Autumn 2016
Gold he Rio Olympics were cause
By Aileen Kane BSA Assistant Director Boarding School Magazine Editor
for celebration over the
summer, so it was fitting as
BSA reached the end of its Golden Jubilee year that one in five GB
medal winners were boarders and one in four attending a boarding
school! This triumph is testament to the facilities, time, dedication and expertise available to our students.
In this issue you can enjoy articles from our new Chair Leo Winkley,
Headmaster at St Peter’s School York, about his promotion of the ‘Boarding Family’ for BSA for this coming year
(page 5). BSA Chief Executive Robin Fletcher takes a critical look at the
sector post-Brexit (page 6) and Elaine
Standard provides valuable guidance on
about the importance of our
through their teenage years (page 9).
the positive impact the sector can
Student Affairs at Robert College in
(page 20).
steering the ‘anxious generation’ Margaret Halicioğlu, Dean of
Istanbul, has introduced a new
Within this issue, readers can enjoy a
successful. Read more on page 12.
conferences from 2016 (page 26) and
which is proving incredibly
Following the official launch at our
after the EU, mental health and
Barnardo’s Chief Executive Javed
resilience and the role of boarding in Scotland (page 40).
have in ‘Changing young lives’
counselling supervision programme
Logan, Glenalmond College’s first female Warden, also looks at life
‘Boarders for Barnardo’s’ project and
annual conference for heads in May, Khan talks to Boarding School to
round-up of our ‘Magnificent seven’
the triumphs from National Boarding Week (page 32).
With very best wishes for the new academic year.
Leo and Elaine’s messages of
boarding school supporting and
enhancing family life is particularly
pertinent as Natasha Devon (former government mental health advisor)
The Boarding Schools’ Association (BSA) champions boarding and promotes boarding excellence. The BSA represents around 500 independent and state boarding schools in the UK and overseas. BSA services include professional development, government relations, communications, media, publications, conferences and events.
Contents What a difference a term makes Robin Fletcher, BSA Chief Executive
One big family Leo Winkley, BSA Chair
An anxious generation Natasha Devon, mental health advisor
term }
Counselling supervision Margaret Halicioğlu, Dean of student affairs, Robert College
Preparing for change Chris Seal, Deputy Head, Millfield School
Boarding enrichment Raj Gosh, Abingdon School
Changing young lives Javed Khan, Chief Executive, Barnardo’s
Magnificent seven Champions unite to share the message of boarding
National Boarding Week celebrations in pictures
Big Boarding Sing
Skye’s Winner The sweet success of the BSA bake off
Store wars challenge Boarders for Barnardo’s
Songs of praise success Tring and Oakham
A lifelong passion Elaine Logan, Warden, Glenalmond College
A novel design Refurbishments at St Leonards School, St Andrew’s
How boarding can help prepare young people Eastbourne College
BSA School list
Front cover: Wycombe Abbey Colour Run Fun
Boarding School Magazine To subscribe Editor Advertising
T. 020 7798 1580 E.
Aileen Kane, BSA Assistant Director
Amy Wilson, BSA Events and Commercial Manager Boarding Schools’ Association 134 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9SA
What a difference a
So, to adapt Harold Wilson’s dictum, if a week is a long time in politics, six months is an eternity in the boarding world. Among all the activity and seismic shifts, Brexit is of course the one that is closest to home. There are around 5,000 boarding pupils from the EU at BSA member schools, including around 500 at state boarding schools. Assuming an average boarding fee of £20,000 a year (conservative?), the financial value of boarding places for EU citizens is £10m year. In the worst-case scenario the UK boarding sector could potentially lose all this business if we leave the EU.
Why? Because unless a deal can be reached on continued, mutual freedom of movement for UK-EU citizens then 4,500 EU boarders at independent boarding schools will become international applicants.
That means they will need to apply for visas, which may or may not be granted, schools will have to manage this process and agents/parents may decide to look at other countries instead of coming to the UK. On top of this, state boarding schools will no longer be able to offer places to students from the EU, effectively wiping out 10% of their boarding business overnight.
By Robin Fletcher BSA Chief Executive
So is there an answer to this EU recruitment Armageddon?
It is of course highly unlikely that every EU parent and agent previously interested in a UK boarding education will simply go elsewhere. The quality and reputation of UK boarding schools remains high and therefore will continue to be attractive, despite the potentially new visa hurdle. There is also nothing like a major crisis to keep you on your toes, challenge complacency and make you hungry to survive. What this means for boarding recruitment is that diversity remains the key to success.
So we should no more look to rely on EU countries for a supply of students to fill beds, than we should China or Russia. It is always high risk to have too few baskets for your eggs and this applies as much to overseas student recruitment as it does to any other area of life.
That’s why the worry of losing EU students is perhaps a spur to the sector to bring in new boarders from new areas, such as India and South America. Or to attract more boarders from existing non EU/Chinese/Russian markets, such as Africa. No one is suggesting that South America or India will replace lost EU students overnight, and perhaps the UK boarding sector will face a short-term loss of students at the same time as recruiting domestic boarders remains a challenge. But in a world where the fittest survive, those schools who see the EU issue as an opportunity and not just a problem will almost certainly fare best.
One big family We all know that families, however loving and united, can be hard work sometimes. Keeping in touch, giving, taking, supporting, organising, feeding, clothing - and even, occasionally, teasing or admonishing involves an enormous team effort to get it right and make sure everyone is happy and doing their bit.
Parents and children who board are adding an extension to their own family life. They are also joining another family too – the ‘Boarding Family’.
There are lots of ways to view boarding. To the more financially minded it can sometimes be a way for a school to generate extra income. For others it may be about a boarding culture enhancing and enriching the school experience for all pupils.
But to view boarding as a type of family in itself also makes sense. Because just like in real families where everyone, from the oldest to the youngest, is involved and invested in the whole enterprise, there are many, many people involved in the ‘Boarding Family’. A typical boarding house in a senior school may have 50 or so boarders, and supporting their boarding journey is a
small army of helpers from housemasters or mistresses, their assistants, house tutors, matrons and cleaners.
On top of this the school may well have a Head of Boarding, perhaps reporting into to a Deputy Head (Pastoral) who reports through to the Head, who in turn has the support of governors.
Alongside these, the School may well belong to one or more membership association, like the BSA, from where it can receive advice, support, training and the chance to network with staff from other boarding schools. And that’s before you count valued suppliers from local taxi firms who help boarders travel to and from airports or stations to architects and builders who improve or create new boarding facilities.
Like all families, the Boarding Family does not always get it right. But that’s not for want of trying and I know that everyone involved in the family is strongly committed to making sure young people have the best possible experience during their time as a boarder. I am proud to take up the reins as the new Chair of BSA, following in the footsteps of Mike Farmer of St Teresa’s, Effingham and our Golden Jubilee Honorary President Tony Little.
During my time at the helm I intend to keep the ‘Boarding Family’ in the front of my mind – as a reminder about how well our family works already and a gentle prod to us all about how we can make it work even better in the future.
Leo Winkley BSA Chair, 2016-17 Headmaster, St Peter’s York
... “they have
NOTHING to worry about, there”.
As a society, we are finally beginning to understand that mental health is
not just a medical issue, but an economic issue too. It is widely
acknowledged that poverty is one of the leading causes of poor mental
health and that expedient and effective care is increasingly a privilege
afforded only to certain postcodes. But his has led to a widespread misconception that privately educated children, who tend to come from more affluent backgrounds, cannot possibly experience mental health issues.
Often, when I’m on my way to an independent school, my cab driver chuckles incredulously when I explain I’m presenting a mental health workshop and says ‘they have nothing to worry about there’.
To understand this confusion and perception better, we first should distinguish between poor mental health and mental illness, although terms are often (wrongly) interchanhed. Symptoms of
poor mental health and subsequent behavioural issues are more pronounced in economically deprived areas. But statistics show mental illness can affect people of any background and occurs in fairly even percentages across the board (admittedly the last reliable figures date back to 2004). The second key point is that middle and upper class children aren’t exempt from money worries. A 2014 study by Young Minds found children from all backgrounds as young as 12 were experiencing anxiety because of worries about the future, encompassing the prospect of leaving university with record amounts of debt and the impossibility of living independently without help from their parents.
Boarding school children I talk to are aware of how much it has cost their parents to send them to school and this can magnify academic pressure.
The term ‘mental illness’ also encompasses so many different conditions it’s impossible to make sweeping generalisations. We’d never say ‘physical illness’ and expect to be clearly understood. However, as conditions like anorexia, self-harm and mental health symptoms are experienced by young people of all backgrounds, it is not surprising for it to be present in all schools.
It is obvious to say that boarding is clearly not going to suit every young person. Attachment is a key building block in good mental health and low self-esteem is one of the primary diagnostic criteria for the four most common mental illnesses in under-21s: anxiety, depression, eating disorders and self-harm.
None of this is news. The Times and other newspapers have written about instances of these types of mental illnesses in boarding schools. What has been neglected, however, is mention of the potential mental health benefits of boarding.
Boarding schools offer staff and pupils the opportunity to create mental healthconducive environments by practising healthy habits and being mindful of communication. They make rules, such as Wifi being switched off at 9pm so pupils get a good night’s sleep (crucial for good mental health) and limit their access to social media. At risk of sounding like the Leave campaign, they are environments where it is easier to take back control in a world where we so often feel helpless and overwhelmed. At SET (Self-Esteem Team the organisation of which I am one third and which delivers mental health and body image classes into schools all over the UK) we have found the three approaches particularly helpful in promoting good mental health. These are:
CRITICAL THINKING Leisure activities have increasingly become dangerous territory. The media constantly reinforces negative stereotypes and toxic social narratives, particularly about gender. Social media is riddled with photoshopped selfies, humble brags, cyber bullies and pornography. Advertising is everywhere – it has become the wallpaper of our world, constantly and subconsciously reinforcing the notion that we aren’t quite good enough. Some dispute whether these things can cause poor mental health, but there is no disagreement among experts that they fuel it. Having an adult with them who can teach them to think critically, question what they are seeing and separate it from reality, helps children to disassociate their own sense of value from the one the world tries to place upon them. Boarding house staff are perfectly placed to perform this role.
ENDORpHIN TIME! We each have a metaphorical ‘stress bucket’, which fills incrementally as we face the challenges each day throws at us. This is normal and part of being human. Danger can occur, however, when we have no release, no tap to allow our stresses to trickle away. The best releases for stress are activities which release endorphins – sport or other creative pursuits like music, art or writing. Unfortunately, particularly in independent environments, these activities have often taken on a competitive edge, so they add to, rather than detract from academic and other pressures. In boarding houses you can make sure pupils carve out 20 minutes or so every evening to do something they are passionate about, simply for fun. This isn’t an ‘optional extra’ to ‘proper learning’ – it’s essential for our survival.
WATCH yOUR LANGUAGE There is a vast chasm between the qualities we value in others (honesty, loyalty) and what we most often praise them for (getting an A, having nice hair/new trainers). In a fiercely competitive world, it’s more important than ever to make young people realise they are loved for who, not what, they are – this is one of the key contributors to resilience, an emotional safety-net. Make sure discipline and praise for academic efforts in your boarding house are met with equal amounts of positive reinforcement for qualities like kindness, bravery and humour. Make sure it is authentic and unique to the individual, that way you create a community where everyone understands they are bringing something of value to the communal table. Ultimately, good mental health is all about relationships and boarding houses are a place where the most positive and productive ones can be fostered and nurtured.
A revolutionary way to foster the well-being of boarding staff
COUNSELLING SUPERVISION he well-being of pupils can only be attained when the well-being of boarding staff is ensured, and staff receive the support which they so deserve.
Margaret Halıcıoğlu Dean of Student Affairs Robert College
Working in a boarding school draws on the type of emotional energy which we normally need in our personal lives, not our professional lives. Raising our own children is hard enough, but raising the children of others, from many different backgrounds and with high expectations from their parents, is even more challenging.
Robert College, a highly selective, private co-educational day and boarding high school for Turkish pupils in Istanbul has tackled this need for support by providing counseling supervision for all boarding staff.
Counselling supervision consists of structured interaction between a trained psychological supervisor and her supervisees, in this case the boarding staff, where the staff’s interaction with the pupils is reviewed. So, an external psychologist, experienced in other boarding school settings, visits Robert College periodically and meets with small groups of boarding staff, to provide support, training and a vehicle for reflection. Her sessions are sufficiently flexible so as to meet the needs of the staff at that particular time, but sufficiently structured so as to be able to identify an issue, its causes and create solutions or alternatives for the issue at hand.
The openness of the staff to reflect on their practice, what has gone well and what has gone not so well, is essential. At the same time, it gives an opportunity for staff to give positive feedback to each other. Normally, the staff choose what they want to reflect on, what they think they need support on, in order to become more confident and compassionate in their practice. Occasionally, the supervisor might see the need for specific training to address an area which needs reinforcing.
Counselling supervision is common for those working in ‘the helping professions’, people who give so much of them selves as they work. It is a much-used support mechanism for those working in mental health professions, or in other demanding jobs such as oncology nursing. In addition, good schools provide their school counselors with counseling supervision.
At Robert College, we believe our boarding staff are also deserving of this kind of special, individualised support. Let me emphasise that this is not any kind of managerial supervision; indeed the visiting psychologist does not report to anyone in the school. Her task is to provide the support and training which the boarding team needs, as identified by the team members or the supervisor. The school leadership team shows how it values its staff by providing this extra, regular forum for reflection and education. Our boarding staff benefit enormously from counseling supervision. They feel listened to, validated, and refreshed, and they value getting the extra training on a regular basis. Consequently, the pupils benefit from having fresh, revitalized and compassionate adults to spend time with them and care for them. It’s a win-win situation! Why wouldn’t more good schools want to try this to support their boarding staff’s professional growth and psychological well-being?
Prep aring 15
A reflection on leading change by Chris Seal, Millfield School
hange has a poor reputation in education. Successive governments have tinkered with many areas of education, and indeed other areas of public service such as the NHS with little perceived success. However, change can be the hallmark of all good schools; whether that is a drive towards better examination outcomes, tackling weaknesses in infrastructure or developing staff to take a bigger role in leading areas of the institution. We can’t assume all of those changes will be successful, but we can assume that all good schools are in a cycle of reviewing practice, developing strategies to improve and then delivering change. In the first instance, and rather obviously, we must be clear how we came to the view that change is required, and what change are we driving? parents can often be a driver for change, and why not? In the independent sector they are the customers and any good business will respond to customer demand. This may of course lead to tensions around ethos and the wishes of the school and its governors, and so finding a balance between the demands of the parent body and the strategic vision of the school can be tricky. The most difficult aspect in this area is establishing which parent view is truly representative of the wider body, and which views may be more specific to their child’s individual experience. The staff and the pupils are clearly key agents for change. Supportive common rooms offer views on how to improve the school, and well-constructed ‘pupil voice’ channels allow for the
for Change
open and honest airing of constructive criticism of current practice. Creating environments for these two areas is another article in itself. Change initiated by visionary leaders should also not be overlooked. Not always popular, and oft labelled ‘top down’ leadership as if that is a heinous crime, these initiatives will occur and are often as a result of new leaders offering a fresh pair of eyes, or a Head having more focus than most on thinking strategically. After the identification of change is made, the identification of which stakeholders will be affected needs to be assessed. In addition, a sense of how those stakeholders will be affected will enable you to plan for those reactions and often allow you to avoid those reactions by addressing them in initial proposals. Fear of change due to the reaction of parents, staff or pupils can cripple organisations and in particular the feeling that schools are ‘doing fine’ can lead to a negative view
of any change, or at the very least an assessment that change may by risky. The risk assessment may consider who will be grumpy? Or will you lose parents and thereby pupils as a result of a change? Think about your ‘control measures’ during the change process and perhaps most importantly think about what the school looks like at ‘worst case scenario’. This is the moment where many schools or leadership teams may get cold feet, and this is understandable in difficult market conditions, but equally your school roll is unlikely to grow unless you can evidence your school improving over time, and so some change could be essential? So what are you changing? Whatever your system of bringing ideas forward, you must find a way of seeing the ‘wood from the trees’. This may be through robust discussions in leadership groups or could be driven by priorities of your setting or Head. So how do we change anything? In Kurt
Lewin’s model we are asked to ‘unfreeze’ before making change, and this I believe is a good way to address change in schools. As a profession we enjoy status quo for the most part, and revel in tradition, but we must be prepared to look outside those areas of school life that make us feel comfort and begin to understand how they impact on others and the institution as a whole. If tradition becomes a barrier to sensible and required changes then perhaps it is something that needs to alter. Ex-pupils are often the most difficult people to convince about unfreezing. Some changes hit the buffers when the Old Boys or Girls societies swing into action and campaign to retain the vision of the school as they saw it. This points to a wider issue around your relationship with those groups. Essential that you have them on board, but also that they recognise and are respectful that the school and its leaders are in control – not always easy when dealing with influential individuals, especially as instinctively you want them ‘on board’.
The vision and determination of a Head should never be underestimated.
Once the frozen are unfrozen and change is accepted, you must plan accordingly. A current colleague of mine is the perfect change planner. A background learning the lessons of military procurement, and a determination to rival Churchill’s, means that he plans his changes with precision and follows them through with doggedness and a good dose of compassion. His use of Gantt charts was an eye opener for me, and once I realised that an American clothing company could not provide the method in delivering a school-wide iPad scheme, we made excellent progress. A Gantt chart will show all staff a clear timeline and this is one of the first ways that you can bring staff on board. The more I am involved in change, the more I believe that change itself is not what people fear, but it is the uncertainty that change brings that drives defensiveness and anxiety upwards. Clear timelines and detail around training, collaborative working groups, consultation meetings
certainly allowed us to move smoothly through the early stages of an iPad project implementation, in addition to a well thought through pedagogical reason and strong support from senior management. The vision and determination of a Head should never be underestimated. They may not always get it right, but if they believe that a significant change should be made, and they stick to their guns, institutions can be improved rapidly and irrevocably. This is perhaps why so many aspire to the top job, but also perhaps why governors look for experience in this area as they consider whether a Head can make the ‘right’ changes? The notion that ‘we are doing it anyway’ will perhaps quell some resistance but it isn’t a ploy that can be used too often and broadly as all leaders should be looking to make change with the blessing or acceptance of staff. In changes at department level I enjoyed working with
colleagues who you might be diametrically opposed to, and work to find enough middle ground to drive forward provision for the sake of the pupils. I felt that the genuine use of the pupils as a reason for change was an effective way of keeping petty differences out of those discussions and allowed an altruistic reason for change. In senior leadership there may at times be a need to be a little more Machiavellian than that, but crucially the notion of working with colleagues who may oppose you remains central. You could cast them out as ‘non-believers’ but this is neither helpful for you and your relations in the common room nor does it provide you with the ‘buy in’ you need, especially if they are charismatic members of staff. In this area you ought also to assess the previous history of change, as you may be confronted with difficulties based on prior emotional bruising rather than any philosophical disagreement. This can be extremely challenging and in understanding this you should also get to know the cultural history of the school and relationships between key staff. Even then you may have little choice but to rely on your colleagues in HR to unpick some of the challenges. Many school-based changes are cultural changes. I believe these to be the most difficult challenge in school improvement. They require an assessment of what your current culture is (again this goes back to how you monitor and record what is going on), agreement on what your culture should be and then a road map as to how to get there. Some of that is covered already, but I would add at this stage that if you are serious about changing a culture within a department, house or school then you will need resilience, determination, time and patience. Recently I have found myself in the car park ensuring staff, parents and pupils
Change framework should be shaped by the following key questions: • • • • • • • •
What is your vision and where did it come from? Where is the evidence for change? Where does my proposal sit in the bigger picture? What is the worst that could happen? What are the specifics of the proposal and how will they be refined? How will I implement the proposal, and who will help me? How will I resource others and myself through this change? How will I evaluate the change?
The last bullet point here is often overlooked, but an essential part of this process. Rather than a linear process, it should be circular. Review and reassessment are vital parts of any management or leadership role and what will also be clear to you in this phase are the unintended consequences of your change that may lead to evidence for further change – circular indeed! If you are serious about changing anything communication must be well thought through and planned.
are parking responsibly having made some changes to our practices. This is not necessarily the business of a Deputy Head (Pastoral) but if you have decided to make a change and have ownership of it then you must see it through. Scott and Jaffe identified the emotional journey that staff can go on when confronted with change. They begin with denial (and yes staff are still ignoring my advice and parking inappropriately), move onto resistance (staff arguing with me about where they should park) and then through exploration (quite literally exploring other areas of the site for parking spots) and finally into commitment. Once they reach the final stage then change may not be complete but these people will become your advocates and join you in espousing the value of the change – I look forward to this in the case of our parking challenge. Guiding staff, pupils, and parents through these stages can be a difficult process and throughout this you must be careful
to ‘resource yourself’. This is a phrase that our counsellor uses about staff in our employ, and I like the practical feel to it. It raises questions such as how do you ensure that you can take a break from this challenge? Or how do you ensure that you have the energy to drive through the difficult moments in any change process? This will vary for all of us, but nevertheless its importance must be understood and in my case a stiff walk in the hills or on the coast with my badly behaved hound can provide me with the distance and perspective that might be required to try a different tack in pursuing the final goal. The question of resource should also be considered in a wider sense. For example does your staff have the skills to make the change that you crave? Do you have the time to pursue this change given the constraints of the school year? And what other projects are already on the table as far as your closest colleagues and supporters are concerned? These resource issues may slow the pace of change, or even set you a new timetable, but they shouldn’t ultimately stop your progress.
new initiative has been started at Abingdon in the boarding community, the Boarding Enrichment programme. The aim is to prepare the boys for “whatever life has to offer” beyond Abingdon boarding. It concentrates on mastering everyday tasks, we go beyond the academic and delve into issues and lessons from real life situations.
On Tuesday nights, when there is no chapel, boys from all years are engaged in the programme. It is run by the Assistant Boarding Housemasters, and sets out to give the boys the support and experience required to make that next step in life. The third year boys, new to boarding, are encouraged to try new things, to appreciate the environment in which they live and learn to get on with one another. Over the course of the Lent term, Sodexo, our school catering company, ran a healthy eating class followed up with a blind taste test, where salmon was thought to be chicken and cauliflower and potato soup was thought to have leek in it! Clearly some way to go with acquiring culinary tastes! Over subsequent weeks boys were shown how to clean and iron by their matrons and supported through their first big set of exams by the counsellors and learning support team. Years Four and Five have been exploring the new digital world. In many cases the boys are far more
Boarding enrichment versed in gaming and social media than the staff, and we feel it is of utmost importance that the boys take responsibility for how they behave online. It is their world, and they must understand how to interact with it. Together with staff the boys have created an Internet charter for the entire boarding community and will be going on to look at social media and gaming management as well as making the progression to A level within a boarding environment.
The Sixth Form is where the enrichment programme focuses on preparing boys for their ‘next step’. As most head towards university, boys must be able to take responsibility for their own personal administration as well as their academic and social lives. To this end, staff have been addressing the complexities of UK taxes and applying for student loans as well as making sure boys are aware of UK laws and expectations outside of the safety net provided by
Abingdon School. As well as the complicated and serious nature of laws and taxes there is also the home comforts that are so important to making that next step. By the end of the Sixth Form the boys will have created an Abingdon Boarding Cookbook, to be bound and handed to every leaver, full of some of the favourite recipes from each house that can easily be made in university accommodation.
The aim of the enrichment programme is to prepare the boys for life outside Abingdon and to smooth the transition to looking after themselves. We teach them the basics of organising their daily lives; simple tasks such as ironing a shirt, cleaning a bathroom, cooking supper, understanding your student loan. We want Abingdon boarders to flourish once they leave the School and our aim with the boarding enrichment programme is to facilitate the change.
By Raj Gosh Assistant Boarding Housemaster Abingdon School
By Javed Khan chief executive Barnardo’s
We do all of this because we believe in children
g n i g n a h C s e v i l g n you
o matter where they start in life, every child should have
the chance to rise to the top. Our founder Thomas Barnardo noted, “character is better than ancestry, and personal
conduct is more important than the highest parentage.”
There’s no better place to see these great principles in action than in
schools. That’s why I’m so pleased to see the ‘Boarders for Barnardo’s’
partnership with the BSA take off. It will raise valuable funds, which we will put to very good use supporting vulnerable children to improve their life chances.
Helping children thrive and learn the skills they need to get on in life is a
focus of Barnardo’s work. Good education can be a springboard to success. But a recent report by the UN says the UK has one of the worst ‘education achievement gaps’ in Europe, as privileged children do so much better in school than those who are not so fortunate.
Children in care don’t have parents backing and pushing them on. Young carers can struggle with homework or may be distracted in school. Refugee children must come to terms with witnessing the horrors of war or famine. Children with a parent in prison can struggle to understand why they are treated like a criminal too. We worry these children, and others, are missing out on reaching their true potential.
It makes a huge difference when a child gets the help they need, such as through the expert services we run as a charity. Shannon, for example, grew up in foster care. Her super-star foster mum was really supportive and helped her get good GSCEs. Not every child is lucky enough to be believed in. From our very beginning, Thomas Barnardo stood up for the most neglected children in society. Sadly, many of the difficulties children and young people faced in the past, such as poverty, neglect or exploitation, are still present today. Barnardo’s works as hard today to support those affected by these big issues as we have throughout our history. Children, young people and families of all backgrounds use our extensive range of services.
Recently I visited a new service in Northern Ireland, where Barnardo’s is working with a range of partners to support the resettlement of Syrian refugee families. I am deeply impressed by the work of the service and the dedication and commitment shown by staff at all levels to deliver a high level of support in reaction to an unprecedented situation. Vulnerable families with children spoke of their gratitude for the refuge given to them
in Northern Ireland and how they now feel safe.
As well as direct support through our services, we express our expert view when UK, national or local decisions are being made for and about children. It’s important government policy maximises every child’s life chances. For example, I share parents’ and teachers’ growing concerns about
mental health, ‘sexting’, and other issues facing children and young people.
I’m alarmed to hear a greater number of our society’s youngest generation have mental health needs than ever
before. Girls attending single-sex schools are more likely to have anorexia than other young people. Children in care are often missing out on the mental health support they are
entitled to. It takes expert intervention to help these children and young people.
Some £1.4 billion is being invested in mental health provision in this Parliament. Our concern is this staggering sum of money may not be enough to meet a growing need – or come too late for those who need help right now. Every child should get the right mental health support for them, when they need it.
Sexting and so-called ‘revenge porn’ can have a devastating impact on a young person. Young people can be naïve about any unintended consequences of sending a ‘sexy’ selfie, or that it’s against the law if they’re under 18 years old. It’s natural for children to want to take risks and explore their sexuality. But more must be done to ensure they are also aware of the dangers. Offering high quality lessons in schools would help children learn about healthy relationships as well as about reproduction. Love and sex go together in life, so, subject-wise,
are ‘perfect partners’ for the classroom. Barnardo’s works with so many children and young people who need help coping with the difficulties they’re going through in their formative years. I’m so inspired by how much these young people are achieving, despite facing huge challenges. To me, every goal they reach means all the more. I hope BSA students are inspired by them – as I am - to do something great for Barnardo’s, now and in the future. I thank BSA for choosing to begin this partnership with Barnardo’s during its Golden Jubilee and our 150th anniversary year. I hope this is the start of a long and mutually beneficial relationship that will help change young lives.
BOARDERS FOR BARNARDO’S The BSA and Barnardo’s partnership aims to have children helping children and provide opportunities where BSA pupils can get involved, carry out social enterprise activities, gain work experience and make a difference. BSA’s Boarders for Barnardo’s partnership was officially launched at the Golden Jubilee Annual Conference for Heads in May 2016. The project aims to have children helping children and provide opportunities where BSA pupils can get involved, carry out social enterprise activities, gain work experience and make a difference. At the BSA Annual Conference for Heads delegates were challenged to get involved and pledge their support.
Heads were challenged to be one of 50 schools to raise £1,500 for the charity by May 2017. 50 represents the BSA Golden Jubilee and £1,500 to represent the 150th anniversary of Barnardo’s. Even if schools are unable to raise funds due to prior charitable commitments, members are encouraged to raise awareness and support the BSA events during National Boarding Week. If you would like to be involved or find out more about the Boarders for Barnardo’s please email
It’s no secret that schools are
health counselling through an
finding more students are
accessible and appropriate channel
requiring support with mental
means a wider audience can be
health problems. To cope with
reached than traditional offline
demand, more than 80 percent of
schools are now providing
Kooth is one example of a BACP
counselling services, with almost
accredited service, which can be fully
half upping their facilities in the last year.
This can result in overworked pastoral
integrated with pastoral care and
mental health issue3 and this can
carers, pupils being given less time to
become a lifelong condition as we
course a growing financial burden.
health starts before the age of 144,”
talk through their concerns and of
The Future in Mind report, which sets out the Government’s aspirations for improving mental healthcare for
know that over half of all mental ill says Elaine Bousfield, founder of Xenzone.
access and stigmatising.
An outlet where young people can
“Providing young people with access
confidential, accessible and timely
and immediately in a wholly safe
removing the pressure from
overstretched school services.
“One in 10 children and young people aged 5-16 years will suffer from a
a year.
Kooth compliments existing pastoral and PSHE programmes by providing
peer support, as well as drop-in and
counselling services can be hard to
manner could be the answer to
10pm, seven days a week, 365 days
and prevention but traditional
for bridging the gap between
access counselling services in a
minutes to access a counsellor until
access to age appropriate self-help
as the best way to promote resilience
fragmented services.
times are typically less than 11
“Early intervention is widely accepted
children and young people,
indentified digital technology as key
pupil welfare programmes. Waiting
to counselling easily, confidentially digital environment removes
these barriers.
“Today’s pupils are digital natives,
comfortable sharing and interacting
through technology. Providing mental
materials, fully moderated peer-to-
scheduled counselling sessions with
BACP accredited counsellors. Schools
receive aggregated reporting on
presenting issues, service interaction and outcomes, and where
appropriate Kooth counsellors can refer to existing school systems
including housemasters, matrons and in-school counsellors as a blended approach to pupil welfare.
Article written by
dventurer Ben Fogle and entrepreneur Baroness Michelle Mone were among BSA’s celebrity conference speakers who championed boarding in 2015-16.
First up was the last annual conference of the State Boarding Schools’ Association, hosted by Lancaster Royal Grammar School (LRGS) in November 2015.
Guest speakers included LRGS old boy and former England Rugby coach Brian Ashton and Sir Antony Seldon, former Head Master of Wellington College and now Vice Chancellor of Buckingham University.
The new year started with a conference for boarding staff in Cheltenham where Elly Barnes, the CEO of educate + celebrate opened the conference with a presentation on how to make your school more LGBT+ friendly. At the BSA conference for deputy heads and heads of boarding in Brighton later in the month, Rhiannon Wilkinson, headmistress of Wycombe Abbey girls’ school, shared her experiences of leadership. And Andrew Smith from Steyning Grammar School unveiled Steyning performance managed approach to measuring character development.
After a gap of two years, a conference for marketing staff was held in Kenilworth. Brand guru Geoff Ramm advised delegates on how to get their message across with maximum impact. Baroness Mone of Mayfair also shared the secrets of her success as an entrepreneur, and explained how boarding school had been the right decision for her son.
In April a joint one-day conference with IApS brought together prep boarding staff in London with speakers including former HMC and BSA Chair Richard Harman from Uppingham, and former government health tsar Natasha Devon.
The BSA golden jubilee conference for Heads met in Manchester in May, led by Honorary president Tony Little, former Head Master of Eton. Tony spoke of the huge value and benefit of ‘good, modern, British boarding’ and was followed by adventurer Ben Fogle who explained how being a boarder at Bryanston School had given him the confidence to become an explorer and row across the Atlantic.
Mark Mortimer, Head Master of Warminster School related the experience of his school appearing in the TV programme School Swap, while former Eastenders actress Nina Wadia helped to launch BSA’s national charity partnership Boarders for Barnardo’s. Nick Gibb, schools minister for England, answered a wide range of robust questions via video link and Barnaby Lennon, Chair of the Independent Schools Council, shared his thoughts on being a Head and some of the challenges facing boarding.
A private lunch to mark the BSA’s golden jubilee was hosted during the conference, attended by former chairs, national directors and the BSA’s first director of training. The conference gala dinner was held at the Lowry Centre in Salford Quays
(with musical accompanied by choristers from Rossall School) received an insight into world security challenges by the BBC’s Frank Gardener, and alumnus of Marlborough College (pictured right). During the gala dinner Matthew and Elena Nichol from Wellesley House School in Broadstairs, were awarded the second BSA Stephen Winkley Boarding Award, sponsored by ISAMS by BSA Honorary president Tony Little. Finally, more 170 matrons and nurses gathered in Nottingham in July for their annual two-day conference. As well as workshop sessions for those new in post and managing a small team, delegates also heard from Roger Catchpole from young Minds and psychologist professor Tanya Byron.
Commenting on the conference year, BSA Chief Executive, Robin Fletcher, said: “It was wonderful once again to run the world’s biggest conference programme for professionals working in boarding and to hear from such a wide range of speakers”. “We have a strong turnout of delegates from boarding schools in the UK and overseas and look forward to building on our conference programme in the year ahead.”
It was wonderful once again to run the world’s biggest conference programme
More than 600 boarding staff, housemasters and mistresses, heads of boarding, deputy heads, heads, matrons and nurses from over 200 member schools came together for one or more of BSA’s seven conferences during the year.
for professionals working in boarding and to hear from such a wide range of speakers
Save the date for next year June 19-25, 2017
Noticeboard Poster
Conference and Seminar Programme Boarding essentials - workshop for staff new to a boarding role
Autumn 2016/17 September 20, 2016
Leading the boarding team
September 21, 2016
Essentials for new school nurses
October 04, 2016
Essentials for new matrons
Proactive safeguarding and child protection workshop Proactive safeguarding and child protection workshop Induction training for graduate assistants
October 03, 2016
October 05, 2016 October 06, 2016
October 07, 2016
London York
Big Boarding Sing On June 26, 2016 conductor Dominic Peckham led the BSA Big Boarding Sing Choir at Victoria Embankment Gardens, London to a delighted audience of parents, staff and the general public. Pupils from state and independent schools took part in the largest ever choir of boarding students.
Preparing for inspection
October 13, 2016
One Day Conference - Safeguarding
October 20, 2016
Student visas and Tier 4
October 26, 2016
November 9, 2016
Counselling for non-counsellors
New schools secretaries and PAs
Better boarding provision - a seminar for governors
October 19, 2016
October 26, 2016
October 27, 2016
Child protection training
November 11, 2016
Matrons’ CPD - understanding adolescence and promoting wellbeing in boarders
November 22, 2016
Nurses’ CPD - health promotion and developing the nurse’s role within PSHE
November 22, 2016
Self harm
November 29, 2016
Supporting overseas boarders
December 01, 2016
One Day Conference - Mindfulness - Teenage Guide to Stress and Sexting
November 30, 2016
How to manage allergies
December 07, 2016
Managing behaviour in boarding
January 17, 2017
Annual Conference for Boarding House Staff Induction training for GAP assistants - LONDON
Induction training for GAP assistants - LONDON
Induction training for GAP assistants - WEST
January 3 - 5, 2017
January 19, 2017 January 20, 2017
January 25, 2017
Induction training for GAP assistants - LONDON
January 25, 2017
Induction training for GAP assistants - MIDLAND
January 30, 2017
Annual Conference for Deputy Heads and Heads of Boarding Induction training for GAP assistants - NORTH
January 25 - 27, 2017
January 31, 2017
London London
The Nottingham Belfry London
Bristol Marriott Hotel Birmingham
Induction training for GAP assistants - LONDON
January 31, 2017
Matrons’ CPD – society and children’s behaviour to sex, sexuality and relationships
February 03, 2017
Supporting Sixth Form boarders
February 28, 2017
Nurses’ CPD – managing medicines
One Day Conference – Managing Medicines in Schools (with MOSA)
February 03, 2017 February 08, 2017
London London London
Essentials of boarding
March 3, 2017
Marketing Conference
March 08 – 09, 2017
The Grand, Brighton
March 09, 2017
Leading the boarding team Crisis management
Managing students with complex needs
March 07, 2017 March 09, 2017
London London
Sports injuries workshop
March 14, 2017
Counselling for non-counsellors
April 26, 2017
Nurses’ CPD - assessment & diagnostic skills for minor illness
April 27, 2017
Managing the transition from school to university
Matrons’ CPD - supporting children with learning difficulties Annual Conference for Heads
One-day conference - Christopher Thurber
March 16, 2017
April 27, 2017
May 2 – 4, 2017
May 4, 2017
York Racecourse London
Preparing for Headship
May 9, 2017
Crisis management
May 16, 2017
Managing LGBT issues in boarding
May 11, 2017
Essentials of boarding
May 25, 2017
Bereavement and loss
June 13, 2017
Managing GAP students
June 27, 2017
Preparation for new senior boarding role Boarding essentials - a workshop for staff about to start in a boarding role Leading the boarding team
Better boarding provision - a seminar for governors Annual Conference for Nurses and Matrons
June 6, 2017
June 19, 2017
June 28, 2017
London London
Book now July 4, 2017
July 10 – 12, 2017
St John’s Hotel, Solihull
With just four hours of rehearsal, no prior knowledge of the music they would be singing or the pupils they would be singing with, the Big Boarding Sing choir perfected a set of four circlesongs to perform to their London audience. The choir performed ‘Wayfaring Stranger’ an American spiritual song; Azikatale a Zimbabwe wedding march; ‘Written in the Stars’ by Eric Turner and a vocal mash up of Pink Floyd’s ‘We don’t need no to education’ and Adele’s ‘Rolling in the Deep’. The choir drew a large crowd during their performance at the Bandstand in Victoria Embankment Gardens, London. At the end of their set Dominic brought parents and teachers of the choristers on stage – a true representation of the boarding community!
Dominic is widely regarded as a leading light in music education. His sessions for both adults and young people alike have been described as innovative, eye-opening and empowering; with Peckham using the voice as a way to develop not only musical skills, but also teamwork, leadership and confidence through interactive, fun and insightful masterclasses and workshops.
Skye’s winner
macaroon creation is bake off
he BSA bake off champion was crowned at a tense three-tiered cake making session amidst the calm backdrop of Eton College’s Dorney Lake.
In the clubhouse at the London Olympics 2012 rowing venue, Skye Brooke from Tudor Hall School in Oxfordshire was declared the winner of the competition. The 14-year-old boarder from the girls’ school near Banbury took the top prize of nine finalists from boarding schools around the UK who were selected at competition heats involving hundreds of entrants from across the country.
Skye’s macaroon creation earned her best in class, and a gold medal, presented by celebrity chef James Tanner, one of the judges provided by event sponsor, Independents by Sodexo. The BSA’s assistant director Aileen Kane and Independents by Sodexo executive head chef at Caterham School, Ryan Wilson, were the other judges.
Resplendent in their Independents by Sodexo chef whites and grey aprons, each of the finalists were asked to make a three-tiered filled sponge cake from scratch over two rounds, each lasting two hours.
The morning session was devoted to making and baking; after lunch they filled and decorated their creation however they wished. The simple brief was: “The judges will be looking for the
Marks were awarded in six categories: taste, texture, skills used, presentation and innovation, ease of service, criteria and hygiene. most impressive and elaborate creations with a first class taste.” Marks were awarded in six categories: taste, texture, skills used, presentation and innovation, ease of service, criteria and hygiene. Aileen said boarders are among the biggest fans of BBC’s Great British Bake Off and it was students themselves who hit upon the challenge as one of several events run to celebrate the BSA’s 50th anniversary.
Skye won’t be short of equipment to produce yet more culinary delights in the future having collected a KitchenAid mixer as the top prize and a hamper full of kitchen goodies. She will also have a masterclass with a Sodexo pastry chef. She, along with the other finalists, also took home a signed James Tanner Old Favourites, New Twists cookbook. The other finalists, who were all either gold or silver medal winners, also received a signed copy of James’ book. James, who gave the finalists an exclusive lunchtime demonstration of how to cook three different dishes, said: “I am very impressed with the standard of baking and creativity of all the finalists. “The taste of the cakes and the technical ability shown by such young bakers was outstanding!”
A delighted Skye said: “I can’t believe I won. Since the semi-finals I have been practising my cakes and my friends in my boarding house have been taste testing. “The macaroons were very tricky but they turned out perfectly on the day. I can’t wait to go back to school and try out my new KitchenAid.”
Gold medals were also awarded to Honor WilliamsEllis, 14, of Felsted School, Essex, Charlotte Bennett, 12, of Royal Alexandra and Albert School, Reigate, and Rebecca Khanan, 13, of Millfield Prep School. Silver medals were awarded to Harry Szulc, 14, of Millfield School, Nick New, 14, of St Peter’s School, York, Charlie de Labilliere, 11, The Elms, Malvern, Clara Greenwood, 13, of Ackworth School, Pontefract, and Caroline De La Harpe, 15, of Sexey’s School, Bruton. Thanks to independence by Sodexo for kindly sponsoring this event.
By Nick Turrell Editor, Looking Ahead (Independent by Sodexo)
Store wars
The Runners Up
challenge! A team made up of economics and business students had the unique opportunity to run the Barnardo’s shop in Braintree for the day on June 25, 2016. Having been tasked by Miss Farrant (Director of Boarding at MHS) with the (slightly daunting, albeit exciting) challenge of boosting sales in a Barnardo’s store for a day, we looked at the area around our local store, Totteridge for inspiration. As this is a very affluent and child-centred neighbourhood, we decided to make our proposal as appealing as possible to families. A 'pirates and princesses' theme was the front runner to include events from face-painting to live music and raffles. We had it all in the proposals . . . but the hard part began when we heard that we had made it into the final and delightful theory was suddenly replaced by a need for urgent action.
C Costumes were a priority; the ever tolerant Mr Proudlock gave us free rein in the Drama store, we shopped on eBay for flounces, Amazon for fake parrots and begged to borrow items from those willing to lend. After some precarious make-up practice and dubious role play in the House Games Room, which earned us some odd stares, we were ready to go! We met Virginie, the wonderfully helpful manageress of our local store and she talked us through the practicalities of the day whilst we zoned the store to meet our requirements. We then scoured the High Street explaining the work of Barnardo's and asking for donations towards our raffle; from wine shops to DIY stores – all were extremely generous. An intense 10 days of fundraising followed as we tirelessly pitched our sales of raffle tickets to everyone in sight, also selling Krispy-Kremes at breaktimes, lunchtimes, at school concerts, essentially anywhere we could
put some donut boxes on a table! Meanwhile Miss Farrant helped us to set up a Just Giving page for us in order to supplement our efforts and we encouraged friends and family to contribute, using the link to the very moving Barnardo's advertisement to keep the focus on the charity. Somehow we managed to juggle all of commitments and to free up the big day itself; Open Days were rescheduled, tennis matches cancelled and invitations to families parties spurned! We woke up bright and early on a crisp Saturday morning, got dressed up in our pirate and princess costumes, loaded the minibus with our team, together with huge amounts of paraphernalia and a frightening amount of wiring and amp, then headed to our store. We set up the raffle table, a live jazz band, popcorn stall and a vibrant facepainting booth, the latter of which appealed to both the youngest children and to slightly more mature adults.
Through rain and shine (and there was a lot of rain indeed) we had our faithful musicians singing, playing the piano and saxophone and bringing entertainment to the hundreds of passers by along Totteridge High Street (including Amy Wilson who paid us a lengthy visit and kindly applauded our pirate and princess songs!) and drawing people into our store. Despite the terrible weather, we managed to raise almost £2,600 for Barnardo's and we learnt not only the practical lessons you would expect from such an enterprise, more importantly we have formed a bond with Barnardo's (proceeds from our next Boarders' Annual Charity Concert will go to them) and that is a privilege which will stay with us all. Jeremy Akhavi and the team: Micah Lazarus, David Jing, Sonia Oberoi, Mizuki Sakurai, Armaan Chadha, Jerry Wu, Bryan Ge, Amandine Guihard and Jessica Sin.
Having spent the early part of Friday afternoon sorting donations and pricing them for sale, those members of the team not camping on the North York Moors for DoE (Georgina Stevens, Sean McNamara and Ronan Willis) set off at 5pm to lay siege to the Braintree store and turn it into ‘Felsted Barnardo’s’ . A combination of the customised promotional material provided by Imaginators (thank you Matt Tydeman), the fundraising resources provided by Barnardo’s and some slight rearrangement of the shop merchandise meant that by 6.30pm we were all set for the big day.
complimentary tea or coffee and Tiptree stawberries. The busiest time was just before lunch. It was lovely to see staff, parents and Aileen Kane from the BSA, supporting the students in their endeavours to win the challenge. Fergus Cock manned the till all day, with precession and a constant smile, ably assisted by Emily, Joe and Ned Potter, who were stalwart sellers of raffle tickets. Jack Rye and Oliver took to the streets with leaflets and donation boxes and despite encountering one or two unpleasant comments, notched up an impressive amount of donations (in excess of £100).
The day started bright and early at 6.30am in the Business Boardroom for Joe Lodge, Emily Currey and Oliver Walker and we were ready to go live on Peter Holmes show on BBC Essex to promote the event.
Post lunch the weather deteriorated and the number of shoppers began to decline so the team moved location and the sale of merchandise continued right up to the close of trading at 5pm. At 5.05pm we had two gentleman knocking on the door begging to be let in, namely the Headmaster and the Rev who proceed to buy and add to the days takings!
Customers streamed in and were greeted at the door by the smiling face of James Benbrook who was offering
I would like to thank all those external supports, Wilkin & Sons Ltd, Imaginators Ltd, Lodge’s, Felsted staff and parents who made donations of items to sell or money and especially to the student team on the day: James Benbrook, Fergus Cock, Emily Currey, Joe Lodge, Ned Potter, Jack Rye and Oliver Walker, without whom this money would not have been raised.
After a quick breakfast, it was off to Braintree for us all to begin trading. We were greeted by Debbie Merton the store manager, who took us through the Health and Safety briefing for the store and instructed the students as to how to use the till. Before we knew it the store was open for business and the first customer was through the door. The photographer from the Chronicle arrived early and took many photographs.
After an eventful day we returned to school. Our total for the day, including our Just giving donations, less the stores average Saturday takings was £1,083.45; a 440% increase.
By Joy McArdle Felsted
3 37
When we arrived in Sheffield to film the semi-finals of the competition we were met by a camera crew! In fact, we were
of Praise
filmed throughout the whole day, which was both thrilling and terrifying at the same time.
Tony Little BSA Honorary President
Celebrating our Jubilee t gives me enormous pleasure to write the foreword to this celebration marking 50 years of the Boarding Schools’ Association (BSA).
heating, abundant food and wraparound 24/7 pastoral care from boarding professionals. And that doesn’t even consider the access
The winners - Tring
Toby Spence-Jones, who was the bass soloist in the piece the choir sang for the final.
On the eve of the competition, after rehearsing for what felt like an endless (but enjoyable, of course!) number of lunchtime rehearsals, we were restless. I remember joining several members of the choir, past our curfew, as the anticipation of the morning was causing a sort of communal insomnia, but eventually we managed to drift off and get enough sleep to ensure we were prepared for the competition at Sheffield City Hall the next morning. After arriving and meeting our competitors, we took to the stage to perform our hymn, Tydi a Roddaist under the direction of Liz Norriss, our conductor, in order to compete for a place in the final. All six semifinalist choirs were then gathered on stage for the Judges’ decision. Having not seen the other
choirs perform we were unaware of the strength of our competitors and were therefore surprised and overjoyed to hear Connie Fisher call our names as we secured our place in the final. This also meant we had been given a chance to perform our second piece, Daniel, Daniel Servant of the Lord, which is a personal favourite of mine. The piece was obviously an excellent choice as it led to us winning the competition! We were stunned and taken completely by surprise, but so happy and proud.
The entire weekend was a new and fulfilling experience for every member of our choir and, as my six years at Tring draws to a close, I will remember it proudly as a highlight of my time here.
The BSA was formed just a couple of years
convenor of the boarding family for conferences and events. The BSA does all this and, swan-like, much more besides, in exchange for a modest annual subscription.
and broad co-curricular programmes.
Perfect Harmony: Oakham School Chamber Choir’s fantastic journey boarding in the late 1960s.
To board at Eton then was to say the least a formative experience. The school was of course as historic and traditional as it
That the change has been so great is of course well known to those who work in boarding. The hard part is explaining the seismic leap to the outside world, especially journalists or sceptical parents.
That we need the BSA and all its valuable services is beyond doubt as we contemplate the next 50 years of boarding.
The challenges are great and many – Summer of Love andhad Sgt an Pepper. don’t know what boarding ur Chamber Choir incredible term, with so we had to wait until all the and wehad struggled withthe this throughout all that has there will lookwe likereally in 2065, how many many wonderful experiences that we will Yet remember choirs hadchanged performed beforelandscape previously, pulled If these two worlds been aofconstant, reassuring we willinserve or how many for the rest of ourwere lives.sharply Firstly we had thehas honour the judges gaveand their verdict.boarders through the competition contrasting then, contrast Choral them again to valued presence:We thewere BSA. thrilled to discover we performing at the Brandenburg Festival, London’s and sang the piece better than largest and broadest festival. Then we were one of only had made it to the finals. It we had ever done before. boarding today. seven senior choirs to reach the finals of the Barnardo’s was then even more nerve- But however Havingthings givenunfold, our very it isbest an National For Choral Competition at the Royal Festival Hall. racking, as there were now performance, we didn’t all Mr Wilson’s 1960s rhetoric about in Oxford in July 1965 the BSA has been enormous comfort to know themind BSA is two otherand choirs to just us missing on winning – the ‘white heat’ of change there was little there, rather likeonly a long-serving there with on theout journey. competehouse against, both of especially as we had managed evidence of that in boarding schools then. warmly trusted boarding matron. This was all fantastic preparation for the BBC Songs of Praise whom were incredible. In our to beat the four other choirs Choir of the Year Competition. When we arrived in Sheffield to performance we tried to who had made it to the semiSo what comes to mind when one thinks film the semi-finals of the competition we were met by a camera convey the emotion in the finals and the many more who dormitories, inadequate heating, poor of the BSA? crew! In fact, we were filmed throughout the whole day, which piece which, as a piece of were eliminated before then. It food and pastoral care in the hands of was both thrilling and terrifying at the same time. As the first gospel music, involved clicking was just an amazing prefects common expert choir up, we were were rather nervousattributes. but we were able to Professional convey the development, and creating more of a free experience. advice, an increasingly strong voice to powerful message in a beautiful arrangement of ‘Amazing Grace’. sound. Although as a choir we Fastsome forward 50 years and whatfrom a the judges, government Tony Little We received amazing comments but then and journalists, information provider for prospective parents and BSA Honorary President 2015-2016
Thank you BSA, and good luck as you plan your centenary!
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“What you have to remember,” said James Logan to his eager, thirteen-year-old daughter Elaine as they investigated the Scottish suffragette movement for his Degree in History, “is that you must embrace lifelong learning. You can always do better.”
A Lifelong Passion...
hese words still ring in the ears of the first female Warden of Glenalmond College, a co-ed full boarding school for 12 to 18 year olds nestled in the perthshire hills.
“Academic rigour was instilled in me from the cradle,” says Elaine, “it’s ‘cool’ to work and strive; that was my mantra then and remains so today.” Indeed, the swift introduction at the College of Mandarin, Computer Science and a Scientific EpQ lab is testament to this ethos. A little more contentious was the decision to open a new girls’ boarding house by converting Goodacre’s Boys’ House after a 100-year history, “We have to look to the future,” she notes.
But, with 97% of the school’s pupils progressing to university, does all work and no play not make Elaine – and by proxy, Glenalmond - a dull child? “Definitely not! The College’s Learning project has pedagogy at its heart. My goal is to allow our teachers to teach with flexibility and creativity,
finding a balance between individual initiatives and the needs of a prescriptive examination system. Glenalmond pupils perform extremely well in their examinations, but education is not just about attainment; we must also develop thinking skills.
She continues, “I strongly believe that children learn better when they feel valued and nurtured and are not living with fear and anxiety,” a theory backed up by a recent BBC Radio 4 ‘All in the Mind’ programme featuring teenage mental health where psychologist professor Tanya Byron highlighted the fact that 50% of all adult mental health problems show themselves at the tender age of 14. This subject is a hot topic at the moment and gathering pace with the Government recently announcing £1.25 billion of extra funding for child and adolescent mental health services.
Elaine Logan, Glenalmond College’s first female Warden (Head) since its inception in 1847 and also the first female Head of a major Scottish boarding school, speaks to BSA about her inaugural year, her very clear vision for education, and the delicate subject of the EU referendum...
3 43
Tony Little BSA Honorary President
Celebrating our Jubilee
STATISTICS NOT LOST ON ELAINE. “Ensuring mental health and resilience is, for me, as critical as any exam result. t gives me enormous pleasure Creating a culture of independence and topupils write to thestretch foreword to this encouraging beyond celebration marking years of their comfort zone is vital but so 50 is the theconstant Boardingand Schools’ Association (BSA). need for accessible pastoral
heating, abundant food and wraparound 24/7 pastoral care from boarding professionals.
And that doesn’t even consider the access care. I want to know and see my pupils on The BSA just a good days, notwas justformed bad; a trip tocouple the of years Warden’s Office shouldn’t automatically and broad co-curricular programmes. range of roles from Housemistress to be for boarding a telling off.” in the late 1960s. Acting Head, “Children are at the heart of That the change has been so great is of what I do and believe in.” Elaine has an ‘open door’ policy of To board at Eton then was to say the least course well known to those who work availability and, conversely, constantly a formative experience. The school was She in boarding. Thethat hard parteducation is explaining feels however state is visits pupils in their school environment, at an leap unnecessary disadvantage. of course as historic and traditional as it currently the seismic to the outside world, engendering a climate of openness. “Primary education is so,orsosceptical vital butparents. it’s especially journalists Recently this led to her being told by a under resourced in the state sector. Summer of Love and Sgt Pepper. twelve-year-old pupil that it was, “Time to Teachers are doingall a wonderful job with Yet throughout that has changed there do our French prep” and so the new few has resources and large reassuring classes. I do think If these two worlds were sharply been a constant, and Warden had to brush up on her verbs John Swinney, Scottish Cabinet contrasting then, contrast them again to thatvalued presence: the BSA. and phrases! Secretary for Education and Skills, boarding today. believes passionately in improving the “Academics are at the school’s core but so situation and will do his best to is the need encourage, For allto Mrmanage, Wilson’sand 1960s rhetoric about in Oxford in July 1965 the BSA has been implement change.” childhood,” she says, “It’s not just adults the ‘white heat’ of change there was little there, rather like a long-serving and who need to stay younger for longer!” evidence of that in boarding schools then. The warmly house result oftrusted the EUboarding referendum inmatron. June Elaine’s judgement is based on crossplatform knowledge and broad dormitories, inadequate poor experience. Born in Perth sheheating, taught in food and pastoral care in the hands the state sector at Viewforth High Schoolof were common attributes. in Fife prefects before moving to Dollar Academy and Loretto. There she was employed in a Fast forward 50 years and what a
was a jolt to Glenalmond as it was to all So what comes to mind when one thinks UK boarding organisations. Worth of theof BSA? upwards £10million per annum and
attracting over 5,000 EU students, the Professional development, expert of sector is very exposed to the vagaries political shifts. “UK plc is a major advice, an increasingly strong exporter voice to government and journalists, information provider for prospective parents and
convenor of the boarding family for conferences and events. The BSA does all this and, swan-like, much more besides, in exchange for a modest annual subscription.
of education. I know that international That we need the BSA and all its demand for our product will survive the valuable services is beyond doubt as ‘Leave’ victory but there are concerns we contemplate the next 50 years of about the possible need for EU students boarding. to obtain visas in the future. It is vital that we re-assure our current and prospective The challenges are great parents from Europe that and theymany will – and we knowin what boarding always bedon’t welcome ourthe schools,” landscapeElaine. will look like in 2065, how many comments boarders we will serve or how many Added to the pressures of being the new ‘girl on the block’, Elaine has tightened up academic aspiration additional But however things with unfold, it is an and longer study periods, instigated a review enormous comfort to know the BSA is of the Sports Department, rationalised there with us on the journey. support staff, overseen the building and opening of the new 1st XV rugby and 1st X11 lacrosse pitch and moved house.
Thank you BSA, and good luck as you plan Is there anything left for her to do?! “Oh yes,” is thecentenary! swift retort before she ushers your me out, welcomes a pupil and answers the phone . . . Tony Little BSA Honorary President 2015-2016
2020 Vision
A novel design
In October 2015 Eastbourne College hosted a conference for headteachers from a range of schools. It was entitled 2020 Vision, and it looked at how to prepare young people for a fastchanging world. The conference was chaired by Alison Saunders, Director of Public Prosecutions, and the speakers included leading figures from industry and other sectors.
3 45
Tony Little BSA Honorary President
The benefit of working with others NASA scientist Dr Gary McKay spoke passionately about the need for young people to be innovative thinkers, and stressed that learning to work together is a key part of this process. “There’s always technology, there’s plenty of data: it’s the human element that counts. Young people need to learn that people workingabundant together food is how Thomas happen real life.” heating, and wrap- Edison moments convenor of thein boarding family for
Celebrating our Jubilee
Bishopshall is a girls’ boarding house at St Leonards School in St Andrew’s which has undergone a £2.5 million refurbishment programme (reopening August 2016).
The refurbishment which will create single and double study bedrooms for 72 girls is a sensitive project as the building is of historic interest, being built in 1867 as a University of St Andrews residence, before being acquired by Bishop Charles Wordsworth and partly being the work of architect Robert Lorimer. The repair work which is currently being undertaken to the structure of the building is to the stone walls of the building, restoring the original features and reinstating all of the original working wooden shutters. There will be state-of-the-art modern kitchen and common room area which will form the ‘hub’ of the house which will have grouped seating areas and a long ‘farmhouse-style’
kitchen table. There will also be a games room, which looks out onto playing fields and the sea in the distance.
Each study bedrooms are totally refurbished and will have modern lighting, Wi-fi/Ethernet throughout and USB charging sockets. There are brand new bathrooms throughout Bishopshall. The Toile De Jouy curtains and blinds will feature designs on a cream background and each floor has a different colour Toile – brown, red, blue and green. The designer for some of the interior projects was Amy Schellenberg (Interior Designer & Decorative Artist) who used student Charlotte Baillie’s sketches to create a toile. Charlotte’s initial four drawings were ideal for the style of the toile and she then produced further drawings of iconic St Leonards views, including the Oliphant Gates, the sundial, and the clock tower.
Simon Davies, of Eastbourne t givesHeadmaster me enormous pleasure College, said in his opening remarks: to write the foreword to this“We are interested in who our pupils are going celebration marking 50 years of to be when they are 30 years old. We (BSA). the Boarding Schools’ Association want them to be happy, vibrant, fulfilled people in the world. This is why we are The BSA was formed just a couple of years delighted to host this conference, and why we are grateful to our speakers for boarding in the late 1960s. sharing their thoughts on what sorts of qualities we need to instil in our pupils to To board at Eton then was to say the least help them lead successful lives in a formative experience. The school was the future.” of course as historic and traditional as it The business of kindness Summer of Love and Sgt Pepper. Jo Fairley, who co-founded Green & Black chocolate and has seen it grow from a If these twoto worlds were sharply fledgling idea a major international contrasting contrastthat them again to brand, told thethen, conference being kind today. andboarding considerate is a vital quality for young
people to thrive in the modern workplace. For all Mr Wilson’s 1960s rhetoric about in theage ‘white heat’ ofcan change was little “In an when we lookthere up any single of thatin inabout boarding then. factevidence on our phone fiveschools seconds, what schools must do is develop the human qualities that people are going to need to survive inadequate in the business world. I dormitories, heating, poor think being kind is vastly under-rated. food and pastoral care in the hands of Being able to appreciate people’s prefects were commonother attributes. feelings and value individuals for who theyFast areforward is a vital50skill forand ourwhat children years a to learn.”
around 24/7 pastoral care from boarding conferences and events. Futurologist Dr James Bellini showed a picture of a skyscraper with wheat professionals. growing on each floor as an example of an innovative solution tackling food much The BSA does all thistoand, swan-like, shortage. Dr McKay stressed that breakthroughs such as this are rarely made And that doesn’t even consider the access more besides, in exchange for a modest by people working in isolation. Rather they almost happen when people annual always subscription. are working effectively in groups. and broad co-curricular programmes. That we need the BSA and all its That change has been so great is of valuable services is beyond doubt as The the need for resilience course well known to those work spoke we contemplate the next years of David Hoare, former Chairwho of Ofsted, about his experience as 50 a leading businessman for 30 years, how pupils above all need to be resilient to in boarding. The hard part is and explaining boarding. succeed in leap the twenty-first century. the seismic to the outside world, He urged heads to recognise pupils who bounce back from failure, and Sir Richard asare an great example especially journalists or sceptical cited parents. TheBranson challenges and of many – someone who has succeeded because he isand not we afraid to take risks, andboarding at the don’t know what the same time to learn from his mistakes. Yet throughout all that has changed there landscape will look like in 2065, how many has been a constant, reassuring and boarders we will serve or how many valued presence: the BSA. The chance to learn about other cultures Finally, several of the speakers spoke about the way young people will work in But however things unfold,they it is an a multi-cultural environment during their professional lives. Whether are Oxford in July BSA has been enormous comfort to know based in the 1965 UK orthe abroad, they will often find themselves dealing withthe BSA is there, rather suppliers like a long-serving andfrom a hostthere with us on the journey. colleagues, and clients of different countries. Once more, attending a boarding school is an excellent preparation for this changing warmly trusted boarding house matron. world. “At Eastbourne College we celebrate the contribution made by our international Simon Davies. “While we keep their numbers So what comespupils,” to mindcomments when one thinks relatively low, we know how much the parents of our British pupils value the of the BSA? way their children get to know pupils from other countries. This means these pupils will bedevelopment, at ease working with different nationalities in future.” Professional expert
Thank you BSA, and good luck as you plan your centenary!
advice, an increasingly strong voice to government and journalists, information provider for prospective parents and
Tony Little BSA Honorary President 2015-2016
With bunk beds continuing to be a key feature in a large number of boarding houses across the UK, a clear understanding of the British Standard, BS EN 747 – setting out requirements to ensure the safety, durability and strength of bunk and high beds, particularly for children - is essential in order to ensure that your furniture safely complies fully to the regulations.
Following a further amendment to the British Standard in May 2015 (BS EN 747-2:2012+A1:2015), Chris Jones, Managing Director of specialist furniture maker Witley Jones, is concerned that many school bursars and headmasters remain unclear as to how new bunk beds must now conform, leaving them vulnerable should a problem arise. Furthermore, a number of bunk bed manufacturers are yet to fully embrace the new amendments in their bed designs. “Witley Jones has religiously conformed to BS EN 747 since it has applied to contract furniture and we work closely with our customers to ensure that they understand the key aspects of the British Standard. With some important changes introduced last year, we have strived to ensure that all of our bunk bed designs conform to these amendments and have clearly communicated the changes to our customers,” says Chris.
Ensuring the safety of your bunk beds
So what has changed in BS EN 747? •
• •
The scope of the standard now applies to all beds with a sleeping surface that is over 600mm. This was previously 800mm.
Head entrapment safety requirements have now been added to the standard and these apply to openings where the lowest part is at least 600mm from the floor. In this case, additional tests are now required for partially bound, V shaped and irregular shaped openings. Requirements for the ventilation of the bed base have now been defined as a minimum ventilation area of 35cm² which can be fulfilled for example by eight holes with a diameter of 24mm. Additional warnings are now required on product information, whilst instructions for use and markings have been amended.
Chris Jones continues: “The responsibility for adhering to BS EN 747 lies with both the bed manufacturer and the organisation contracting the beds – the school in this case. It is important for schools to source beds from a reputable supplier that is firmly adhering to the British Standard and can visibly document this, whilst the manufacturer is clearly responsible for designing and manufacturing beds that conform to all aspects concerning safety, durability and strength. Failure for either of these parties to be diligent could put children at risk of injury and so here at Witley Jones, we take our continued conformity to BS EN 747 very seriously indeed. We’re an active member of FIRA (Furniture Industry Research Association) and this gives us direct access to the very latest research and industry standards on all aspects of furniture making. FIRA helps its members to develop furniture that is entirely fit for purpose, adhering to all of the necessary safety standards and Witley Jones is happy to advise any school that is concerned about its adherence to BS EN 747 or any other aspect of furniture construction.” By Chris Jones Witley Jones
Shining a on British boarding
BEAM In 2016-17 the BSA will invest £200,000 from reserves in a marketing campaign to promote boarding to UK parents.
Research: At the end of 2015, 5,500 parents of current boarders at 85 member schools took part in the largest research survey carried out by the BSA. Key headlines from the survey: • Best choice for their child, helps fulfil potential, academic quality and instils confidence were the top reasons boarder parents selected a school
• 54% of full time boarder parent households have more than one income, compared to 57% for weekly boarder parents and 62% for flexi boarder parents
• Full UK boarder parents typically live within three hours of their child’s school. Weekly boarder parents live up to one hour away and flexi boarder parents live up to 30-1 hour away from school
• 17% of boarder parents work in finance or insurance, compared to 9% in the armed forces/police/security, 8% for medicine/health and 7% for education and IT/technology
• 21% of boarder parent households have incomes of more than £200,000, 11% £150,000-£199,000 and 18% £100,000£149,000
• 43% of full-time boarder parents earn more than £100,000 and 25% less than £50,000
• 85% of boarding families pay fees from their own funds, with 24% relying on bursaries and scholarships. 15% use family money or have support from the MOD
• Word of mouth and school visits are the most powerful influencers on parents choosing a boarding school.
“It is a stable and caring environment for our kids when we are both working and travelling.” “School holds very similar values to us…kindness, honesty…. Responsibility” “We continue to be inspired by the leadership of the school…the children are happy.” Boarding parent’ comments from Research Stories survey for BSA, 2016
This will be done though the BEAM Project, which aims to ‘shine a light on British boarding’ using branding, events, advertising and media.
BEAM will use an advertising campaign theme of ‘I love boarding’ featuring strong testimonials from boarders about the benefits of boarding.
Channels to reach parents will include digital and magazine advertising, plus a BSA stand at targeted county shows across the UK. We will also promote the campaign through the media, social media, our own magazines, the BSA website, a boarding video and channels used by our sister education associations. Other planned activity for the year ahead includes:
• Building on our member engagement initiatives such as the Boarding Orchard, and National Boarding Week • Relaunching the BSA website and launching a new website to promote boarding to local authorities
• Running a safeguarding conference in October 2016 • Running a new one-day summer conference and CpD day for state boarding, and a sports festival in September 2016
• Launching BSA regional forums in the South West in October and Scotland in November • Enrolling at least six new members.
BSA MEMBER LIST Abberley Hall School
Abbey College Manchester Abbots Bromley School
CATS College Cambridge
Giggleswick School
Loretto School
CATS College London
Godolphin School
Luckley House School
CATS College Canterbury
Abbotsholme School
Chafyn Grove School
Ackworth School
Chase Grammar School
Abingdon School
ACS Cobham International School Albyn School
Gordon’s School
Cheam School
Gosfield School
Chelsea Independent School
Cheltenham College
Aldro School
Cheltenham Ladies’ College
Aldwickbury School
Alexanders College
All Hallows School
Ampleforth College
Appleford School Ardingly College
Ardingly College Preparatory School
Ardvreck School
Cheltenham College Preparatory School
Concord College
Aysgarth School
Cotswold Chine School
Colchester Royal Grammar School
Cothill House
Cottesmore School
Barnard Castle School
Cranbrook School
Battle Abbey School
Cranleigh School
Bath Academy College
Beachborough School
Bedales Preparatory School, Dunhurst Bedales School
Bede’s Preparatory School
Cranleigh Preparatory School Culford School
Cumnor House School Cundall Manor School Dallam School
Bede’s Senior School
Dauntsey’s School
Bedstone College
Dean Close Preparatory School
Bedford School
Beechen Cliff School
Beechwood Park School
Beechwood Sacred Heart School Beeston Hall School
Belhaven Hill School
Bellerbys College, Brighton
Bellerbys College, Cambridge
De Aston School
Dean Close School
Dean Close St John’s Denstone College
DLD College London Dollar Academy
Dorset House School Dover College
Bellerbys College, London
d’Overbroeck’s College
Berkhamsted School
Downside School
Benenden School
Bethany School
Bilton Grange School
Bishop’s Stortford College
Bishopstrow College
Bloxham School
Downe House School Dragon School
Dulwich College
Dulwich Prep London
Dulwich Preparatory School
Durand Academy
Blundell’s School
Durham School
Boundary Oak School
Eastbourne College
Bootham School
Bournemouth Colleigate School Box Hill School
Bradfield College
Brambletye School Brandeston Hall Bredon School
Brentwood School Brighton College
Brockhurst and Marlston House Bromsgrove Preparatory School Bromsgrove School
Bruern Abbey School
Bruton School for Girls
Eagle House School Edge Grove School
Edgeborough School Ellesmere College
Elmhurst School for Dance Elstree School
Epsom College Eton College
Farleigh School
Farlington School
Farringtons School Felsted School
Feltonfleet School
Fettes College
Brymore Academy
Foremarke Hall, Repton Preparatory School
Burgess Hill Girls
Framlingham College
Bryanston School Burford School
Gresham’s Preparatory School Gresham’s School Haileybury
Handcross Park School
Forres Sandle Manor School
Harrogate Ladies’ College Hatherop Castle School
Haydon Bridge High School
Hazlegrove Preparatory School Headington School
Heath Mount School Heathfield School
Hethersett Old Hall School Highfield School
Hockerill Anglo-European College Holmewood House School Holmwood House School
Marlborough College
Rye St Antony School
Mark College
Marlborough House School
S. Anselm’s Preparatory School
Mayfield School
Saint Ronan’s School
Marymount International School Merchiston Castle School
Scarborough College
Junior King’s School
Kent College Canterbury
Kent College Nursery, Infant and Junior School
Kingham Hill School
King’s College School
King’s College Saint Michael’s King’s College, Taunton King’s Hall School
King’s School, Bruton King’s School, Ely
King’s School, Rochester Kingsley School
Kingswood Preparatory School Kingswood School
Kirkham Grammar School Kitebrook House
Knighton House School Lambrook School
Lancaster Royal Grammar School
Lancing College
Langley School
Lathallan School Lavant House
Leaden Hall School
Leighton Park School
Leweston Junior Department Leweston School
Lichfield Cathedral School Lime House School
Lincoln Minster School Liverpool College
Liverpool College International
Fyling Hall School
Longridge Towers School
Llandovery College
Windlesham House School Witham Hall School
Woldingham School
Woodhouse Grove School
Teikyo Foundation (UK)
Terra Nova School
Terrington Hall School
Woodcote House School
Worksop College
Worksop College Preparatory College
Worth School
Milton Abbey School
Sevenoaks School
The Downs, Malvern College Preparatory School
Wycliffe College
Shebbear College
The Elms
Wymondham College
Sherborne International
The Hammond School
Moffats School
Moira House Girls School
Monkton Combe Preparatory School Monkton Combe Senior School Monmouth School
Sedbergh School Sexey’s School
Shaftesbury School Sherborne Girls
Moor Park School
Sherborne Preparatory School
More House School
Sherfield School
Moorland School
Moreton Hall School
Moulsford Preparatory School
Mount St Mary’s College Moyles Court School
Sherborne School Shiplake College
Shrewsbury School Sidcot School
The Chorister School
The Duke of York’s Royal Military School
The Five Islands School The Harefield Academy
The King’s School, Canterbury The Leys School
The Mary Erskine School The Mount School
The Oratory School
St Andrew’s Preparatory, Eastbourne
The Pilgrims’ School
St Catherine’s, Bramley
The Priory Academy LSST
Slindon College
Northease Manor School
St Andrew’s School, Pangbourne
Ockbrook School
St Christopher School
Northbourne Park School Oakham School
Old Swinford Hospital Oswestry School
St Clare’s, Oxford
St Dominic’s Brewood
St Edmund’s College, Herfordshire St Edmund’s School, Canterbury
Oundle School
St Edmund’s School, Surrey
Padworth College
St Francis’ College
Papplewick School
St George’s School, Harpenden
Packwood Haugh School Pangbourne College Perrott Hill School Pinewood School
Plymouth College
St Edward’s School, Oxford
St George’s School, Ascot
St George’s School, Windsor
St Hugh’s School, Lincolnshire St Hugh’s School, Oxfordshire
Pocklington School
St James Senior Boys’ School
Port Regis School
St John’s College, Hampshire
Polam Hall School
Prestfelde Preparatory School Princess Helena College Prior Park College
Prior Park Preparatory School Prior’s Field School QE Academy
Queen Anne’s School
Queen Ethelburga’s College Queen Margaret’s School Queen Mary’s School
Queen Victoria School
Queen’s College Junior School Queen’s College, Taunton Queenswood School Radley College
Ratcliffe College Reading School
St John’s Beaumont
St John’s College School, Cambridgeshire
St John’s International School
St John’s School, Leatherhead St Joseph’s College
St Lawrence College
St Leonard’s School, Fife
St Margaret’s School, Bushey St Martin’s Ampleforth
St Mary’s Calne
St Mary’s School, Ascot
St Mary’s School, Cambridge
St Mary’s School, Shaftesbury St Olave’s Preparatory School St Paul’s School
St Peter’s School, Devon St Peter’s School, York
St Richard’s School
Reddam House Bearwood
St Swithun’s School
Rendcomb College
Stamford Junior School
Reed’s School
Repton School
Riddlesworth Hall Preparatory School
Lomond School
Rikkyo School in England
Lord Wandsworth College
Rishworth School
Ripon Grammar School
The New Eccles Hall School
Skegness Grammar School
New Hall School
Orwell Park School
King William’s College
Windermere School
Tettenhall College
Kilgraston School
King Edward’s Witley
Winchester House School
Seaford College
Old Buckenham Hall School
Kimbolton School
Winchester College
Millfield Preparatory School
Kent College Pembury Keswick School
Whitgift School
Taverham Hall Preparatory School
The Oratory Preparatory School
Ipswich School
Westonbirt School
Woodbridge School
Sir Roger Manwood’s School
Hurtwood House School
Westminster Cathedral Choir School
Taunton Preparatory School
Taunton School
Mowden Hall School
Casterton Sedbergh Preparatory School
Giggleswick Junior School
Salisbury Cathedral School
Sandroyd School
Talbot Heath School
Hurstpierpoint College
Horris Hill
Lockers Park School
Fulneck School
Saint Felix School
Swanbourne House School
The New Beacon School
Friends’ School
Frewen College
Ryde School with Upper Chine
Sibford School
Campbell College Caterham School
Sutton Valence School
Mount Kelly
Frensham Heights School
Canford School
Rydal Penrhos School
Sunningdale School
Holyport College
Cambridge Centre for Sixth-form Studies
Strathallan School
Malvern St. James
Millfield School
Ashwicke Hall School
Badminton School
Great Walstead School
Harrow School
Cobham Hall School
Stover School
Ruthin School
Clayesmore Preparatory School
Ashford School
Royal Alexandra and Albert School
Stonyhurst St Mary’s Hall Summer Fields School
Christ’s Hospital School
Clifton College Prepratory School
Westminster School
Stonar School
Rugby School
Hanford School
Clifton College
Stonyhurst College
Malvern College
Maidwell Hall School
Mill Hill School & The Mount, Mill Hill International
City of London Freemen’s School
Rookwood School
Rossall School
Great Ballard School
Hampshire Collegiate School
Christ College Brecon
Ashfold School
Atlantic College
Ludgrove School
Westminster Abbey Choir School
Royal Russell School
Christ Church Cathedral School
Clayesmore School
Ashville College
Lucton School
Stoke College
Rockport School
Roedean School
LVS Ascot
Haberdashers’ Monmouth School for Girls
Chilton Cantelo School
Loughborough Grammar School
Gordonstoun School
Chigwell School
Chetham’s School of Music
Ashby School
Ashdown House School
Godstowe Preparatory School
Adams’ Grammar School Aldenham School
Glenalmond College
St Teresa’s School
Stamford School & Stamford High School
Stanborough School
Stewart’s Melville College
Steyning Grammar School
The Park School
The Prebendal School The Purcell School The Read School
The Royal Ballet School
The Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe
The Royal High School, Bath The Royal Hospital School
The Royal Masonic School for Girls The Royal School, Armagh
The Royal School, Dungannon The Royal School, Haslemere
The Royal School Wolverhampton The Thomas Adams School The Wellington Academy
The Yehudi Menuhin School Thornton College
Tockington Manor School
Tonbridge School Trent College
Tring Park School for the Performing Arts Trinity School
Truro High School for Girls Truro School
Tudor Hall School Twyford School
Uppingham School
Victoria College, Belfast Vinehall School
Walhampton School
Warminster School Warwick School
Welbeck - The Defence Sixth Form College Wellesley House School Wellington College Wellington School
Wrekin College
Wychwood School Wycliffe Preparatory School Wycombe Abbey School
Aiglon College, Switzerland
BBIS Berlin Brandenburg International School, Germany
Brilliantmont International School, Switzerland
College Alpin Beau Soleil, Switzerland College Champittet, Switzerland
College du Leman International School, Switzerland Glenstal Abbey School, Ireland
International School Eerde, Netherlands King’s College, The School of Madrid, Spain Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz, Switzerland Open Gate Boarding School, Czech Republic Robert College, Turkey
Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Laroverket, Sweden St Columba’s College, Ireland
St George’s International School, Germany
St George’s International School, Switzerland
St Gilgen International School, Austria
Surval Montreux, Switzerland
United World College Dilijan, Armenia
Avi-Cenna International School, Nigeria British International School, Nigeria
British International School, Phuket, Thailand
Bromsgrove International School, Thailand
Day Waterman College, Nigeria Dulwich College Suzhou, China Frensham, Australia
Hangzhou Greentown Yuhua School, China
Harrow International School, Bangkok, Thailand
Hilton College, South Africa
Jerudong International School, Brunei Kincoppal-Rose Bay, Australia
Wells Cathedral School
Kolej Tuanku Ja’afar, Malaysia
West Hill Park School
Miles Bronson Residential School, India
West Buckland School
Westbourne House School
Michaelhouse, South Africa
Nexus International School, Malaysia
North London Collegiate School Jeju, Republic of Korea Peponi School, Kenya
Prem Tinsulanonda International School, Thailand
Presbyterian Ladies’ College, Australia Pymble Ladies’ College, Australia
Regent’s International School, Pattaya, Thailand St George’s College, Argentina The Doon School, India
The International School of Penang (Uplands), Malaysia
The Regent’s School, Bangkok, Thailand Trinity Grammar School, Australia
United World College of South East Asia, Singapore
Tony Little BSA Honorary President
Celebrating our Jubilee t gives me enormous pleasure to write the foreword to this celebration marking 50 years of the Boarding Schools’ Association (BSA).
heating, abundant food and wraparound 24/7 pastoral care from boarding professionals. And that doesn’t even consider the access
The BSA was formed just a couple of years
convenor of the boarding family for conferences and events. The BSA does all this and, swan-like, much more besides, in exchange for a modest annual subscription.
and broad co-curricular programmes. boarding in the late 1960s. To board at Eton then was to say the least a formative experience. The school was of course as historic and traditional as it
That the change has been so great is of course well known to those who work in boarding. The hard part is explaining the seismic leap to the outside world, especially journalists or sceptical parents.
Summer of Love and Sgt Pepper. If these two worlds were sharply contrasting then, contrast them again to boarding today. For all Mr Wilson’s 1960s rhetoric about in the ‘white heat’ of change there was little evidence of that in boarding schools then.
dormitories, inadequate heating, poor food and pastoral care in the hands of prefects were common attributes. Fast forward 50 years and what a
Yet throughout all that has changed there has been a constant, reassuring and valued presence: the BSA.
Oxford in July 1965 the BSA has been there, rather like a long-serving and warmly trusted boarding house matron. So what comes to mind when one thinks of the BSA? Professional development, expert advice, an increasingly strong voice to government and journalists, information provider for prospective parents and
That we need the BSA and all its valuable services is beyond doubt as we contemplate the next 50 years of boarding. The challenges are great and many – and we don’t know what the boarding landscape will look like in 2065, how many boarders we will serve or how many
But however things unfold, it is an enormous comfort to know the BSA is there with us on the journey.
Thank you BSA, and good luck as you plan your centenary! Tony Little BSA Honorary President 2015-2016