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Straddie school holiday sortie
Good weather saw the Tilbury family head out in Lady Bird for a couple of nights over a full moon during the September school holidays.
Leaving Manly boat ramp late on Friday afternoon, they pulled up at the swim enclosure beach at Dunwich, anchored and walked up to the Straddie Brewing Co for a pizza and a couple of quiet beverages.
On arrival, they found the place full of like-minded families and were lucky to get a spot – exceptionally good pizza though.
After dinner, they moved to One Mile near the Little Ship Club before settling down for the night in the well-protected anchorage.

Next morning, a light air had Tim up and about poking and prodding the family to get out of bed, in a bid to get offshore before the wind came up.
They travelled through the Rainbow Channel on the South Passage Bar and headed to the coffee rock ground for some livies before heading out to the Point Lookout fish aggregating device.
The place was well and truly alive with bait being harassed by mahi mahi as soon as they hit the water – great fun on light gear for sure.
The fish did seem to have a preference for slimy mackerel and hit them hard, while a little hesitant on yakka.

The Tilburys managed to get three dollies in the Esky and dropped a couple before heading back to the southern 35s to try for snapper.
On the first drop the fish pulled were mainly pan-sized snapper to 47cm.
Hoping for something bigger, they moved to various spots, landing some nice pearl perch, with the best one going to 59cm.
Next it was on to the 29s, where they found some good tuskfish before the tropical snapper moved in and picked the bait apart.

The time was never boring, with no shortage of whales trekking south to keep them on their toes.
With the day running out, it was time to head back through the north channel for the last hour of the outgoing tide.
After negotiating the inner banks, they headed to Days Gutter to wander ashore and visit the Gutter Bar for a bag of ice and a feed.
While the sandflies were overly friendly, the drinks were cold and food was good.

Anchoring off in the deep water in the gutter again led to a good night’s sleep, with a gentle southerly keeping them in their sleeping bags.
The next day started with a breakfast fit for royalty, then off to Fishermans Gutter for a few whiting.
On arrival, they found a heap of the infamous grinners and then, after calling Robin Love for some expert advice, found a school and picked up a dozen to take home.
A great trip for some family time and to reiterate that we live in an awesome part of the world – good anchorages, great fishing and stunning weather.