1 minute read
Beam my up, Scotty!
// Holoportation //
Holoportation: at the speed of light into the new age of consulting
The latest coup from BNP Paribas Real Estate is just a few steps away from the “beaming” with which Scotty, the chief engineer in the TV series Raumschiff Enterprise, once fascinated his audience: holoportation. The stylish virtual-reality equipment, which is usually more associated with games conventions, is suddenly finding its way into the support of busy and globally operating customers.
Using holoportation, an investor in Singapore, for example, can virtually view real estate throughout Europe together with a consultant in Frankfurt. It sounds like science fiction, but it’s already a reality. Due to the realistic resolution, the customer benefits
from the modern holographic technology in several ways. The digital “viewing appointments” are authentic, save time and allow immediate decisions to be taken – without having to be on site.

A REAL ESTATE EXPERIENCE OF THE SPECIAL KIND: consultant and client “visit” a new property in London together by holoportation.
And it represents a pioneering development for the real estate sector: users can no longer only see each other, but also interact with each other. Need to edit architectural plans together? No problem with a real-time application. The level of interaction surpasses anything known from remote meetings. The innovative technology is the result of a cooperation with the start-up company Mimesys and the world’s leading premium virtual-reality platform HTC VIVE™. This is how the future looks!

Simply scan the QR code or copy the link enclosed and experience the Holoportation Experience: