LPG Mounded Bullets are more effective and safer method to store highly inflammable LPG.LPG mounded bullets are design to store high capacity LPG. LPG Mounded Bullets are large cylindrical shape, horizontal and buried. LPG Mounded Bullets are range from volume of 50m3 to 5000m3. Industry Standard
Design / Technology
Safety of LPG Mounded Bullet
Industries expertise and training
For More Details about Cathodic Protection System for LPG Mounded Bullets Visit this website: www.lpgmoundedbullets.com Kindly click to above link.
B-23, Mayanagari, Dapodi, Pune- 411012Maharashtra India. Tel : 020-30686720 / 21/ 22 Fax: 020-30686723 Email: bnhgastanks@gmail.com Web: www.bnhgastanks.com