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UKrAiNiAN StUdeNtS mAKiNG their mArK At miLLFieLd

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BSA memBer LiSt

BSA memBer LiSt


students making the Millfield

Ana, a 17-year-old pianist, guitarist, singer and songwriter, has found solace in Millfield’s music department, performing in multiple concerts, and 16-year-old Vitalii Klymenko has set up a water polo team to pursue his passion for the sport and has already entered the National Championships.

As a result of the conflict in Ukraine, Millfield offered 10 free Ukrainian student places to enable children affected to safely continue with their education.

Ana and her family left their home in Kyiv immediately at the start of the conflict for safety, moving to Montenegro. She travelled to the UK on her own and her parents and younger sister Eva stayed in Montenegro, her guardian who lived locally heard about Millfield’s offer of places and Ana started in June. Ana is studying BTEC music at Millfield, with aspirations of a career in music and the dream of one day singing at Wembley Stadium.

Ana said: “I came to England because of the war but I never thought that I could study in a school like Millfield. All I want is to be in a safe place and continue my education. Millfield gave me lots of support when I joined the school, the teachers have helped me a lot with my language barrier and the Millfield community has helped me to continue to make my dreams come true.

Ana began as a day student but was soon offered a boarding place so that she could spend more time participating at school events.

Millfield recently offered me a boarding place to give me the opportunity to take part in events and help more with volunteering as well. i’ m happy about this because now i’ m fully involved in school life, and i can give back to Millfield’ s community as well. i really feel that i’ m a part of Millfield’ s community, and i’ m proud to be here. ”


Ana recently performed at the school’s Students International Dinner where she poignantly sang her mother’s favourite song Океан Ельзи – Обійми, a Ukrainian song about freedom. She said: “The song that I sang at the International Dinner is very important to me, it is one of my mum’s favourite songs. It talks about freedom, a new beginning after dark times and about the love of a person that helps you go through the most difficult times.

The lyrics translate to ‘Hug me, hug me, so gentle. Don’t let me go. When a day will come and the war will finish, I will start from the beginning’ .

“I really miss Ukraine and my family, I feel sad about what is happening in my country now, that’s why I chose that song. I spend most of the time in the music department where I can write and produce my songs. If I’m not in the music department - that means that it’s closed. My biggest dream is to sing at a concert in Wembley Stadium so for now I’m performing at school as much as I can so that I am not to be afraid of being on stage. Millfield’s events help me with that a lot.

After Millfield, Ana hopes to remain in the UK to go to university. “I think that I will go to university in the UK. I want to connect my life with music so I will do as much as I can to achieve that. I haven’t really thought too much yet about my future because it all changed in one day when the war began, and I need some time to get used to this rhythm of life now.

Vitalii, a regular water polo player in his homeland, quickly settled into Millfield after leaving Ukraine’s capital Kyiv and moving to Italy at first. His mum, dad and younger sister remain in Kyiv. Vitalii is studying maths, computer science and physics at Millfield. He said: “I found my transition to Millfield quite easy because of the relationships between teachers and other students, which are all very friendly. I have also received lots of support from them.

Missing his sporting passion, he asked Millfield’s Director of Swimming Euan Dale, if he could set up a water polo team, which Vitalii now coaches three times a week in the school’s 50m pool. “I really appreciate Millfield for giving me the opportunity to play water polo. In Ukraine I couldn’t do this during the war. I’ve been playing water polo for seven years, but I have never been a coach before, so it is a great experience for me to be in a coach role. We started our team two months ago and we have already made great progress. Euan, who worked with Vitalii to reintroduce water polo at the school after a several decade hiatus, said: “Seeing Vitalii’s passion for water polo, I knew straight away we had to make something work. We started a pilot boys programme and entered the National Championships! The team are looking great, they even managed to beat the 1st XI rugby team in a friendly match. This is a fantastic example of student voice making a difference and adding value to the Millfield community.

Vitalii’s favourite part about being at Millfield is the boarding. “Boarding is one of the best aspects for me at Millfield, I have a lot of friends in my house, and I really like joining in with all the house activities. ” After Millfield, Vitalii hopes to attend university and continue playing water polo.

it is heart-warming that both Ana and Vitalii have found their feet at Millfield in extraordinary circumstances, whilst they and their families continue to go through the trauma of war in their home country. i am very proud of them both and expect nothing less than the Millfield community supporting them in their passions. i am excited to see what they will achieve during their time in the Sixth Form and beyond. ” Gavin Horgan


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