2017 TABS/NAIS Global Symposium Preview

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April 30 - May 2


S U N D AY, A P R I L 3 0 11:00 am – 5:30 pm


1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Pre-Symposium Sessions

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Reception in Exhibit Hall

M O N D AY, M AY 1 7:30 am – 11:00 am


8:00 am – 8:45 am

Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Hall

9:00 am – 10:15 am

Featured Speaker

10:15 am – 10:30 am

Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall

10:30 am – 11:30 am

Concurrent Sessions A

11:30 am – 12:30 pm


12:45 pm – 1:45pm

Concurrent Sessions B

1:45 pm – 2:30 pm

Dessert Break in Exhibit Hall

2:30 pm – 3:45 pm

Concurrent Sessions C

Sponsored by IETS

Sponsored by Ivy Bridge Group

T U E S D AY, M AY 2 7:45 am – 10:00 am


8:00 am – 8:45 am

Continental Breakfast

9:00 am – 10:00 am

Concurrent Sessions D

10:00 am – 10:15 am

Coffee Break

10:15 am – 11:15 am

Concurrent Sessions E

11:15 am – 12:30 pm


12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

Concurrent Sessions F

1:30 pm – 1:45 pm

Coffee Break

1:45 pm – 2:45 pm

Concurrent Sessions G

Sponsored by IETS

Sponsored by Ivy Bridge Group


Combatting Stereotype Threat with Mindset, Motivation, & Research

Two decades of troubling research show that social stereotypes can become self-fulfilling prophecies. When students perceive stereotypes about their academic, athletic, or emotional capacities, their own efforts to disprove these stereotypes can undermine the abilities they intended to demonstrate. How can TABS teachers and schools— especially those interested in global connections—undo this destructive cycle?

Andrew Watson, President, Translate the Brain, MA

Leveraging the World Inside Our Schools: Fostering Meaningful Inclusion of International Students Student and Residential Life

This interactive workshop explores the complex and fascinating psychology behind Stereotype Threat. Crucially, we will spend most of our time discussing and practicing practical strategies for reversing its pernicious effects. Specifically, we will consider: A novel psychological model explaining the preconditions for Stereotype Threat, as well as its emotional and cognitive effects

• School climate strategies to reduce the “salience” of stereotypes •

Assessment strategies that allow students to demonstrate their growth and understanding of material, undistracted by stereotypes

• The powerful benefits of a Growth Mindset: especially strategies that “normalize struggle” to prevent the preconditions for Stereotype Threat from being met

SUNDAY 1 – 5pm

Up-to-date research in neuroscience and psychology, combined with extensive classroom experience, grounds the models and strategies presented in this workshop. Taken together, they help our students overcome stereotypes in order to learn, grow, and make global connections.


International schools have an unparalleled opportunity for global learning that includes the international students already present on their campuses engaging in meaningful dialogue. This session will explore challenges our international students experience inside our schools, including intercultural conflicts and integration of authentic global perspectives. It will feature practical strategies for curricular and social integration used at Appleby College which help to create safe learning and living spaces where all students feel included, appreciated and supported. Andrea Kelly, House Director/Assistant Director of Student Leadership, Appleby College, ON; Jennifer Klein, Director of Educator Development, World Leadership School, CO

Creating a Global Studies Diploma Program – The What, How and Why Academics A global studies “diploma-type” program is a great way to establish an upper school global curriculum without a “revolution.” In fact, many schools already have the necessary components to start such a program. After providing overviews of two prominent programs—one at Providence Day School and one at Hathaway Brown—the presenter will provide activities to help you create your own programs by identifying requirements, global-type courses, capstone projects, leadership needs, funding and strategic imperatives. You will also learn about other advantages of global studies diplomatype programs—including benefits to enrollment, admissions and faculty recruitment. Loren Fauchier, Ph.D., Director of Global Education, Providence Day School, NC


EMPOWERING GLOBAL CITIZENS A discussion on the role of curriculum and pedagogy in educating students for global citizenship. Fernando M. Reimers is the Ford Foundation Professor of the Practice of International Education and Director of the Global Education Innovation Initiative and of the International Education Policy Masters Program at Harvard University. Professor Reimers is an expert in the field of Global Education. His research and teaching focus on understanding how to educate children and youth so they can thrive in the 21st century. He studies how education policy and leadership foster educational innovation and quality improvement. As part of the work of the Global Education Innovation Initiative he leads, he and his colleagues have just finished a comparative study of the goals of education as reflected in the curriculum in Chile, China, India, Mexico, Singapore and the United States, published as Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century by Harvard Education Press, a book which has also been published in Chinese, Portuguese and Spanish. Another recent book, Fifteen Letters on Education in Singapore, examines the lessons that can be learned from Singapore’s efforts building a robust teaching profession. Another recent book, Empowering Global Citizens, discusses why global citizenship education, aligned with helping students advance human rights and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, is an imperative of our times. His writings have conceptualized and defined the profile of a globally competent graduate in the 21st century. He chairs an annual Think Tank that brings to Harvard University leaders of thought and practice in global education around the world. His interests include the design and promotion of innovations in Higher Education. He teaches a course on educational innovation and social entrepreneurship at the Harvard Innovation Lab, where students learn to develop innovative education organizations, and a course on educational policy analysis and research in comparative perspective, which examines the core education policy challenges faced by governments around the world. He is also active advising governments, international development organizations, universities, public and independent schools and other educational institutions to improve their quality and relevance. He is a member of the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education where he chairs the Strategic Planning Committee which works with all Universities in the State, aligning their strategic plans with the State’s Vision Project. He is a member of the US Commission for UNESCO and of the Steering Group of Education in Conflict and Crisis of the United States Agency for International Development and works with policy makers in the United States, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. He is a Fellow of the International Academy of Education and a member of the Council of Foreign Relations. More information about his work is available at fernando-reimers.gse.harvard.edu

SESSIONS BY TRACK ACADEMICS Track Sponsored by ETS TOEFL JR. 21st Century Skills Needed In A Global Economy Mark Siegel Agents of Change – Education for Social Change and Environmental Innovation Leopoldo Llinas Art in Society: Approaching Global Challenges Through Art in Action Marianne Kent-Stoll, Eduardo Santiago Creating and Implementing a Dynamic Global Studies Program Robert Adanto Curricular Approaches to Multicultural Learning with International Students Christopher Wilson, Frank Massey

Developing Ethical Leadership in our School Communities Beth Yavenditti, Kate Parker-Burgard

Now Is the Time: Increase Faculty Global Competency Diana Gleeson

Educating for the Future: A Sustainable Development Curriculum Tom Stewart, Flynn Corson

Reshaping Curriculum to Foster Global Competence Melissa Brown, Mary Dobroth, Rachel Herlein

Fostering Global Citizenship Through Project-Based Learning James Morrissey Immeasurable Perspective Gained Teaching in China Julia Porrazzo, Michael Porrazzo, William Porter

Empowering Global Citizens: A Follow-up Discussion of the Keynote Presentation Dr. Fernando Reimers

Infusing a Global Perspective Across Disciplines: A Curriculum Review in Progress Kristine Von Ogde

ADMISSION Track sponsored by Independent School Management (ISM) Be You, Beyond Your Border: How to Build a Marketing Plan Todd Ormiston, John Visgilio

Legal Advisory: Immigration Issues for Independent Schools Debra Wilson

Building an Orientation Program and Creating Connections Between International Students and the School Community Jennifer O’Connor, Jennifer Smith

International Student Recruitment Travel and Moving from Admissions to Student Services Joshua Clark

Building Effective Relationships with International Families Rick Exton, Vincent Hodge, Metta Dael

Teaching Literary and Historical Analysis to International Students Paul Abeln, Julie Porrazzo

advancement and marketing Creating a Culture of Philanthropy among International Parents and Alumni Raymond Happy, Robert Weston The #FutureSchool – Evolution or Transformation? Simon Noakes

Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) Updates for the K-12 Community Alexis Gioia

International Student Recruitment – US Commerce Department Services Jeff Porter

The Trials and Tribulations of Three Road Warriors On & Off the Road Anna Crouch, Alexandra Ince, Samantha Mallette

The Changing Face of the International Market Leo Marshall, Phil Martin, Gerard Gonnella

What Does Globalization Mean for Enrollment in Independent Schools? Aimee Gruber, Ioana Wheeler

college counseling The Impact of Internationalization: Supporting International Students in the College Admission Process Lindsay Mathers Addington, Tara Nicola, Joann Ng Hartmann

SESSIONS BY TRACK EXCHANGE • TRAVEL • VIRTUAL PROGRAMS Track Sponsored by The Experiment in International Living Best Practices in Risk Management for High School Study Abroad Kirstin French

Digital Storytelling Adventures: Create Global Citizens Cheri Gaulke, Alethea Paradis

Core Courses to ESL Students & Expand International Programs Sehba Khan, Xuan You

Beyond Study Abroad: Designing Mission-Driven and Transformative Experiential Programs Mónica Ruiz-Meléndez, Oscar Sosa

Global Education ePortfolio Russell Mayhew, Ricardo Carreno

We Are Taking Our Students to Mongolia! Now What? Meg Morse

Chinese Students at Independent Day Schools – Challenges and Solutions Loren Fauchier, Shelley Mikszan Creating Global Connections Through Online and Traditional Learning Shane Foster, Bram Van Kempen

Integration of Global Competency in the Curriculum with a University Partner Robert Malkin, PhD Learning to Listen: Engaging in Deep Discourse About Our Global World Christen Clougherty, Bonnie Jackson Using Online Education to Bring

STUDENT and RESIDENTIAL LIFE Track Sponsored by REACH Boarding Software A Holistic Approach to Supporting International Students at Our Schools Keith Holton, Mary Holton Activating Student Personal Teams to Promote Retention Christie Higuera, Mary Bazanchuk Building Villages Together Michelle Parker, Jen Cort Campus Superstars: Investing in Change-Makers Ron Cino, Jonathan Starr Caring for a Diverse Student Body: Lessons Learned Gabriel Ernesto, Annette Grew

Guided Discussion: Topics & Trends in Global Engagement Eric Johnson, Eric Miles, Angela YangHandy

Developing Cultural Competency in Our Schools David Gilbert, Kervin Saunders, Kevin Allen-Nash, Micajah Dudley International Student Cultural Immersion Justin Murphy, Luke O’Connell Supporting Transgender & Gender-Non-Conforming Students Alex Myers, MB Duckett Ireland, Joanne Lembo

HEALTH AND COUNSELING “What Are You?” Empathy Training for Improving Race Relations in the Classroom Nelly Kaakaty Improve Your Empathy Especially in Multicultural Communities John Valenzuela Working Together Against Anxiety: Partnering Academics & Social/Emotional Supports in a Boarding School Environment Matthew Toms, Jennifer Willis Welcoming Cultures: A Model for Understanding and Caring for International Students Stephen Telling, Brian Murray

Session descriptions are available at global-symposium.org

signature sponsors Beijing Kentrexs Enterprise Ltd.

Global Rescue – Exclusive Sponsor

Founded in 1997, Beijing Kentrexs Enterprise Ltd. is one of the earliest accredited overseas educational consulting firms in China. Kentrexs focuses on providing professional services and programs to help young Chinese students further develop their secondary and college education in the US. The philosophies of Kentrexs include matching students with the best schools for them to excel, and helping our partner schools achieve their yield rates.

Global Rescue is a worldwide provider of integrated medical, security, intelligence, travel risk management and crisis response services to academic institutions, enterprises, governments and individuals. Founded in partnership with Johns Hopkins Medicine, Global Rescue’s unique operational model provides best-in-class services that identify, monitor and respond to potential threats.

Penn Li, Vice General Manager 3470 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 850 Los Angeles CA 90010 888 424 4613 lipeng@kentrexs.cn www.kentrexs.cn

ETS TOEFL JR. The TOEFL Junior® tests, intended for students ages 11+ in middle school and lower levels of high school, provide insight into your students’ English communication skills to help you make the best decisions and guide them on a path to success. To better meet the expectations of English-language programs worldwide, the TOEFL Junior tests are available in two testing modes and measure a range of skills. Grace Espeut, Conventions Manager 660 Rosedale Road Princeton NJ 08541 609 734 1428 toefljunior@ets.org www.ets.org/toefljunior

Christopher Palmieri, Senior Manager 177 Milk Street, Suite 700 Boston MA 02109 617 210 8102 cpalmieri@globalrescue.com www.globalrescue.com

Independent School Management (ISM) ISM has been making a difference for private-independent schools since 1975. Our services include consulting, workshops, publications, risk management, employee benefits, financial aid, and free online services (e-letters, research, podcasts, e-lists). Through our research, and experience with more than 6,000 schools, ISM is uniquely capable of supporting each school’s goals. Marie Kelly, Manager of Professional Learning Programs 1316 N Union Street Wilmington DE 19806 302 656 4944 info@isminc.com www.isminc.com

International Education Training Services IETS is a nationally recognized New York City based professional development and consulting firm specializing in training SEVIS Designated School Officials and Responsible Officers in the regulations pertaining to F-1 and J-1 students, as well as federal compliance issues for educational institutions. We have offered workshops, webinars, as well as consulting at your school for over 25 years. Katharine H McBride, Director of K-12 SEVIS Training Program 42-24 158th Street Flushing NY 11358 718 445 9744 iets@ietstraining.com www.ietstraining.com

Ivy Bridge Group

The Experiment in International Living

Ivy Bridge is a CSIET accredited international education management organization. We provide comprehensive education services for international students who wish to study in the United States at the secondary level. Our services include: school recommendations and application assistance and a fullservice homestay program.

The Experiment in International Living has been offering immersive experiential learning programs abroad since 1932. Today, The Experiment offers summer programs for high school students in Europe; the Americas; Africa, south of the Sahara; North Africa and the Middle East; and Asia and the Pacific. Participants are challenged to explore the host country through hands-on experiences in local communities and through the lens of a specific theme.

Jennifer Fang, Educational Consultant 3470 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 850 Los Angeles CA 90010 888 424 4613 jfang@ivybridgegroup.com www.ivybridgegroup.com

Overabove At Overabove, we understand the world of new media and how to make traditional media work smarter. Our news and PR experience tells us how to spot an original, compelling story. Our marketing experience tells us how to give the story a competitive edge. We help clients rise above the clutter of thousands of messages and brands clamoring to get into people’s heads, delivering results above expectations. Elizabeth Ormiston, Client Engagement & Strategy PO Box 8 Essex, CT 06426 860 767 2777 info@overabove.com www.overabove.com

REACH Boarding Software REACH is a purpose built student management system that sets a global benchmark for managing and reporting daily activities in boarding schools. REACH operates on all devices and all platforms. Ten core modules provide for schools to manage risk, gain efficiency and improve communications. REACH simplifies student leave, student tracking, attendance monitoring and behavioural management. Brian Murray, Director 66 Stockdale Road Darlings Island NB E5N 6P4 Canada 506 721 9200 brian@reachboarding.com www.reachboarding.com

Heather Beard, Director of Admissions 1 Kipling Road Brattleboro VT 05302 802 258 3412 experiment@worldlearning.org www.experiment.org

Vericant – Exclusive Sponsor Vericant helps over 85 independent schools qualify their Chinese applicants with face-to-face video interviews. We are a 3rd party organization providing a reliable platform for admission officers to evaluate their Chinese applicants’ spoken English ability and non-cognitive skills. To learn how your admissions office can benefit from accepting the Vericant interview, please visit our website. Daniel Gentle, U.S. Partnership Director Timeson Tower, No. 12 Chaoyangmen N St, Suite 1002 Beijing 100020 China 575 224 1004 daniel.gentle@vericant.com www.vericant.com

exhibitors Atlas Workshops Atlas Workshops partners with schools on project-based global programs combining design, innovation and travel.

Envoys Envoys works with innovative schools to expand the boundaries of possibility for global education programming.

Shearwater Shearwater partners with over 55 schools to help students transition into the school through mentorship.

Adam White, Founder 45 Prospect Street Cambridge MA 02139 617 475 0141 info@atlasworkshops.com www.atlasworkshops.com

Felipe Correa, Managing Partner One Broadway, 14th Floor Cambridge MA 02142 800 515 6523 info@envoys.com • www.envoys.com

Micajah Dudley, Director of Partnerships 101 Tremont Street, 9th Floor Boston MA 02108 781 854 1032 laura@shearwaterintl.com shearwaterintl.com

CCS CCS is a leading global fundraising consulting and management firm servicing independent schools. Raymond Happy, Principal 527 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor New York NY 10022 800 223 6733 rhappy@ccsfundraising.com www.ccsfundraising.com Chill Expeditions Chill Expedition customizes global ecoimmersion expeditions for school groups to Spain and Latin America. Mike Budd, Expedition Development Director 501 Marywatersford Road Bala Cynwyd PA 19004 800 551 7887 requests@chillexpeditions.com www.chillexpeditions.com Due West Education Due West is the premier educational consulting firm in China offering experienced, ethical guidance. Rick Exton, VP, High School Preparation Suite 2701 Jing Guang Center, Hujailou, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020 China +86 10 8591 0912 x821 info@duewesteducation.com www.duewesteducation.com Edutours Africa Leading facilitator of customized faculty led and school group programs to Southern and East Africa. Barry Rawlings, Director 96 Beach Road, Noordhoek Cape Town 07979 South Africa +27 (0)83 440 8594 info@edutoursafrica.com www.edutoursafrica.com

Global Public Service Academies GPSA offers students hands-on medical work for some of the world’s poorest – in educational collaboration with Duke. Robert Malkin, Director 13200 Strickland, Suite 114-145 Raleigh NC 27613 919 491 6399 info@gpsa.org • www.GPSA.org Interactive Schools WEBSITE:CREATIVE:SOCIAL @intSchools is a global creative marketing & comms company #InspiringSchools

Three W International Three W International is the leading international student management company. MacKenzie Robinson, Administrative Assistant 301 E Pine Street, Suite 525 Orlando FL 32801 678 209 7804 mackenzier@threew.us • www.threew.us The Virtual High School Online and Blended Learning Solutions for Middle and High Schools.

Simon Noakes, Founder & CEO 86 Easton Street High Wycombe HP111LT UK 44 1494 761 884 wow@interactiveschools.com www.interactive-schools.com

Sehba Khan, Regional Sales Manager 4 Mill and Main Place Maynard MA 01754 978 450 0451 skhan@VHSLearning.org www.VHSLearning.org

iTEP International iTEP SLATE is an English language proficiency test for international middle to high school students.

World Leadership School WLS empowers young leaders and transforms learning through immersive student travel & educator development.

Nik Lajeunesse, Business Dev. Manager 22048 Sherman Way, Suite 210 Canoga Park CA 91303 818 887 3888 nlajeunesse@iteponline.com www.iTEPexam.com

Jennifer Klein, Director of Ed. Development 5595 Sunshine Canyon Drive Boulder CO 80302 303 257 7059 info@worldleadershipschool.com www.worldleadershipschool.com

KnowledgeLink KL is setting up educational programs globally to give every student unlimited access to educational opportunity.

Youth for Understanding YFU USA and 70 global partners offer 2-week excursions, semester, summer, gap & year-long exchanges.

Bram Van Kempen, Dir. of Business Development 1025 Main Street, Floor 3 Waltham MA 02451 781 690 4603 bvankempen@kleducation.org www.kleducation.org

Christina Mazzanti, Director of Marketing 641 S Street, NW, Suite 200 Washington DC 20001 202 774 5229 info@yfu.org • www.yfuusa.org

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