PEI projects in the Suusamyr AO (2012-2014) Brief Information 1. Supporting the development of the Suusamyr AO development programme till 2014 (in line with the National Strategy of Sustainable Development. The programme has been developed with the expert support of the experts under the Ministry of Economy in 2013 and it is adopted by the Suusamyr AO Local Council. 2. Two exchange visits took place between Suusamyr AO and Naryn oblast during 2012 and 2013 to learn the best practices in pasture management and implementation of micro-projects. 3. 3 micro-projects were developed through a participatory process during 2012 (stakeholder workshops in Suusamyr AO), which resulted in selecting three micro-projects. These are shown in the table below:
Project title
Opening of wool processing and sewing workshop in Tunuk
Poverty reduction and environment protection through enhancing economic opportunities for rural women and support of income generating activities in Tunuk village, Suusamyr ayil okmotu Poverty reduction through rational management of natural resources in Suusamyr ayil okmotu
Purchase of grain cleaner for better harvest and reduced harm on soil
Refitting the tractor into an excavator and bulldozer
Poverty Reduction through improved access to pastures and improved infrastructure in Suusamyr ayil okmotu
Construction of two biothermical pits in Suusamyr Aiyl Okmotu (with co-funding from UNDP Climate Risk Management project) TOTAL BUDGET:
Jobs created (approx) 8
Total number of beneficiaries (direct& indirect) Direct: 112 Indirect: 1100
Including woman
Total cost: USD9 692 6 973USD- PEI 2719USD - Local contribution:
Total cost: 13 008USD 10 883USD- PEI contribution
The same as above (grain cleaner)
The same as above (grain cleaner)
2125USD- local contribution Total cost: 18 500USD 11 000USD-PEI 5000USD-Suusamyr project 2500USD- local contribution Total cost: 21 737 USD 8000USD -PEI cofunding
62 932USD PEI- 36 856USD UNDP projects -18 737USD Local contribution7344USD
PEI built on the
successes of the Suusamyr project funded by GEF. One of the micro-projects were co-funded by the Suusamyr project (Refitting the tractor into an excavator and bulldozer). The key partners were Suusamyr local self government, Pasture Committee and Association of Jaamats. In brief, the following good results are achieved together with these partners:
The year-by-year increase has been from 14 tonns in 55 hectares by 18 jaamats in 2010 to 1200 tonns in 6000 hectares by 126 jaamats in 2014. In 2009 Suusamyr AO used 1000hectares of land out of 19 000 hectares of available land due to lack of seeds. Today it increased to 6000 hectares. This work has been having three-fold impact in Suusamyr AO – economic (increased income and complete selfsufficient supplies of seeds), social (mobilized rural residents, inclusion of and outreach to vulnerable layers) and environmental (protection of soil and land). These jaamats are also diversifying their income-generation activities due to increased income from the harvest.
In 2013, PEI co-funded the bio thermic Bekkari pit project with the Climate Risk Management project. The amount of the provided co-funding is about 8 000USD. In 2014, PEI is cooperating with the Climate Risk Management project in developing a training module focused on PE and CRM issues in Suusamyr AO, with a focus on gender mainstreaming. The module is being developed . With the approval of the AWP 2014 Phase II (July-December), several specific activities are to be implemented in Suusamyr AO together with the counterparts there (Community Radio and women groups).