BK Report
FOLLOW UP Words Robert van Overveld
Following a previous article called “Your teacher and you”, which was about the student-teacher relation, I got a mail from Sake Zijlstra, a teacher at our faculty. Sake and I reflected on the student’s and the teacher’s perspective of situations where the communication during a course fails, and the relation is deprived. Our conversation led to a few thoughts that I quickly wanted to share with you today.
First of all, the relationships you have with those who teach you - may that be your parents, your neighbour, or in this case, a schoolteacher – is an age-old concept that is always subject to change. Perhaps mainly because situations are always different. Therefore, if you find yourself in a situation that does not work for you, dare to talk about it. Accepting things the way they are, doesn’t bring any change for sure. I regret not acting in the situation that brought me to writing my previous article. At the time, I didn’t want to risk worsening the situation and putting my course and grade at stake by talking with the teacher. And although I still understand my reasoning, in retrospect, I think acting would have improved the understanding of the situation, the flaws in communication. The latter also applies to teachers. Actively reflecting on the communication with students help to avoid situations like previously described. A passive attitude and thoughts like “It’s their course, they need to do it” might be justifiable, but sometimes a little bit of attention is all someone needs. Creating a fruitful and balanced environment is complicated, but at the same time the reason why we succeed or fail to learn. As with any relationship, it takes time and effort to keep it healthy. So, let’s stay vulnerable, let’s stay open for change and let’s stay focused on improving.
Whether you're a student or a teacher, please feel free to share the lessons you've learned along the way.