1654 0.41 TU 1724 0.56 WE 1737 0.34 TH 1615 0.35 FR 1548 0.45 FR 1817 0.68 SA 1258 2.19 TU 1616 0.28 WE 1550 0.46 the of bound2347expansion 2.47 2358 2.36 2243 2.66 2222 2.50 2335 2.59 1908 0.59 129 2.13 2220 2.56 2206 2.39 aries, opening 0643 0.72 0628up 0.57new 0642 0.67 0001 2.59 0523 0.58 0500 0.67 0022 2.10 2.05 338 0.54 0444 0.40 0431 0.64 10 1215 1.75 25 0649 0.40 10 0654 0.56 25 0059 1204 1.66 25 1151 0729 0.40 939 2.30 10 1030 2.28 25 1004 2.00 10 1050 1.87 25 1020 1.82 10 opportunities for 1.82 fishos 603 0.53 MO 1742 0.63 TU 1741 0.45 WE 1801 0.64 TH 1230 2.00 FR 1649 0.42 SA 1623 0.47 SA 1300 1.88 SU 1352 2.16 WE 1650 0.31 TH 1618 0.47 1826 0.44 2326 2.60 2301 2.50 1859 0.80 2008 0.76 200 2.20 2303 2.60 2241 2.41 to explore. From 0613 0.66 0545 0.69 0027 2.36the pristine 0019 2.55wa- 0030 2.27 0044 2.46 0054 1.95 0147 1.79 412 0.55 0531 0.50 0509 0.68 007 2.25 11 1112 2.09 26 1038 1.92 11 1136 1.74 26 1104 1.77 11 0723 0.76 26 0715 0.56 11 0713 0.68 26 0730 0.41 11 0727 0.60 26 0813 0.50 Fraser CoastTH 1256 1.75 FR 1321 2.02 SU 1345 1.86 MO 1455 2.12 1248 of 1.64theWE 1244 1.83 630 0.50 SA 1725 0.53 SU 1700 0.51 TU ters TH 1723 0.38 FR 1647 0.50 2344 2.48 1824Queensland 0.73 1831 to 0.52 the 1843 0.74 1918 0.57 1947 0.92 2127 0.88 231 2.25 2347 2.56 2315 2.41 in 0107 2.26 0106 2.48Riv- 0104 2.17 0128 2.27 0009 2.49 0632 0.71 0131 1.78 0253 1.57 446 0.59 0620 0.62 0547 0.73 picturesque Tweed 035 2.17 12 1154 1.89 27 1114 1.83 12 0703 0.75 27 1153 1.73 12 0804 0.79 27 0802 0.55 12 0747 0.67 27 0812 0.44 12 0806 0.64 27 0910 0.59 NSW,FR 1342 1.76 SA 1418 2.04 MO 1442 1.86 TU 1611 2.11 1337in1.63northern 655 0.50 WE er TH 1341 1.86 SU 1223 1.63 MO 1743 0.56 FR 1757 0.49 SA 1717 0.55 1912 0.83 1929 0.61 2018 0.72 1802 0.65 2051 1.01 2305 0.89 303 2.28 2353 2.37 participants will have 1930 0.85 0054 2.36 0030 2.44 0150 2.16 0156 2.38 0143 2.04 0216 2.05 0223 1.63 0426 1.46 520 0.65 0031 2.47 0630 0.79 the chance to cast their 103 2.07 13 0713 0.76 28 1155 1.74 13 0757 0.83 28 0725 0.73 13 0847 0.79 28 0850 0.53 13 0826 0.68 28 0858 0.47 13 0856 0.69 28 1024 0.65 1434 1.65 1444 1.91 721 0.53 TH lines SA 1239 1.70 SU 1752 0.62 MO 1317 1.56 TU 1248 1.70 in a FR diverse rangeSA 1437 1.77 SU 1523 2.07 TU 1553 1.89 WE 1729 2.16 1846 0.78 1833 0.63 2009 0.92 2032 0.71 2026 0.96 2130 0.84 2217 1.03 336 2.27 1832 0.62 of environments, includ0142 2.23 0121 2.40 0238 2.07 0249 2.25 0227 1.90 0315 1.84 1.52 0030 0.79 556 0.73 0119 2.34 0035 2.33 dams 14 0912 0.68 29 0950 0.51 14 0339 0933freshwater 0.76 29 0941 0.51and 1002 0.70 29 0556 1.49 134 1.95 14 0815 0.87 29 0721 0.84 14 0854 0.87 29 0823 0.71 14 ing 1540 1.71 1551 1.99 1542 1.82 1634 2.13 1711 1.98 1143 0.63 747 0.57 TU 1422 1.53 WE 1353 1.71 FR areas SA SU MO WE TH SU 1335 1.55 MO 1246 1.66 up to 100km off- 2137 1.02 1944 0.90 1935 0.70 2117 0.98 2145 0.79 2259 0.89 2349 0.94 1835 2.23 1915 0.77 1837 0.69 shore. 0237 2.12 0218 2.36 0330 1.99 0348 2.11 0323 1.78 0131 0.67 0429 1.68 0504 1.50 011 2.24 0215 2.21 0129 2.28 30 1032 territo0.48 15 1003 0.67 30 1050 0.53 15 1115 0.65 30 0701 1.59 634 0.82 15 0930 0.93 30 0827 0.86 15 0950 0.87 30 0922 0.67 15 1022 This0.72expanded 208 1.83 SA 1645 1.81 SU 1659 2.12 MO 1651 1.91 TU 1745 2.22 TH 1817 2.13 FR 1251 0.57 MO 1454 1.48 TU 1354 1.61 WE 1537 1.57 TH 1506 1.77 ry every angler 2259 1.02 2058 0.98 2047 0.75 2232ensures 1.00 2304 0.82 1928 2.31 816 0.63 2016 0.91 1939 0.77 will find their perfect 0321 2.32 0028 0.83 0.58 050 2.20 31 1019 0.60 31 0548 1.60 31 0217 0751 1.71 720 0.90 fishing spot and max250 1.70 FR 1618 1.89 WE 1156 0.53 SA 1345 0.49 imizes the chances of 853 0.71 2204 0.76 1850 2.32 2013 2.35 reeling in a prize-win© Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2022, Bureau of Meteorology New Moon First Quarter ning catch. Datum of Predictions is Lowest Astronomical Tide Major prize Whether you’re a seasoned fisho or a newcomer Full Moon Last Quarter addition to theFirst thrill castMoon your first line, join adventure of ull Moon New In Moon Quarterlooking to Full Lastthe Quarter Moon Phase Symbols Last Quarter the classic. of the event itself, en8 7 2

WE 1739 1.64 2316 0.94

TH 1642 1.76 2226 0.77

FR 1744 1.81 2330 0.94

Page 20 – Bush ’n Beach Fishing, April 2024

2 au

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