LPG is most common form of energy. LPG is high efficient source of energy. LPG is tasteless, colourless and odourless. To identify leakage an odorant has added .LPG has high flexibility. Butane and propane are most common constitutes of LPG. Propane and Butane have different properties. Both propane and butane are stored separately according to use. Propane performs best at low temperatures. Butane is more suitable for indoor use. Propane and Butane are non-toxic but high concentration can cause suffocation. LPG mainly used for heating and cooking purposes. Commercial Usage of LPG Oil and Gas Refineries Forklift Trucks Industrial Heating Seed Drying As A Propellant in Aerosol Industry Food Processing Cutting Purpose in Metal Industry Paint Industry Textile Industry
B-23, Mayanagari, Dapodi, Pune- 411012Maharashtra India. Tel : 020-30686720 / 21/ 22 Fax : 020-30686723 Email: bnhgastanks@gmail.com Web: www.bnhgastanks.com
For More Details about Guidelines for Investment in LPG Gas Trading Visit this website: www.lpggastanks.com Kindly click to above link.