Pr ac tic e Code Numbe ri ng Sys tem [PCNS ] Re port 2019 /2020
6.2 Recommendations The uneven distribution of human resources is a concern both within countries and across countries. It is important that measures be put in place to monitor the distribution of healthcare professionals in both contexts. Once this is done, interventions may be developed to optimise the availability of HRH. In South Africa, the National Department of Health should perhaps consider revisiting the Certificate of Need to address the geographical imbalances of the health workforce. Other interventions such as incentives may also be considered to address the maldistribution. Across the countries there are limited numbers of specialists, which appear to be declining consistently. Policies to increase the supply of specialists across multiple disciplines and retain these in practice for as long as possible need to be put in place as a matter of priority. In some countries the data on healthcare professionals were of poor quality. This compromised the ability to identify key demographic trends. It is important that measures be put in place to improve data quality. The data shared in this report are only for practitioners who have registered on the PCNS and who are in private practice. The report does not give a complete picture of all healthcare professionals available at both national and regional levels. It is therefore important to put in place a reporting mechanism that includes all healthcare professionals in practice.
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