Good Planning Makes Good Beginning. ‘Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare’ (Japanese saying).
What is happening in the field of strategic planning at the regional level in the Kyrgyz Republic?
According to the expert findings, there are lots of ‘beautiful’ strategies which remain ‘dusted’ and forgotten in the bookshelves of the agencies. Different parties have been supporting the development planning at the regional level in line with their objectives, resulting in many different strategies for one and the same ayil okmotu, in many cases. There has been no unified methodological approach to organize the strategic planning of oblasts, rayons and ayil okmotu levels in a coordinated way in line with the sustainable development pillars. There is a huge gap between the national and regional level strategic planning processes. The local capacity is low in addition to frequent staff turnover in the local and regional government structures, to address the strategic planning aspects.
What are the changes of this situation now?
Instead of fragmented and isolated planning process at the regional level, now the process will be fully coordinated by the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic. During July 20-22 in Osh city, the first discussion of the review of the existing strategies of the southern oblasts of the country took place in a meeting, organized and facilitated by the leadership of the Ministry of Economy and supported by UNDPUNEP Poverty-Environment Initiative (PEI). Most importantly, the expert group has facilitated the transfer of knowledge and skills through practical sessions to work on the existing strategies of the oblasts and ayil okmotu by applying the methodological guidance of the Ministry of Economy. The experts will work with the working groups of the oblasts to accompany the review and finalization of the strategies of the southern oblasts. 75 participants included the planners from the regional offices of the Ministry of Economy, State Agency for Environment Protection, National Statistics Committee, local self government, NGOs and educational institutions. Review of the existing strategies to integrate the sustainable development pillars is based on the methodological guidance developed by the Ministry of Economy and those practices and lessons learned from it’s practical application up to now. Such reviews raise the key questions for planners like How are these strategies working in reality? Do they reflect the three inter-connected linkages of economic growth, environment protection and social inclusion?,
Where are the gaps?, What are the implementation
results?, How is gender equality addressed and how to ensure it properly in the strategy? Ms. Aidai Kurmanova, State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy highlighted that beginning of such work means the start of new system of work in the field of strategic planning at all levels, including the regional level. ‘It is very important for all of us, we have now the methodological framework to unify the strategic planning process vertically and horizontally, which is a good basis for making realistic plans for sustainable development’ she noted.
Chief Specialist of the Department of Planning of State Expenditures of the Ministry of Finance, Ms. Amanova Jazgul noted the importance of the budget questions in strategic planning and strengthening the collaboration between the Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Finance, key planning and budgeting ministries of the country. Ministry of Economy is a key government body responsible for the policy and practice of strategic planning of development of the country. Following Rio+20, the country initiated the key development priorities in line with the sustainable development agenda. It established a new Department on Strategic Planning, developed and adopted the methodological framework and strengthening the legislative basis , with the support from UNDP-UNEP PEI.
If to list few immediate benefits for all sides, these will be participatory planning led and owned by the regions, guided by the Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Finance, well-informed and coordinated under the unified methodological framework of the Ministry of Economy, strengthened capacities through ‘learning by doing’ and on-job training throughout the process of revising the oblast strategies. It is hoped that at the end all of these and other benefits will make it’s good contribution to the sustainable development of the regions of the Kyrgyz Republic. Clear vision with effective action will make a good case for the regional development.