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9.2. ANNEXURE 2: Data Specification
Hospital admission data were requested from medical schemes that agreed to participate and submit data.
Two data sets were requested, namely a COVID-19 data set and a data set for other conditions. The COVID-19 data set included all hospital admissions with a primary or secondary discharge ICD-10 diagnosis code of U07.1 or U07.2.
The other conditions included key respiratory disorders. Data were requested for anyone with a primary or secondary discharge diagnosis as per the second table in Annexure 1 above.
Ultimately data were requested for all COVID-19 claims between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2020, and for all other respiratory conditions between 1 January 2019 and 31 December 2020.
Within each data set, three data tables were requested, as described further below.
1. Hospital event level detail Data providing further information per hospital admission, including, for example, admission dates, discharge dates, diagnosis codes and procedure codes 2. Claim line level detail Detailed claim line level data per hospital admissions. This included relevant dates, amounts and codes providing additional descriptions of the service provided and who provided it 3. Demographic data Demographic information per patient including date of birth and gender, as well as information on risk factors such as chronic diseases
Unique identifying codes were created per patient and per hospital admission for the linking of data tables. These were also created in a manner that ensured all data remained anonymised and personal patient information was kept confidential.
Board of Healthcare Funders Industry Technical Advisory Committee