LPG Semitrailer is used to transport LPG Gas . LPG Semitrailer are used because its high quality light weight ,good safety performance, high efficiency and good price .LPG is flammable hence safety becomes important . Accessories provided with LPG Semitrailer:Semitrailer:Bottom Valve, Magnetic Fluid Meter, Flow Direction Indicator, Valve Box with Shutters on Both Sides of the Semi-Trailer, Pressure Gauges on Pumping Side, Tank Pressure Gauge, Coupled With Maximum Filling Indicator, Spare Wheel, Compressor to vapor suction, Air-Tight Box for Additional Fittings, Wedge for Wheels.
BNH GAS TANKS B-23, Mayanagri, Dapodi, Pune- 411012 . Tel: 020-30686720 / 21/ 22 Fax: 020-30686723 Email: bnhgastanks@gmail.com Web : www.bnhgastanks.com
For More Details about 57m3 LPG Semitrailer Visit this website: www.lpgsemitrailer.com Kindly click to above link.