2013 we holidaycatalog

Page 1

buffalo check light red & aqua* W23600 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #1 - garamond pro small caps | type color: white *choose 1 of 3 sayings — HAPPY HOLIDAYS — MERRY CHRISTMAS — PEACE LOVE JOY


buffalo check olive & red* (shown at 50%)

buffalo check sea & yellow* (shown at 50%)

W23601 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D

W23602 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D

typestyle: #1 - garamond pro small caps | type color: white

typestyle: #1 - garamond pro small caps | type color: white

buffalo check black & kiwi* W23603 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #1 - garamond pro small caps | type color: white *choose 1 of 3 sayings — HAPPY HOLIDAYS — MERRY CHRISTMAS — PEACE LOVE JOY

buffalo check rose & olive* (shown at 50%)

buffalo check kelly green & navy* (shown at 50%)

W23604 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D

W23605 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D

typestyle: #1 - garamond pro small caps | type color: white

typestyle: #1 - garamond pro small caps | type color: white


lulu navy & green W23606 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #6 - eaves small caps | type color: white

lulu & hot pink (shown at 50%) W23607 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #6 - eaves small caps | type color: white


lulu kiwi & red W23608 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #6 - eaves small caps | type color: white

lulu hot pink & navy (shown at 50%) W23609 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #6 - eaves small caps | type color: white


maddy green & aqua W23610 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #2 - garamond pro italic | type color: white


maddy pink & orange (shown at 50%)

maddy navy & kiwi

W23658 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D

W23659 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D

typestyle: # 2 - garamond pro italic | type color: white

typestyle: # 2 - garamond pro italic | type color: white

(shown at 50%)

maddy blues W23611 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: # 2 - garamond pro italic | type color: white

maddy red & green (shown at 50%)

maddy pinks (shown at 50%)

W23660 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D

W23661 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D

typestyle: # 2 - garamond pro italic | type color: white

typestyle: # 2 - garamond pro italic | type color: white


claire red & hunter W23650 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #2 - garamond pro italic | #1 - garamond pro small caps | type color: white


claire green & park night (shown at 50%)

claire black & red (shown at 50%)

W23649 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D

W23651 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D

typestyle: #2 - garamond pro italic | #1 - garamond pro small caps | type color: white

typestyle: #2 - garamond pro italic | #1 - garamond pro small caps | type color: white

claire blue & olive W23613 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #2 - garamond pro italic | #1 - garamond pro small caps | type color: white

claire light red & aqua (shown at 50%)

claire aqua & kiwi (shown at 50%)

W23612 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D

W23652 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D

typestyle: #2 - garamond pro italic | #1 - garamond pro small caps | type color: white

typestyle: #2 - garamond pro italic | #1 - garamond pro small caps | type color: white


air mail black W23642 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #1 - graramond pro small caps | type color: black


air mail blue (shown at 50%)

air mail yellow (shown at 50%)

W23643 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D

W23644 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D

typestyle: # 1 - graramond pro small caps | type color: black

typestyle: # 1 - graramond pro small caps | type color: black

air mail rose W23645 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: # 1 - graramond pro small caps | type color: black

air mail olive (shown at 50%)

air mail red (shown at 50%)

W23646 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D

W23647 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D

typestyle: # 1 - graramond pro small caps | type color: black

typestyle: # 1 - graramond pro small caps | type color: black


ribbon collage black & gold W23614 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #4 - archer | type color: black


ribbon collage green & red W23615 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #4 - archer | type color: black


ribbon large red W23616 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #1 - garamond pro small caps | type color: black


ribbon large black W23617 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: # 1 - garamond pro small caps | type color: black


vintage collage black W23653 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #2 - garamond pro italic | type color: black


vintage collage gray (shown at 50%)

vintage collage olive (shown at 50%)

W23654 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D

W23655 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D

typestyle: # 2 - garamond pro italic | type color: black

typestyle: # 2 - garamond pro italic | type color: black

framed holly W23618 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #1 - garamond pro small caps | type color: white


joy classic red W23619 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #3 - gotham bold | type color: black

joy classic gold (shown at 50%) W23648 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D typestyle: #3 - gotham bold | type color: white


greek key black & olive W23620 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: # 2 - garamond pro italic | #1 - garamond pro small caps | type color: white

greek key light blue & green (shown at 50%)

greek key hot pink & aqua (shown at 50%)

W23621 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D

W23622 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D

typestyle: # 2 - garamond pro italic | #1 - garamond pro small caps | type color: white

typestyle: # 2 - garamond pro italic | #1 - garamond pro small caps | type color: white


striped classic kiwi (shown at 50%) W23624 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D typestyle: #3 - gotham bold | #4 - archer | type color: black

striped classic red W23623 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #3 - gotham bold | #4 - archer | type color: black

striped classic pool (shown at 50%) W23625 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D typestyle: #3 - gotham bold | #4 - archer | type color: black


striped classic navy (shown at 50%) W23627 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D typestyle: #3 - gotham bold | #4 - archer | type color: black

striped classic kelly green W23626 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #3 - gotham bold | #4 - archer | type color: black

striped classic hot pink (shown at 50%) W23628 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D typestyle: #3 - gotham bold | #4 - archer | type color: black


holly chevron black

(shown at 50%)

W23656 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D typestyle: #4 - archer | type color: black

holly chevron red W23629 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #4 - archer | type color: white


holly chevron gray W23630 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: # 4 - archer | type color: white


rugby collage green & navy (shown at 50%)

W23632 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D typestyle: # 4 - archer | type color: white

rugby collage red & green W23631 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #4 - archer | type color: white

rugby collage aqua & orange (shown at 50%)

W23633 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D typestyle: # 4 - archer | type color: white


rugby collage pink & teal (shown at 50%)

W23635 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D typestyle: # 4 - archer | type color: white

rugby collage navy & aqua W23634 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: # 4 - archer | type color: white

rugby collage gold & black (shown at 50%)

W23633 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D typestyle: # 4 - archer | type color: white


whimsy joy W23636 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #4 - archer | type color: white


whimsy wonderful W23637 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #4 - archer | type color: white


merry happy green & blue (shown at 50%)

W23632 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D typestyle: # 4 - archer | type color: kelly green

merry happy pink & red W23638 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #4 - archer | type color: red


merry happy W23639 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #4 - archer | type color: red


holly gold W23640 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #4 - archer | type color: yellow


berry tailored W23641 | flat 5x7 photocard | price code D | typestyle: #4 - archer | type color: black


NEW! enhance your flat 5x7 photocard with printed back options! 路 available on all flat 5x7 photocards see page 39 for pricing option back vertical a (top) AV | price code: BACK single photo bleed with 1 line of text (no more than 1!)

option back horizontal a (bottom) AH | price code: BACK single photo bleed with 1 line of text (no more than 1!)


option back vertical b (top) BV | price code: BACK single photo 2.5” square with up to 3 lines of text

option back horizontal b (bottom) BH | price code: BACK single photo 2.5” square with up to 3 lines of text


option back vertical c CV | price code: BACK | single photo 2.5� square with family update text family update text must be sent in a word document or e-mail


option back vertical d (top) DV | price code: BACK no photo | headline (optional) | family update text only family update text must be sent in a word document or e-mail

option back horizontal d (bottom) DH | price code: BACK no photo | headline (optional) | family update text only family update text must be sent in a word document or e-mail


instructions page for submitting your digital photo(s) We are excited to offer you the option of printing your digital photo directly on your photocard! Please use the following information in making the digital photo process a simple one.

Requirements for a digital photo:

路 a .jpg file as an attachment

路 dimensions no smaller than 1200 x 1200 pixels

路 rectangle format required for rectangle photo shapes

路 Label photos A (1 photo), B (2 photos), C (3 photos), D (4 photos), E (5 photos) and/or F (6 photos) for multiple photo orders to indicate placement. We strongly suggest that you order a $10.00 proof for all orders with digital photos!

Please know that your photo will print exactly the way that it is submitted. Please include detailed instructions if your digital photo(s) is to be cropped or zoomed. We do not offer color correcting (including the correction of red eye), turning your photo to black & white or sepia toned, or rotating your image. These are all adjustments that can easily be done on your computers at home. Photos submitted in horizontal format will print horizontally and photos submitted vertically will print vertically. In an effort to meet the quality standards you expect from us, any photo submission that does not meet the above stated requirements will be held and called upon. Boatman Geller is not responsible for delays in orders as well as discounts, refunds and rushes due to the questioning of orders. Pixilated images due to the submission of a photo smaller than the requested dimensions of 1200 by 1200 pixels are not at the fault of Boatman Geller. Photos taken by a professional photographer require consent before printing. Boatman Geller assumes that any photos submitted have been given consent for this use. We reserve the right to reject photos with copyright information. PLEASE NOTE: ALL Large Folded & Long Flat 5x7 photocards have a 4x6 photo box and can be ordered with pre-applied tape if you wish to apply your own photo. The other photocards with one photo can be ordered with pre-applied tape, simply make sure to note the special size of the photo.


whitney english typestyles & colors 1


Garamond Pro Small Caps - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! + Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Garamond Pro Italic - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! + Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz


Gotham Bold - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! + Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz


Archer - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! + Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz


Bebas - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! +

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz


Eaves Small Caps - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! + Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz


Chevalier LT Stripes Cap - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! +

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

type colors

00 white

01 light red

02 hot pink

03 navy

04 kelly green

05 kiwi

06 pool

07 black

08 aqua

09 olive

10 red

11 hunter


whitney english policies Order Form · If you choose to fax or email your order, there will be a $5 charge per order. Please print all orders clearly specifying quantity, stock numbers, typestyle, type color, copy and descriptions (cards, ribbons, etc). Utilize our order form to minimize errors. Fill out a separate order form for each personalized order. · Boatman Geller is NOT responsible for handwriting errors. · You may not add parts to your order after it is placed. You would need to resubmit the order and the order will follow the current turnaround. Please indicate how many parts to the order or if parts are to be shipped together. · Orders can be submitted via fax: 317.466.1384 or email: orders@boatmangeller.com for a $5 charge per order. or use your retailer website: http://retailer.boatmangeller.com and orders are free. · Orders will NOT be accepted over the phone. Copy · See pricing for how many lines are included per product. Monograms and initials are considered one line. Additional lines of copy may be added for $3 net per line. · If we have questions to clarify grammar or spelling of the text, the order will be on hold until the customer contacts Boatman Geller with the resolution. The normal turnaround time will begin anew. Layout · If there is a layout in the book you would like us to work from or follow exactly, please make note with your order. Please indicate which sample and then clearly note any modifications to the layout. We will follow your instructions exactly. If layout, color, or type is not selected, we will default to the layout on that sku. · Please clearly indicate any special placement or size of copy (top, flush, left, etc.). Type with capital letters where applicable. · All copy/type will be centered and set with a standard type size and spacing based on the sample shown in the corresponding catalog, unless otherwise instructed. · Any color icon or silhouette icon may be placed on any pattern design with a white design inset for a $15 net fee. Typestyles · All orders, unless otherwise noted, can be printed with any of the typestyles shown on the Typestyle Pages. Ink Colors · Any item, except napkins, cups & stampers can be printed with any of the colors shown on the next page. Photocards · Personalized photocards that do not have a digital photo are supplied with pre-applied double-stick tape.


Digital Photocards · Please see your Retailer Site for a full description of the requirements and policies regarding digital photos. · Use your retailer site to upload photos with your order or Email your photos to orders@boatmangeller.com Envelopes · Envelopes come in white and match the paper stock of your product. · See Pricing Page for Lined envelope fees. · Two additional envelopes are included with each order at no extra charge. To order additional envelopes add $.25 each for plain and $.50 each for printed. · Add one day to the turnaround time for lined envelopes. Advance Ship Envelopes · Advance ship envelopes must be requested with your order at the time the order is placed. We cannot change an order to include advance ship envelopes once the order is in process. · Envelopes (plain or printed, with liner or without) can be shipped in advance for an additional charge of $10.00 net plus shipping costs. · Allow 2-3 business days in-house for plain envelopes and 4-6 business days in-house for printed envelopes. · Add one day to the turnaround time for lined envelopes. Proofs · Proofs can be provided upon request for a charge of $10.00 net. This includes 2 rounds of proofs (fax or email) for your order, up to 10 parts. All subsequent parts will be an additional $1 charge per proof. All subsequent rounds are $8.00 net each. Requesting both fax and email proofs will be $15.00. · A free proof will be provided on all orders over $1,000 retail. · All Hebrew orders require a proof. · We will not accept proof approvals over the phone. · Once the proof is approved, the order will be shipped following the current turnaround schedule. · Orders with enhancements will take an additional one business days. Reorders · A 25-card minimum is required for all reorders. · Reorders are priced as new orders and are billed according to the price sheet. Canceled & Changed Orders · ONCE AN ORDER IS SUBMITTED NO CHANGES CAN BE MADE. · If you cancel your order, you will be charged for the work that has been completed prior to cancellation or changes made. Orders that are in the typesetting stage can be canceled for a fee of $10. Once an order has been sent to our production facility you will be charged for the order in full. Errors · Please review your order very carefully! All errors must be reported within 14 days of receiving the order. Any errors reported after this time will not be refunded and will be reprinted at full cost.

· Errors made by the customer/store will be reprinted at 50% off the original price plus shipping costs. We will only provide shipping compensation if we exceed the current turnaround schedule. · Call tags may be issued for all orders in which Boatman Geller is at fault. All errors on our part will be reprinted on a 3 day turnaround and shipped via 2 Day Air at no additional cost, unless after 14 business days of receiving the order. · On a redo, Boatman Geller will redo the original mistake(s) but the customer will not be permitted to make additional changes to the order. Colors · Due to disparities in the printing process, colors may vary from the samples presented in the catalogs as well as emailed proofs. Samples viewed in the catalogs or online may show variations due to the inconsistencies of recreating a likeness in each corresponding media. No discounts will be given for such variations.

Turnaround Time · For the current turnaround schedule visit http://retailer.boatmangeller.com. · Orders received after 11:00 AM EST are placed into the next business day’s queue. Shipping Charges · Shipping rates are determined by the weight and zip code of your order. Please select your preference - USPS, Ground, 2 Day Air or Next Day - with your order otherwise we default to ground. · There is no extra fee for drop shipping. · If a customer does not choose to require a signature, Boatman Geller is not responsible for a missing/lost package that the tracking number indicates has been delivered.

whitney english printing prices Announcements, Invitations, Photocards - includes up to 10 lines of copy


Invitation or Flat 5x7 Photocard

25 $85

50 $115

75 $158

100 $190

+25 $47

25 $42

50 $48

75 $58

100 $68

+25 $17

Envelopes - includes up to 3 lines of copy

L Return Address On Envelopes

Optional 5x7 Photocard Backers - flat fee

BACK Photocard Back Options

Fee $50

all prices subject to change at any time, 10/2013


Photogr aphy provided by: Amanda Watson, Oklahoma | w w w.amandawatsonphoto.com Brooke Mullins, Ohio | w w w.brookemullinsphotogr aphy.com Melanie Mauer, Kentucky | w w w.melaniemauer.com Shannon Ho, Oklahoma | w w w.shannonho.com

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