Bnieuws 53/04 - Trace (2019/20)

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#Bnieuwd inside BK

To do / SEMINAR SPATIAL PERSPECTIVES In 2018 Frits Palmboom published his book IJsselmeer, A Spatial Perspective, as final chapter of his professorship at the Van Eesteren Chair. The Seminar Spatial Perspectives views the questions raised in the book from a design perspective: How do we think as designers; how do we mentally and physically relate to the space around us (the concrete space of city and landscape), how do we ‘read’ and understand it, navigate in it - with lectures from Barbara Tversky on spatial thinking and drawing, Kelly Shannon on delta and metropolitan areas and Dirk Sijmons on ecology and landscape architecture. 7.02.2020, 10.00-17.00 Apply via the link on the profile of Bnieuws Instagram page Location: Berlagezaal, Bouwkunde Faculty


To do / BERLAGE EXHIBITION The Berlage School organizes an exhibition to present all the final projects; it is a chance to get introduced to the post-master program. The exhibition, and related week of lectures and presentations, aim to foster a space of interaction in which thought-provoking projects completed during the fall 2019 term serve as a starting point for a conversation between staff and students, invited guests and cross-disciplinary experts. 27.01.2020 - 13.02.2020 Location: BK Expo, Bouwkunde Faculty

To do / BOIJMANS A NEW CHAPTER Third year Bachelor Bouwkunde students at TU Delft have been working on the project 'Boijmans at the neighbors' and 'Boijmans in the classroom'. This project consists of design solutions for the upcoming 7 years of Rotterdam based museum Boijmans that has shut its doors due to renovation. As a final chapter of this project, a selection of designs will be exhibited in the BK Expo space. 24.01.2020-13.02.2020 Location: BK Expo, Bouwkunde Faculty

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