3 minute read
Goal Meets World
BK Report
Words Tuyen Le
Hello world, we are approaching March of 2022, and looking over the Dutch horizon, wildflowers are blooming, the wind is gusting through these frail tree branches. Pondering on these thoughts, what were you doing last December? Where were you in February 2021? Do you remember the last time you made a goal? As we roll into the year of 2022, with most having aged two whole COVID years, a lot of people dread the question - So… what is your new year resolution?
Once asked, the questions become a competitive game of goal-making, manifesting, and unrealistic endeavours. Through a quick lookup on the Google trend for “New Year Resolution” from the last five years, there is a serious spike in interest for the term around December, January, and February. The scale is measured based on people's interest over time, where 100 is peak popularity, and the number descends as the trend fades away. Interestingly, comparing 2018 to 2020 Google trend, the interest spike is at 100 in the year 2018, and it is only at 78 in the year 2020.
A reasonable amount of goals is healthy, and this pandemic has changed the perception of goals and new year resolution to many. For instance, a person’s 2022 new year resolution is no longer about travelling to Europe, but about being kinder to their mental health. The preliminary act of goal-making brings motivation and encouragement to us all, but usually when these goals meet the world, they are forgotten almost a month later. New year resolution, emphasising on the “year” provokes a delusional quality to how much we can achieve. The practice of over-prescribing goals converts these rushes of adrenaline to stress, and as we are occupied with the daily life happenings, we forget about the initial aspiration we set for ourselves, and taking this “risk” can bring more harm than good to the new year.
Here is a selection of anonymous new year resolutions (2021 and 2022), from students in the BK and beyond. These fragments of goals and comments may have crossed your mind, and encourage you to think further (or look back) at your collection of resolutions.
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Google search analysis for "New Year Resolution" from 2018 - 2022.
Quit smoking
To slow down, be in the present moment more. Less online, more o ine activities. deactivate social medias, write a journal, have sports fixed in my schedule, drink 2L of water, don’t stay up late during school week days.
I don't do resolutions because they've been proven not to work. My theme for this year is experience. There are a lot of new scary things in my life and there is less pressure for me if I just say to myself: go and experience what it is/how it feels.
Get a nose ring :)
Finish my architecture registration exams! Learning dutch, meeting the love of my life, visiting new places and self-improvement.
Be Happy
Humility - To not take myself so seriously all the time. Last year, I felt like I was able to find confidence, but this year I’ve realised that maturing is about constantly learning and unlearning things about yourself so you can continue to grow. I hope to practice more “humility” and find myself in situations that will help me grow!
Align my mind, heart, body, and soul
To love myself more (I think)
Be comfortable in my own company
Practice mindfulness and be more confident
To get into grad school
Gain weight
Work harder
Start an internship and move to a different country
I decided not to make one this year, I think its good to try and have good intentions throughout the year.
Form deeper connections with people around me. Focus on my career goals and trying to make it in the US!!!
To be happy and get things done
Rather than resolutions, I feel like that word makes it seem like we have to “solve” whatever issue in our lives - I try to think of it as “new year goals.” Almost like a checkpoint. My new year goal is to appreciate the little things in life and continue seeing everything, even mundane little things, as beautiful moments in life happening around me. And cooking new foods at least once a month.
To successfully and honestly express my feelings. Work on forming my own opinions more & being less influenced by the opinions of others