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BSA Certified Guardian – 2021/2024 BSA Certified Agent – 2021/2024

BSA Certified Agent and

The BSA Certified Agent and guardian schemes continue to grow, providing reassurance for schools and families.

The schemes’ training and certification programmes assure BSA boarding schools they are dealing with educational guardians and agents who have the highest standards in the safeguarding of children, safer recruitment and training of staff and host families, knowledge of the UK education system and careful liaison with parents and schools. The schemes are a clear demonstration to BSA boarding schools of the quality and intention of the educational agents and guardians who reach certified status.

With both schemes launching just over a year ago, currently 45 agents and 41 guardians have signed up, with more joining all the time.

Caroline Nixon, International

Director, BSA group, said: “The importance of finding a suitable educational agent means it can be a time-consuming process for schools and parents, but it’s an absolutely vital one. Our recent survey of Chinese parents (see page 39) tells us that agents have a major influence when it comes to choosing the right school for their child, with 74% relying on an agent’s recommendation, so making sure the agent has integrity and knowledge of the school and family is what the scheme aims to do.

“With our Certified Agent scheme, we’re essentially doing the due diligence on an agent that schools need to do to maintain their sponsor status, saving our members a huge amount of time. We ensure agents demonstrate a clear understanding of the UK education system; carry out checks on parents; recommend schools which are right for individual students, and maintain the highest standards of integrity in placing and supporting each child.

“Certification comes with many benefits for both agents and guardians, as those who are certified Ammy Davies-Potter, Director of guardianship and Inclusion, BSA group, said: “Again, looking at our survey of Chinese parents, 82 per cent of respondents highlighted the importance they placed in having assurance around a guardian’s certification. And that’s what our g get access to BSA membership, are listed on the BSA website, receive regular updates from BSA on training and changes to legislation, and two free places annually on BSA training days, as well as discounted access to other events such as BSA conferences, events and training. Regular checks are also undertaken to ensure the needs of schools and clients continue Certified Guardian scheme provides. Similar to the criteria agents are required to meet, guardians have to demonstrate the highest standards around their interaction with schools, parents, pupils, and show that they meet our strict assurance requirements for all aspects of safeguarding. to be met.

For more information about the scheme, please visit the Certified Agent Scheme page of the BSA website. For a full list of BSA Certified Agents, please go to page 56. For more information about the scheme, please visit the Certified guardian Scheme page of the BSA website. For a full list of BSA Certified Guardians, please go to page 57.


BSA Certified Agent – 2021/2024

The following organisations have achieved BSA Certified Agent status since the last edition of the Magazine was published:

Akademis (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) {Carfax Consultants (Worldwide) EduExcellence Consulting Services (China) Golden Apple Tree (China) A very warm welcome to the BSA family to you all.

BSA Certified Agents

Abby Plumb Education Guardian Service (China and Hong Kong) (Certified Agent and Certified Guardian) Academic Asia (China) Academic Families (worldwide) (Certified Agent and Certified Guardian) Akademis (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) Aston Education (Hong Kong) @School-in-UK (Russia) Baltic Council for International Education (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia & Poland) Barbara Glasmacher Internationale (Germany) BeGo Education (China) Better School! Internatsberatung (Germany) Beyond Education (Spain) BOSSS UK (China) Britannia StudyLink (Hong Kong) British United Education Services (Hong Kong) Carfax Consultants (Worldwide) Chamberlain Educational Services (Hong Kong and China) Cherry Education Consultancy (China) Connexcel (China) (Certified Agent and Certified Guardian) Crest Education (China) Dickinson School Consulting (Germany and worldwide) EduExcellence Consulting Services (China) Edukatus (China, Hong Kong, Singapore) Genesis Education Planning (China) (Certified Agent and Certified Guardian) Global Education Tumulka (GET) (Germany) Golden Apple Tree (China) i-Learner (Hong Kong) InterGreat Education Group (China) IQ Consultancy (Russia) ITEC (Russia) J3 Group (HK) JD Consultancy (China) (Certified Agent and Certified Guardian) Mark Brooks Education (Ghana, Nigeria, worldwide) Meridian Group (Latvia) Overseas Personal Development Services (China) Panoba (Nigeria and Saudi Arabia) QED Education Group (China) Rise Smart Overseas Education Centre (Hong Kong) Sarah Jochums Internatsberatung (Germany) School Britannia (France) Sino-UK Arts & Cultural Bridge Ltd (China) The Independent Education Consultants (worldwide) The Watanabe Office (Japan) UK Academics & Guardianship (UKAG) (China) UK Education Guide (Middle East, worldwide) UK Tuition Services (China) (Certified Agent and Certified Guardian).

t e . i s e b w u r o t i s v i e s e a p l e , h e m c s g e n t A e d f i t i C e r B S A e t h o n n o t i a r m o f n i r e o m r F o

BSA Certified Guardian – 2021/2024

The following organisations have achieved BSA Certified Guardian status since the last edition of the Magazine was published: Carfax Guardians IQ Consultancy (provisional) (Certified Agent and Certified Guardian) {A very warm welcome to the BSA family to you all. UM Education (provisional)

BSA Certified guardians

Abby Plumb Education Guardian Service (Certified Agent and Certified Guardian) Academic Families (Certified Agent and Certified Guardian) Access UK Education Alpha Guardians Amber Education Belgravia Guardians Berkeley Guardians Boarding Schools Ireland Cambridge Guardian Angels Carfax Guardians Clarendon International Education College Guardians Connexcel (Certified Agent and Certified Guardian) Cotswold Guardians Edinburgh Guardian Angels Education and Exchange in Europe (provisional) Elite Anglo-Chinese Services English Country Guardians Gabbitas Genesis Education Planning (Certified Agent and Certified Guardian) Great British Guardians Guardians International Support High Schools International Hostlink UK International Student Guardianship Ireland (ISGI) (provisional) IQ Consultancy (provisional) (Certified Agent and Certified Guardian) JD Consultancy (Certified Agent and Certified Guardian) Overseas Personal Development Services (Certified Agent and Certified Guardian) Redoor Education (provisional) Regent Guardians St George’s Guardians Scottish Overseas Guardianship Association (SOGA) (provisional) See World (provisional) Study Links The Guardian Family Network Trusted Guardianship UK Guardians UKGuardianship UK Tuition Services (Certified Agent and Certified Guardian) UM Education (provi Ying Lang Guardian, sional) Glamour Edu Ltd guardian

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