For those desperate for a pelagic fix, occasionally there are longtail tuna at Black Rock in September, and they are usually larger than this nice specimen caught by Steve a couple of months ago.
Techniques for tackling tailor n Great bait when targeting mackerel
W Now is the time to be catching and wrapping some tailor for the upcoming mackerel season.
E are starting to get deep into this very unsettled year. A fair bit more rain is forecast over the next three months but at present things have been OK. On the fishing front,
Mangrove jack will start to move around as things warm up. Steve with a 50cm fish from last season.
Page 36 – Bush ’n Beach Fishing September 2022
Tweed to Byron Bay by GAVIN DOBSON
it has been quite good, especially in the estuaries and on the beach. The Tweed River has had a great run of tailor, the best I can remember for a long time. From the mouth to Chinderah and up the Terranora arm to the lake has been going off and not only with numbers but quality too. Often the river fish are on the smallish side, but this year they are averaging at least 1kg, with fish to 2kg not uncommon. To locate fish, trolling lures around the cleaner water on the higher parts of the tide has been the go and, once found, casting lures or bait is the most efficient way to get a few numbers onboard.
Likewise on the beaches, tailor have been thick. And while I would expect tailor to leave the river soon, I’d guess that the beaches will still fish fairly well until the end of September. The Tweed beaches have fished better than the Byron coast beaches over the past month, but that could turn around for September and October. Places such as Fingal and Cabarita beaches have had some massive numbers of tailor schooled up in the surf. The size has been good too, with 1kg plus fish the average and closer to 2kg the norm. The occasional fish to 3kg has also turned up
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