BNS Class of 2024 Cooks: A Class Cookbook, Block 2

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Public Edition

BNS Class of 2024 Cooks

A Class Cookbook Block 2

A BNS School Publication Published December 2019 ISBN 978-1-7770667-1-0

A note about copyright: This publication is licensed under Creative Commons (see below). The contents herein were written in good faith under Canadian Fair Use (educational) copyright provisions as part of an educational project. While the ingredient lists might appear in other publications (as they are not copyrightable), all narratives, descriptions, photographs, illustrations, procedures, and other content should be the original creations of the student authors. They have been instructed to credit all source material wherever possible; where they were unclear, we have attempted to attribute its source or remove the content. Should any astute readers notice any elements we missed prior to publication, we welcome corrections; please send any suggested corrections to the publisher.

BNS Class of 2024 Cooks: A Class Cookbook, Block 2 by J. Cowley, Editor (attribute individual texts to their respective authors) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Please direct all inquiries to the editor at

Welcome to Our Cookbook In the fall of 2019, my two English 8 classes began their journey to becoming cookbook authors. Using examples from authors like Nigella Lawson, Ruth Reichl; popular food magazines; and my personal family cookbooks, we researched the components that make up a useful but also engaging record of family food traditions and set about documenting our own. Each student was invited to contribute a recipe from their own (family’s) collection of foods or kitchen-related crafts. They found the recipe, followed it to test the recipe (or watched a family member do so), and took notes to find those little hints that somehow never make it into the written recipe. While they were permitted to copy the list of ingredients from the original, all other components of the recipe are their own, and they worked hard to give each recipe context, write clear directions, offer useful tips, and create helpful photos and illustrations. We hope readers feel they have succeeded and are able to recreate these dishes with their own families. The narratives between the recipes represent the students’ memorable food and family experiences. We wanted to share what feasts and kitchen adventures have helped to shape us as a community. We hope that their memories will give readers insight into the experiences that teens value. Food is often best shared and I hope readers will see that our authors value how sharing food helps them to build relationships with friends and family. From our kitchens to yours, Ms Jennifer Cowley English Teacher

Introduction to Teachers This project came about as I was searching for something new that would introduce my English 8 students to the inquiry process, align with my Term 1 theme about building community, and support our cross-curricular themes of numeracy and literacy. The fact that I’m a foodie with a vast cookbook collection made writing a cookbook a very appealing option. As I explained to my classes, food is unifying topic. It is the one thing we all have in common, and whether our experiences have been good or bad, or whether we’ve had any history of experimenting in the kitchen, we’ve all had experience eating. We began by brainstorming about our food memories and talking to people at home about significant foods and events. Then we examined different recipes and narratives to develop a list of criteria for selecting recipes and narratives that would be suitable for the scope of our work. Once we selected our focus, we cooked, documented, photographed, illustrated, wrote, revised, edited…and edited again. Finally, I assembled all their work into the form you see today. If you’d like to learn how to use this project in your classroom, I am offering a workshop at the January 2019 SD41 District-Wide Professional Development Day; district teachers can register on the district registration site. If you’re unable to attend, but would like access to the workshop materials, send your request for access to me via email at -- Jennifer Cowley

How to Use the Recipes Every recipe should include the sections indicated below. • Recipe title • Photo or illustration of the finished dish • Number of servings—may be by number of pieces, volume amount, or number of people served • Preparation time—active time to prepare the recipe • Cooking time—time needed to cook the food. Recipes that don’t require any heating should have no cooking time. • Context paragraph—explains what the recipe is, where it comes from, and why it’s important to the author. • Adaptation paragraph—lists possible serving suggestions and possible recipe adaptations. • List of kitchen equipment • Table of ingredients o The table will include both the metric and US measurements for each ingredient. o Metric amounts will consistently appear on the left, US amounts on the right (in the table and the procedures). o The measurements throughout the recipe in bold are from the original recipe; those not in bold have been converted by the students to the best of their ability. Students were provided with common (though not scientifically accurate) conversions like 250mL=1 US c., but such approximate measures will be less successful in baking recipes than elsewhere. • List of processes to prepare the dish. • Ingredient Notes—a list of tips about where to find ingredients or possible substitutes • Photo or illustration of an important step in the preparation of the dish. We have also provided a small space on each recipe, “Our Family’s Thoughts”, for readers to add their own notes and adaptations about the recipe. The sample template and sample recipe we used as our format models follow.

Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

[RECIPE TITLE (ENG. TRANSLATION IF NEEDED)] Contributed by [Your Firstname and LastInitial] Finished dish. [Photo or illustration] by [Firstname Lastnameinitial]


Prep time:

Cooking time:

[ X servings]

[10 minutes]

[20 minutes]

[Brief paragraph describing the recipe, where you got it from, why it’s important to you.]

Equipment List •

[list the kitchen tools you need for this recipe here in a bulleted list]

[Brief paragraph describing when and/or how to serve the dish (serving suggestions), any easy adaptations you can make for new flavors or decorations (e.g. add ½ teaspoon of mint extract to the truffle mix before chilling & roll the finished truffles in green-coloured sugar), or different purposes (e.g. to make the appetizer a main dish, serve it with a green salad).]


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Ingredient Notes

Table of Ingredients Metric [200g]

Ingredients [All-purpose flour]

US [1 2/3 c.]

Procedures 1. [A numbered list of steps to prepare the dish]

[If your recipe includes any unusual or hard to find ingredients, explain them here and describe where people can buy them and/or what they can use instead. If it doesn’t, delete this section.]


Step [X with summary]. [Photo or Illustration] by [Firstname Lastnameinitial]

Our Family’s Thoughts


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

BOILED RAISIN CAKE Contributed by Jennifer C. Finished mini-loaves. Photo by Zoe ( kin-gingerbread-spice-cake-scd-gfcf/, licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 3.0) *

Equipment List • • • • • • • • •

Measuring cups and spoons A scale (if using metric) 1 large saucepan 1 wooden spoon or heat-safe spatula 1 medium bowl 1 sturdy whisk 1-9” x 13” non-stick baking pan Baking spray Toothpicks


Prep time:

Cooking time:

12-18 servings

20 minutes plus 1 hour cooling time

40 minutes plus cooling time

For me, Winter means cold, beautiful lights, family, and traditions, but more than anything else it makes me want to bake. My maternal Grandma was a fantastic baker, and she passed on many of her skills to my mom. One of my favourite dishes they’ve passed down is Boiled Raisin Cake. One of the reasons I love this cake is that it's so easy to make, but also because it makes the house smell amazing and reminds me of family time with Grandma. This cake is best served slightly warm, so eat it fresh or heat it for a few seconds in the microwave. It’s really good served plain or with custard. You can frost it if you want, but it doesn’t need it, just sprinkle it with icing sugar if you want to dress it up. Because this is a moist cake, it lasts quite a while and the spices get better with time. After several days (usually more than a week if it lasts that long), the cake will begin to dry out but don’t despair! Just crumble it up in a bowl and pour warm butterscotch pudding on top; we used to use Jell-O Cook and Serve pudding but it’s hard to find now. Check online for a good recipe. This can also be baked as mini-loaves, but you will need to adjust the cooking time. These make great gifts. Bake them in disposable foil pans and wrap well with plastic wrap after the cakes have fully cooled.


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Ingredient Notes

Table of Ingredients Metric 300g 400g 500ml 240g 5ml 2ml 10ml 360g 10ml 2

Ingredients Raisins White sugar Water Margarine (not spreadable) Ground nutmeg Ground cloves Ground cinnamon All-purpose flour Baking soda Eggs, beaten

US 2 c. 2c. 2 c. 1 c. 1 tsp. ¼ tsp. 2 tsp. 3 c. 2 tsp. 2


• •

Use whatever kind of raisins you prefer. The recipe as written is dairy free. You can use butter if you want, but don’t use oil as it will change the texture of the cake. For a healthier cake, you can use whole wheat flour for half the flour amount. Gluten-free flour mixes can replace all the flour, but GF cakes tend to dry out a bit faster.

1. In a large saucepan (big enough to mix the flour into later), add the raisins, white sugar, water, margarine, nutmeg, cloves, and cinnamon. 2. Bring to a boil while stirring. 3. Simmer for 10 minutes. 4. Cool to room temperature (about an hour), so the eggs won’t cook when you stir them in. 5. Once you think the fruit mixture is almost cool enough to use, turn the oven on to 350F/180C. Make sure the over rack is in the centre. 6. Grease a 9"x13”x2” (33cm x 23cm x 5cm) non-stick pan (or butter-flour-parchment if you're not using a non-stick). 7. In a medium bowl, mix the flour and baking soda together. 8. Mix the flour mixture and the beaten eggs into the (still slightly warm) raisin mixture The baking soda may start to bubble and foam a bit, but that’s okay. Mix really well with the whisk or spoon to prevent flour lumps. If you use the whisk, knock all the raisins out when done. 9. Pour the batter into the prepared pan (or pans if you’re doing mini-loaves).


Step 8, adding the flour mixture. Photo by indiancookingmanual ( /mahua-pua-madhuca-longfolia-dessert/, licensed as CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0). *

Our Family’s Thoughts *While the photos in this sample are from other sources, students are required to either take their own photos or produce their own illustrations.

Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

10. Bake for about 30 minutes (a bit shorter for miniloaves) or until golden and a toothpick test is mostly clean (if you hit a raisin it won't be). 11.

Remove and allow to cool.


Serve slightly warm.


Store tightly covered.


Breakfast & Brunch

Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Blueberry Cinnamon Muffins Contributed by Dariella L.

This is a photo that was taken once the muffins were finally taken out of the oven and ready to eat. Photo taken by my mom Cassandra L.

Equipment List • • • •

Muffin Pan Fork 1 medium bowl Oil spray


Prep time:

Cooking time:

12-14 servings

15 minutes

25 minutes

For me, a good dish needs to look good, taste good, and smell good. That is why for my recipe I chose to do my aunts delicious blueberry cinnamon muffins. The taste of this dish is better than cookies! Words can’t even describe how good they are, but I’ll try. The great taste of cinnamon as soon as you bite in is delicious. It melts in your mouth and is very tasty. The smell of these muffins being freshly baked in the oven just makes you want to dig in. One of the reasons I chose this dish is because I’ve had them so many times but have never gotten a chance to bake them. Some fond memories I have of this dish is eating the muffins right next to the fireplace on a cold, snowy December morning. My aunt usually only makes this dish around a couple times a year. So, eating them, I take advantage. The person who bakes this dish is my aunt. She is a very smart, pretty and talented lady. Now she isn’t a baker but for not being one, she makes them pretty darn good. She works for a company called Wawanesa, so baking is sort of her hobby when she has time off. My aunt has made many different dishes such as desert, salads and soups and much more. To me, this dish reminds me of some other muffins my mom used to make but I don’t remember the name. To my family these muffins are incredibly delicious. My aunt says that these muffin’s remind her of carefree summer days and afternoons picking berries with her 2 brats (me and my cousin). Sharing her love knowing someone enjoyed something she made especially for them.


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Ingredient Notes

Table of Ingredients





All-purpose flour

1 ½ c.


White sugar

¾ c.

2mL 10mL 80mL 250mL 80mL 250mL

Salt Baking powder Vegetable oil Egg Milk Blueberries Crumb topping White Sugar All-purpose flour Butter, cubed Ground cinnamon

1/2 2 tsp. 1/3 c. 1 1/3 c. 1 c.

125mL 80mL 60mL 375mL

½ c. 1/3 c. ¼ c. 1 ½ tsp.

Procedures 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

Add extra Blueberries if you want!

Step 3. Here is a picture of the batter. This is step 3 where we were currently mixing the 1 ½ cup of flour with the ¾ cup of sugar, salt and baking powder in a separate bowl with blueberry’s mixed in as well. Photo taken by my aunt Anaelly L.

2. Put muffin liners on the muffin tray. 3. Mix the 1 ½ cup of flour with the ¾ cup of sugar, salt and baking powder, Put the vegetable oil into a 1 cup measuring cup. Then add the egg with enough milk to fill the cup, after mix this with the flour mixture, then fold with blueberries, Lastly fill the muffin cups right to the top, and sprinkle with crumb topping mixture. 4. To make the crumb topping, mix the ½ cup of sugar, 1/3 cup of flour, ¼ cup of cubed butter, and 1 ½ teaspoons of cinnamon, then mix with a fork and sprinkle over the muffins before baking. 5. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes in the heated oven until done. 6. SERVE AND EAT FRESH!


Our Family’s Thoughts

Blueberry Cinnamon Muffins For me, a good dish needs to look good, taste good, and smell good. That is why for my recipe I chose to do my aunt’s delicious blueberry and cinnamon muffins. The taste of this dish is better than cookies! The great taste of the cinnamon as soon as you bite in is delicious. It melts in your mouth and is very tasty. The smell of the muffins being freshly baked in the oven just makes you want to dig in. One of the reasons I chose this dish is because I’ve had them so many times but have never gotten a chance to bake it. Some fond memories I have of this dish is eating the muffins next to the fireplace on a cold, snowy December morning. My aunt usually only makes the muffins around a couple times a year. She is a very smart, talented lady. Now she isn’t a baker but for not being one, she makes them pretty darn good. She works for a company called Wawanesa, so baking is sort of her hobby when she has time off. My aunt has made tons of different foods in the past such as salads, desserts, soups and much more. To me, this dish reminds me of some other muffins my mom has made but I don’t know the name. What this dish means to me is sitting down on the couch or table with my family either spending time together or just chilling out having a good time with hot milk or coffee for the adults. -By Dariella.L

Peanut butter and honey toast Peanut butter and honey toast is the only food I ate for breakfast for years. One day for breakfast my dad gave me a piece of toast with peanut butter and honey, the second I took a bite of the toast I couldn't stop. I loved it so I ate it every day for breakfast, I could just remember sitting at the waiting to put that delicious food into my mouth and the smell of the sweet honey. One day I brought the toast for lunch and it had peanut butter toast and I was told u aren't allowed peanuts, so I had to eat all by myself in the hallway with my toast. After that happened to me, I never brought the toast to school again. I loved peanut butter so much I think the first time I had it my grandma gave it to me I loved the taste. My grandma loved peanut butter so much and my dad loves it and now I love it. The feeling of the sticky peanut butter in your mouth, the sweet honey and the crunchy toast. The finally came when I could make my own breakfast, I was so happy that I could finally make it. I made it for breakfast 4 a few more years, every day I ate it one by one I started to get boated to the toast. At grade five I was not eating it at all, now I do eat it for breakfast time to time but it’s not what I eat every day. Although I don’t eat the peanut butter and honey toast as often, I still eat peanut butter almost every day for breakfast.

--Kumiko Y

Appetizers & Snacks

Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Shrimp Scampi Contributed by Jaylee M Yield:

2 servings

Finished dish. Photo by Jaylee Mah

Prep time: 6 minutes

Cooking time: 6 minutes

This recipe is a quick, simple and delicious dish to make. I got this recipe from a website called Sweet Delites and adapted it to two servings. This dish is important to me because I have fond memories of eating this dish with my family when we travelled to Hawaii. Usually, we would serve this dish as an appetizer, but you could also serve it as dinner. It can be paired with pasta, rice or salad. If you do not like parsley, feel free to substitute it with rosemary, basil, cilantro or any other herb you'd like.

Equipment List • • • • • • • • •

Cutting board Chef’s knife 2 small bowls 1 cup Kitchen scale Wooden spoon 1 Tbsp 1 serving plate 1 stir spoon

This dish is was a complete success with my family. It was so easy to prepare, that even my little sister could make it. We often like to mix it up by adding different ingredients like applewood smoked bacon and chili flakes. If you’re feeling lazy and just want a good meal then this is the perfect dish for you. It only takes 12 minutes from start to finish.


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024


Metric 250g 15ml 30ml

30ml 15ml 15ml

Ingredients Large peeled shrimp, tail on Olive oil salted or unsalted butter 2 large garlic cloves minced A Pinch of salt and pepper to taste Chicken broth Lemon juice Finely chopped parsley

US ½ pound 1 Tbsp 2 Tbsp

2 Tbsp 1 Tbsp 1 Tbsp

Step 1, Prepare all the ingredients . Photo by Jaylee M

Procedures 1. Prepare and measure out all your ingredients. 2. Start warming your skillet to medium heat. Begin to melt 20 ml of your butter and 15ml of the olive oil together. 3. Add your 2 large minced garlic cloves to the pan and stir around with wooden spoon until slightly golden brown and aromatic. 4. Toss in your peeled shrimp and lightly cook each side until they turn pink. Season the shrimp with salt and pepper to taste. 5. Pour in the chicken broth. Put a lid on the pan and let the shrimp steam for 1 minute. 6. Take the lid off, add the 15ml of lemon juice, 15ml of finely chopped fresh parsley, and the last 10ml of butter. Mix around with the wooden spoon for 1 more minute to infuse the flavors into the shrimp. 7. Remove the skillet from the stove top right away to ensure you do not overcook the shrimp. 8. Transfer the shrimp from the skillet and onto a plate. Enjoy by itself or with any food of your choice like pasta or a salad.


Our Family’s Thoughts

Soups & Salads

Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Mushroom Soup Contributed by Megan C Yield:

Prep time:

Cooking time:

4 servings

10 minutes

10 minutes

Photo taken by me

This is my family’s own recipe. We created this recipe by ourselves, and we love this soup very much. My whole family loves mushrooms, so this recipe would be fit for mushroom lovers like my family, and we would definitely recommend this recipe.

Equipment List

I recommend serving this dish during dinner as an appetizer. Would be better if it is served in separate bowls. Adding extra thyme will enhance the flavor.

• • • • •

An immersion blender Measuring cups Measuring spoons A large saucepan Wooden spoon


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Ingredient Notes

Table of Ingredients Metric 285 g 700 mL 30 g 75 g 1 20 mL 45 mL 5 mL 2.5 mL A pinch

Ingredients Mushrooms Chicken Broth Unsalted Butter Diced onions Heavy whipping cream All-purpose flour thyme Salt Pepper

US 10 oz 3 cups 2 tbsp ½ cup ½ cup 3 tbsp 1 tsp ½ tsp A pinch

*Step 7 is if you would prefer thicker soup.

Procedures 1. Clean the mushrooms with running tap water. 2. Slice the mushrooms into thin slices. 3. In the large frying pan, melt the butter over medium heat. 4. Add the mushroom, thyme, salt, and pepper into the frying pan. Stir with wooden spoon until the mushroom starts to brown, about 5 minutes.

Step 6 stir the ingredients into the pan. PHto taken by my dad

5. Add the flour into the pan. Stir for 30 seconds. 6. Add the chicken broth into the pan. Stir until the soup comes to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium low. Let simmer uncovered, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes. 7. Blend the soup with the immersion blender for about 30- 1 minutes. Place the immersion blender to the bottom of the bowl. 8. Add cream on top with a few pinches of thyme. Adjust flavor if needed. Enjoy!


Our Family’s Thoughts My family really likes this recipe. Our family loves mushrooms, and we would definitely recommend this recipe.

Chicken Winter Melon Soup with Thick Vermicelli Chicken winter melon soup with thick vermicelli is composed of thick vermicelli layered with a sprinkle of shredded chicken, topped with chicken winter melon soup. With a rather salty yet subtle smell of chicken and the sight of steaming hot air flowing through the room, it draws me in from the inside out, inviting me in for a well-rounded dish. So, without hesitating it forces me to take a big scoop of all the components of the dish and devour it all into my body letting the taste and feel sink right in. Rather than tasting each component separately I taste one harmonized taste of freshness from the winter melon and the warmth of the chicken. This dish really has quite a delightful smell and taste, with everything that makes me indulge into this dish. This dish is not only eaten by me, but it was a childhood staple for my mom. This family dish will always taste exceptional no matter the occasion. But chicken winter melon soup with thick vermicelli will always taste the best when eaten as a family. Sharing the love for this dish and embracing thanks for each other enhances the experience a whole lot. Though in the end no matter whether it is eaten on your own time or as a family, this dish will always be as fine as a dish. Chicken winter melon soup with thick vermicelli is one of the most prized dishes I have ever eaten. This simple but rather tasty dish is my grandmother's recipe which is passed down to my mother, a homemade dish which in my opinion is all ways better than store bought. Chicken winter melon soup with thick vermicelli will always and forever mean and remind me of family and my grandmother. Which is due to the dish being eaten on most occasions as a family, and my grandmother being the one who introduced this astonishing yet simple dish to me. Overall, this dish may not be one that all think of as I do, but no matter what others may think to me this dish not only taste heavenly but also has great meaning to me.

--By Carina C.


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Fettucine Chicken Noodles Contributed by Milica. A

Ingredients. Photo by Milica A.

Equipment List


Prep time:

Cooking time:

1-2 servings

15 minutes

10 minutes

This fettucine chicken noodles recipe depends on if you are serving for your entire family or for yourself. I got this recipe from my mom’s recipe book. She prepared this for me sometimes at lunch when I got home and it’s quick and easy to make this recipe. This recipe is important to me because whenever my mom makes it, I help her and its really fun to make this dish. This dish is good to eat when you get home from school or in the evening for a quick dish before bed. An optional topping is to add 1 tsp of parmesan on the noodles. To make the noodles the main dish I would suggest adding a green salad. I would serve this dish is once you cook it, I put it on a plate or bowl. Another step you could do is cook the noodles in a medium sized pan for about five minutes.


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Ingredient Notes

Table of Ingredients Metric 100g 30ml 30ml 226g

Ingredients Chopped cooked chicken Parmesan Whipping cream Tofu shirataki

US ½ cup 2 tbsp 2 tbsp 8 ounces

Procedures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Open the bag the noodles are in. Once opened go to the sink. Grab a strainer. Put the strainer over the sink. Pour the noodles into the strainer. Strain out all the water. Grab a pan from your collection of pans. Put the stove at medium heat. Put the pan from your collection of pans on the stove. Put your noodles into the pan and cook for five minutes. (make sure you move the noodles around every minute) Add your whipping cream into the pan. Add your parmesan into the pan. Mix for 20 seconds. Add the noodles into the pan once more. Add the chopped cooked chicken. Stir until everything is mixed evenly. Put in your bowl. Add some parmesan on top (OPTIONAL) ENJOY!


Step 4, getting reading to drain the noodles. Photo by Milica A.

Our Family’s Thoughts

Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Grill Cheese Contributed by Lyiam Hall

Equipment List • • • • • • •

frying pan Spatula Bread knife Butter knife Oven Plates Cutting board


Prep time:

Cooking time:

1 servings

3-4 minute

7 minutes

The reason why this recipe is important to me and my family is because we almost always eat grilled cheese during a movie, breakfast, lunch, sitting down, doing nothing, picnic, brunch, birthdays, fishing (with my dad), moving to a different house, going out for a walk, basically, a lot. It's more of a snack for whenever, I think it’s perfect for any type of event. Add paprika if you want it to be a little spicy.


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Ingredient Notes

Table of Ingredients 2 2 tbsp

Ingredients cheddar cheese slice, approx. 10 cm square/4 inches square butter bread paprika

US 2

If you want it to be a little spicy add some paprika.

3 2

Procedures 1. Take two slices of bread out of the bread package 2. Grab the butter, open it 3. Butter up the bottom sides of the two breads with a butter knife 4. Grab two slices of cheese 5. Put the two slices of cheese on any way you want (on the non-buttered sides of the bread) 6. Put two pieces of bread together 7. Put the non-grilled cheese onto the pan 8. Grill until the bread is crispy and brownish on both sides (make sure to flip very frequently) 9. Put the now grilled cheese onto a cutting board with spatula and cut anyway you want (for me I’m cutting horizontal in the middle) 10. Put grilled cheese on plate 11. Eat


Step [X with summary]. [Photo or Illustration] by Lyiam Hall

Our Family’s Thoughts My family thinks that grilled cheese is perfect for during a movie, breakfast, lunch, sitting down, doing nothing, picnic, brunch, birthdays, fishing (with my dad), moving to a different house, going out for a walk, basically, a lot.

Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Persian kateh Rice Contributed by Ali H Yield:

Prep time:

serves a 4 people 10 minutes Photo by Ali H of the final product

Equipment List • • • •

Medium sized pot Wooden spoon Measuring cup Tablespoons

Cooking time: 20 minutes

This recipe is a very famous recipe in Iran. It’s not exactly something you’d make for guests. It’s delicious but from a formality point of view it’s comparable to mac n cheese This dish can be eaten alone or with chicken or meat on the side; it’s also very good with plain yogurt on the side. A touch of saffron will give it a pleasant aroma. This is an amazing dish of rice with a lot of flavor and an extremely soft texture.


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Ingredient Notes

Table of Ingredients Metric 750mL 15mL 4L 60 mL

Ingredients basmati rice salt saffron water Vegetable oil

US 3 c. 1tbs 1ts

Saffron can be bought at a Persian store

4 tbs

Procedures 1. Fill your pot with all the rice. 2. Clean thoroughly with water by pouring water in the pot, mixing it, and then pouring the water back out making sure the rice stays in the pot. Repeat this multiple time. 3. Fill the pot with water until it sits half an inch above the rice. 4. Add your oil and your salt. 5. Put on the stove on high temp until the comes to a boil. 6. Once the water has come to a boil turn the stove to. medium temperature and let all the water boil out. 7. Once there is no water left in the pot, bring the temp down to low and put the lid on this is what’s going to give it all the soft fluffiness. 8. Let that sit for about 10 minutes. 9. Meanwhile using a kettle, get some boiling water and mix it with saffron in a small bowl. 10. Once your rice is done and you are ready for plating, pour the rice into a plate in a mountain form (if the sides have hardened you can dig out the soft rice and eat the hard part later. Those crusty parts stuck to the side of your pot are called “tah-dig” and they are delicious.) 11. Once plated pour the saffron mix on top and enjoy you’re kateh rice.


Step 9, pouring boiling water on to the saffron.

[Grilled Cheese]

The reason why this recipe is important to me and my family is because we almost always eat grilled cheese during a movie, breakfast, lunch, sitting down, doing nothing, picnic, brunch, birthdays, fishing (with my dad), moving to a different house, going out for a walk, basically, a lot. It's more of a snack for whenever, I think it’s perfect for any type of event. I got this recipe from my dad’s grandparents.] -By [Lyiam H.]

Main Dishes

Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Chinese Scrambled Eggs and Tomatoes Contributed by Larry H Yield:

Prep time:

Cooking time:

1 serving (for one person)

5 minutes

10 minutes

Photo by Larry H Winter is the season of cold and for me nothing warms me up better than a Scrambled Eggs and Tomatoes. This dish, if warmed up, tastes like heaven to me. This dish has been in my family line for a long time it looks like a pile of heaven of eggs with red tomatoes splotches scattered on it with no visible pattern. This is a great dish to warm you up.

Equipment List • • • • • • • • •

Stovetop Frying pan Cutting Board Chef’s Knife Mixing Bowl Serving Plate 20cm (8 inch) Fork Wooden Spoon Glass Cover (for Frying Pan)

This dish is very versatile. You can serve it at anytime and anywhere, if you have the ingredient to make it. To make this dish even more delicious you can add rice, particularly white rice. You can also add sugar, salt, and green onions to your desired flavor. If you can’t find a glass cover you can just use a normal cover. The reason it has add a cover is so that the tomatoes cook faster. Theoretically it is possible to make Chinese Scrambled Eggs and Tomatoes with a normal cover or without a cover. This recipe is made as main dish, but if you reduce the ratios you can make a side dish or an appetizer. This great dish a adapt to your desire.


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Ingredient Notes

Table of Ingredients Metric 2 2 3 (10g each) 35 ml

Ingredients Eggs Tomatoes Fresh Small Ginger Olive Oil

US 2 2 3(0.35oz each) 7 Us Teaspoon

If you can’t find the small gingers just find a ginger equivalent to 30g (1.05 oz).

Procedures 1.

Take out the all the ginger and dice them. Leave off to the side.


Get out all the tomatoes and slice them in half. Slice the half into six pieces. Leave off to the side. 3


Crack the two eggs and put them inside of a mixing bowl and mix them with fork. Leave off to the side


Put a frying pan onto the stovetop.


Turn on the element which the frying pan is sitting on to high temperature (this may vary from stovetop to stovetop).


Put 10ml (2 US Teaspoon) of olive oil into the frying pan.


Put the mixed eggs into the frying pan. Mix the eggs while in pan to make scrambled eggs. After this take out of frying pan and leave in a serving bowl off to the side.


Put 25ml (5 US Teaspoon) of olive oil into the frying pan.


Put the diced ginger into the pan and make the ginger cover the pan with a wooden spoon. Wait for around 40 seconds.

10. Put the tomatoes into the frying pan and make the tomatoes cover the pan with a wooden spoon. 11. Cover the pan with a glass cover and check occasionally to see if the tomatoes are a slushy yet firm substance. When this happen take the cover off and press down onto one tomato to test is the tomatoes are a slushy yet firm substance 12. When the tomatoes are a slushy yet firm substance. Put the tomatoes and ginger into the serving bowl with the eggs. 13. Serve.


Step 4. Photo by Larry H

Our Family’s Thoughts

Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Kung Pao Chicken Contributed by Ariana C.

Photo contributed by Nicole C.

Equipment List • • •

Small bowl Non-stick skillet or wok Measuring cups


Prep time:

Cooking time:

3-4 servings

10 minutes

22 minutes

Kung Pao Chicken is definitely better when served as soon as it’s done. With my family, my mom would put about a teaspoon of chili peppers on my sister’s and mine, and then she would put more on hers and my Dad’s because they love spicy food. I got the recipe from my mom who has made it with me multiple times. This dish reminds of weekday nights of sitting at the table talking with my family. I usually serve this dish over rice, but it can be used in salads as well. In my house, this is a weekday dinner because it doesn’t take long to make. With this recipe you can make it as spicy or non-spicy as you want. In my house, we use around 2 tsp. of red chili peppers, but most people add between ¼ and 1 ½ tsp. of chili peppers.


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Table of Ingredients Metric 500mg 10mL 45mL 2 1.25 – 7.5ml 2.5mL 60mL 60mL 20mL 80mL 1L

Ingredients Boneless skinless chicken breast cut into 1-inch pieces Light vegetable oil Green onions, chopped with tops Garlic cloves, minced Crushed red chili peppers Powdered ginger Rice wine vinegar Soy sauce Sugar Dry roasted peanuts Cooked rice, hot

US 1 lb 2 tsp 3 tbsp 2 ¼–1½ tsp ½ tsp 4 tbsp 4 tbsp 4 tsp 1/3 cup 4 cups


Ingredient notes You can use fresh ginger instead of powdered ginger. Regular vinegar instead of Rice wine vinegar also works.

Step 2 adding the oil to the skillet. Photo contributed by Ariana C.

Our Family’s Thoughts

1. Combine chicken and cornstarch in a small bowl and toss to coat 2. Heat oil in a large non-stick skillet or wok on medium heat 3. Add chicken 4. Stir fry for 5-7 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink in the middle 5. Remove the chicken from the skillet 6. Add green onions, garlic, red peppers, and ginger to skillet and stir fry for 15 seconds 7. Remove from heat 8. Combine vinegar, soy sauce, and sugar in a small bowl and stir well 9. Add the vinegar mixture to the skillet 10. Return chicken to the skillet 11. Stir until the chicken is well coated and stir in nuts 12. Heat thoroughly, stirring occasionally 13. Serve over hot rice


Pasta Carbonara Pasta carbonara, in my opinion is one of the best variations of pasta. Pasta carbonara is a savory, hearty delicious food. Pasta carbonara is pasta with sauce made of eggs, cream, parmesan cheese and bacon. Pasta carbonara can be served at any event. I`m not sure when I first tried pasta carbonara, but I must have been young because I've loved it for a very long time. The pasta carbonara that I usually eat is special to me because it is my Monna’s special recipe. My None makes lots of different types of pasta and they all have a special place in my heart. --By rocco j.

Pasta Bolognese Pasta Bolognese was my favourite dish that I had made. This is an exceptional dish because I have loads of memories making it when I was still in Hong Kong. I had Home Economic lessons as a subject that required the students to cook and bake every week; it was my favorite subject. In one of the lessons, my teacher taught my class how to make Pasta Bolognese. It was cooked uniquely, instead of topping the dish with tomato sauce, we cooked the pasta with the sauce for fifteen minutes. My groupmates and I followed all the steps in the recipe, and we all loved the pasta very much. The pasta was served with a sauce made from juicy and ripe tomatoes, delicately sliced mushrooms, garlic, minced beef, herbs, and much more. It smelled of basil and thyme, and it tasted handmade fresh. I then remade the dish for my family, and they loved it too. Since I've moved to Vancouver not long ago, I often make pasta for my family and me to eat for dinner, with the help of my younger sister. When I make this dish, it brings back me all the glorious memories of Hong Kong. -By Megan C

Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Pepperoni Pizza with Quinoa Crust Contributed by Ryan M

Equipment List • • • • • • • • • •

Rolling pin Pizza pan Measuring cup Measuring spoons Pizza cutting wheel Cheese grater Assorted mixing bowls Sifter Wooden spoon Small pot


Prep time:

Cooking time:

4-6 Servings

45 minutes

25 minutes

A friend gave us a Quinoa cook book and this is important to us because we make it together and this is our favorite recipe. We make it when friends are over for a sleepover or a sports game or anytime really and you can serve it with fries or salad.


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Ingredient Notes

Table of Ingredients Metric 330 mL 45 mL 160 mL

Ingredients Water Vegetable or olive oil White Quinoa

US 1 1/3 cup 3 Tbsp 2/3 cups

375 mL 30 mL 2 mL 45 mL 15 mL 1 875 mL-1L

Warm water White cane sugar Salt Vegetable oil Quick rise yeast Large egg All purpose flour Pizza Toppings (for two pizzas) Tomato sauce Salt and Pepper Oregano and Basil (each) Pepperoni, sliced Pizza mozzarella, grated

1 ½ cups 2 Tbsp ½ tsp 3 Tbsp 1 envelope 1 3 ½- 4 cups

400 mL Pinch 2 mL 200 g 500 g

1 ½ cups Pinch ½ tsp ½ lb. 1 lb.

Procedures 1. Combine the 1 1/3 cups (330 mL) water and quinoa in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil. Cover, reduce to a simmer and cook for 10 minutes. 2. Turn the heat off and leave the covered saucepan on the burner for another 20 minutes. 3. Fluff with a fork and allow to cool. 4. Mix the 1 ½ cups (375 mL) warm water and sugar in a large bowl. 5. Stir in the oil, salt and yeast. 6. Mix in egg and cooked quinoa. 7. Blend in the flour. 8. Starting with 3 ½ cups (875 mL). 9. Work in another ¼ cup (60 mL) of flour. 10. Grab the dough with a clean, dry hand to test stickiness. If the dough stick to your hand but pulls out, you have enough flour in the flour dough. If the dough remains stuck to your hand, add more flour.


You can use any type of cheese but pizza mozzarella is my favorite.

Baked pizza with some added green peppers.

Our Family’s Thoughts Our family’s thoughts are that this is a dish our friend made and gave us the recipe to it and when every we make this recipe it turns out always delicious.

Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

11. Continue adding small amounts of flour, doing the sticky test after each addition (you should not require more than 4 cups/1 L of flour in total). 12. Freeze unused portions of the dough in resealable freezer bags for up to 3 months. 13. Slice the dough in half for 2 large crust or roll it into a log and cut it into 3 pieces for medium crusts. 14. Form the pieces of dough into balls. 15. Place the dough in a bowl that has been lightly sprayed with cooking oil or greased and cover with a clean kitchen towel. 16. Place in a warm area to sit for about 15 minutes. 17. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F (200 degrees C) 18. Lightly grease the pizza pan and press the dough evenly into the pan. 19. Decorate with your pizza sauce and cheese and pepperoni and bake on the center oven rack for 20 to 25 minutes (time may vary with different pizza pans and amounts of toppings). 20. Remove the pizza from the oven when the cheese in the center is bubbling and the bottom of the crust is golden brown. Pizza sauce and toppings 21. Pour tomato sauce in small bowl. 22. Add Oregano, Basil, pinch salt and pepper. 23. Grate cheese 24. Cut pepperoni or other ingredients


Potato Volcano! This meal is important to me because I like the taste of it a lot. The meal that is important to me is chicken with mashed potatoes, carrots, and gravy. This meal looks like a big piece of chicken with mashed potatoes and carrots mixed together on the side with gravy running off the potatoes into the chicken. This meal smells like a feast of hot chicken with burning mountains of potatoes. And it tastes soft, hard, and chewy, like if Chicken mashed potatoes carrots and gravy were in your mouth at the same time. The place that I best remember eating this meal is at my grandma’s during a special event like thanksgiving, if we ran out of turkey and ham, or at my house occasionally when we get bored of the same food once in a while. The person who prepares this meal for me is usually my mom, or my mom and I because I used to help my mom prepare the meal when I was younger. This dish reminds me of the taste of steaming hot chicken with a volcano of mashed potatoes with gravy coming out the top flooding the carrots and the chicken on the other side of my plate. It also reminds me of when my mom would make me a big dinner on a special occasion that I would always like, just like a big plate of spaghetti and meatballs. This meal means a good bit to me because it reminds me of when my mom would always make me a big dinner that I would always want and enjoy. -By Ethan Y.

Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Spaghetti and Meatballs Contributed by Ethan Y

Finished dish. Photo by Ethan Y.


Prep time:

Cooking time:


10 mins

45 mins

This recipe is important to me, it is important to me because I always had this dish when I was young. And I would always want seconds. You would serve this dish on a big plate, and if you’re hungry for more than you can add your own garlic bread on the side for some more flavor.

Equipment List

• One big pot • Pyrex dish • Oven


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Ingredient Notes

Table of Ingredients Metric

Ingredients 1 Pack of Catelli Spaghetti Noodles One bag of Great Value Italian-Style Beef Meatballs Fully Cooked Kraft, grated parmesan cheese Spaghetti Sauce



Olive oil



Table salt


You will most likely find Great Value Italian-Style Beef Meatballs Fully Cooked at [Wal-Mart].

Step 2 Meatballs in the dish before adding the sauce. Photo by Ethan Y.

1. Pre heat oven to 400F. 2. Put all the sauce and frozen meatballs in a Pyrex dish. 3. Then put the Pyrex dish in the oven for around twenty-five minutes. 4. Now take a pot and add one Ts of salt and one Tbs of olive oil and boil the pot with water for around fifteen minutes. 5. When the water boils add the spaghetti noodles. 6. After ten more minutes drain the water from the pot of noodles and take the Pyrex dish out of the oven and mix the meatballs and sauce into the noodles. 7. Then mix in your choice amount of parmesan cheese. 8. Now serve and enjoy!


Our Family’s Thoughts Our family loves this dish so much that we have it all the time!

Hot Pots Hot Pots are my favourite meal to eat during Holidays or Long Weekends. My Mom and Dad would prepare for the Family Dinner, sometimes my brother and I would help by cleaning the table off. It always had a Pot on a mini stove in the middle, meats and veggies around it in a manner. Drinks were off to the side, we always had this one sauce almost every Hot Pot, it was Chinese BBQ Sauce. I always ate so small, while my brother was the opposite of me, he would eat as much as he could. I always opt for a smaller dish then what he eats. The sound of the pot boiling, bubbles on the surface and meat and veggies floating around the water or sink onto the bottom of the pot. Fire cooking the bottom of the pot, making the whole pot and insides hot. Tools to help us get the food was either in the pot or near the pot. The food was cooked right and was so easy to eat, plus we also had other foods around the pot, all the different foods were inside or outside, the pot would be filled with meat, veggies, etc. Now when I think about this meal, I think about the times my family was happy and cheerful. Since now, my grandparents moved to Surrey, my mom and dad have way too much work, and both Hans and I have school. We still have Hot Pots but it's only for personal events.

-By Jeslyn Z

Side Dishes

Persian rice Narrative

Let’s talk about Persian rice. a traditional plate that’s used in most Persian dishes but also tastes great alone. The soft light but at the same time rich texture and flavor just melts into the mouth and fills you up right away. The smell just takes me away every time. During the preparation, the house always smells amazing: once you smell it you taste it. This dish is very sentimental to me because my mother would always cook me this when I was either sick or just as emergency food when I was hungry. It takes me straight back to Iran every time I smell it. Even cooking it is fun, just opening the pot and having all the warm but delicious-smelling steam hit your face brings back co many memories. I recommend that you all should take a small peek into the Persian food culture and try this dish. This type of rice is also famously eaten with Persian kebab, all types of Persian cooked meat and chicken and many more things. It just makes everything taste delicious. I’ll always appreciate a plate of plain rice at its simplest form. It just brings me so much joy.

By Ali H


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Chocolate chip cookies Contributed by Phylix R Yield:

Prep time:

Cooking time:

30 mins

Equipment List • • • •

Oven Bowl Cookie tray Rubber spatula

This dish is impotant to me because its reminds me of my mom who made it and when I first tried it.

When you are done making the cookies you take it out of the oven then place it in the cookie tray. Then put it on the plate and enjoy. You can also add toppings to your cookie such as sprinkles etc


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Table of Ingredients Metric

Ingredients Unsalted butter 1 cup Light brown sugar ¾ cup Granulated white sugar ½cup Large eggs 2 Cake flour 1 cup All purpose fluor 1 ¾ cup Cornstarch 1 tsp Baking soda 1 tsp Table salt ½ tsp Roughly chopped walnuts 2 cups Semi sweet cholate chips 2 cups


Ingredient Notes -


You can buy these ingrediants at your local grocery store. I sometime put more chocolate chips to give it more flavor.

Our Family’s Thoughts

Procedures 1. Preheat oven to 410 F. Line two baking sheets with silicone baking mats. 2. In the bowl of a stand mixer, add butter and sugars. Cream until light and fluffy, about 2 minutes. Since you are dealing with cold butter, start to medium speed for another 30 seconds and then high speed for 1 mintue 3. Scrape down sides and bottom of bowl. Add in eggs. Mix on medium speed until incorporated. 4. Add in cake flour, all purpose flour, cornstarch, baking soda , and salt. Mix on the lowest speed (‘’stir’’ function on my kitchen aid) until all the flour is just incorporated careful not to overmix. 5. Add in walnuts and mix on the lowest spee for about 5 revolutions until chocolate chips are evenly incorporated into the dough. 6. Add in chocolate chips and mix on the lowest speed for about 5 revoulutions until chips are evenly incur[arated into the dough. 7. Remove dough from bowl and mix with hands a few times to make sure choclate chips and walnuts are evnly distributed dough should be quite sticky.Type equation here. 2

Our recipe is very delicious , one thing that we have Changed is that we leave It in the oven longer than Usual.

Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

8. You can either divide dough into 8 equal pieces, or I prefer weigh 6 ounces. You shuld grab the dough by the handful until you reach 6 ounces and lightly from a very loose ball. Make sure to keep it loose as the cookies should be airy and not compacted (like the owners demonstrate in their video). 9. Place only four cookies on each baking sheet spacing them about 2 inches apart, so that they don’t spread onto each other. (please see my photo above for how I spaced them.) 10. Bake only one sheet at a time in the middle row of the oven, for about 12-13 minutes. The tops of the cookies should be light brown and the dough should lookcooked, but they dont spread onto each other. (Please see my photo above for how I spaced them).


Pavlova This dish is a very typical dessert in Australia which is where my mom was born and where she lived for the first six years of her life. Almost every holiday my grandma would make it for her four kids. Now my mom has carried on the tradition and makes it for my sister and me. It tastes like luscious, crunchy meringue, smooth whipped cream and fresh berries all in one bite. The smell of the crystallized sugar is a great description of the decadent flavors of the dessert. It looks like something out of a food network magazine. The soft peaks of whipped cream and the bright colours of berries is alluring. I knew it was a special dessert, as I would bring leftover pavlova to school while the other kids brought cookies or cupcakes. I would think proudly of myself and have a big grin on my face when the other kids would say I had the best sweets at snack time. My mom was the one that would usually make it but as I got older, I loved to help her in the kitchen. My favourite part of making it was creating my own design of berries on top. I loved using strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and occasionally I would use kiwis. --By Claire E.

Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Chocolate Mousse Contributed by Caylee L Yield:

Prep time:

Cooking time:

5 servings

20 minutes

0 minutes

This special dessert was made every Christmas when I was a kid and it was one of the reasons, I enjoyed Christmas. I always made this with my mom, and it was very fun.

Photo taken by Caylee L

It’s best to serve this dish after dinner as it will be a great dessert. You can change the type of cookies you put in for a different taste. If you wanted it to be sweeter, then use milk chocolate. I once used aero bars. I made this with 3 people so if you’re making this yourself then it’s going to take longer than 20 minutes.

Equipment List •

• • • • • •

2 mixing bowls (both large but one is going to be a little smaller) A whisk A spatula A large plastic bag Roller 5 drinking cups (8oz) Electronic mixer


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Ingredient Notes

Table of Ingredients Metric 173mL 113g 12 480mL

Ingredients Whipping cream Chocolate pudding mix Oreo thins 2% milk

US 0.73c 4oz 12 2 cups

Procedures 1. Open your pudding mix and put it into your smaller bowl

• • •

If you’d rather use the milk you have then that’s fine. The chocolate pudding mix is by the Jello brand If you want to save this dessert for another night, then keep it in your fridge with plastic wrap over it. It’ll stay good for about 3 days.

2. Now add your 2 cups of milk into the bowl. Stir this with your whisk until it’s thick like your normal pudding. 3. Next you pour your whipping cream into the larger bowl you have. 4. Plug in your electronic mixer to whip the cream. If you do it for too long, then it’s going to become butter. The consistency should look like your average whipped cream you put on waffles or pancakes. 5. Once you’re done both mixtures, add the chocolate pudding to the whipped cream. Stir it carefully with your spatula 6. because the whipped cream is already airy. Make sure that the pudding is a light brown colour. 7. Take your large plastic bag and put the dozen Oreo thins in.

Step 4 The finished whipped cream Photo by Caylee L

8. Crush the Oreos with your roller.

Our Family’s Thoughts

9. Now take your cups and layer the cookies and pudding together. Cookies at the bottom, pudding, then cookies and another layer of pudding, and top it with crushed cookies.

This is an easy family dessert that everyone loves to make and eat together.


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Healthy Apple Muffins Contributed by Ranin S. Yield:

Prep time:

Cooking time:

10 servings

10 minutes

20 minutes

Finished dish. Photo by Ranin S.

My brother and I have been cooking, baking, and eating for years. After a while, we decided to pursue a healthier life-style. It was hard because we didn’t like any food that was healthy. It all tasted bland. However, our mom created a muffin so sweet, soft, fluffy, and flavourful that we didn’t even realize it was healthy. These were called her Healthy Apple Muffins. Ever since then, we’ve been baking it and enjoying every wave of flavour.

Equipment List • • • • • •

Standard 12 muffin pan Spoons Measuring cups 2 bowls Muffin liners Oven mitts

Most people feel guilty after eating junk food but still want dessert. These muffins are great for those kinds of situations. They don’t have to be apple muffins to be healthy. The muffins taste best with a layer cream cheese flavoured frosting on top. The more you mix these muffins, the denser it will get. If you’re the type of person who likes their muffins fluffy, it’s best not to mix too much. These muffins are best when fresh out of the oven but still cool. After eating the muffins, if you have any left over, you must refrigerate them. When you take the muffins out, if they’re too hard, microwave them for 30 seconds to soften them. These muffins go really stale, really quickly, so the sooner you eat them, the better. When you take them out of the fridge, they are rock-hard. If you throw one at a wall, the wall will break not the muffin (not recommended). If the wall doesn’t hold up against the muffin, your teeth most definitely will not. Warming up the muffin is highly recommended.


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Ingredient Notes

Table of Ingredients Metric 360 mL 2 ½ mL 15 mL 1 1 60mL 10 mL 60mL 5mL 15 g 5mL 15 g

Ingredients Whole wheat flour Salt Sugar Apple Large egg Vegetable oil 0 fat sour cream Water Vanilla extract Baking soda Butter Baking powder

US 1 ½ c. ¼ tsp. 1 tbsp. 1 1 ¼ c. 2 tbsp. ¼ c. 1 tsp. 1 tbsp. 1 tsp. 1tbsp.

You can also make this recipe with 120 g/¼ c. of dark chocolate chips instead of an apple. If whole wheat flour too healthy for you, almond flour is a great alternative because it is just as healthy but much smoother.

Procedures 1. Melt butter until it is 100% liquid; no chunks. 2. Crack the egg and pour its liquid in a bowl with the vegetable oil, 0 fat sour cream, water, vanilla extract, and butter and mix. Make sure no pieces of the shell are poured in. 3. Put the whole wheat flour, salt, sugar, baking soda, and baking powder into a separate bowl and mix. 4. Pour the liquid from the first bowl into the second bowl and mix slowly with a spoon, slowly. 5. Peel, core, and dice the apple until it is as small as possible. Put into the batter and mix until the pieces are evenly spread out. 6. Line a standard 12 muffin pan with 10 muffin liners. 7. Fill the 10 lined muffin holes with the batter halfway to the top of the hole. 8. Bake in an oven at 200°C/400°F for 20 minutes. 9. Take out using oven mitts and let it cool on a steel rack.


Step 4; Pour the liquid from the first bowl into the second bowl. Photo by Sumayya S. Editing by Ranin S.

Our Family’s Thoughts

Chocolate chip muffins The dish I am doing is a delicious chocolate cookie my mom makes. The appearance is round like a circle; it also has chocolate chips sticking out of the cookie. It smells like chocolate and a has warm batter smell to it. It tastes like almost banana but mostly chocolate chip flavored and just a bunch of other stuff that my mom threw in there. I remember when I first ate it tasted so bad like bro; I thought my mom tried to poison me. I Usually eat it at birthday parties because my mom makes a lot and brings it to parties, we also eat it on other special occasions like Halloween, Christmas, Chinese New Year etc. She only makes it on special occasions that’s why we rarely have it. My mom has like a happy and angry vibe, she has brown eyes black hair she's like 4 foot 1 she's nice to everyone around her especially if she does not have a good relationship w you but she's heartwarming and caring to everyone. This dish reminds me of my mom because she’s the one who always makes it, and it also reminds me of when I first tried it, it also reminds me of how good it is and how she improved on making a delicious dish like chocolate chip cookies. -- By Phylix R.

Sugar cookies

I was feeling bored one night and I always wanted to make cookies but not just regular chocolate chip cookies, I wanted to make sugar cookies. I was home alone with my brother since my brother had baked before he agreed to help me. I started looking for recipes on Pinterest I had found some, but we didn’t have the right ingredients. Then I searched google for sugar cookie recipes. Fortunately, I found a good recipe. We had all the right ingredients and it was easy, plus it was time-efficient. The only different ingredient that we had was organic cane sugar instead of white sugar. I think the cookies taste better with organic cane sugar than white sugar because it has more flavor and it’s sweeter. As the cookies are baking you should be able to smell the sweetness in the air, you should smell them throughout your home, and when I baked them it made me feel cozy and warm inside. If you followed the recipe correctly, once out of the oven, the cookies should look golden brown, have a few cracks going through the top, they should also have expanded, and should be delicate. Finally, they should taste delicious, sweet, savory, and should feel hard on the outside and chewy on the inside. My favorite memory of making the cookies was making it for the first time because they ended up being way better than I expected. Baking the cookies meant to me, I can have more confidence in baking things. I hope your cookies turn out to be as good as mine. By James W.

Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Pavlova Contributed by Claire E.

Finished dish. Photo Contributed by: Claire E.

Equipment List • • • • • • • • •

Electric Hand Mixer Medium Bowl Pan Parchment Paper Spatula Measuring cups Small bowl Chef’s knife Vegetable peeler


Prep time:

Cooking time:

8 servings

2 hours


This recipe is a sweet and delicious meringue topped with smooth creamy whipped cream and fresh berries. I got this recipe from my mom. Her mom (my grandma) would make it for my mom and her siblings on specials occasions like birthdays and holidays. It’s special to me because it’s a part of my mom’s childhood and she passed it down on me and my sister. It’s also a very common delicacy in Australia, which is where my mom was born. This dish is usually served as a dessert after dinner. It’s served as a cold dish. I would suggest serving it on an open platter to show off your beautiful design of berries. You can decorate it with any berries of your choice. If you are vegan or lactose intolerant you can substitute the regular whipping cream for almond or coconut whip cream. Also, instead of egg whites you can use aquafaba.


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Ingredient Notes

Table of Ingredients Metric 355ml 7ml 5ml 5ml 20ml 355ml 5ml

Ingredients 3 large egg whites Sugar Cornstarch Vanilla extract (meringue) Vinegar Boiling water Whipping cream Vanilla extract (whip cream) Your choice of fruit

• US

Aquafaba: you can find this ingredient at Walmart.

1 ½ cups 1 heaping tsp 1 tsp 1 tsp 4 tsp 1 ½ cups 1 tsp

Procedures for meringue: This is step 8. Photo contributed by: My mom (Erin E.)

1. Preheat the oven to 400F 2. Separate 3 large egg whites and add them to a medium sized bowl. 3. Measure out white castor sugar and dump in with the egg whites. 4. Add 1 heaping tsp of cornstarch into the mix. 5. Put in vanilla extract. 6. Pour in white vinegar. 7. Add the boiling water to the mixture. 8. Stir your mixture with your electric hand mixer for about 15 minutes on high. You should be able to form peaks with your meringue. 9. Once it’s ready, scoop your meringue on a pan, sheeted with parchment paper. It should be about an inch high. 10. Put the Meringue in the oven for 3mins 11. When the timer is done lower the temperature to 300F for 35mins 12. Leave to cool.

Procedures for whipped cream: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Pour your whipping cream into a small bowl. Add the vanilla extract. Whip with your electric hand mixer until light and fluffy. Spread on top of the cooled meringue.


Our Family’s Thoughts

Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Procedures for fruit: 1. Wash your fruit. 2. Cut or peel your fruit if needed. 3. Place on the whipped cream in a design.


Tang Yuan Chinese New Year, other wise known as Spring festival, is the most celebrated holiday in China. It’s about celebrating Chinese traditions, eating special foods like Tang Yuan and spending time with family, especially grandma. The purpose of this festival is to ward off the bad luck from last year and welcome the good luck into the new year. About one to two weeks prior to the festival, people are supposed to clean and declutter their entire house. It is optional to decorate your house with calligraphy and festive lanterns. Tang Yuan is a traditional dessert consumed by many people during Chinese New Year. It carries a delightful aroma of sweet ginger soup. The lovely soft, chewy, plump pockets of mochi (glutinous rice balls) oozing with sugar, floating in a wonderful soup. My family usually makes peanut butter and sugar filled tang yuan, but there are endless varieties. Before eating, we would bai sun [pray to the god], then afterwards we would head to the dining table to chat and enjoy the yummy treats we made together. My grandma is the one who teaches my sister and I all these wonderful recipes. She is about 70 years old, around 5 feet tall, and has short black hair. She is the nicest, most caring grandma in the whole entire world. Every time I make a joke, she’ll laugh even though it’s nonsensical. Her love is never ending. My childhood is filled with memories of her making me restaurant quality noodles after school. Whenever I make tang Yuan, I always get warm fuzzy feelings reminding me of tradition, wonderful food and memories of spending time with my grandma. --By Jaylee M.

Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

红豆汤:Red Bean Soup (Hong Duo Tang) Contributed by Jeslyn Z

Photo taken by Jeslyn Z.

Equipment List • •


Prep time:

Cooking time:

2 servings

1 minute

40 minutes

My Dad made this for me when I asked him. I love it a lot since it tastes so sweet. I really like it because my dad would buy a red bean soup from T&T supermarket, and I always drank it after I finished my dinner. There’s another version of this dish. It’s Green Bean Soup. same as Red Bean soup just with Green beans instead of Red Beans. This dish is a Chinese Dessert. Most Chinese Restaurants have/make this dish as a dessert or side. Me and my mom loves to eat/drink it, Recently, my dad makes it for both me and my mom when I ask for it, my brother doesn’t drink/eat it, my dad does drink/eat it though. We think it’s a great dessert, and always to server after dinner. It tastes sweet, and very yummy after all.

Rice Cooker Bowl

Serve after dinner as a dessert or side dish. You can add Glutinous Rice (Tang Yuan) or Jujube (Hong Zao), or Starch Pearls or anything of your choice.


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Ingredient Notes

Table of Ingredients Metric 10g 50g 500g

Ingredients Jujubes Red Beans Water

• US 0.35oz 0.7oz 17.63oz


If you like Jujubes, you can add 10 or more, if you don’t like Jujubes, just add 5 or less Prepare additions to the soup if you want, like Starch Pearls.

1. Put Two Handfuls of Red Beans into a bowl. 2. Clean the red beans inside the bowl using tap water. 3. Grab how much Jujubes you want (Recommend 5 Jujubes, but if you like them, grab 10 or more), and wash them thoroughly in tap water, put the washed Jujubes in the bowl with the red beans afterwards. 4. Wash the red beans and Jujubes again in the bowl with water, pour out water and not the ingredients. 5. Pour 500g of water into the bowl. 6. Pour out the contents of the bowl plus the water into a cooker. 7. Cook the contents at the lowest pressure. 8. Leave for 3 hours, after 3 hours pour it in a bowl.

Step 3, Grab how many Jujubes you want, (Left: Red Beans in the bowl, Right: Jujubes outside) Photo taken by Jeslyn Z.

9. Add the additions afterwards into the bowl.

Our Family’s Thoughts


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Rice Krispies squares Contributed by Kumiko Y Yield:

Prep time:

Cooking time:

[9 by 13 pan]

[o minuets]

[10 minuets]

I chose rice Krispies squares because as a child my mom made me them all the time. She made them for birthdays, Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's day etc. There just so easy to make she said. I grew up eating this food and I love it. She usually makes one pan and by one week all of them are gone. This snack could be eating however you would like. It’s an really easy snack to make and you could even bring it on road trips. this snack is so good and I hope like it.


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Ingredient Notes

Table of Ingredients Metric




rice Krispy squares

6 cups

1.25 ml


5 cups

50 ml


¼ cups

2 ml

Vanilla extract

½ tsp

[If your recipe includes any unusual or hard to find ingredients, explain them here and describe where people can buy them and/or what they can use instead. If it doesn’t, delete this section.]

Procedures 1. Buy rice krispies cereal box, one bag of marshmallows, ¼ cups butter and 2. (vanilla extract is optional). 3. butter your pan. 4. Grab a bowl and microwave the marshmallows for a minute and a half then add (vanilla extract optional). 5. Then when microwave add rice krispies squares in slowly. 6. When it's all in stir quickly. 7. Slowly put all the rice krispies into your pan. 8. Finally wait in till it's not sticky.

Step [X with summary]. [Photo or Illustration] by [Firstname Lastnameinitial]

Our Family’s Thoughts


Chocolate Cake It was a rainy day and I was bored at home as usual. But for some reason I wanted to bake something. I had never baked any dessert other than apple pie, pumpkin pie, and jello. I decided to ask my aunt for a dessert recipe, she pulled out a large binder that seemed slightly covered in flour from past desserts she had made. Although there were many dessert recipes in the binder, there was one that seemed the most delightful, it was a chocolate cake. I looked at the list of ingredients, luckily, we had all the ingredients necessary for this recipe. As we were making the chocolate cake, I watched the hand mixer knead the dough together. The dough looked as soft as a cloud. The sound of the hand mixer was as loud as music at a party. When the cake gets into the oven your home will start smelling like chocolate. Once it was done baking, my aunt took it out of the oven so it could cool down. The chocolate cake tasted sweet, savory, delicious and flavorful. The scent of the cake was very pleasant and sugary. The touch was soft and delicate. My favorite memory of making this cake would be the first time I made it since I didn’t expect it to turn out as amazing as it did. There isn’t a specific holiday or event I would make this at but I would say you could make it for any family dinner or holidays such as New Years, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. What making this cake means to me is that no matter what type of day you’re having you can choose to turn It around and do something fun. By Ariana F.

Apple Pie The smell. The rich flavor and ripe apples. The appearance of the dish is crispy and has lots of texture. My mom got the recipe from our grandpa. He showed my mom how to make it. Obviously, it took practice but soon she was able to make it the masterpiece it is. The precise slices of the ripe apples. It’s sweet but not too sweet and dissolves in your mouth. My family usually makes this pure apple pie on a traditional day (Christmas or Easter). The first time I ate this excellent dessert was when I was five years old. This is when my mom was learning to master the recipe from my grandpa. My mom is a hard worker and never gave up trying to make the apple pie errorless. This recipe is important to me and my family because it was handed down from my grandpa’s dad and then to my grandpa and finally my mom. It was also given to my mom on a very old piece of paper. It was crinkled and a yellow color when we got it. My mom retyped it and kept the old one for safe keeping. --By Milica A.

Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Shortbread cookies with jam Contributed by Carina C.

Finished dish. Photo by Carina C.

Equipment List • • • • • • • • • • •

Measuring cups Measuring spoons (tsps.) Large mixing bowl Stand or hand mixer with pedal and whisk attachment Plastic wrap Baking sheets Parchment paper Rolling pin 1 ½ inch cutter Wire rack Airtight container (if not planning to eat right away)


Prep time:

Cooking time:

70 cookies

20 minutes (hands on) + about 2 hours in the fridge

15-20 min

I got this recipe from a website around two years ago. This recipe is special to me because I enjoy making it during Christmas or any other festive season. The shortbread cookies are buttery and light, and you can have them on their own. These cookies remind me of spending time with family and friends and Christmas, due to them mostly being eaten during that time of year and eating them as a family. Shortbread cookies are easy to make though they are delicate cookies that practically melt in your mouth. I personally prefer to add strawberry jam. The jam adds a sweeter taste and adds a bit more texture. If you prefer to, you can replace the jam suggested with any that you like. You can serve these as treats/ dessert, have them for snack, or give them to friends and family on a festive season. Vanilla extract can be replaced with another extract of your choice if needed. Lastly instead of using a round cookie cutter, you can use other shaped cookie cutters if it is approximately the same size as the requested cookie cutter (not tested).


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Table of Ingredients Metric 500 ml 250 ml 10 ml 125 ml 750 ml 80 ml

Ingredients Butter at room temperature Icing sugar Vanilla extract Corn starch Flour Jam

US 2 cups 1 cup 2 tsp ½ cup 3 Cups 1/3 Cup

Procedures 1. Cream together the butter and icing sugar until very smooth and creamy using a mixer with whisk attachment in a large bowl. Cream until no lumps of butter and sugar are visible. 2. Blend in vanilla extract until well incorporated. 3. Sift together the flour and cornstarch into a bowl. 4. Slowly blend flour and cornstarch into creamed mixture using the pedal attachment on the mixer until a soft dough forms (If needed take dough out of bowl and knead by hand until dough forms). 5. Split dough into two equal round portions. 6. Wrap dough in plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. 7. To bake the cookies, preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius/ 350 degrees F and line baking sheets with parchment paper. 8. Roll the dough out using a rolling pin to around ½ cm thick. Use the cookie cutter to cut out the cookies. 9. Place cookies on parchment paper ½ inch apart. 10. Using your index finger indent the middle of the cookies. Place jam into indented wells. 11. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until they just start to turn turning golden brown at the edges. 12. After baking, let cookies cool for 10 minutes on the pan before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely. If not serving right away store in airtight containers.


Step 10: make sure you don’t over fill the cookies with jam or else they will overflow on to the parchment paper when baking the cookies. Photo by Carina C

Our Family’s Thoughts

Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Sugar cookies Contributed by James W Yield:

Prep time:

Cooking time:

12 cookies

15 minutes

10 minutes

The end result of the cookies By: Helen I

Equipment List • 1 Small bowl • 1 Big bowl • Measuring spoons • Measuring cups • Regular metal spoon • An Electric mixer • Parchment paper • Cookie sheet

The recipe was very easy to make; as long as you know how to follow instructions. Even if you’re a beginner baker, it’s easy to make. Also, a good thing about this recipe is you don’t have to freeze the dough like other sugar cookie recipes. The reason that this recipe is important to me is because of my family’s thoughts. They said it was better than any store-bought sugar cookies they ever had! They were proud of me considering that these were the first cookies I ever baked and that I had gotten the recipe online. This cookie is best eaten when it’s 5 minutes out of the oven or any time you crave one. If served with a glass of milk it would taste better. Also, you can sprinkle a little bit of sugar on top if there isn’t enough just after taking them out of the oven. It’s great when you are craving a sweet cookie. It’s great for having guests over because everyone ends up liking them.


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Ingredient Notes

Table of Ingredients Metric 655 ml 5 ml 2.5 ml 240ml 1 5 ml 350 ml

Ingredients All-purpose flour Baking Soda Baking Powder Softened Butter Egg Vanilla Extract Organic Cane Sugar or White Sugar

US 2 ¾ cup 1 tsp ½ tsp 1 cup 1 1 tsp 1 ½ cups

If you can, try to use organic cane sugar from Costco (personally it tastes better). Make sure to spread them out enough because they expand a lot.

Procedures 1. Preheat oven to (190 degrees C) 375 degrees F. 2. In a medium bowl whisk together flour, baking powder, and baking soda, then set aside. 3. In a large bowl, cream together sugar and butter until smooth with an electric mixer. 4. Beat in egg and vanilla then gradually pour dry ingredients and mix them together until blended. 5. Roll dough into 1-inch circular shapes and place onto parchment paper that’s on a cookie sheet; then put in oven. 6. Bake for 8-10 mins; (they’re ready when they are golden brown). Let them rest for 2 mins after you take them out, then put them on a cooling rack. 7. Enjoy!

Step 2: about to pour and whisk flour. By James W

Our Family’s Thoughts


Chocolate Mousse When I was 5, my mom would make me my favorite dessert for Christmas. She says that I made this in preschool, but I never remember making it exactly like this. Anyways, I really enjoy making it and eating it. I would make the chocolate pudding and crush the cookies while she made the cream. When we ate it afterwards, I always wanted a second. I mean, 8oz (250ml) of chocolate pudding was just never enough. The chocolate mixed with cookie crunch was layered together, cookies at the bottom, chocolate pudding then another layer of Oreos, yet another layer of chocolate pudding topped with even more cookie pieces. I’ve always been fond of sweet foods, so the sight always made me hungry, the smell was no help at all either. The sweet scent of chocolate was the best touch. After dinner, my brother and I would quickly go to the kitchen and reach into the fridge to grab the dessert. We sat down together and unwrapped the plastic around the cup then scooped the pudding with a spoon into my mouth. Eating this with my brother was the best after a great dinner. I don’t make this every year anymore, we just don’t get to it but this year I’m sure we are. I’ve never had a chocolate mousse as good as my mom’s. I tried every chocolate mousse I could find, but in the end the chocolate pudding with the cookie crunch always wins.

--By Caylee L

Vanilla Cupcakes Vanilla cupcakes. Many people have eaten and made them, and many even call it their favourite type of cake. So, given their popularity my grandma and I decided to make them for her and my papa’s anniversary. My family and I had gone up to Saskatchewan to visit my mom’s parents. While we were there, we made vanilla cupcakes. I had decided to prepare green icing for half of the cupcakes because my papa’s favourite colour was green. They turned out looking very unpleasant, the icing was swamp green and had many red sprinkles on the top. The cupcakes without the icing were a perfect golden brown and tasted like warm sweet sugar with a hint of vanilla. They had made the whole house smell like sweet vanilla. I remember laughing so much while making them and helping my grandma mix everything together. I also recall her looking so incredibly happy. I will never forget that trip and making the swamp green cupcakes which in the end, tasted lovely even though they weren’t the prettiest. My papa ended up really enjoying the cupcakes or at least he said he did just to make me feel proud of myself which was probably the case. I loved seeing them both so happy and in love. To this day my favourite cupcake is still vanilla. By Ariana C.


Bubble Milk Tea

The drink I'm doing for my narrative is Bubble tea, let's make that milk tea. Bubble milk tea is basically a drink with like milk, powder and like some type of syrup. Milk tea smells like a milky sweet glass of heaven and it looks like a brown/white colour drink with black Boba at the bottom of the cup and it is so good to drink. It taste like a cup of sweetie goodness and it is like coffee but not as strong and it’s a lot better. My favorite memory of drinking milk tea is when my friends and I went to Metrotown and were looking at shoes to buy, And this was before I ever have try bubble milk tea in my life. After we look at some shoes to buy my friend Aidan said lets go for bubble tea, I said I have never tried bubble tea so let's try it. The place I tried my first bubble tea was a place called Chatime. I asked my friends what should I get and they said get Milk tea with pearls. At the time, I had no idea what that was so I got it. When I got the drink I to took a sip of the drink and all the amazing flavors in my mouth. It was a sweet strong tasty taste in my mouth. So Bubble milk tea is the drink that has a special place in my heart and I really recommend the drink like really you should go try the drink right now. --By Ryan M

Appy Fizz What is Appy Fizz? This is the question I’m always asked when I say my favourite drink is Appy Fizz. Appy Fizz is the most heavenly, chilly, sweet, fizzy, and refreshing drink there is. If you’re having trouble imagining this, just imagine summer in a bottle. Unfortunately, it does not smell like it because it lacks any smell at all. It looks like sparkling apple juice in black packaging, but it tastes much better. In Canada, it’s extremely rare to find it at your normal grocery store (Real Canadian Superstore, Safeway, Whole Foods, etc.) because it’s imported from India where it was developed, introduced, and is sold. Our parents grew up in South India where our family spent most of our summers visiting distant relatives we didn’t even know existed. The heat is unbearable and the only thing you think of is water. When you take your first sip, a burst of flavours that captivates you until you swallow it. Our grandpa always used to buy Appy Fizz for me and my brother, and it always felt almost liberating to taste a sip of ice-cold Appy Fizz on a ridiculously hot summer day. Our grandpa would meet us at the airport and give us a gigantic bottle of Appy Fizz each. When he passed away, our uncle took it upon himself to continue the Appy Fizz tradition. Whenever I drink Appy Fizz, it reminds me of my grandpa who was always so kind and loving. He was a good man and blood cancer took him away from us. This drink is the best way I can remember him. That’s why Appy Fizz is my favourite drink. -By Ranin S.

Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Strawberry Bubble Tea Contributed by Andrew Sim

Image of strawberry bubble tea. By: Andrew S


Prep time:

Cooking time:


10 minutes

30 minutes

My recipe is bubble tea and it’s easy to make and good when it’s hot outside. I got it from my brother when he made smoothies, so I decided to put boba to make it into bubble tea. Bubble tea is served after dinner or when it’s hot outside. You can make a different flavor by using a different fruit or by adding a different ingredient. For example, you can use mangos instead of strawberries or any other kind of fruit.

Equipment List • • • •

Blender Pot Stove Wooden spoon


Recipes from the BNSS Class of 2024

Ingredient Notes

Table of Ingredients Metric 700 ml 240 ml 118.3 ml

Ingredients Frozen strawberries Milk Boba

US 3 cups 1 cups ½ cup

You can go to a store like Costco or any other grocery store and buy the strawberries. Go to TNT and buy Boba.

Procedures 1. Get all your ingredients 2. Plug the blender into the plug. 3. Start with 1 cup of frozen strawberries and then add the bit by bit until they all blend. 4. Put 1-2 cups of milk. 5. Boil the Boba in a pot for 45 minutes, keep mixing with wooden spoon until they become soft. 6. After its done empty the water and put the Boba into a cup. Step 1 I got all my ingredients out and I’m ready to make it. Andrew Sim

7. Then put the smoothie in. 8. Enjoy!

Our Family’s Thoughts



Strawberry Bubble Tea The first time I had smoothie was at my grandparents' house and they made me a blueberry smoothie and I enjoyed it a lot and it tasted good. It was a blue and purple and a cold drink and it tasted like a sweet drink you would buy at a restaurant, but one day I went to a restaurant and I found out about strawberry smoothie and I liked it even more so when I discovered bubble tea I went to a store to buy the pearls. These pearls were like gummies in your drink, but these pearls didn’t taste like much, but the smell is something I cannot describe. The person who first made this in my family was my brother he made a strawberry smoothie, but this smoothie was thicker than normal, and I liked it, so I put the pearls in to make it into bubble tea. I think the best time to make this is after you play a sport or when it's hot outside. A place you can get bubble tea is at bubble world they have a lot of different flavors if you want to make a smoothie buy frozen strawberries and milk if u want more taste you can add other things and if you want new flavors you can change the fruits. By Andrew S.

(Diet) Mountain Dew For as long as I recall, Mountain Dew has been my drink of choice. I was in the fourth grade when I was given this heavenly, fizzy, refreshment by my friend. As I have never been introduced to this magical, appetizing, piquant, rich, and savory beverage, I was very skeptical about this canteen of flavor carbonated water. As I open the canteen of the drink that gives your taste buds a shower of distinctive flavor, I heard the pop of the can of carbonated water. I took a mouthful of the slightly opaque, greenish-yellow, carbonated, delicious drink, I loved this great beverage. Now that I am much more of a teenager than when I first tried the yummy, luscious, distinctive, divine, exquisite, enticing, delectable, drink, I care about how I look. I still want to taste this piquant refreshment, but as it puts on a total of 170 calories, I had to betray it. I took the only replacement possible. Diet Mountain Dew. This new refreshment was one of the brothers of the great drink that touch my taste buds years ago. Diet Mountain Dew contains no calories at all. Alongside that it tasted the same as the normal Mountain Dew, at least to me. It was a magical, appetizing, piquant, rich, and savory new beverage. So now this new beverage has been my favorite drink ever since I entered high school. --By Larry H.


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