LPG is liquefied petroleum gas. It mainly has propane and butane. They are stored according to type of this product. Propane and butane are belongs to alkane family. Butane and propane have different properties; based on this type of storage tank designed. During the designing and manufacturing of LPG storage system “safety factor” is at most important .In LPG storage systems leakage is main problem, which leads to fire and accidents. LPG storage tanks designed and manufactured to store Liquefied Petroleum Gas. LPG Tanks are effective way to store large volume. The LPG Tanks designed depending upon various factors such as type of product storage, location of product, export factor, shipment facility, safety factor and requirement of customers. “Pressure” as factor based on this LPG storage systems divided in two types; namely Atmospheric LPG Storage System and Pressurised LPG Storage System.
Atmospheric LPG Storage System: In this type of storage system LPG is stored under atmospheric pressure. Atmospheric LPG Storage System is mainly open type such as floating roof tank.
Pressurized LPG Storage System: LPG is stored under high pressure to prevent vaporization. These types of tanks designed for propane and butane type of alkanes.
For More Details about LPG Storage Systems, Atmospheric Vs Pressurised Visit this website: www.lpggastanks.com Kindly click to above link.
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