BNI chapter trainers manual 2013 draft 2

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Interest Only Meeting................................................................................................... 4 Phase One................................................................................................................... 7 Meeting Agenda for Visitors Section......................................................................... 13 The Close................................................................................................................... 16 Expectation Meeting.................................................................................................. 20 5 Mistakes to Avoid................................................................................................... 22

Phase Two.................................................................................................................. 24 Phase Three............................................................................................................... 34 Directors Launch Day Meeting Briefs........................................................................ 48




INTEREST ONLY PHASE Prior to the first meeting of Phase 1 you will have a conversation with a person or persons who may want to start a chapter. It is important that you have a conversation with that person to find out if they are able to influence others. Here is some important information to learn from your interested party.

STEP 1 • How long have they lived in the area? • How long have the worked in the area? • Do they belong to any other organizations? • Do they have others in mind that will help them start the chapter? • What profession do they want to hold within the group? • If they look at their email, Facebook, contacts, ect. how many people are in their network? • These are all questions that will let you know if they have the contacts in the area to help you start a chapter. • Let your prospect know that it takes time and hard work to get a chapter started. They are looking at 4 or more hours per week, are they prepared to make that kind of investment? • If they say yes go to the next step.

STEP 2 • Let the prospect know that the first thing they need to do is set up a meeting of 10 people, ask if they are able to influence 10 people to support them by attending an information meeting. These should be people whom they have talked to about submitting an application. • Give the prospect the information for your Showcase Chapter to visit, while there they should pick up an application. • Ask your prospect to have their application and CC information ready to turn in at the meeting. • Set a day, time and location for your first meeting

PREP FOR FIRST MEETING You will need to take: • Applications • Business Cards • FAQs • Time Line – Phase One Workbook • Commitment forms • Presentation on the value of starting a BNI Group



STEP 3 – FIRST MEETING • Give a presentation on the value of starting a new BNI Chapter Use the Four Pillars Presentation • Hand out applications and step the room thru each prospect • Hand out the Commitment form and review • Hand out the Phase One workbooks and discuss the timeline • Answer any questions that the participants may have • Let the participants know if they are not interested that you understand and they may leave at this point • For those who stay allow them time to fill out the applications • Collect the applications • Collect the signed commitment forms • Set the date, time and location for your next meeting – 2 weeks out • Let the applicants know that they need to have minimum of 10 people EXCLUDING themselves at the next meeting

CLOSE THE MEETING NOTES: • It is important during the first meeting that you make sure everyone understands this is not EASY • If there are not 10 people and you do not get at least 4 additional applications you will likely NOT have a viable group. • If there are only 4-5 people at the meeting and ALL of them are prepared to submit an application then you may want to move forward

AFTER THE MEETING Set up Eventbrite for next meeting Set up group email for you and applicants Send first group email to congratulate the group Remind them that you need at least 10 people in the room not counting themselves Let them know that you will be moving to week 1 of Phase 1



PHASE ONE NOTE: IF at any time you get to 25 applicants that you are going to keep then you can move on to Phase Three. In this Phase it is the Directors responsibility to do a good close and get the applications.

WEEK ONE (MEETING ONE) NOTE: • This is your first meeting in Phase One; your new applicants should now have 10 people in the room. • Weekly meeting should be no more that 90 Minutes • Repeat the same presentation that you did the first time • IF you have more than one application from the same profession allow them to stay with the group and compete for the position via how many they invite or sponsor into the group • The Key to Success is Accountability, Organization and Sticking to the PLAN

PREP FOR WEEK ONE • Get folders for each applicant (2 pockets) • Print Applications (always have 20 on hand) • Print Commitment Forms (always have 20 on hand) • Take Name Badge • Take Phase One Workbooks • Applicant & Visitor Sign In Sheets • Referral Slips for focused inviting referrals

OPEN NETWORKING – 10 MINUTES VISITORS PORTION First 40 Minutes • Welcome • Introductions • Give a presentation on the value of starting a new BNI Chapter

Use Information Presentation (1b Agenda)

• Handout and Discuss the timeline (1c) ** • Handout the Commitment form (1d) and review (1e) • Handout applications – Send out of Room with the Closer • Answer any questions that the participants may have



• Let the visitors know if they are not interested that you understand and they are free to leave at this point if they would like. The rest of the meeting will be working with applicants in prep for next meeting. Let the Visitors go with the CLOSER to Review the Applications.

APPLICANT PORTION Second 40 Minutes • Ask someone to Keep the Accountability SS (THIS IS IMPORTANT) • Collect the applications • Review and Collect the signed commitment forms • Review the Phase One workbook & timeline • Do Follow Your Money Exercise “What will your business look like if those professions were in your BNI Group” • Have applicants write a referral slip with information on next meetings invitee’s • Set the date, time and location for your next meeting – 2 weeks out • Let the applicants know that they need to have minimum of 10 people, excluding themselves at the next meeting.

CLOSE – COLLECT SS (SPREAD SHEET) AND SIGN IN SHEET NOTES: • You should have gotten 4-5 applications • If there were not 10 people and or you did not get 4-5 applications you need to have the conversation with your applicants. Remind them if they do not hit 15 by the date set on the timeline then you will fold the group

AFTER THE MEETING • Use Group Email • Let the group know that the presentation for the first half of the meeting will be the same each week. Until you have completed Phase 2 at 25 applicants • Ask via the email who they will be brining in two weeks, keep the conversation active. • Send the Eventbrite Link • Share who had visitors at the meeting today in the email



WEEK THREE (MEETING 2) Open Networking – 10 minutes Prepare for Week Two • Print the personal prospect list • Print Applications • Print Commitment Forms • Take Name Badge • Take Phase One Workbooks • Applicant and Visitor Sign In Sheets

VISITORS PORTION First 40 Minutes • Welcome • Introductions • Give a presentation on the value of starting a new BNI Chapter

Use Information Presentation (1b Agenda)

• Handout and Discuss the timeline (1c) ** • Handout the Commitment form (1d) and review (1e) • Handout applications – Send out of Room with the Closer • Answer any questions that the participants may have Let the visitors know if they are not interested that you understand and they are free to leave at this point if they would like. The rest of the meeting will be working with applicants in prep for next meeting.

APPLICANT PORTION Second 40 Minutes • For those who stay allow them time to fill out the applications • Collect the applications • Collect the signed commitment forms • Review the Phase One workbook & timeline



HANDOUT THE PERSONAL PROSPECT LIST Go thru the Contact Sphere • Set the date, time and location for your next meeting – 2 weeks out • Let the applicants know that they need to have minimum of 10 people, Excluding themselves at the next meeting

CLOSE – COLLECT THE SS AND SIGN IN SHEETS AFTER the Meeting: Use the Group Email to remind the applicants we are at the very last week they need to have an all out push for the next meeting



WEEK 5 (MEETING THREE) Open Networking – 10 minutes Prepare for Meeting • Print the personal prospect list • Print Applications • Print Commitment Forms • Take Name Badge • Take Phase One Workbooks • Applicant and Visitor Sign In Sheet

NOTE: If you have people of the same profession this will be the week that you will need to select the one who has participated the most with visitors.

VISITORS PORTION First 40 Minutes • Welcome • Introductions • Give a presentation on the value of starting a new BNI Chapter Use Information Presentation (1b Agenda) • Handout and Discuss the timeline (1c) ** • Handout the Commitment form (1d) and review (1e) • Handout applications – send out of room with CLOSER • Answer any questions that the participants may have Let the visitors know if they are not interested that you understand and they are free to leave at this point if they would like. The rest of the meeting will be working with applicants in prep for next meeting

APPLICANT PORTION Second 40 Minutes • For those who stay allow them time to fill out the applications w/ your closer • Collect the applications from the closer • Collect the signed commitment forms • Review the Phase One workbook & timeline



DO WHERE ARE YOU SPENDING YOUR MONEY Who do you do business with • Set the date, time and location for your next meeting – 2 weeks out • Let the applicants know that they need to have minimum of 10 people, Excluding themselves at the next meeting

CLOSE – COLLECT THE SS AND SIGN IN SHEETS NOTE: If you do not have 15 applications as this point you have ONLY 2 options 1. Give a 1 time only exception and extend timeline 1 week – only do this if you are very close to 15 2. Pull the plug and close the group.

EXTENSION WEEK 7 (MEETING FOUR) Prepare for meeting • Print the personal prospect list • Print Applications • Print Commitment Forms • Take Name Badge • Take Phase One Workbooks

FOLLOW PREVIOUS WEEK NOTE: • IF you have not reached 15 at this point FOLD the group. • IF you have 15+ applications move to Phase Two! • IF you have 25 applications that you are going to keep move on to Phase Three! • IF you have duplicates you will need to decide on who you are keeping before you can move on to Phase 3



MEETING AGENDA FOR VISITORS SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION* o Welcome Guests o Introduce yourself – name, profession, length of years in BNI (if relevant) o Introduce your role as Launch DC – To Launch the BNI ______ Chapter. o Allow visitors to stand and introduce themselves with: Name, Name of Company and Who Invited them

2. MEETING AGENDA & OBJECTIVE o Someone has invited you this morning because they believe 3 things about you

• You are presently providing reliable service or product

• You are looking for more business

• You will benefit by working with this group of successful business owners

o The reason we are meeting this morning is to put together a team of committed business owners who want to increasing business through cooperation and collaborating with others. In a moment I am going to show you how. o You will have enough information by the end of this morning for you to make a decision today on whether BNI is right for you and your business

3. BENEFIT 1 - LARGE MARKETING TEAM o First benefit is that you get more business by having a larger marketing team. o How many of your businesses will grow if you have a word of mouth marketing team of 30 – 40 people? o But most companies cannot afford to hire 30 – 40 marketing staff. o However in BNI we overcome this by working as a team. We help each other to secure new businesses from our own contact base. o Member carry your cards and will give your card out to potential customers

4. BENEFIT 2 - EXCLUSIVE MARKETING RIGHTS o How many of us have competitors? (Ask participants to raise their hand) o Do you meet your competitors when you attend a trade show, conference, business association, alumni, CEO club, or even a wedding dinner? o In BNI, we have a strict policy of allowing only one person to joint and represent a specific product or service, therefore locking out your competitor from Joining.



o Your BNI Chapter provides a safe and harmonious environment for you to do business with a group of trusted service providers. o Have you ever lost a customer to your competitor? How does it feel? Painful right? o How do you make your customers stay with you? (Get feedback from room) o Provide them with value added service that your competitor cannot duplicate o In BNI, you have a team of service providers that you trust, and have confidence to refer to your clients. o You become a one stop solution for all your Customer’s problems – whenever they need something, they will think of you. o You will become so valuable to your Customer that they are afraid to lose you!

5. BENEFIT 3 - CONTINUOUS SOURCE OF NEW BUSINESS o In BNI when you get a referral, it is business waiting to be done. It is not a cold call, as the other person is expecting your call. o Explain the referral slip, and how it is used. o Used to track that everyone gets business o How much business done o With referrals, fewer to no cold calls – business is more efficient o Every week members are going to invite their contacts to the meeting – the Visitors are potential customers to all members. o While most other business people do not know where their next new customer will come from, BNI members get a continuous stream of new customers from the Referrals and Visitors

6. BENEFIT 4 - EDUCATION AND TRAINING o Would your business be bigger and better if you had more knowledge and skills? (Get response from the participants?) o Education and training is an important part of the BNI system o Education slot every week during the meeting o Members Success Program to ensure your success in BNI o Advanced Skills Workshop to increase your referral marketing skills o Local and international Conferences o BNI has 27 years of experience and we know exactly what business people need to be successful in referral marketing, and we deliver it!



7. BENEFIT 5 - LONG LASTING BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS o People will only give you good business referrals when 3 things happen: o They know your business o They like you o They trust you o Every time people give a referral, their reputation is at stake. They must not only like you, they must trust that you are able to deliver good services to their clients. o Simply attending networking events does not work – you know lots of people but do not get much business from them o That is why at BNI, we meet on a weekly basis: o To know each other’s business in depth o To develop trust in each other o It is important to get the best business people in the group o Payment does not guarantee membership o Screening process includes a background check with referees o Interview to ensure that applicants understand the expectations o In BNI, we become a support network and referral network for each other.



THE CLOSE 8. HOW CAN YOU ENGAGE BNI’S SERVICES? o The present fee is approximately $560 that is less than $46 per month. o As a business person, what can you get if you have a $46 per month sales & marketing budget? (Get “No” responses) o Quarter page newspaper advertisement? o Printing and circulation of Brochures? o Radio and Television advertisement? o Hiring a marketing staff? o In BNI, this gets you: o 30+ business owners bringing you business o Exclusive marketing rights to lock out your competitors o Trusted network of services to retain your customers o New prospects regularly o Trainings on how to get and give more referrals, o Support and mentoring from team of successful business owners o Opportunities to expand your business locally and globally o The services that BNI provides you as a business owner is simply priceless! o So the 3 criteria that you must have to use BNI’s services are: (a) Need to have your business in place, already operating and giving good products and services – you are going to get referrals and your business must be ready to handle it! (b) Must be willing to wake up early – this is an automatic filter as only dynamic business people are willing to start their business day early. You are making money while your competitors are still sleeping! (c) Believe in the “Givers Gain” philosophy – believe that business can be built through farming and not hunting, i.e. in the building of trusting relationships and cooperative environment.



9. TIMELINE FOR LAUNCHING THIS CHAPTER o Explain the time line of Phases, Handout Time Line o From now till Phase 3, we are inviting you to join our group. o Benefit of being in the Start up is that you have the chance to select the people you want to work with and build your Referral Team. o We will have 25+ members when we finish Phase 2 group meeting o A chapter of 25 members can expect 60 to 80 referrals p.m. – We know from statistics all over the world. o 35 members can expect about 150 to 180 referrals p.m. – Explain that when a chapter doubles in size, the amount of referrals will triple, more professions to give business to. o 45 members will pass 300 to 350 referrals a month – Explain that the referrals will double by just adding another 10 more members o At Launch we will grow the Chapter to 35+ members. During the launch, you will have 100 invited guests to join us for breakfast. – Does this sound exciting to you? o A successful chapter is composed of professionals who subscribe to the Givers Gain Philosophy – people focused on helping you succeed in your business. Would you like to be part of this team? – Get a Yes response from all the Guests At this point ask the visitors to go with the CLOSER that you have prepped before hand. This should be someone who will go thru the application process step by step and Ask for the Commitment.



GIVE THIS TO YOUR CLOSER (this can be a key applicant/director/ambassador)

CLOSING o Visitors, we would need more information about you to determine the best way for us to assist you. o The best way to do this is through the application form where I can further explain how BNI works. o Members please pass out the application forms to the visitors and assist them where necessary. o By the way, filling this form does not automatically make you a member, it is just to give us more information about you. All applications have to be accompanied with payment, and will have to be screened by a Membership Committee. o Visitors, please grab a pen and fill out the sections. I will guide you through. o Go through the sections slowly starting from Part 2. o When it comes to the payment section say, “For those of you who are sure that you want to immediately make use of BNI’s services and lock out your competitors, you may hand in your application with payment. We will make sure that the Membership Committee reviews your application within the week.” Then go to Part 1 – prepare staplers to staple name card to form. o When you have completed the form, please pass it to the front table. o Go round the room and start talking to those who show the most interest and positive body language. o Encourage them to submit their applications with payment to lock out their competition




USE THIS AT THE BEGINNING OF PHASE 1 - EXPECTATIONS Notes on Expectation Setting Meeting • Mindset for Launch Directors o Once you have 15 paid up Founding Members, how many of you would like to start the chapter? You can’t.

o “I can’t start a chapter, but I know how to get a chapter started” – Phil Berg

o You will have to work to get our first 15 Founding Members tand coach them on how to get the chapter started.

o This is where the ownership of the Chapters starts.

o You will have to coach them on how to invite their friends into the chapter.

Expectation Setting Meeting Agenda • Welcome and Introductions

o Welcome them to Phase 1 – Expectation of the Chapter Start Process

o Ask “How many people saw the Ad that I placed in the Business section of yesterday’s newspaper to get this Chapter started?”

o There will be confusion as people will be wondering what you are talking about?

o Say “That is not how we grow BNI. We don’t go around inviting strangers. All of you were either invited by me, or one of your friends in this room.” o “We build a BNI Chapter by inviting our friends – people that know us, trust us and want to do business with us.” o “Today we are going to discuss and work out a plan on how we can work as a team to build the Chapter to the required size for launching.” • What you must do to achieve the benefits of membership? o Keep reinforcing the word Founding Members – tell them that they will build a structure that helps them enjoy all the benefits above. o How? By making each of them a specialist in their field – use excel spreadsheet to show everyone the specific business category each of them represents. o We will then help you build a marketing team around you that you can be sure is going to be present weekly o That is why we have a strong attendance policy to ensure that your sales team is there to support you and vice versa. o Explain the support from the team of Directors and Ambassadors to help their Chapter get start



• Share what the most successful chapters do:

o Clear vision of where they want to be


– To have minimum 25 members in 5 weeks (specific date)


– With 25% conversion rate, we will need 50 Visitors


– If we have 10 to 12 Visitors per week, we only need 4 weeks


Fix the timeline and Launch Date

o Build Chapter with Contact Spheres


– People who can give you business


– People who you can give business to


– Help them to identify the people in their Contact Sphere

o Meet weekly


– Block out every meeting morning


– Expect all your business partners to be present

o Invite weekly

­– Invite one person per week from Contact Sphere




1. Try to please everyone



Meeting dates



Category hogs




2. Launch with 23 or 24 members



Change the goal posts



Habit of lowering the bar



Relate back to own business

3. Tolerate Spectators



Explain members accountability



What if someone is absent?

– 1st time – Director & sponsor (and LT) speaks to him

– 2nd time – Return the cheque


What is someone does not bring Visitors weekly?


– Help him to invite through 1-2-1 in their office

– Show them how to list service providers and friends of friends

– If 2 weeks in a row no visitors – Return the cheque

4. People who are thinking it over


No Keeping the seat for them

5. People who think “I can do without BNI”



Not a club, nor charitable organization



Looking for people with right attitude



Looking for people who are hungry for business

• Reinforce Commitments & Teamwork


Go through the Commitment Agreement


Everyone signs 2 copies of the Commitment Agreement



PHASE TWO PREPARE FOR MEETING WEEK 1 • Send out email and remind members to bring their folders • Take a few Phase Two workbooks • Take name badges • Take Applications • Take Sign In Sheets • Take One to One slips • Make Copy of SS Accountability to handout • Take Referral Slips

NOTE: IF at anytime you get to 25 people you can move directly to Phase Three.


In most circumstances when you get to this Phase of the process you will launch IF and ONLY IF you stick to the time line. This is the place where they need now to bring 10 more people who are ready to submit an application. The process is not far from Phase One with the exception of a few things. Stick to the Plan!

• The weekly meeting is 90 minutes long • Once again you will be repeating the same presentations • If you have more than one person who applied in Phase One this is your time to select the one that you are going forward with. • Prior to this meeting you should have cut anyone lose who has not had a guest in the room




VISITOR PORTION First 40 Minute • Welcome • Introductions • Give a presentation on the value of starting a new BNI Chapter Use Information Presentation (1b Agenda) • Handout and Discuss the timeline (1c) ** • Handout the Commitment form (1e) and review (1d director instructions) • Handout applications and step the room thru each aspect • Answer any questions that the participants may have Let the visitors know if they are not interested that you understand and they are free to leave at this point if they would like. The rest of the meeting will be working with applicants in prep for next meeting

APPLICANT PORTION Second 40 Minutes • Review the time line and the commitment form • Those visitors who turned in applications to participate • Have a member track the attendance and who invited in the SS • Discuss the importance of doing one to ones with each other o GAINS Worksheet is in workbook o Key purpose is to help each other find more people to invite o Strategy to go network to find more people to invite • Have each applicant stand and pass a referral with name of person and business they will be inviting to the meeting next week • Give referral slips to a member to compile and share in group email • Remind the group they are ALL responsible for bringing visitors we need 10 people in the room next week not counting ourselves




NOTES: • You are beginning to give responsibility to those whom you believe you want as leadership team members in the future • Keep TRACK of everything, who is inviting who has sponsored who has missed meetings

AFTER THE MEETING • Use Group Email – List who had visitors and who did not • Remind in Group Email who they said they are going to invite next week • Send the Eventbrite link • Remind them of the timeline – It is important to get the last 10 people • Remind them we are now meeting weekly so that must get on the invites immediately after the meeting

PREPARE FOR MEETING WEEK 2 • Send out email and remind members to bring their folders • Take a few Phase Two workbooks • Take name badges • Take Applications • Take Sign In Sheets • Take One to One slips • Make Copy of SS Accountability to handout • Take Referral Slips



WEEK TWO NOTES: There is no time in this Phase for the applicants to delay on whom they are going to invite. Go back to those you invited that did not come and have someone else invite him or her, keep inviting the back at this Phase and even at the Launch. Stay firm here, you are driving to success start making exceptions now and you start teaching the group how to make exceptions when they are in charge

OPEN NETWORKING – 10 MINUTES VISITORS PORTION First 40 Minutes • Welcome • Introductions • Give a presentation on the value of starting a new BNI Chapter

Use Information Presentation (1b Agenda)

• Handout and Discuss the timeline (1c) ** • Handout the Commitment form (1e) and review (1d director instructions) • Handout applications — Send with Closer • Answer any questions that the participants may have Let the visitors know if they are not interested that you understand and they are free to leave at this point if they would like. The rest of the meeting will be working with applicants in prep for next meeting

APPLICANT PORTION Second 40 Minutes • Allow those visitors who turned in applications to participate • Review Criteria for a Permanent Meeting Place • You will need a location that can manage you Launch Event this may need to be separate from the meeting space. (Director takes control of this) • Ask for volunteers for the Location Committee

o Everyone who has an idea should give details to the committee

o Let them know they will give a weekly report

• Have an applicant track the attendance and who invited in the SS • Ask members to go around the room and talk about who they invited for this weeks meeting, where did they go network, how did they invite.



• Have each applicant stand and pass a referral with name of person and business they will be inviting to the meeting next week • Give referral slips to a member to compile and share in group email • Remind the group they are ALL responsible for bringing visitors we need 10 people in the room next week not counting ourselves

CLOSE – COLLECT THE SS AND SIGN IN SHEETS AFTER the meeting • Add new applicants to Group Email • Congratulate any new applicants • Congratulate applicants for their visitor (do this by name) • Remind them who they have committed to invite • Remind them to start looking for locations using the criteria in the Phase Two Booklet

PREPARE FOR MEETING WEEK 3 • Send out email and remind members this is our last week • Take a few Phase Two workbooks • Take name badges • Take Applications • Take Sign In Sheets • Take One to One slips • Make Copy of SS Accountability to handout



WEEK THREE MEETING OPEN NETWORKING – 10 MINUTES VISITORS PORTION First 40 Minutes • Welcome • Introductions • Give a presentation on the value of starting a new BNI Chapter

Use Information Presentation (1b Agenda)

• Handout and Discuss the timeline (1c) ** • Handout the Commitment form (1e) and review (1d director instructions) • Handout applications and step the room thru each aspect • Answer any questions that the participants may have Let the visitors know if they are not interested that you understand and they are free to leave at this point if they would like. The rest of the meeting will be working with applicants in prep for next meeting.

APPLICANT PORTION Second 40 Minutes • Allow those visitors who turned in applications to participate • Handout Accountability SS and Review • Ask for Location Committee to give a report • Have an applicant track the attendance and who invited in the SS • Ask applicants to pull out the Phase One Booklet, review Follow Your Money • Ask applicants to go around the room and talk about who they invited for this weeks meeting, where did they go network, how did they invite. • Have each applicant stand and pass a referral with name of person and business they will be inviting to the meeting next week • Give referral slips to a member to compile and share in group email • Remind the group they are ALL responsible for bringing visitors we need 10 people in the room next week not counting ourselves




WEEK FOUR MEETING NOTE: IF you have not got 25 at this point it is important that you go for the all out push here. IF you are close you should be able to wrap it up if the people who have not had anyone in a couple of weeks bring all of theirs this week. Make sure they understand the importance of this weeks work.

OPEN NETWORKING – 10 MINUTES VISITORS PORTION First 40 Minutes • Welcome • Introductions • Give a presentation on the value of starting a new BNI Chapter

Use Information Presentation (1b Agenda)

• Handout and Discuss the timeline (1c) ** • Handout the Commitment form (1e) and review (1d director instructions) • Handout applications and step the room thru each aspect • Answer any questions that the participants may have Let the visitors know if they are not interested that you understand and they are free to leave at this point if they would like. The rest of the meeting will be working with applicants in prep for next meeting.

APPLICANT PORTION Second 40 Minutes • Allow those visitors who turned in applications to participate • Handout Accountability SS and Review • Ask for Location Committee to give a report • Have an applicant track the attendance and who invited in the SS • Ask applicants to pull out the Phase One Booklet, review Contact Sphere • Review How to Invite – Phase Two Booklet • Ask applicants to go around the room and talk about who they invited for this weeks meeting, where did they go network, how did they invite. • Have each applicant stand and pass a referral with name of person and business they will be inviting to the meeting next week • Give referral slips to a member to compile and share in group email



• Remind the group they are ALL responsible for bringing visitors we need 10 people in the room next week not counting ourselves • REMIND ONE MORE WEEK…. how many do we need?

CLOSE – COLLECT THE SS AND THE SIGN IN SHEET PREPARE FOR MEETING WEEK 5 • Send out email and remind members this is our last week • Take a few Phase Two workbooks • Take name badges • Take Applications • Take Sign In Sheets • Take One to One slips • Make Copy of SS Accountability to handout

WEEK FIVE MEETING (ADDITIONAL WEEK) ONLY IF YOU HAVE DECIDED TO EXTEND ONE MORE WEEK NOTE: If there are no visitors in the room, let the applicants know there will not be a meeting this week. You are going to give them the week off to plan for ONE more meeting, the finale one. Tell them that you have already gotten permission from HQ to extend one week but if they do not top the scale to 25 in two weeks the group will be closed. (CAUTION: IF you gave an extension in Phase One only use it here if you are sure that they are going over the top and make sure they understand it is the last time you will be allowed to extend) If there are visitors, follow the plan your job is to convert the last few people you need




VISITORS PORTION First 40 Minutes • Welcome • Introductions • Give a presentation on the value of starting a new BNI Chapter

Use Information Presentation (1b Agenda)

• Handout and Discuss the timeline (1c) ** • Handout the Commitment form (1e) and review (1d director instructions) • Handout applications and step the room thru each aspect • Answer any questions that the participants may have Let the visitors know if they are not interested that you understand and they are free to leave at this point if they would like. The rest of the meeting will be working with applicants in prep for next meeting.

APPLICANT PORTION Second 40 Minutes • Handout Accountability SS and Review • Ask for Location Committee to give a report • Have an applicant track the attendance and who invited in the SS • Ask applicants to pull out the Phase One Booklet, review Contact Sphere • Review How to Invite – Phase Two Booklet • Ask applicants to go around the room and talk about who they invited for this weeks meeting, where did they go network, how did they invite. • Have each applicant stand and pass a referral with name of person and business they will be inviting to the meeting next week • Give referral slips to a member to compile and share in group email • Remind the group they are ALL responsible for bringing visitors we need 10 people in the room next week not counting ourselves • REMIND ONE MORE WEEK…. how many do we need?




PHASE THREE This is the portion of the start process that is most important to your franchise. Don’t skip on the training or the launch. Your members are now chomping at the bit to move forward and get started acting like a BNI chapter. Unfortunately, they are not quite ready for that yet. By this time you should have a great meeting location and you are ready to train and prep for the Launch. In this phase you want to let your group know that the meets will be 2 hours for the next six weeks as you have a lot to accomplish in a very short period of time. This is the time that you will do the training of your new chapter as well as coach them towards the launch of the group with their 40 letters each.

NOTE: Take the time for the training, you want good members who are going to get the most from their experience. This will guarantee members who will be renewing the second and third year. Retention starts with proper launching and education. Open the meeting (no open networking) and congratulate your newest members. They have worked hard to get to this point, but it is not time to quit yet, there is still much to do in a very short time.

IMPORTANT: Start on time, no visitors at this point, track who comes late and leaves early, put referral slips, TFCB, and one to one slips on the tables.

WEEK 1 NOTES Review the timeline with the founding member – Set date & Time for Launch Event • The Launch event needs to be (2 hours) • Set the Leadership Team Training Day and Time (4hours) • Do the Expectations for this Phase • Perfect Attendance • No Subs • Everyone must attend leadership team training • Everyone is required to bring 40 letters non negotiable • This Phase the meetings are 2 hours • Everyone is expected to attend the leadership team training • Every member is expected to go to BNILearning and set up account • Day of Launch the entire day should be marked out on their diary



IMPORTANT: Let members know they are now officially chartered and their Certificate of Charter will be provided week 6 with the new member packets. Money is processedand moving forward there is no turning back, dues are now only refundable in the form of a Letter of Credit. Point out that you are now supplying all the tools they need to begin to act like a chapter and the next six weeks you will be doing a lot of training MSP will be done in the meetings the first hour and leadership team training will be done outside the meeting with the date being set today. Set the date for Leadership Team Training now, all 25 members should be present for the LT Training, this way everyone again is on the same page.

This portion of the meeting should take no more than 10 minutes. First hour (50 mins) - of the meeting is the MSP Education – do this with the entire group each week, you and every single person will be on the same page and this allows you maintain quality control for the group. They are trained on the same thing by the same person for greatest success. NOTE: If you have a support director or training director who can do this portion feel free to let them do the training. Week One MSP – Teach the members how to ask for referrals. No more rambling, use MSP Tools to teach them different ways to ask for referrals, let them practice. Also now is the time to teach them how to use the slips Good Referral Start with a good request. Know what you want and how to ask for it. Second hour (50 mins) – This is the time to do the work for the Launch.

WEEK ONE – LAUNCH PREP You will hand out the following items: • personal prospect list • a copy of the “form letter” • complete instructions for how the letters will be done

Carefully go over: • Prospect list, The letter and all the details that will go into the letter • Date, • Time, • Location, • Salutation (Dear Name) NoT (Dear Sir) • Profession not (your category) • Cost Associated with the event



Explain Lumpy Mail, members business card paper clipped to a referral slip goes into the envelope and a handwritten note on the bottom of the letter. Discuss the handwritten address on the envelope, the large postage stamps that will be used on the envelope, TELL the WHY! Set the 1st date (week 3) that ½ the letters will be due and the 2nd date (week 5) for the second half. Let them know they get two chances, they should not procrastinate and wait until the last minute.

NOTE: Remind them all letters will be mailed by YOU they will fold the letters and put them in the envelopes at the meeting on the days that they are due. Postage will be provided by the director. CLOSE the meeting with reminders to bring folder back to meeting weekly with their prospect list. Let them know you will send the letter to them digitally after the meeting.

AFTER THE MEETING WEEK ONE Use your group email to once again congratulate the team and encourage them to start working on their list!

Start putting the chapter supply box together. Begin Prep for the Leadership Team Training and contacting those people whom you have identified as the first President of the chapter. MAKE SURE this is someone with great energy to lead the meeting. You will need to work closely with them to fill the rest of the roles.



WEEK TWO Notes: Start the meeting on time, do not wait for stragglers you are teaching members to be timely and this will be important moving forward. • Provide a trades list with space to write notes this week. (this will become the responsibility of your chapter leaders) • Provide the Business Card Box • Make sure you have slips on the tables for members to use

WEEK 2 MSP (50 MINS) Explain the purpose of the business card box and ask members to put cards in it over the next couple of weeks. Later you will explain the individual cardholder use for the business cards. Hand out the Trades List - review the list and discuss the need for members to listen and take notes when others are ASKING for referrals. USE your BNI Timer Let your new members ask for referrals, they learned last week now they put it into practice. Ask them to practice with one another during the week so they will be polished and professional during the Launch. Teach the GAINS Exchange – Handout worksheet • Goals are how we help each other • Accomplishments are how we build each others credibility • Interest is how we develop rapport with each other and others by finding common ground • Networks are how we connect and find referrals for one another • Skills are other ways that we can use to connect each other beyond the business Teach the members to fill out their own GAINS Profile First, this will allow them to be more effective answering the questions when doing a 1-2-1 Discuss the One to One slips and how they are used during a meeting to track their activities.

WEEK 2 LAUNCH (50 MINS) Review the prospect list – how many names do they have thus far? Let each member stand and announce how many names the have on their list to invite.

DO FOLLOW YOUR MONEY WORKSHOP Who are you spending your money with everyday that could be helping you build your business, such as the dry cleaner, house cleaner, your hairdresser, auto repair person and on and on. Look at your bank statements, who is getting your money both at home and at work that you could invite into the room.



Let them brainstorm for a few minutes. Encourage them to write the names down on their list of personal prospects. Brainstorm where are other places that you can get names for your personal prospect list. • Chamber book • School Rosters that have business card ads • At other networking events (not BNI chapters) • Clubs, sports organizations, church or religious affiliations Let members know that week 3 is the first letter opportunity – members should bring the first 20 letters with them to the meeting where you will put them in envelopes and prepare them for mailing.

CLOSE Introduce the I have basket/box – explain when they have the basket they either have a one to one, a TY for close Business, a referral or ONE Rap for a fellow member in writing. Start the basket around the room and let them practice.

AFTER THE MEETING: • Email the group and remind them of what they are suppose to be doing to create their list and complete their personal GAINS Profile. Bonus if they do a GAINS with a fellow member. • Continue to work with the selection of the leadership team selection. • Make sure EVERYONE signs on to BNI Learning. This way you will have LT Agreements on everyone and this is vital!



WEEK 3 NOTES This is likely the very first time you are going to start the accountability process. In this week you will collect the first set of letters from your members. When you collect the letters remind them NOT to wait until the last week to do the letters it could cost them a membership.

Week 3 MSP Review the Timeline once more, remind them today they are half way through the 6 week process. Remind them of the date for the leadership team training. Pass the business card box around the room encourage members to fill the box with their cards. Hand out the Trades List, ask members to take notes. (you are setting the culture) Let members do their referral request. USE your BNI Timer

Teach - How to do a 10 Minute Presentation • Why it is important • What to do, what not to do • This is your time to educate the room how to find referrals for you • What to use as Door prizes and what not to use • How to fill the room when it is your opportunity

Teach Roles of Chapter Leaders It is time to let your members know that many of them are going to be expected to serve on the leadership team. Now is the time to give them the roles and start finding out who is interested in being on the team. DO NOT ask for volunteers, you are just getting a measurement of interest.

WEEK 3 LAUNCH Ask the members if they have their first letters ready? Go around the room, have each person come to the front of the room, put their name on the flip chart and how many letter they have with them. • 20+ Congratulate them • Less than 20 remind them that they will have 2 weeks to make up the difference Spend time working on each others list and getting their 40. This week talk about their social media contacts. Encourage them to: 1. Go thru their Linkedin account and see who they are connected to 2. Who are the people you are interacting with on your Facebook account 3. What other kinds of social media might they use



4. Have they gone thru their phone contact list? Who is in the call list? Your goal for this week is to get them to get 40 contacts or more so they can do or finish their letters. Allow time for pairing up the members in groups and allowing them to do some work together. Remind your members to keep a list of who they are inviting and the email and phone numbers as they will be using these later for follow up.

AFTER THE MEETING • Keep your list of who gave you letters • Email your team and congratulate them for getting the letters done Go thru the letters and pull out any letters that are to Ex BNI members, and current BNI members. Keep a list and let the members know who you pulled out. (if you pull a lot out you may need to go to those members and ask them if they can do a few more otherwise don’t worry about it, just let the member know so they are not doing the follow up call to people who did not get a letter)



WEEK 4 WEEK 4 – MSP Teach – Rules of the Game Review the BNI Policies with the members – explain to them these are the rules of the game, every thing else has been the strategy to win the game but violation of the rules could cause them to be tossed out of the game. Be sure to cover the attendance policy and substitute program

Teach – Referral Confidence Curve You have to invest in your network before you can expect your network to give back to you. Everything you do inside of BNI and outside of BNI is moving you up or down the curve, pay attention to your behavior. What hurts your credibility with others? Use bringing letters as an example. Explain to the members that they have moved quickly up the referral curve since they have all been working on a common goal. They will notice that they have a higher level of confidence in one another than they will with those who come later. They will also be expected to mentor the new comers once the chapter is launched.

WEEK 4 – LAUNCH Check in – Who in the room still does not have their 40 names? Who needs help? Go over everything that you have covered regarding inviting to date. Allow the chapter to discuss what they have done and how they have found their contacts to mail to. This will encourage those who are lagging behind. Use your Phase 1 & 2 workbooks. Review the contact sphere, discuss the potential power team categories.

Discuss the Launch Agenda: • How will the meeting be run? • Who will be doing the Open/Close and 10 Min Presentation?

Discuss the assigned roles for the launch event: • How will Food be managed? • Who will be assigned to all the roles the day of the Launch? • Door Greeters – Give name badges and check in • Visitor Host at the door – meet guest and walk them into the room to be introduced • Who will hand out Applications when called for during the close? • Who will be doing Room set up? • How will follow ups be managed? • Anything else that needs covered?



Close: • Remind members next week will be the last week for the letters • Remind members to attend the leadership team training • Encourage members to do one to ones and help each other complete the letters

AFTER the meeting: • Same reminders as the close • Attach the list of Launch Day Assignments



WEEK 5 Week 5 - Let the Leadership Team Run the AGENDA this week and again next week In this week you will do a regular BNI meeting with your newly trained leadership team getting some experience running the agenda. You will be the 10 minute speaker – TOPIC – Success is in the follow up “how to do the follow up invitation calls” Call 1 and Call 2 and how to send the Eventbrite Link for registration Give the chapter their Supply Box Make sure someone has the timer for the Referral Request Do a meeting review at the end of the meeting

Week 3 LAUNCH Last 30 minutes of the meeting repeat week 3 collection of letters, every person takes the time to stuff the envelopes, put in the referral slips with paper clipped business card. All envelopes should be hand addressed. Each person comes to the front of the room and delivers their letters – Use week 3’s list and the number of letters delivered today to the numbers delivered last collection announcing the total of each member. By now you should have 40 letters from EACH person; anyone with less than 40 now has 24 hours to get the balance to you. DO NOT MAKE EXCEPTIONS HERE…. if you do then you are teaching your newly trained Leadership Team that it is ok to make exceptions. Let the members know the DAY you will drop the letters in the mail IMPORTANT – The letters need to be MAILED 10 days before the Event, not more or less. More – people will forget Less – people will not be able to get it on their calendars Try to mail them so they are delivered on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday

CLOSE: Congratulations on a well run meeting Congratulations on our new leadership team performance Congratulations everyone for getting your letters in.



AFTER THE MEETING: Use your Group Email to: • Let them know the day you mailed the letters. • Remind members when they are to start doing the letter follow up calls. (usually 3 days after the mailing). • Remind members that next week will be another leadership team run meeting, practice makes perfect. • Remind the Group who still needs to get letters to your Office in 24 hours.

Things for you to do: • Sort the letters and pull out any that are going to Ex BNI members or current BNI members. • Put the stamps on all the letters – Big Bold Stamps. • Take the letters to the Post Office and mail them. • Get New Member Packets and induct your new members next meeting. • Print the Chapter Charter – Frame it and Prepare to give to chapter next meeting. • Send letter of credit to anyone who did not bring their 40 letters or did not get them to your office. (no exceptions)



WEEK 6 – THE FINALE MEETING (90 MINUTES) Regular meeting run by the chapter • Induct the members and give their member packets • Give the Chapter Charter – Framed – to the new chapter • 10 Minute Presenter – DIRECTOR • Do a chapter review with the leadership after the meeting.

WEEK 6 LAUNCH • Discuss follow up phone calls 1 & 2 and Eventbrite • Let chapter know if anyone had to leave due to lack of letters • Any Prep left undone now is the time to wrap it up Follow up call 2 is only to the YES’s this is a reminder call that simply says: “We have you as a yes for our event on ??? Have you booked in on Eventbrite?” “It is a catered event will you be bringing a guest?”

CLOSE MEETING AFTER THE MEETING • Use your Group Email to keep the follow up conversations going. • Daily let them know how may are booked onto Eventbrite. • Remind them to do the second call, we are almost to the finish line don’t stop now. The little things are not really important.

GATHER MATERIALS NEEDED FOR EVENT: • Get your banners • Name tags • Fish bowl for cards to be dropped into • Door prizes • Applications • Pens • Cash to make change if needed • Slips (referral slips. 1-2-1, TFCB) • Chapter current trades list • White board or flip chart if not provided by facility • YOUR business cards and name badge



LAST EMAIL REMINDER TO CHAPTER Before the Launch • Remind them to dress professionally • Be ready for a 40 second Referral Request – be specific • Bring Extra Business cards • Bring along excitement • Be at the Event 30 minutes early for the huddle (non negotiable) • Be prepared to stay after the event for follow up (non negotiable)





DIRECTORS LAUNCH DAY BRIEFING NOTES “The time spent on making the Launch Day a Success, will be paid off handsomely, growing the Chapter and bringing more Business in a much shorter time!”

1. OBJECTIVE & PURPOSE OF LAUNCH DAY • The Objective of the Launch Day is to accelerate the growth of the Chapter to the next level by rapidly increasing the number of members. Target Chapter Size 45+ members! • The Purpose of the Launch Day is to give your Guests a taste of BNI and its benefits, and invite your Guests to participate in your Chapter for the benefit of every member by generating more business for everyone.

2. PROFESSIONS WANTED (Chapter Director to modify as required) • Maintenance Contractor, Car Mechanic, Handphone Dealer, Plumber, Electrician, Doctors, Dentists, Premium Gifts, Beauty Salon, Massage, Security Installation, Cleaner and any other profession that you need in your Power Team.. (Refer to list of profession in your MSP manual).

3. AGENDA • Chapter Directors will use the Launch Day Agenda as attached. • Breakfast will be served AFTER the meeting at the Foyer area. Please wait until the Chapter Director invites your Guests for breakfast.

4. WHAT YOU MUST DO! Preparation Before Week 1 • Chapter Director to prepare the following handouts & material for every member:

o Launch Day Briefing Notes – 1 copy per member (After making the necessary changes)

o Launch Day Guest List Form – 1 copy per member

o Sample Invitation Letter – 1 copy per member (After making the necessary changes)

o BNI News Article – 40 copies per member May Not Be Possible if You have not had PR

o Plain white envelopes with no windows (4½ x 9 or 9½ inches) – 40 envelopes per member

o Stamps 30 cents – 40 stamps per member

o To prepare spare envelopes and stamps in case some members have more letters to send.

• Chapter Director to derive list of professions required for the Chapter and to modify Section 2 above. • Chapter Director to prepare a pair up list of members for the name list swapping. “Founder” members should be paired up with “newer” members to provide guidance and support. (Do not pair “friends” together.)



• Chapter Director to make arrangements with hotel for round table seating (10 tables x 8 seats each), extra food (initial estimate 60 pax) and breakfast served at 8:30am outside the room.

WEEK 1 – EXTRACTION OF 40 NAMES LIST • Chapter Director distributes the Launch Day Briefing Notes & Launch Day Guest List Form to every member. • Chapter Director announces the Purpose and Date of the Launch Day. • Chapter Director announces the Professions that the Chapter is looking for. • Chapter Director goes through briefing notes and asks members to do the following before Week 2. a) Complete the Launch Day Guest List Form with 40 names – (10 Suppliers, 10 Customers, 10 Friends, 10 Casual Contacts) b) Emphasize first priority is to invite Guests that fits into the professions that the Chapter is looking for. c) Second priority is Guests that can join other BNI Chapters. Other Chapters are doing the same for you. d) Do NOT invite staff, employees and those that obviously cannot join BNI just to make the numbers. e) Remind members that we will be swapping lists, so they are to come prepared with a photocopy of their list.

f) Announce the Buddy List so that every member is aware who their partner is.

• Chapter Director next passes 1 Sample Invitation Letter and 40 white envelopes to all members. (The soft copy of the Sample Invitation Letter and the Launch Day must be emailed out to members the night before the Week 1 meeting.) • Chapter Director continues with the briefing notes and asks members to do the following before Week 2.

a) Type out 40 invitation letters on your company letterhead.

b) Divide half the letter for Launch 1 and half for Launch 2.

c) Personally sign the 40 invitation letters.

d) Handwrite the name and address on a plain white envelope. (DO NOT TYPE!)

• It is important to use handwritten plain white envelopes because the secretaries are going to think that it is a personal letter for the Guest and they will not open it. Then your invitation gets delivered. • If you use brown envelopes or envelopes with your company logo, secretaries are going to open the letter, read the content and consider it is a “SPAM”. They will throw the letter away or put it in the “KIV” tray. • You can use this strategy for your own business and many BNI members have used this technique successfully.



e) Do NOT seal the envelope as we have inserts to enclose next week.


Your Chapter Director will provide you with the inserts and stamps next week.

g) Make sure that you put the completed letters and pre-written envelopes in a bag and bring it to the next meeting. h) Arrange with your Buddy to give you a call next week the night before the meeting to remind you to put the bag of letters in your car. Do the same for your Buddy. i)

We will fill the envelopes and put on the stamps together next week and your Chapter Director will be posting out the letters after next week’s meeting.

• Chapter Director goes around the room and asks every member whether they can be counted on to make the Launch Day a success. Thank members when they say “Yes”. Then ask how many Letters they will be bringing next week. Record the number on your own Launch Date Record Sheet. •

Chapter Director announces that we are going to track the Launch Day statistics so that we are able to improve on the next Visitors Day. We will be tracking the numbers of letters sent out, the number of Guests attending, the numbers of forms filled up and the number of new members joining the Chapter.

• Chapter Director reminds members that they have to bring the Launch Day Briefing Notes to the next few meetings. Suggest that they fold it and keep it in their name card holders.

WEEK 2 – 1ST BATCH OF 20 LETTERS • Chapter Director goes round the room and collects the copy of the Launch Day Guest List. For those that have not made duplicates, the original goes to the Chapter Director who will fax a copy back to the original owner. • Chapter Director records the information down on the Launch Day Record Sheet. Record as “0” for those that have not brought the list. Then go around the room and asks those members that have not brought or completed their lists to fax the list over by 12:00pm. • Chapter Director reminds members that if they have added on to their list or make some amendments, they are to fax the fresh list to him. • Chapter Director then distributes the BNI articles and stamps. (The stamps should be pre separated to save time.) • Members will add the article to their invitation letter, then stuff and seal the envelopes, and finally attach the stamps. • Chapter Director will go around the room to collect the envelopes and record the number of letters on the whiteboard and Launch Date Record Sheet. Give applause to members who exceed the required number of letters. •

Chapter Director announces that those who have not brought their letters, or those that have more letters to send are to bring it to the Chapter Director before 12:00pm on the same day for mailing (Please don’t take short cut by asking them to send themselves as some may not send if left on their own!)



• Chapter Director goes through briefing notes and asks members to do the following before Week 3. a) Run through the Telephone Script 1 and use the Telephone Script 1 to handle all questions or objections when making the confirmation phone calls. b)

Start calling the 20 people on your own list from 3 days before your next meeting to get a “Yes” or “No” answer. If they have not received the letter, ask for their fax number and tell them that you would be immediately faxing the letter and the BNI Article to them. Make a follow up phone call within the next hour to confirm receipt of fax and get “Yes” or “No” response.

c) Only an absolute “No” should be marked “No”, everything else including “Maybe” should be marked as a “Yes”.

d) Each member is to call their Buddy to remind them to make the confirmation phone calls.

e) Complete all your 20 phone calls latest the day before your next meeting and have Column 4 of your Launch Day Guest List completely filled out. f)

Bring a photocopy of the completed Launch Day Guest List to the meeting to swap with your partner.

g) Be enthusiastic and be full of energy when you make the call.

• Chapter Director will have to follow up with members to remind them to make the calls. Otherwise some will conveniently forget. • Chapter Director will inform members that normally at least 50% of the list will be a “Yes”. If there are less than 50%, then either the member has not qualified the Guests, or he/she has not completed the phone calls.

WEEK 3 - 2ND BATCH OF 20 LETTERS • Chapter Director repeats the process of Week 2 for the 2nd Batch of 20 Letters. • Chapter Director continues with the Telephone Confirmation reporting back for the 1st batch of 20 Letters. • Chapter Director goes around the room and asks members for number of “Yes” response and records the information on the whiteboard and the Launch Day Record Sheet. • Remember we expect at least 50% “Yes” and query every time we get a response less than 50%. If Member fails to perform, then set the expectations for them to complete in order not to let their team down. • Chapter Director goes through briefing notes and asks members to do the following before Week 4. • Start calling the second batch of 20 people on your own list 3 days before your next meeting to get a “Yes” or “No” answer. If they have not received the letter, ask for their fax number and tell them that you would be faxing the letter.



WEEK 4 – SWAP LIST • Chapter Director continues with the Telephone Confirmation reporting back for the 2nd batch of 20 Letters using same process as Week 3. • Chapter Director asks members to swap their list with their partners. If only 1 copy, it goes to the Buddy who will fax it back to the original owner. Members who have not brought their lists are to fax it over to their partners before noon the same day. • One copy of the Launch Day Guest List should be submitted to the Chapter Director for record keeping. • Chapter Director to appoint 4 door persons for the Launch Day and brief them on their roles & responsibilities. o Door Persons – Display the Launch Day Sign in Notice o Door Persons – Make sure that the sign in table is set up neatly and preferably with some flowers. o Door Persons – Sign in the Guests using the attached Launch Day Sign in Form, making sure that ALL details are completed. (Visitor sign in is very important to track attendance and review details.) o Door Persons – Collect fees if NOT using Pre-paid Eventbrite, give name labels and COLLECT 2 CARDS FROM EACH VISITOR. o Door Persons - Responsible for money collected, sign in sheet and business cards. Do not leave any of these items unattended and bring them into the room when finished. o Door Persons –Rotate to sign in late Visitors. o Door Persons - Help to seat late comers. Be ready to increase number of chairs when necessary. o Members - Please help every Visitor to sign in. Every Visitor should have a name label. o Members - Introduce everybody to everybody. Talk to Visitors. Exchange cards. Move about. Introduce to all the members. Do not stand still and chat amongst yourselves!!! o Members – Stay plan to stay after the meeting at least 30 minutes o Leadership Team, Membership Committee and Visitor Host o Plan to stay after the meeting 1 hour to sort and review applications • Chapter Director to go through with members the “Dos and Don’ts” for the Launch Day.

WEEK 5 – MOCK MEETING • Chapter Director will brief members the following after the Mock Meeting. • Chapter Director to confirm all members have swapped their list and that the DC has a copy of everyone’s list. • Chapter Director asks members to do the following before Launch Days 1 & 2 a) Members are to call only the “Yes” on their partner’s list 3 days before the Launch Day. b) Run through the Telephone Script 2. This 2nd phone call is the most important call and it “makes” or “breaks” the Launch Day.



c) Remember to ask the Guests to bring along their own Guests.

d) Immediately after the call, make an assessment of the response and fill up column 5 with a numerical rating of “5”, “3”, or “1”. Nothing else!

e) Your rating would be based on:

• 5 = Absolutely sure of coming. • 3 = Yes coming. • 1 = Not sure. f)

If the Visitor is bringing a friend, put +1 beside column 5. If he/she is bringing two friends, put +2 and so on.

g) Once you have completed all the phone calls and completed Column 5, fax to your Chapter Director the completed Launch Day Guest List (your partner’s). This must be done latest before 12:00pm the day before the Launch Day. h) You should also call your own Guest the evening before the Launch Day to remind them and they should tell you that someone from BNI has actually called them up to confirm. Your Guests should feel very pleased about this. • Chapter Director to remind members to read the Dos and Don’ts for the launch day.

PREPARATION FOR LAUNCH • Chapter Director to refer to the Member’s Manual and use the formula given to estimate the number of Guests coming and will make the necessary arrangements with the hotel for catering purposes. (Count the 5, and take 80%, count the 3 and take 50%, don’t count the 1) • Chapter Director to arrange the room with round tables and members will be spread amongst the tables. • Chapter Director to allocate the seating positions and members are to reserve their seats by placing their bags on the seats. Ideally members should be seated with their Guests. • Chapter Director to announce the guidelines for the Launch Day. • Chapter Director to double check with hotel on arrangements and make sure that the supplies for the Launch Day is sufficient – name tag labels, sign in sheets, display stands, referral slips on table, application forms, BNI handouts (if any), etc.

WEEK 6 & 7 – LAUNCH DAYS 1 & 2 • Leadership Team to arrive at 6:00am. • Everyone must arrive before 6.30a.m. • Look and dress professional, business attire, tie and suit for men (preferably). • Members put bags on seats to reserve place (or use Name plate to assign seats). • Bring your Guests to sit at the same table as you. • Create a positive, welcoming and warm environment for everyone. • Visitors feel and sense the atmosphere on arrival.



• Be enthusiastic! Giving everyone a big smile, shake hands and a wish everyone a warm and loud “Good Morning!” • Everyone acts as Visitor Hosts. Introduce your Visitors to every member and everybody. • Towards the end of the meeting after the announcements, and during the closing, your Assistant Director will guide the Visitors through filling in the application form. You are to help and encourage all Visitors to fill a form. Do not let anybody to sit back and just fold their arms. • Assure them that by signing up the form, they are simply expressing their interests and locking up their position. They can still come back next week to see a regular meeting and make their decision then. • Encourage even those whose profession has already been filled in the Chapter, assuring them that we will place them in the next available position in an existing or new Chapter.

WHAT TO BRING • A cheerful and happy face! • At least 50 business cards each

AFTER THE MEETING AT 8.30AM • Everyone must ask your visitor or the Visitors sitting around you “Can you benefit from this form of meeting?” • If “Yes”, ask them “Are you coming on board with us?” • If “No”, ask them “Would you like to come back next week for our regular meeting to have another look?” (If the answer is “Yes”, remember to invite them next week.) • Every member must target to sign up at least one visitor as member. • Within 24 hours, give a call to your Guest who turned up to thank them and again invite them to either submit an application form or to turn up for the next meeting to have another look.

DON’TS • Do not try to only get your business for yourself on that day. • Your objective is to help Visitors join up and your focus is on their needs. Ask questions about them, avoid “I” and concentrate on “YOU”. • Do not worry if we have the profession already. Just fill the application form. We will select the best and will place them in the next available position. • Be prepared to answer most of the questions yourself as your Director Consultant and Leadership Team will be very busy helping other Visitors for you and your Chapter. • Do not distract visitors from completing the form. • When anyone is filling up a form, stay with them until the completion. • Be on the lookout if anyone else needs help to complete the form.



• Do not ask them to have more breakfast. Only when they have finished completing the form do you ask them to continue with breakfast. • Do not distract Visitors by giving your brochures or talking to them. • Do not ask Visitors to bring any brochures. • Do not make any appointments for that morning as you may have to stay back a bit later to assist, especially if you are in the Leadership Team. • Chapter Director records the number of Guests from each Member and submits the completed Launch Day Record Sheet to the Regional/National Director and LT for discussion during next LT meeting.




SAMPLE LETTER (Please use your company letterhead. For those without letter heads, just use plain A4 size white paper) Dear Visitor’s Name, [DO NOT use Sir or Madam] [TYPE name, NOT handwrite] I thought of you while my BNI _________ Chapter was compiling our Launching Day invitation list. Business Network International (BNI) is a business and professional organization whose primary purpose is to assist entrepreneurs to get more business through the exchange of business referrals in a supportive and structured environment. BNI is the largest and most successful organization of its kind in the world. It is a tested and proven fact that BNI’s program has resulted in significant increase in its members’ business and referrals. This is because, as members, we draw on our individual networks to generate business for each other and continuously measure ourselves by the amount of business transacted. The philosophy of BNI is of giving to others, and that is the key reason to BNI’s success. BNI adds value to members by providing constant networking opportunities as well as a continual series of workshops to develop on business management skills, business presentation skills, business development ideas and much more. What makes BNI unique is that it allows only one person per category to participate in a chapter. Thus, once you have been accepted, no one else in your category can join with the same category. That’s where I see an opportunity for you. There is currently a vacancy for your business classification to which we can refer lots of business. I would like to personally invite you to visit and see us in action! You’ll be able to see for yourself how generating a steady source of referred business could be an exciting and effective way to grow your business!


: Thursday, May 1, 20XX


: 7:00 a.m. Sharp to 9:00 a.m. IN THE MORNING




: Business Attire

There will be a RM25 charge for breakfast for each person. Please feel free to invite your business associates who are keen in finding an effective way to increase their business. I will be calling you sometime this week to confirm your attendance. Meanwhile, please do not hesitate to call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx should further details if needed. Warmest Regards, Your Name Your Designation [CEO, Managing Director etc] PS: Remember to bring plenty of business cards to pass around as you will be meeting many successful business owners and professionals. BE SURE TO INLUDE THE LUMPY MAIL PIECE







BNI – Launching/Visitors Day Telephone Script No. 1 This is the First follow up “Hello xxxx, (do a bit of catching up on subject of interest) Have you received the invitation that I sent/fax you to invite you to my business group launching/ meeting?” Yes. What is it about? ** “I’d like to introduce you to a group a business people in different professions, where we refer business to each other. It would be good for you if you can handle more business. We are looking for you and your business to be represented.” Can I count on you to come? Tell me more. “It would be ideal if you come and join our launching/meeting and see for yourself. I have sent you a newspaper article to explain it. We can refer business to you. (and we are looking for someone in your profession to refer business to.) Everyone represents their own business. Come and see for yourself.” “Can I count on you?” Yes……………………………………Put YES in the 4th column……………………… “Good bring at least 30-40 business cards. And feel free to bring a guest, someone who might also benefit from more business.” Good bring at least 30-40 business cards. (Only during the 2nd confirmation we will ask them about direction to come)



If NO “Are you going somewhere?” Possible answers – take children school, on leave, out station etc OK I invite you again another time………………Put No in the 4th column If maybe can come……………………………Put YES in the 4th column Possible answers, No, I did not receive the letter or I have not read it yet What is it about? Go back to ** Fax letter, article to them again if necessary.

Possible objections: So early? “It is a good time to meet, we finish at 8.30am and you can go back to work then. You have no appointments etc, so it is a good time. Can I count on you?” I have to send my children to school. “Can you make alternative arrangement for next week. I like to introduce some business people to you. Can I count on you?” Can I come later? “Any later than 7.15am, you would miss the main introduction. Can I count on You?” Can I bring a friend? “Certainly” Is it a MLM? “No. You represent your business. Bring 30-40 business cards. You will be meeting with a lot of people. Can I count on you?”



If you are stuck at any point, just say, “I am new too”

DON’TS • No need to mention or explain what we do. Until now I cannot explain it properly so don’t try to explain. (If you get into this part, just say you will call them again.) • Don’t mention membership fees. No one is going to pay 1cent for anything that is of no value to them. • We are not asking them to join. We are asking them to come to our launching/meeting to see what we do and then decide for themselves. • Don’t mention any presentation requirements. • Don’t mention weekly. • Don’t mention anything at all on what we do, other then the purpose and the script above. (Trust us, no one is going to blame you. We have launched twenty over Chapters and we never ever receive a single bad feedback when we are giving business to other people. They will enjoy the launch/meeting.)

BNI – LAUNCHING/VISITORS DAY TELEPHONE SCRIPT NO. 2 What you must do. • Swap your Telephone Confirmation List with your Buddy and call all the people who have a “Yes” on column 4. • From experience, this is the most important phone call! This phone call will determine whether your buddy’s guests turns up or not. • Be enthusiastic and be full of energy when you make the call.

Telephone follow up script: “Hello, I am ____________________ You were invited by _________________ to join us for a breakfast meeting at (Name of Location, Day and Time) If YES…..Ask, Will you be bringing a guest with you? Great! Be early the meeting will start Promptly at _________. Remember to bring at least 40 to 50 business cards. See you!”



RATING FOR COLUMN 5 • Immediately after the call, make an assessment of the response and fill up column 5 with a numerical rating of “5”, “3”, or “1”. Nothing else! • Your rating would be based on:

5 = Absolutely sure coming.

3 = Yes coming.

1 = Not sure.

• If the guest is bringing a friend, put +1 beside column 5. If he/she is bringing two friends, put +2 and so on. • Once you have completed all the phone calls, fax the Telephone Confirmation List to your Secretary Treasurer at 04-____________. Please do this before 12:00 noon On ( xxxxx Day)

HANDLING QUESTIONS If you get all sorts of questions, just say, “I am not able to answer your question, I am new too.”



AFTER THE LAUNCH The Launch is not the end of your work or the work of your new Support Director. If you did a great job you received many applications at your launch that now need to be review, interviewed and followed up on. At this point follow up is the key to your success.

IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE LAUNCH EVENT Collect all Applications Gather the members for the ALH (AFTER LAUNCH HUDDLE) • Discuss follow up with your visitors • Discuss any conversations you had with any visitors • Review with members all of the applications, 1, 2, & 3 • Ask members to follow up with any of their No-Shows to invite next week

Ask Leadership Team, Membership Committee, and Visitor Host to stay after the meeting: • review the applications • distribute the applications • assign follow up of 2s • assign interviews of 1’s • set dates for completion of interviews • set dates for MC vote on applications • remind them the key to success is rigors process and follow up • make sure membership committee has interview forms • use your IPad to scan copies of all applications or ask VP to make copies to send to you

IMPORTANT DIRECTORS NOTE At this point it is vital that you stay in communication with your new chapter MC to make sure that all applications are completed in a timely manner and that all of the applicants are “Notified of Status” within 3 days of submission of application.

SUPPORT DIRECTOR/AMBASSADOR NOTE • Plan on attending the next meeting after the launch. You should be the Showcase Speaker this week. Put your name on the list once a month for the next 6 months.



WEEK ONE Meeting after Launch – Support Director Attends • Make sure that all Slips are out on table • Encourage the chapter to display their charter • Help with the Induction of New Members • Work with S/T to assign speaking dates to members • Make sure that Visitor Host are greeting all visitors • Do a chapter review to help LT after the meeting • Review meeting with the LT after the meeting • Meet with the MC to check status of applications • Don’t forget to give your door prize

WEEK ONE after the Launch – Launch Director • Stay in touch via the group email following up on all Application • What is status of 1s and 2s

WEEK TWO after the Launch – Support Director • Attend the meeting as an observer • Allow President to do Induction of New Members • Allow the team to run all aspects of the meeting • After meeting do review and check on status of applications • Make sure all of the new members know how to enroll into MSP

WEEK TWO after the Launch – Launch Director • Stay in touch via the group email • How many applications were received after Week One • What is the status of those applications •

WEEK THREE after Launch – Support Director • Allow the chapter to run on its own for the next two weeks • Plan on attending once a month for the next six months as the speaker

WEEK THREE after Launch – Launch Director • Continue the follow up via email until ALL applications are complete • Take over laps to either place in other chapters or start next group



BNI LAUNCH DAY PRESENTATION INTRODUCTION • Welcome all our Guests to BNI _______ Chapter’s Launch Day – Give everyone a round of applause! • Why are you all here today? – More business and larger network. • At the right place at the right time • Introduce yourself. • Introduce the Leadership Team. • They run this chapter so that every member gets lots of business. • Introduce the President, Secretary Treasurer and Membership Coordinator.

MEETING AGENDA & OBJECTIVE • We are very clear of the objective and what we’d like to achieve today. • We want to showcase to you why 150,000 successful business people from 48 countries around the world have engaged the services of BNI to grow their business locally and globally. • Your friend has invited you this morning because they believe 3 things about you. • You are presently providing a reliable service or product • You are looking to expand your business • We can give business to you • At the end of the meeting, we want you to make a decision whether you would like this team of people to expand your business, here in Vietnam and internationally.

LARGE MARKETING TEAM (Benefit 1) • First benefit is that you get more business by having a larger marketing team. • How many of your businesses will grow if you have a marketing team of 30 – 40 people? • But most companies cannot afford to hire 30 – 40 marketing staff. • However in BNI we overcome this by working as a team. We help each other to secure new businesses from our own contact base. • Give Visitors a chance to do a 10 seconds presentation • Name, Company, Who invited them • Demonstrate the Referral Request • Every member does their Referral Request • Highlight that everyone asks for a specific target market • Give Visitors a chance to do a 10 seconds presentation



• Name, Company, Who invited them • Demonstrate the use of the Name Card Holder • Every week, members would look out for business opportunities for each other • And will give your name card out to potential customers

EXCLUSIVE MARKETING RIGHTS (Benefit 2) • How many of us have competitors? (Ask participants to raise their hand) • Do you meet your competitors when you attend a trade show, conference, business association, alumni, CEO club, or even a wedding dinner? • In BNI, we have a strict policy of allowing only one person to represent a specific product or service, therefore locking out your competitor. • All the business for the product or service you represent from the chapter will come to you exclusively. • Your BNI Chapter provides a safe and harmonious environment for you to do business with a group of trusted service providers. • Have you ever lost a customer to your competitor? How does it feel? Painful right? • How do you make your customers stay with you? (Get feedback from the crowd) • Provide them with value added service that your competitor cannot duplicate • In BNI, you have a team of service providers that you trust, and have confidence to refer to your clients. • You become a one stop solution for all your Customer’s problems – whenever they need something, they will think of you. • You will become so valuable to your Customer that they are afraid to lose you!

*** Activity – Card Scramble *** • Allow 2 minutes for everyone to get as many name cards as they can • Ring bell and return to their seats, but remain standing to count the number of name cards they have • Identify the person(s) with the most cards and give them some small gifts

CONTINUOUS SOURCE OF NEW BUSINESS (Benefit 3) • Ask the person with most cards what is he/she going to do with the cards. • Usually don’t know • Most not going to call as people do not like cold calling • Say that most people attend network functions, collect cards but do not know what to do with the cards. • In BNI when you get a referral, it is business waiting to be done. It is not a cold call, as the other person is expecting your call.



• Explain the referral slip, and how it is used. • Used to track that everyone gets business • How much business done • With referrals, no more cold calls – business becomes more efficient • Every week members are also going to invite their friends to the meeting – the Visitors are potential customers to all members. • While most other business people do not know where their next new customer will come from, BNI members get a continuous stream of new customers from the Referrals and Visitors

EDUCATION AND TRAINING (Benefit 4) • Would your business be bigger and better if you have more knowledge and skills? (Get response from the participants?) • However most business people are too busy to attend workshops and seminars. • Education and training is an important part of the BNI system • Education slot every week during the meeting • Members Success Program to ensure your success in BNI • Advanced Skills Workshop to increase your referral marketing skills • Local and international Conferences • BNI has 25 years of experience and we know exactly what business people need to be successful in referral marketing, and we deliver it! • All this training is free – only pay for the material and venue costs.

LONG LASTING BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS (Benefit 5) • Just now, we heard everyone’s business and target market. • Are we now willing to go out and get business for each other? • The answer is “No”. • People will only give you good business referrals when 3 things happen: • They know your business • They like you • They trust you • Every time people give a referral, their reputation is at stake. They must not only like you, they must trust that you are able to deliver good services to their clients. • Simply attending networking events does not work – may know lots of people but do not get much business • That is why at BNI, we meet on a weekly basis: • To know each other’s business in depth • To build deep long lasting business relationships



• To develop trust in each others products and services • The philosophy of BNI is “Givers Gain” – members are always willing to help each other once the trust and business relationship is established. • Because of the trust, members will be willing to connect you to your target market, locally and also globally. (Give examples.) • It is important to only have strong members with positive Givers Gain attitude. • Payment does not guarantee membership • Screening process which includes a background check with referees • Interview to ensure that applicants understand the expectations • In BNI, we become a support network for each other. • Sometimes the journey as a businessperson can be challenging, tiring and lonely, and your teammates will be there to coach you, mentor you and support you. • This is a benefit that money can never buy.

HOW CAN YOU ENGAGE BNI’S SERVICES? • The present fee is approximately $560 if you register today. Less than $46 per month. • As a businessperson, what can you get if you have a $46 per month sales & marketing budget? (Get “No” responses) •

Quarter page newspaper advertisement?

• Printing and circulation of Brochures? • Radio and Television advertisement? • Hiring a marketing staff? • In BNI, this gets you: • 40+ business owners bringing you business • Exclusive marketing rights to lock out your competitors • Trusted network for value added services to retain your customers • New customers brought to you regularly • Trainings on how to improve your business, • Support and mentoring from team of successful business owners • Opportunities to expand your business locally and globally • The services that BNI provides you, as a business owner is simply priceless! • So the 3 criteria that you must have to use BNI’s services are: (d) Need to have your business in place, already operating and giving good products and services – we are definitely going to give you business and you must be ready to handle it! (e) Must be willing to wake up early – this is an automatic filter as only dynamic business people are willing to start their business day early. You are making money while your competitors are still sleeping!



(f) Believe in the “Givers Gain” philosophy – believe that business can be built through farming and not hunting, i.e. in the building of trusting relationships and cooperative environment.

CLOSING • Visitors, we would need more information about you to determine the best way for us to give you more business. • The best way to do this is through the application form where I can further explain how BNI works. • Members please pass out the application forms to the visitors and assist them where necessary. (Membership Coordinator to get forms ready, piles of 10 forms for each table.) • By the way, filling this form does not automatically make you a member; it is just to give us more information about you. • Visitors please grab a pen and fill out the sections. I will guide you through. • Go through the sections slowly starting from Part 2. • When it comes to the payment section say, “For those of you who are sure that you want to immediately make use of BNI’s services and lock out your competitors, you may hand in your form with payment to the Membership Coordinator.” • Then go to Part 1 – prepare staplers to staple name card to form. • To end this session, say “Visitors, please put either of these 3 numbers on the top of your form.” • 1 – if you are ready to engage BNI to grow your business locally and globally • 2 – if you need more information or need to consult your partner • 3 – if the timing is not right for you • When you have completed the form, please pass it to the member on your table. (Membership Coordinator to go round the room to collect forms from the members.)




RESOURCES INDEX Expectation Document Time Line Handout for visitors Spread Sheets Attendance Guest Sign In Personal Prospect Sheet

Showcase Chapter Chapter Perspective Visitor Perspective

Sample Letter Personal Prospect List Launch Day Agenda Check List Scripts




This workshop is designed to help your applicants identify those people in their networks whom they are regularly doing business with or referring business to that are not reciprocating. By identifying these professionals it will trigger them to invite them to the chapter. It will also allow them to see how it could benefit both people if they were to be members of the chapter. This is a good workshop to do over again multiple times in Phase 1 & 2

Instructions: Turn to the 3rd page of the Phase One Booklet. Notice there are 4 boxes each with 3 lines. #1 Write in the name of a person whom you regularly either spend money with personally or someone you refer business to regularly. For example; • The person who services your car – how much money do you think that you spend with that person each year? • The person who did your landscaping – do you spend money with this person annually? • Who is your dentist, chiropractor, or eye doctor? How often have you sent them business buy recommending them to your family and friends?

• The person who takes care of your website, computer or network.

Each and everyday we make buying decisions, we also make decisions about who we are going to refer to our family and friends, but how often do these same people send business to you? Likely it is not their fault they just have not had a focus on referring you.

#2 Approximately how much money do you think that you spend with that person each year? You do not have to be absolutely accurate here. #3 How much money has this person either spent with you or referred to you? Again you do not have to be accurate, this is simply an estimate. SCRIPT: Would it make a difference to your business if these people were sitting in the room with you each week learning how to also help you find more business?




This is a key workshop that you will go back to time and again thru the start up process. Building a chapter based on the contact sphere creates strength in referrals. To learn more about Contact Spheres go to BNIPodcast

Instructions: Explain what a Contact Sphere is: A Contact Sphere is a group of professionals who complement rather than compete with each other. When you are networking with people in your C.S. it is far easier to create buzz about your business and to get and give referrals to those who are working with the same type of people that you are. As an Example: The Wedding Contact Sphere (refer to Page 7 of booklet) Have the participants name all of the professions that work with the bride and groom planning their wedding. Now have them do the same thing for their own businesses. • Have each person write their profession at the top • Pair them up – (try to put them in contact sphere groups) and have them brainstorm what other professions they think would be good referral sources in the chapter. Give them about 7 minutes. • Bring them back to order, make sure they have referral slips readily available • Have each person stand and name ONE Profession they would like for others to invite. • Everyone in the room should make a note of who they know in that profession and write out a referral slip for that person they are going to invite. • During the I HAVE Portion of the meeting each person will stand and say “I have a contact that is in ______ Profession to invite to the next meeting. The Pink Slip goes to the Launch Director to remind the group who was going to invite whom. • Refer back to the Contact Sphere each meeting when it is time to ask for a “referral” for a contact to invite to the meeting.



WHO DO YOU KNOW PHASE ONE HANDBOOK Page 5 To learn more about the importance of this workshop listen to INTRODUCTION: Often when we are working on developing a new group people come to feel as if they have invited every single person they know. But the reality is we are only inviting those who are at the top of our mind at that moment. By taking the time to go thru this list it will help to trigger who you may have forgotten about.

Instructions: (Handout the Personal Prospect List) This will allow them to begin to make a list of those people they will be inviting over the next several weeks. This may also be sent to them in advance via the Group Email ask your applicants to have it with them when they are at the meetings, it should be in their folder.

During the Meeting: Review the list with the participants. Ask them to pull out their smart phones and as we are going thru this list think about who is in their contacts, their email, their facebook pages and their linkedin account. Give the room 5- 10 minutes to spend time going over these list and searching their networks for who they know. Ask them to write those names down on your Personal Prospect List. Remind them to go back to their Contact Sphere and continue adding to it as they discover people they want in the room to help them build their business. At the “I have� portion make sure everyone in the room has referral slips. Ask them to write on the slip who they are going to bring to the next meeting. Director keeps the Pink, list them in the group email as a reminder. This should be an on going exercise that can be touched on regularly, including in Phase 2.




Much like Who Do You Know…this workshop will help the member to develop a list of people that they may not have considered to the next meeting. INTRODUCTION: We often never consider who we spend our money with when it comes to referrals. As in the Follow Your Money Workshop we did, this is a list of people you may not have considered inviting. Each of these are people who are already getting business from you and whom could benefit from being in a room with others just like you.

Instructions: Remind applicants to pull out their Personal Prospect List and begin to list those people they have done some form of business with in the past 6 – 12 months. Especially those who are reoccurring transactions put them on your list to be invited at this level of the organization or at the Launch.

During the Meeting: Review the list with the participants. Ask them to pull out their smart phones and as we are going thru this list think about who is in their contacts, their email, their facebook pages and their linkedin account. Give the room 5- 10 minutes to spend time going over these list and searching their networks for who they know. Ask them to write those names down on your Personal Prospect List. At the “I have” portion make sure everyone in the room has referral slips. Ask them to write on the slip who they are going to bring to the next meeting. Director keeps the Pink, list them in the group email as a reminder.



SHOWCASE CHAPTER Visitor (core group member) perspective A SHOWCASE chapter is designed to give business people a view of what a great BNI meeting looks like as well as showing potential chapter’s what their goal is to become.

A SHOWCASE chapter is one that 1. Is 28+ members 2. Run an exceptionally good meeting using the BNI Agenda as intended by the Founder, Dr. Ivan Misner 3. Provides visitors with an informative “visitor orientation” 4. Willing to be trained to be a show case chapter 5. Have space for an entire core group to visit 6. Will not recruit the core group members 7. Is compliance with the “BNI TEAM Charter” 8. Chapters respect and abide by BNI Policies In order to start a chapter or become part of a “Start Up” you will need to attend one SHOWCASE meeting. To arrange the visit please contact Ginger on 0425 433 603 or

SHOWCASE VISITOR ETIQUETTE When you attend a SHOWCASE meeting, YOU SHOULD: • During the Referral Request section of the meeting, give a BRIEF introduction and ONLY mention your name and the area that you are starting a Chapter. (They may already have someone in your profession in their group, so you do not want to step on any toes.) • You may ask for a referral for YOUR CHAPTER – a profession that your group is looking for. ex: I am looking for a PRINTER in the _______ area who needs more business. (DO NOT ask for a referral for your business, that is not what you are there for.) • Make sure a member of your “Start Up” attends SHOWCASE chapters regularly as this is more exposure for your Chapter and the more help you will get from other BNI Members. • Attend both the “BNI chapter meeting” and the “Visitor Host Orientation” to “gain a better understanding of how to grow and support your visitors.

Identify the current SHOWCASE chapters.



SHOWCASE CHAPTER BNI Member perspective BNI TEAM intends to grow the brand by the effective implementation of “Best Practice”. This includes the introduction of what we call the SHOWCASE chapter theme. This is a chapter that is doing all the right things and therefore representing the BNI brand well. As a result of being a SHOWCASE chapter BNI will be sending perspective core group members to visit their meeting to get a feel for what they are aiming for. Many of these people will be competitors but they will not be promoting themselves they will just introduce themselves with the visitors and letting the group know they are core group applicants. It’s worth noting that visitors buy products and services (generally around 28-35% of total revenue), referral partners for other members of the chapter and make great substitutes. In conclusion anyone that makes an enquiry through the website or phone that is looking to join a chapter or start a new chapter MUST attend a SHOWCASE meeting. This is a reward for the SHOWCASE chapters Whilst it is our goal to make all chapters SHOWCASE chapters, a SHOWCASE chapter is one that 1. Is 28+ members 2. Run an exceptionally good meeting using the BNI Agenda as intended by the Founder, Dr. Ivan Misner 3. Provides visitors with an informative group “visitor orientation” 4. Willing to be trained to be a show case chapter 5. Have space for an entire core group to visit 6. Will not recruit the core group members 7. Is compliance with the “BNI TEAM Charter” 8. Chapters respect and abide by BNI Policies

SHOWCASE CHAPTER Member Etiquette – Members of a SHOWCASE chapter, SHOULD: •

If time permitting (Presidents discretion) allow core group members to introduce themselves and rather than asking for referrals for their business, they ask for a referral for THEIR CHAPTER – a profession that their group is looking for. example: I am looking for a PRINTER in the _______ area who needs more business.

• We ask that core members attend the Visitor Host Orientation so they can get a better feel for how that works as well. • At no time should the core member disrupt the meeting, they do not pass referrals (unless asked by President), they are really just observers.



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