BNB Fishing Mag - July 2022

Page 72

TOURING & exploring

Occasionally, free camping offers the best little spots to stay.

Beaut escape to Boynedale Bush Camp


I all, what a wet start we’ve had to our cooler months and it’s been a long time since we’ve seen the countryside so green. The rain and southeast wind have supplied our coastline with almost cyclonic weather at times and surf conditions have


certainly been memorable. With the rain clearing and a little chill in the evening air, we felt a strong yearning to load up the caravan and take advantage of

the ideal conditions. Clear skies, an open fire and the quietness of a bush camp provided the perfect therapy for the soul. Having the caravan partially ready for

The view of parts of Lake Awoonga from the lookout. Page 72 – Bush ’n Beach Fishing July 2022

travel allowed us to pack a few clothes, load up some tucker, do a quick safety check and run down on our set up, and we were away. On this trip, we did find the water pump wouldn’t draw water up from the tanks. Nine times out of 10 it’s due to the pump simply not being used for a while. A simple case of manually priming the pump and everything was back to normal. It always pays to check everything is functioning before you leave, so nothing gets in the way of an enjoyable trip. Currently, the price of fuel is having a huge effect on travel, so we planned a quick getaway that was easi-

ly accessible to Agnes Water. We decided to head to Boynedale Bush Camp, which is a beautiful destination on the banks of Lake Awoonga. This is a free camp with a seven-day stay limit. There are basic facilities such as a toilet block but no power, water or showers, so being self-sufficient is a must. Fires are permitted and a number of brick fire pits are scattered throughout the large green grounds. It’s a short 300m from the campsite to a lookout area that has a RV dump point, rounding out the equation of everything you need. I mentioned that there continued P73 au

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BNB Fishing Mag - July 2022 by bnbfishing - Issuu