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Navigate At Night

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Marina Guide 2021

Marina Guide 2021



By Nic Welch

Map NGC-8, Maritime Safety Queensland Beacon to Beacon Guides

Ihave fond memories as a young teenager when my father often let me drive us home from Tipplers at night in our 17-foot half-cabin. While the first time seemed a little daunting to me, my father taught me some valuable lessons about driving at night that I still use today.

Driving a boat at night is now one of my favourite boating activities. However, it does not come without danger. If you are new to boating and are considering driving your boat for the first time at night, hopefully these tips will make your experience a safer one.


It is compulsory for powered vessels to display sidelights, and either an allround white light or a stern and masthead light at all times while the vessel is underway between sunset and sunrise, and also in restricted visibility (such as rain or fog). A vessel is also deemed underway when drifting. An all-round white light should be displayed when the vessel is at anchor.

It is a good idea to test your navigation lights regularly to ensure they are in working order for when you need them. You should also carry spare fuses, spare bulbs, or a set of emergency navigation lights. Ensure your navigation lights are properly fitted. Navigation lights indicate what direction a vessel is travelling. If you have improperly fitted navigation lights, your vessel’s direction cannot be accurately determined, which may lead to a collision.


Carry a good quality torch on board your vessel, and have it within reach of the driving position at all times. An excellent choice for a torch is the original-sized Dolphin torch. It is durable, waterproof, and offers a strong light beam that is particularly handy for illuminating reflectors on unlit navigation markers. The colour of the reflectors on unlit navigation marks mimics the colour of the light which would be present on the mark if it were lit. Make sure the battery in your torch is new or fully charged, and test the torch prior to departure.Carry spare bulbs, spare torch batteries, or even a complete spare torch as a backup. If you see another vessel approaching, do not shine your torch directly at the other vessel. This will blind the other driver and ruin their night vision. I often see vessels travelling at night with spotlights mounted on the bow, with the spotlights switched on at all times. While this may seem like a good idea, it is actually dangerous for all other vessels on the water due to the blinding light. With no torch or spotlight on, your eyes will adjust to the darkness and you will see further into the distance than with a light on. Only use your torch when necessary. If your vessel type permits, holding your torch over the side of the boat when switched on will reduce glare, rather than switching on the torch inside the cabin.


Having daytime local knowledge of the area in which you wish to operate at night is imperative. Making a beeline between navigation markers can sometimes lead your vessel straight onto a sandbank or worse. It is essential that you already know how the channel runs before any attempt at night. It is important to have memorised the number and position of markers in the area, and have identified any unlit markers. It is also worth remembering that lights on lit navigation markers sometimes fail. So, if you do not have local knowledge of the position of every marker in the area, I strongly suggest studying a navigation chart prior to your trip—and always take a chart with you. If your vessel has a GPS chart plotter, plot a route of your intended course before you depart.


Unlike driving during daylight hours, it is impossible to see sandbanks, waves, and other obstructions such as crabpots, until they reflect off your navigation lights, especially on dark nights around the new moon, and prior to moonrise on other nights. Travel at a slower speed at night than you would normally travel during daylight hours. If you are unsure about a situation or your exact whereabouts, slow right down or stop. Most importantly, if your boat travels over another boat’s wake, and you cannot identify the vessel the wake came from, I cannot stress enough that you should come to a complete stop immediately. It is very likely that the other vessel may not be displaying any navigation lights and could be just metres from your own vessel.

Judging distances at night is difficult. If the compass bearing of a vessel in the distance does not change over time, then a risk of collision exists and you must take action to avoid the collision.


So you are approaching a cluster of markers and you know that the next three markers you should follow are green (starboard lateral marks). But which green marker is the next one? The answer lies in the flash rhythm of the marks. The correct mark can only be determined by looking at a chart and finding what the flash rhythm of the next mark is. Figure 1 - Navigation Mark Lit markers Flash Rhythms on navigation charts, such as Maritime Safety Queensland’s Beacon to Beacon Guides, indicate the flash rhythm of markers using abbreviations such as Fl G 4s (meaning Flashing Green every 4 seconds), and Fl R 2.5s meaning Flashing Red every 2.5 seconds. If there is no colour indicator (where R=red, G=green, Y=yellow, Bu=blue, Or=orange), then the colour of the light is white. Other abbreviations include Q (quick flash), VQ (very quick flash), L (long flash), VL (very long flash), Iso (Isophase—equal light on and off duration), Oc (Occulting—longer light on than off), F (Fixed— solid light, not flashing), Fl(3) (Group of 3 flashes), and Q(3) (Group of 3 Quick flashes). Cardinal marks exhibit a white light when fitted. North cardinal marks have continuous quick flashes, east cardinals 3 quick flashes, west cardinals 9 quick flashes, and south cardinals 6 quick flashes followed by one long flash. An east cardinal mark with the notation Q(3) 5s means a group of 3 quick white flashes every 5 seconds. A south cardinal mark with the notation VQ(6) & LFl 10s means a group of 6 very quick white flashes followed by a long flash, every 10 seconds. Bridge span navigation lights are often a fixed blue light (F Bu), and indicate the navigable channel under the bridge, which may not necessarily be in the centre of the bridge.



Horizon Shores Marina has a huge variety of services on offer, with 500 marina berths, 350 dry stack storage bays, 200 trailer boat storage locations, a 70t travelift, on-water fuel facility, chandlery, marine refit and repair, hardstand and refit sheds, plus an onsite cafe. MARINA BERTHS Horizon Shores Marina is one of the largest wetberth marinas in Australia. Catering for vessels up to 80ft in length, including catamarans, houseboats and cruising boats, we can provide you with shortterm or long-term berthing arrangements OUR FULL-SERVICE MARINA INCLUDES: Dockside assistance with our friendly staff on standby to catch your lines and assist you berth; power; water; access-controlled entry gates; dockside refuelling (diesel, ULP, premium); chandlery; ice; bait; café; haul-out facilities; refit and repair services; and, even after-hours security patrols. SHIPYARD Our large hardstand facility consisting of a 70t marine travelift and 2 x 10t forklifts. We offer a secure concreted shipyard facility at highly competitive rates. Being a full-service marina, Horizon Shores provides haul-out and hardstanding services for boats up to 70t in weight and 80ft in length. With all marinerelated services available in one location, we will be sure to have you back on the water as quickly as possible, saving you time and money. Services available: Travelift haul-out 70t; forklifts up to 10t; external hardstand; work arm; enclosed refit/repair sheds 23m long x 12m wide x 10m high; and highpressure water blasting. Bookings are essential. TRAILER BOAT STORAGE & BOAT RAMP Horizon Shores Marina Trailer Boat storage is the ultimate solution to freeing up your driveway and storing your boat undercover. Benefits include: Unlimited launch and retrievals; work area available for you to clean or tinker away; no queuing at boat ramps or ramp rage; no driving around looking for parking for both your vehicle and trailer, and you’re on the water quicker. So, why not free up your driveway or make space in your backyard; even better if you live in an apartment; you can have it all.

BOAT RAMP Horizon Shores Boat Ramp is open to the public. Avoid ramp rage and congestion with our friendly staff on hand to manage ramp movements. Relax knowing that your car and trailer are at the marina, especially with our after-hours security patrols. Enjoy the convenience of dockside fuelling, a café, and chandlery open 7 days a week. All this for a flat fee rate of $20 per launch with unlimited nights out. Better still, why not purchase an Annual Ramp Pass for $290.00 per year. Please contact the marina office for further information on (07) 5546 2300.

DRY STACK STORAGE The ultimate solution to boat storage that places your boat out of the water in a fully-enclosed storage shed. To make your boating easy, just call us one hour prior to your intended arrival, and we will launch your boat for you and have it waiting for you on our courtesy berth. At the end of your day, return your boat to the courtesy berth and we will flush your motors, rinse down the externals and put it away in our fully-enclosed dry stack facility.

We’ve got boat storage covered.

500 Marina Berths • Public Boat Ramp

Dry Stack, Trailer Boat, Jet-Ski & Tinnie Storage DIY Maintenance • High Pressure Water Blasting 70t Travelift • Brokerage • Fuel Wharf • Shipwright

Storing your boat out of the sun and weather in our dry stack will reduce the costs of boat ownership by: extending the life of your covers and clears; eliminating the need for antifoul; reducing engine maintenance; preventing paint and fibreglass fade; removing the need for a trailer or large towing vehicle; reducing the wear-and-tear on your vehicle, not to mention fuel; reducing insurance premiums compared to parking on the street.

Conveniently located between Brisbane & Gold Coast

Horizon Shores


MORGAN VINE MARINE FOR MAINTENANCE Provider of quality shipwright services at the marina, including fibreglassing and vessel repairs, detailing, paint, fibreglass, carbon, custom parts, timber installation, systems installations & project management. Approved applicators of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings 12-month warranty antifouling. Ph 0432 779 700 morganvinemarine@outlook.com SHIP SHAPE SHIPS - NEW WORKSHOP Your one-stop marine maintenance centre, has relocated to a larger workshop. For antifouls carried out by experienced team using quality materials, repairs carried out with care – minor or major, modifications and advice – bow thrusters supplied and fitted. Call John Keen for a quote today. www.shipshapeships.com.au Ph: 0427 022 783 enquiries@shipshapeships.com.au


Outdoor Boating, Adventure & Lifestyle Show FATHER’S DAY WEEKEND IT’S A WATER LOVER’S PARADISE

The Boat Show is again coming to Horizon Shores Marina on Father’s Day weekend, Friday 3 to Sunday 5 September 2021, now adding adventure and outdoor lifestyle to the exhibitor line up. New features this year include Father’s Day family activities and a Friday night market with fireworks, food trucks, and live music.

Here’s everything you need to know to make the most of your visit.

WHY VISIT THE HORIZON SHORES BOAT SHOW? Boat shows feature a huge range of boats and boating accessories, watercraft and fishing and watersports equipment. The three-day Horizon Shores Boat Show will offer this and plenty more, with camping, off-road vehicles, adventure and lifestyle! Meet leading marine and adventure businesses, join free seminars and live demonstrations, get involved with competitions and giveaways, watch and bid in LIVE BOAT AUCTIONS, join in the activities for the whole family, experience delicious food and wine, and relax with live music performances. Best of all, gain invaluable insight into everything boating, adventure, marine and outdoor!

Fireworks show Friday night If you’re looking to buy a boat or jet ski, or start your research (and your Christmas wishlist), the Horizon Shores Boat Show is the place to do it.

SHOULD I TAKE THE WHOLE FAMILY? Absolutely! The Boat Show is the perfect way to spoil dad this Father’s Day, with family-friendly activities, free water activities and on-water entertainment, Friday night fireworks, plus food trucks, live music and more.

If you’re a boating and adventure lover but your partner and kids aren’t quite as enthusiastic as you (yet), get involved in everything else on offer throughout the event with a variety of demonstrations, shows, competitions, prizes and activities.

WHY IT’S GREAT TO BUY AT A BOAT SHOW The Horizon Boat Show hosts all the major dealers in one convenient location so you can compare brands, models and prices to find the right product to fit you and your lifestyle. Another benefit of purchasing at the show is finding a great deal, with many exhibitors offering ‘show specials’! Don’t miss the LIVE BOAT AUCTIONS, hosted by Marine Auctions. Whether you’re bidding or not, the excitement of a live boating auction is unmatched, and if you’re lucky, you’ll win the boat of your dreams! The Horizon Shores Boat Show has been designed for every family, so you’ll find plenty of new and second-hand marine and adventure products to suit your budget. WHAT TO DO BEFORE YOU GET TO A BOAT SHOW BUYING TIPS Buying your tickets online will save you money and the hassle of lining up on the day when you get there. This year, we are offering half-price entry to all guests who pre-register for tickets, so make sure to organise this beforehand. Make sure you wear comfortable, easily removable shoes. You’ll be walking around a lot to see everything, and dealers may ask you to remove your shoes before stepping aboard their vessels. BUYING TIPS Do your research before arriving. Ensure you consider all the additional costs, negotiate on price, warranties, optional accessories, delivery dates, and training. At auction, set yourself a price target, pre-approve your finance, identification required to register, bid in smaller increments, be unemotional and confident, read the auctioneer’s terms and conditions before you arrive, and be prepared to pay a deposit on the day to confirm your purchase if your auction bid is successful. Register for tickets www.horizonboatshow.com.au

HORIZON SHORES MARINA Ideally located between Brisbane and Gold Coast

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