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Provision in the independent sector for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities
Pupils with SEND continue to be very well educated within the independent sector and this is undoubtedly one of the sector’s strengths. Many parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities take them out of the maintained sector because the class sizes are too big and they feel there is not enough individual support. The independent sector offers a range of choice not available within the maintained sector. Specialist Provision Schools (SPS) are approved for specific learning difficulties, with associated language difficulties, such as dyspraxia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Dyslexia Specialist Provision Schools (DSP) are established primarily to teach pupils with dyslexia. There are also mainstream boarding schools with designated units or centres providing specialist tuition on a small group or individual basis. In January 2015, 66,026 pupils (33,311 boarders) were identified as having SEND. The most common SEND is dyslexia (321,169) followed by information processing (9,053), dyspraxia (5,459), gross and fine motor skills (3,720) and Asperger’s syndrome (3,597). The table below lists independent boarding schools on the CReSTeD Register providing support for pupils with SEND.
Independent boarding schools on the CReSTeD Register providing support for pupils with SEND Specialist Provision Schools (SPS) are approved for specific learning difficulties, and associated language difficulties, dyspraxia and ADHD.
Category School Town Website
SPS Appleford School Salisbury www.applefordschool.org
SPS More House School Farnham www.morehouseschool.co.uk
Dyslexia Specialist Provision Schools (DSP) are established primarily to teach pupils with dyslexia.
Category School Town Website
DSP Bredon School Tewkesbury www.bredonschool.org
DSP Bruern Abbey School Chesterton, Oxfordshire www.bruernabbey.org
DSP Frewen College Rye www.frewencollege.co.uk
DSP St David’s College Llandudno www.stdavidscollege.co.uk
Some mainstream boarding schools have a designated unit or centre providing specialist tuition. School Town Website
Barnardiston Hall Preparatory School Barnardiston, Suffolk www.barnardiston.com
Bedstone College Bucknell, Shropshire www.bedstone.org
Bethany School Cranbrook, Kent www.bethanyschool.org.uk
Brockhurst & Marlston House Schools Newbury, Berkshire www.brockmarl.org.uk
Clayesmore Preparatory School Blandford Forum, Dorset www.clayesmore.com
Clayesmore School Blandford Forum, Dorset www.clayesmore.com
Cobham Hall School Cobham, Kent www.cobhamhall.com
Ellesmere College Ellesmere, Shropshire www.ellesmere.com
Finborough School Stowmarket, Suffolk www.finboroughschool.co.uk
Fulneck School Leeds, West Yorkshire www.fulneckschool.co.uk
Hazlegrove Preparatory School Yeovil, Somerset www.hazlegrove.co.uk
Kingham Hill School Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire www.kinghamhill.org.uk
King’s School Bruton, Somerset www.kingsbruton.com
Kingsley School Bideford, Devon www.kingsleyschoolbideford.co.uk
Kingswood House School Epsom, Surrey www.kingswoodhouse.org
Lime House School Carlisle, Cumbria www.limehouseschool.co.uk
Millfield School Street, Somerset www.millfieldschool.com
Millfield Preparatory School Glastonbury, Somerset www.millfieldprep.com
Sidcot School Winscombe, North Somerset www.sidcot.org.uk
Slindon College Arundel, Sussex www.slindoncollege.co.uk
Tettenhall College Wolverhampton, West Midlands www.tettenhallcollege.co.uk
Walhampton School Lymington, Hampshire www.walhampton.com
Wycliffe College Preparatory School Stonehouse, Gloucestershire www.wycliffe.co.uk
Wycliffe College Stonehouse, Gloucestershire www.wycliffe.co.uk