Getting Down to Business

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Getting down to business

Wednesday, 12 October 11

How to be successful

Wednesday, 12 October 11

What is success?

Wednesday, 12 October 11


success is going from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm Winston Churchill

Wednesday, 12 October 11


Wednesday, 12 October 11


you have reached the pinnacle of success as soon as you become uninterested in money Thomas Wolfe

Wednesday, 12 October 11


money doesn't bring happiness and creativity. Your creativity and happiness brings money Sam Rosen

Wednesday, 12 October 11

A better lifestyle

Wednesday, 12 October 11


work to live. don’t live to work. Hank Kimball

Wednesday, 12 October 11

it didn’t work out as you expected, did it? You’re working longer hours and under constant stress.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

as business owners the responsibility rests with us. We are always one bad decision from disaster.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

we treat working long hours as a badge of honour. In reality it’s killing us.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

you cannot use the fact that you love your job as an excuse to have no life.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

I can no longer drag myself into the chaos. Cup after cup of brewed coffee no longer gives me the energy I need to finish the paperwork that lies upon my desk. Prayer of a burnt out office worker

Wednesday, 12 October 11

establish good habits now. Take control of your working life.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

the four pressure points bringing in business dealing with clients feeling out of control too much work

Wednesday, 12 October 11

Bringing in business

Wednesday, 12 October 11

you can be the best web designer but if you cannot sell you are lost. Your work will not speak for itself.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

to have peace of mind about where the next pay check will come from, you need a plan.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

Who are you targeting?

Wednesday, 12 October 11

you cannot wait for your audience to find you. You have to seek them out.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

you should never be too busy to market. Failure to do so leads to boom/bust business.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

Dealing with clients

Wednesday, 12 October 11


Aaaaarrgghh I hate my clients! Hate! Hate! Hate!! Alwani Othman @NiniAlwani

Wednesday, 12 October 11

we offer a service to our customers. We need to act like it.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

the client is not the enemy. We need to work with them, not against them.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

education, education, education

Wednesday, 12 October 11


my client wants constant updates! What do they want from me, email updates or a website? A prominent web designer

Wednesday, 12 October 11

Wednesday, 12 October 11


Wednesday, 12 October 11

it’s hardly surprising clients reject our designs when they are suddenly confronted by a finished piece of work.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

creating a website should be a journey you and your client goes on together. It is a collaboration of parters.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

Feeling out of control

Wednesday, 12 October 11

Think of our culture’s obsession with productivity: with the need for “hard work” and working long hours to get things done, with the need to be busy busy busy all the time, with the need to make lists and check them off. But for what? What’s the point of all this obsession? It leads to burnout, stress, anxiety, unhappiness, greed, confusion, and no time for family, friends, and yourself.

Wednesday, 12 October 11


a mind like water: How does water respond? The answer is, totally appropriately to the force and mass of the input; then it returns to calm. It doesn’t overreact or underreact. David Allen

Wednesday, 12 October 11

there was a time when I would lie awake worrying. Worrying I had missed something, that I was out of control.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

each day should have a beginning and an end. A point where you set the goals for the day and a point where you bring work to an end.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

we have tasks in notebooks, email, task lists, post it notes, our head and countless other places. No wonder we are stressed.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

if your email client checks email every five minutes that equals over 22,000 interruptions in a working year.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

one of the single biggest improvements you can make to your stress and productivity levels is to only check email twice a day.

Wednesday, 12 October 11 gives me confidence to do what I need without hovering over my inbox 24/7. Merlin Mann

Wednesday, 12 October 11

working in short 25 minute sprints (followed by 5 minute breaks) provides structure and focus to my work life.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

I am a philistine. When people talk about recycling, I don’t think of saving the planet. I think about saving me work.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

Too much work

Wednesday, 12 October 11

there is nothing worse than turning away great work because you are already working on something mediocre.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

there seems to be a unjustified fear of hiring employees among freelancers.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

I provide jobs to my staff not because I am a nice guy, but so I can work on what I want to and leave IE fixes to somebody else.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

working with other freelancers sucks. It kills your margins and turns you into a project manager. Nobody wants to be a project manager.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

when hiring you can either hire against your weaknesses or clone yourself. I prefer the former. Two of me would just be disturbing.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

We all hate admin so hire a part time person to deal with it.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

we all hate being interrupted so use a service like Money Penny to take your calls.

Wednesday, 12 October 11

So what does success look like?

Wednesday, 12 October 11

To me success is being confident and in control while working on what I want in a collaborative relationship with my clients.

Wednesday, 12 October 11


Every day, even a sad day blurred by headaches and filled with business meetings, is magical and infinite. This dance, this particular proton dance, will never come again. This tune we’re too busy to hear will not be played again. Never forget to be thankful for your life. Jeffrey Zeldman

Wednesday, 12 October 11

Thanks. Questions?


Wednesday, 12 October 11

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