Onlypadscollection flipbook

Page 1

A collection of Personalized notepads in a wide variety of sizes with many font, MoTIF and monogram choices... ...and full of great color! oh...and a Great Collection of * moving announcements * are in the back of the album!

a division of The American Stationery Collection

100 North Park Avenue Peru, Indiana 46970 U.S.A. Toll-free Customer Service: (800) 277-5458 Toll-free 24-hour Fax: (800) 329-1669

P1 - Acroterion

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789



P2 - Allyson

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P3 - Alys Medium

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P4 - Amelie

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P5 - Americana

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P6 - Avalon

AB CDE F GH I J K L M N OP Q R ST U V W X Y Z abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

P7 - Avant Garde Gothic Extra Light

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 sizes shown above are The acTual sizes used on your order. any special requesTs musT be noTed on order.


P8 - Bank Gothic Md BT

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789



P9 - Bernhard Fashion BT

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P10 - Bickley Script

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P11 - Bodoni Poster

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P12 - Bradley Hand ITC

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P13 - Broadway BT

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P14 - ATBurinSans

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 sizes shown above are The acTual sizes used on your order. any special requesTs musT be noTed on order.


P15 - CAC Lasko Cond

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghi jklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789



P16 - Caflisch Script

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P17 - Canterbury Old Style

ABCDEFGHIJKL MNOPQRSTUV WXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P18 - Carpenter ICG

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P19 - Cathedral Regular

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P20 - Centaur MT

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P21 - Clarissa

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 sizes shown above are The acTual sizes used on your order. any special requesTs musT be noTed on order.


P22 - Copperplate 31 BC

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789



P23 - CRM Regular

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P24 - Cupid ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P25 - DalyHand

A B C D EF G H I J KL M NO P Q R S T U V W XY Z ab c d e f ghi j kl mnop qrstuv w x yz 012345678 9 P26 - Engravers LH

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P27 - Engravrs Roman BT

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P28 - Flemish Script BT

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 sizes shown above are The acTual sizes used on your order. any special requesTs musT be noTed on order.


P29 - Freehand ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789



P30 - Freehand 591

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P31 - Gill Sans Light

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqr stuvwxyz 0123456789 P32 - Gothic Extended Extra Light

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P33 - Greeting Monotone

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P34 - Helvetica Neue Ultra Light

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P35 - ATSackers LightClassic Roman

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 sizes shown above are The acTual sizes used on your order. any special requesTs musT be noTed on order.


P36 - Miss Fitzpatrick

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789



P37 - Miss Lankfort

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

P38 - Mohawcs Note GD

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P39 - Novella

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ a b c d e f g h i jk l mn op qr s tu vwx yz 0123456789 P40 - Nuptial Script

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P41 - Papyrus ICG

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P42 - Parade

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx yz 0123456789 sizes shown above are The acTual sizes used on your order. any special requesTs musT be noTed on order.


P43 - Parisian

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789



P44 - Poppl-ResidenzLight

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P45 - Quick Handle AOE

ABCDEFG HIJKLMNO P Q R STUVW X Y Z abcdef ghijk lmno pqrstuvwxy z 0 12 3 4 5 678 9 P46 - Rockford

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS T UVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P47 - Rosemary Modern

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P48 - ATSackers Gothic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P49 - ATSackers Open Antique Roman

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 sizes shown above are The acTual sizes used on your order. any special requesTs musT be noTed on order.


P50 - Satisfaction ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcde fghijklmnopqr stuvwxyz 01234567 89



P51 - Shelley Volante Script

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P52 - Sloop Script Two

ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

P53 - Snell Roundhand Script

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P54 - Solid Antique Roman

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P55 - Stephanie Marie

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 P56 - Zaner Four

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 sizes shown above are The acTual sizes used on your order. any special requesTs musT be noTed on order.









monograms & iniTials

Monograms & Initials


P mT-86









monograms & iniTials

Monograms and Initials




Motifs moTif 110

moTif 903

moTif 117

moTif lb

moTif 119

moTif 135

moTif sb

moTif 124

moTif ib

moTif rb

moTif 140

moTif 139

moTif 115

moTif 137

moTif 138

moTif ra

moTif Tb

moTif oa

moTif bb

moTif qa

moTif hb

moTif 102




moTif 144

moTif db

moTif cb

moTif zb

moTif ab

moTif na

moTif fb

moTif pb

moTif ob

moTif mb

moTif Xb

moTif eb

moTif pa

moTif ub

moTif 120

moTif 116

moTif aa

moTif wo-11

moTif Ja

moTif ca

moTif da

moTif ia

moTif ga

moTif ba

moTif 108

moTif qb

moTif 127

moTif wo-01

moTif wo13 Xii



moTif wo06

moTif wo21

moTif 131

moTif 141

moTif 130

moTif 109

moTif wb

moTif gb

moTif Ta

moTif nb

moTif Xa

moTif 111

moTif 128

moTif 129

moTif vb

moTif Kb

moTif 133

moTif yb

moTif 132

moTif 118



Pricing 2 pads of 50 sheets each

4 pads of 50 sheets each

6 pads of 50 sheets each

P1 - Personalized Pad




P2 - Personalized Pad




P3 - Personalized Pad




P4 - Personalized Pad




P5 - Personalized Pad




P6 - Personalized Pad




P7 - Personalized Pad




P8 - Personalized Pad




P9 - Personalized Pad




1 pad set 75 sheets per pad

2 pad sets 75 sheets per pad



C1 - Multi Pad Set

3 pad sets 75 sheets per pad 130




















PU - Add Printed Envelopes 16










M1 - Announcements

50 env.

100 env.



E1P - Envelopes for 4” x 6” pads, flat, printed



E2U - Envelopes for 6” x 8” pads, folded, plain



E2P - Envelopes for 6” x 8” pads, folded, printed



E3U - Envelopes for 8 1/2” x 11” pads, folded, plain



E3P - Envelopes for 8 1/2” x 11” pads, folded, printed



E1U - Envelopes for 4” x 6” pads, flat, plain

add’l 10

We try to ship all orders within 3-5 business days of receipt of completed order form or proof approval, whichever is applicable. Submit up to 9 items at once and have them shipped together - for one low price!

Flat Rate Ground Shipping $8.95

our special shipping raTes

Our Special Shipping Rates

3-Day Air Flat Rate $13.95 Guaranteed third day afternoon delivery after shipment (Monday-Friday)

2-Day Air Flat Rate $18.95 Guaranteed evening delivery within 2 business days after shipment (Monday-Friday)

Next Day Air Flat Rate $28.95

Guaranteed next day afternoon delivery after shipment (Monday-Friday)

All orders are shipped from Peru, Indiana. Some orders to rural areas may take extra days for delivery. Neither The Chatsworth CollectionÂŽ nor the carriers are responsible for weather-related delays. Please note that no signature is required for Ground Service. We are not responsible when a carrier delivers a package by leaving it at the front door, and the recipient claims not to have received the package. All offers are subject to change without notice.

2012. The Chatsworth Collection™. All Rights Reserved.


Ordering Information: 1) Your Account Name, Account Number, Address & Phone, Purchase Order Number (or Customer Name), our Item Number, and Quantity must appear on all orders. 2) Clearly PRINT or TYPE all of your copy, and underline all letters to be capitalized. Please print each line EXACTLY as you want it to appear. We are not responsible for poorly written orders. 3) Do not use dashes, commas, periods or other markings unless you want them to appear on your order. Please call to our attention any unusual spelling, punctuation or spacing, e.g., — Is it “MacLean” or “Mac Lean”? — Is it “JoAnne,” “Jo Anne,” or “Joanne”? 4) If a pad or announcement requires a monogram, we will print the initials in the order that you submit. As a reminder, the last name is the larger initial in the middle, with the first initial on the left and the middle initial on the right. If it is for a couple, the male’s initial is on the left and the female is on the right.

ordering informaTion

Ordering Informaton

5) Prices for all the products are shown on the Price Pages. 6) The base price includes your personalization of the product, formatted as shown. 7) Please choose an ink color. If no ink color choice is made on your order form, your order will be held until we have all information and cause delays in your order. 8) All positioning is at the discretion of our typesetters and press operators. We try to follow our sample as closely as we can, unless you specify otherwise. If you have particular needs, please specify exactly what you want. Some changes of formatting will require additional fees. We will notify you before processing your order of any special fees. 9) Once we receive your order, WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CANCELLATIONS, DUPLICATIONS, CHANGES or ADDITIONS! Any alterations or cancellations, if possible will incur extra charges along with any other costs incurred up to that point in production.

Shipping and Turnaround Time: All orders are shipped via Ground Service unless you specify otherwise. We have flat-rate shipping via 2-day air or overnight. Please see “Shipping Information” for more details. (Note: P.O. boxes are shipped by US Mail). We try our best to ship all orders within 3-5 business days of receipt of your completed order form or proof approval, whichever is applicable.

Rush Charges:

For an extra charge of $20 net, we can rush your order through our plant within 24 business hours. Orders or proof approvals received AFTER 11:00 AM ET with RUSH requests will print the next business day. Please Note: RUSH only applies to order production; not proofing time. Orders will be shipped via Ground Service, unless you request a shipping upgrade.

Drop Shipments:

We are happy to send an order directly to your customer. An additional charge of $4 net, will apply. Please indicate “DROP SHIP to Customer” on your order, and provide the ship-to address.

Ink Colors: For no extra charge, you may Change Ink Color from what is shown on the sample (refer to our ink color chart). If you do not indicate an ink color preference, your order will be held until we receive completed information and will cause delays in your order.


Envelope Imprinting:

Envelopes are available with up to 3 lines of personalization. Please specify white or ivory envelopes. Personalization on envelopes is in black ink in matching fonts as ordered on pad.

Blank Pads:

All products are available blank. Please indicate “Blank — No Personalization” on your order. There is no price break for non-printed items as the art still needs to be printed. Our printed stock is not recommended for use in laser printers.

Special Formatting & Printing: All positioning is at the discretion of our typesetters and press operators. We try to follow our sample as closely as we can, unless you specify otherwise. If you have particular needs, please specify exactly what you want.

Proofs: A proof of your order may be emailed to a Chatsworth Collection dealer for an additional charge of $15 net. Additional proofs will be billed at $5 net each. The proof email will contain information for completing your order. Proof approvals received after 11:00 a.m. ET will be placed into the next day’s queue. Orders cancelled after we provide a proof will be charged $6 net per line plus $15 net for the proof. We try our best to email all proofs within 24 hours of receipt of completed order forms.

Logos and Artwork: We can often print a logo or other artwork if we are supplied with clear, clean and crisp (“cameraready”) art. We will reduce or enlarge your artwork accordingly. We cannot accept photocopies or artwork sent via fax. We can accept digital files, but many will still require extra charges to be print-ready. The minimum charge for artwork is $40 net, and requires a proof and subsequent proof charges. We will contact you only if the charge exceeds $40. If we provide a quote over the phone before receiving your art and your order, we reserve the right to revise the fee upon review of your submitted artwork.

Photos: For products that require a photo, please refer to and click the green “upload photo” button on the home page. From there, you will be asked a few simple questions and follow a few simple steps to upload your customer’s photo to us. Please make sure that your photo is a minimum of 1200 pixels (in either direction) in order to have the best quality reproduction. We cannot guarantee quality if submitted photo is below standards. We are not responsible for product delays due to poor quality or incorrectly sized photos. We currently do not offer “photo altering” service, including converting images to different color hues (black/white, sepia, etc). All photos MUST be submitted through our photo upload service. Emailed photos will not be accepted. Completed orders and photos must be submitted together.

Order Forms: Please go to for easy access to download and print more order forms.

ordering informaTion

Ordering Informaton

Paper Colors and Backgrounds:

All pads are available in either white or ivory paper colors. Please specify. As noted on the bottom of each page, certain pads may also have a colored background printed (on white paper only).

Ink Colors:

On the first few pages of this album, we have shown you what each of our ink colors look like on our white and ivory paper stock, plus what our personalization ink colors will look like when printed on our different colored background. Where noted, you can have any color combination of background color and personalization color for no extra charge. Please be sure you like the color combination as shown on the “Ink Color Options” pages before placing your order.

Envelopes: envelopes available

When you see the envelope icon, that means envelopes are available for that item. Envelopes are available in white and ivory. Please specify. Envelopes are available in units of 50. Please specify. Personalization on envelopes is available in black ink and in matching font as ordered on pads.

special noTes and insTrucTions

Special Notes and Instructions

Background Color Swatches:

To help decide on your colors and to feel the actual paper stock, we have included in the front pocket of this album a swatch book of our white and ivory papers, plus our printed background colors. Please note: due to the nature of printing presses, color may vary slightly from samples shown, and may also vary slightly from order to order. We are constantly monitoring and color calibrating our presses, but reserve the right to have a slight variation in final colors printed.

Typestyles/Monograms and Motif Sizes:

Since doing an album with so many custom features, it is hard to show every possible combination of sizes of typestyles, monograms and motifs, The sizes shown in the “Typestyles”, “Motifs” and “Monogram & Initials” sections in the front of the album are the base sizes we are using for all pads. Our typesetters will adjust, as necessary, to make your combination work comfortably on your pad. If you want something specific, please specify on the order form. Otherwise, our professional typesetters will make your pad look awesome! Please note that the larger pads shown in this album are denoted with a “reduced, actual size is...” The typestyles, monograms and motifs shown on these pads are reduced proportionaly.

Be creative...and have fun creating your own unique personalized pad! Xviii

PB61 - Tangerine

PB54 - Real Red

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB55 - Blush Pink

PB56 - Hot Pink

PB80 - Powder Blue

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB81 - Brilliant Blue

PB52 - True Blue

PB05 - Navy

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB58 - Key Lime

PB82 - Emerald Green

PB03 - Hunter Green

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB83 - Purple Passion

PB71 - Almond

PB48- Dark Chocolate

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB84 - Ash Grey

PB88 - Black

PB77- White

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Not Available on White Paper

Ink Color optIons - WhIte paper

PB79 - Daffodil


PB61 - Tangerine

PB54 - Real Red

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB55 - Blush Pink

PB56 - Hot Pink

PB80 - Powder Blue

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB81 - Brilliant Blue

PB52 - True Blue

PB05 - Navy

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB58 - Key Lime

PB82 - Emerald Green

PB03 - Hunter Green

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB83 - Purple Passion

PB71 - Almond

PB48- Dark Chocolate

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB84 - Ash Grey

PB88 - Black

PB77- White

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia and John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Ink Color optIons - Ivory paper

PB79 - Daffodil

Not Available Mr. Honeywell onJohn Ivory Paper

Sylvia Honeywell C-2

PB61 - Tangerine

PB54 - Real Red

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB55 - Blush Pink

PB56 - Hot Pink

PB80 - Powder Blue

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB81 - Brilliant Blue

PB52 - True Blue

PB05 - Navy

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB58 - Key Lime

PB82 - Emerald Green

PB03 - Hunter Green

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB83 - Purple Passion

PB71 - Almond

PB48- Dark Chocolate

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB84 - Ash Grey

PB88 - Black

PB77 - White

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Ink Color optIons - tan BaCkground

PB79 - Daffodil


Sylvia and John Honeywell Mr. John Honeywell

PB61 - Tangerine

Sylvia and John Honeywell Mr. John Honeywell

PB54 - Real Red Sylvia and John Honeywell Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB55 - Blush Pink

PB56 - Hot Pink

PB80 - Powder Blue

Sylvia and John Honeywell

Sylvia and John Honeywell

Sylvia and John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB81 - Brilliant Blue

PB52 - True Blue

Sylvia and John Honeywell

Sylvia and John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB58 - Key Lime

PB82 - Emerald Green

PB03 - Hunter Green

Sylvia and John Honeywell

Sylvia and John Honeywell

Sylvia and John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB83 - Purple Passion

PB71 - Almond

PB48- Dark Chocolate

Sylvia and John Honeywell

Sylvia and John Honeywell

Sylvia and John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB84 - Ash Grey

PB88 - Black

PB77- White

Sylvia and John Honeywell

Sylvia and John Honeywell

Sylvia and John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB05 - Navy

Sylvia and John Honeywell Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Ink Color optIons - sChool yelloW BaCkground

PB79 - Daffodil


PB61 - Tangerine

PB54 - Real Red

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB55 - Blush Pink

PB56 - Hot Pink

PB80 - Powder Blue

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB81 - Brilliant Blue

PB52 - True Blue

PB05 - Navy

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB58 - Key Lime

PB82 - Emerald Green

PB03 - Hunter Green

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB83 - Purple Passion

PB71 - Almond

PB48- Dark Chocolate

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB84 - Ash Grey

PB88 - Black

PB77 - White

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Ink Color optIons - pale pInk BaCkground

PB79 - Daffodil


PB61 - Tangerine

PB54 - Real Red

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB55 - Blush Pink

PB56 - Hot Pink

PB80 - Powder Blue

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB81 - Brilliant Blue

PB52 - True Blue

PB05 - Navy

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB58 - Key Lime

PB82 - Emerald Green

PB03 - Hunter Green

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB83 - Purple Passion

PB71 - Almond

PB48- Dark Chocolate

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB84 - Ash Grey

PB88 - Black

PB77 - White

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Ink Color optIons - lIght Blue BaCkground

PB79 - Daffodil


PB61 - Tangerine

PB54 - Real Red

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB55 - Blush Pink

PB56 - Hot Pink

PB80 - Powder Blue

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB81 - Brilliant Blue

PB52 - True Blue

PB05 - Navy

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB58 - Key Lime

PB82 - Emerald Green

PB03 - Hunter Green

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB83 - Purple Passion

PB71 - Almond

PB48- Dark Chocolate

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB84 - Ash Grey

PB88 - Black

PB77 - White

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Ink Color optIons - lavender BaCkground

PB79 - Daffodil


PB61 - Tangerine

PB54 - Real Red

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB55 - Blush Pink

PB56 - Hot Pink

PB80 - Powder Blue

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB81 - Brilliant Blue

PB52 - True Blue

PB05 - Navy

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB58 - Key Lime

PB82 - Emerald Green

PB03 - Hunter Green

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB83 - Purple Passion

PB71 - Almond

PB48- Dark Chocolate

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB84 - Ash Grey

PB88 - Black

PB77 - White

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Ink Color optIons - BrIght yelloW BaCkground

PB79 - Daffodil


PB61 - Tangerine

PB54 - Real Red

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Not Available on orange background

PB55 - Blush Pink

PB56 - Hot Pink

PB80 - Powder Blue

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB81 - Brilliant Blue

PB52 - True Blue

PB05 - Navy

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB58 - Key Lime

PB82 - Emerald Green

PB03 - Hunter Green

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB83 - Purple Passion

PB71 - Almond

PB48- Dark Chocolate

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB84 - Ash Grey

PB88 - Black

PB77 - White

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Ink Color optIons - orange BaCkground

PB79 - Daffodil


PB61 - Tangerine

PB54 - Real Red

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB55 - Blush Pink

PB56 - Hot Pink

PB80 - Powder Blue

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB81 - Brilliant Blue

PB52 - True Blue

PB05 - Navy

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB58 - Key Lime

PB82 - Emerald Green

PB03 - Hunter Green

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB83 - Purple Passion

PB71 - Almond

PB48- Dark Chocolate

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB84 - Ash Grey

PB88 - Black

PB77 - White

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Ink Color optIons - pInk BaCkground

PB79 - Daffodil


PB61 - Tangerine

PB54 - Real Red

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB55 - Blush Pink

PB56 - Hot Pink

PB80 - Powder Blue

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB81 - Brilliant Blue

PB52 - True Blue

PB05 - Navy

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB58 - Key Lime

PB82 - Emerald Green

PB03 - Hunter Green

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB83 - Purple Passion

PB71 - Almond

PB48- Dark Chocolate

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB84 - Ash Grey

PB88 - Black

PB77 - White

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Ink Color optIons - lIme green BaCkground

PB79 - Daffodil


PB61 - Tangerine

PB54 - Real Red

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB55 - Blush Pink

PB56 - Hot Pink

PB80 - Powder Blue

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB81 - Brilliant Blue

PB52 - True Blue

PB05 - Navy

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB58 - Key Lime

PB82 - Emerald Green

PB03 - Hunter Green

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB83 - Purple Passion

PB71 - Almond

PB48- Dark Chocolate

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

PB84 - Ash Grey

PB88 - Black

PB77 - White

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Mr. John Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Sylvia Honeywell

Ink Color optIons - BrIght Blue BaCkground

PB79 - Daffodil


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

tan (tn)

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB)

Item numBer:



3” x 5”

paper Color shoWn: lavender (lv)

Font shoWn:

WhIte (Wh)


Ink Color shoWn: pB83 - purple passIon monogram shoWn: pInk (pk)

orange (or)

prICe Code:



avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

tan (tn)

Jackson Monroe Collins

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB)

Item numBer:



3” x 5”

BaCkground Color shoWn: lavender (lv)

Font shoWn:

BrIght Blue (BB)

p50 - satIsFaCtIon

Ink Color shoWn: pB88 - BlaCk prICe Code:


pInk (pk)

orange (or)

avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

tan (tn)

Preston Gilmore sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB)

The Gilmore Group Item numBer:



3” x 5”

paper Color shoWn: lavender (lv)

Font shoWn:

WhIte (Wh)

p11 - BodonI poster

Ink Color shoWn: pB84 - ash grey prICe Code:


pInk (pk)

orange (or)

avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

tan (tn)

Patty Spencer-Morris

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB)

Item numBer:



3” x 5”

BaCkground Color shoWn: lavender (lv)

Font shoWn:

lIme green (lg)

p55 - stephanIe marIe

Ink Color shoWn: pB81 - BrIllIant Blue pInk (pk)

orange (or)

motIF shoWn:


prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


pICk - a - pad



tan (tn)


sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

Jasmine Provence

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB)

Item numBer:



3” x 5”

paper Color shoWn: lavender (lv)

Font shoWn:

Ivory (Iv)

p20 - Centaur mt

monogram shoWn: mx-21 Ink Color shoWn: pB56 - hot pInk pInk (pk)

orange (or)

prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

tan (tn)

Maria Thomlinson

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB)

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:



4” x 6”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

WhIte (Wh)

p53 - snell roundhand

Ink Color shoWn: pB55 - Blush pInk pInk (pk)

orange (or)

motIF shoWn:


prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


tan (tn)

Jasper Collinsworth, Jr

pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB)

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:



4” x 6”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

WhIte (Wh)

p27 - engravers roman Bt

Ink Color shoWn: pB52 - true Blue pInk (pk)

orange (or)

motIF shoWn:


prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

tan (tn)

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB)

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:



4” x 6”

paper Color shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

Ivory (Iv)

Ink Color shoWn: pB48 - dark ChoColate monogram shoWn: pInk (pk)

orange (or)

prICe Code:



avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

tan (tn)

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

Melissa Reigel Harrison BrIght Blue (BB)

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:



4” x 6”

BaCkground Color shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

pInk (pk)

Ink Color shoWn: pB88 - BlaCk monogram shoWn: pInk (pk)

Font shoWn: p54 - solId antIque roman prICe Code:

orange (or)



avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

tan (tn)

Paul Simons St. Charles School

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB)

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:



4” x 6”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

Ivory (Iv)

p56 - zaner Four

Ink Color shoWn: pB88 - BlaCk pInk (pk)

orange (or)

prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground

Border Color Is alWays prInted In same Color as personalIzatIon


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

tan (tn)

sChool yelloW (sy)


BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

Rebecca J. Stephens BrIght Blue (BB)

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:



4” x 6”

BaCkground Color shoWn: Font shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

lavender (lv)

p37 - mIss lankFort

Ink Color shoWn: pB83 - purple passIon pInk (pk)

orange (or)

prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground

InItIal Is alWays In same Font as name and sIzed at the dIsCretIon oF typesetters


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

tan (tn)

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB)

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:



4” x 6”

envelopes avaIlaBle

BaCkground Color shoWn: BrIght yelloW (By) Ink Color shoWn: pB54 - real red monogram shoWn:

pInk (pk)

orange (or)

prICe Code:



avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground

Border Color Is alWays prInted In same Color as personalIzatIon


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

tan (tn)

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB)

Item numBer:



5” x 5”

paper Color shoWn: lavender (lv)

WhIte (Wh)

Ink Color shoWn: pB03 - hunter green monogram shoWn: prICe Code:



pInk (pk)

orange (or)

avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

tan (tn)

Maryanne Clifton

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

Don’t Forget!

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB)

Item numBer:



5” x 5”

BaCkground Color shoWn: lavender (lv)

Font shoWn:

orange (or)

p13 - BroadWay

Ink Color shoWn: pB05 - navy prICe Code:


pInk (pk)

orange (or)

avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

tan (tn)

Pembrooke Stables sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB)

Item numBer:



5” x 5”

paper Color shoWn: lavender (lv)

Font shoWn:

Ivory (Iv)

p5 - amerICana

Ink Color shoWn: pB48 - dark ChoColate pInk (pk)

orange (or)

motIF shoWn:


prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

tan (tn)

sChool yelloW (sy)


BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

Monica Gaston

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB)

Item numBer:



5” x 5”

BaCkground Color shoWn: lavender (lv)

Font shoWn:

pInk (pk)

p6 - avalon

Ink Color shoWn: pB88 - BlaCk prICe Code:


pInk (pk)

orange (or)

avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground

InItIal Is alWays In same Font as name and sIzed at the dIsCretIon oF typesetters


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

tan (tn)

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB) reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 6”x 8”

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:



6” x 8”

BaCkground Color shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

tan (tn)

Ink Color shoWn: pB05 - navy pInk (pk)

monogram shoWn: prICe Code:

orange (or)


p4 avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk

or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Brooks 353 Youngstown Road Oakland, California 94609

tan (tn)

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB) reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 6”x 8”

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:



6” x 8”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn: pInk (pk)

WhIte (Wh)

p49 - atsaCkers open antIque roman

Ink Color shoWn: pB71 - almond prICe Code:

orange (or)

envelopes avaIlaBle

p4 avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk

or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

The Butterfield Club

tan (tn)

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB) reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 6”x 8”

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:



6” x 8”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn: pInk (pk)

orange (or)

envelopes avaIlaBle

Ivory (Iv)

p25 - dalyhand

Ink Color shoWn: pB84 - ash grey motIF shoWn:


prICe Code:

p4 avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk

or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

Angela Cruz

tan (tn)

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB) reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 6”x 8”

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:



6” x 8”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn: pInk (pk)

orange (or)

envelopes avaIlaBle

WhIte (Wh)

p45 - quICkhandle

Ink Color shoWn: pB54 - real red motIF shoWn:


prICe Code:

p4 avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk

or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

The Smithfields are out of:

tan (tn)

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB) reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 6”x 8”

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:



6” x 8”

BaCkground Color shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

BrIght yelloW

(By)Font shoWn: p41 - papyrus pInk (pk)

Ink Color shoWn: pB88 - BlaCk prICe Code:

orange (or)

p4 avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk

or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground

desIgn Is alWays prInted In same Ink Color as personalIzatIon


BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

Hangman with Benjamin Langford

sChool yelloW (sy)


tan (tn)

lIght Blue (lB)

pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

BrIght Blue (BB) reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 6”x 8”

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:



6” x 8”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn: pInk (pk)

WhIte (Wh)

p38 - mohaWCs

Ink Color shoWn: pB52 - true Blue prICe Code:

orange (or)

envelopes avaIlaBle

p4 avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk

or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground

desIgn Is alWays prInted In same Ink Color as personalIzatIon


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

tan (tn)

Stephanie’s To-Do List!

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB) reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 6”x 8”

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:



6” x 8”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn: pInk (pk)

WhIte (Wh)

p46 - roCkFord

Ink Color shoWn: pB82 - emerald green prICe Code:

orange (or)

envelopes avaIlaBle

p4 avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk

or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground

desIgn Is alWays prInted In same Ink Color as personalIzatIon


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

Rebecca Taft’s Checkoff List

tan (tn)

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB) reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 6”x 8”

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:



6” x 8”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn: pInk (pk)

lIght Blue (lB)

p42 - parade

Ink Color shoWn: pB05 - navy prICe Code:

orange (or)

envelopes avaIlaBle

p4 avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk

or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground

desIgn Is alWays prInted In same Ink Color as personalIzatIon


pICk - a - pad

Bridge with Bruce and Connie Franklin PLAYERS











reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 6”x 8”

Item numBer:



6” x 8”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

Ivory (Iv)

p31 - gIll sans lIght

Ink Color shoWn: pB05 - navy prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk lInes are alWays In Blue Ink. BaCkground Colors not avaIlaBle.


pICk - a - pad

Collin Murphy

reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 6”x 8”

Item numBer:



6” x 8”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

WhIte (Wh)

p48 - atsaCkers gothIC

Ink Color shoWn: pB88 - BlaCk prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk lInes are alWays In grey Ink. BaCkground Colors not avaIlaBle.


pICk - a - pad reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 6”x 8”

Item numBer:



6” x 8”

paper Color shoWn:

WhIte (Wh)

monogram shoWn:


envelopes avaIlaBle

Ink Color shoWn: pB82 - emerald prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk lInes are alWays In grey Ink. BaCkground Colors not avaIlaBle.


pICk - a - pad

Brian’s To Dos!

reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 6”x 8”

Item numBer:



6” x 8”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

Ivory (Iv)

p31 - gIll sans lIght

Ink Color shoWn: pB05 - navy prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk lInes are alWays In grey Ink. BaCkground Colors not avaIlaBle.


pICk - a - pad

Abagail Nederlander

reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 6”x 8”

Item numBer:



6” x 8”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

WhIte (Wh)

p4 - amelIe

Ink Color shoWn: pB58 - key lIme prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk lInes are alWays In Blush pInk Ink. BaCkground Colors not avaIlaBle.


pICk - a - pad

Ashleigh Collingsworth

reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 6”x 8”

Item numBer:



6” x 8”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

WhIte (Wh)

p30 - Freehand 591

Ink Color shoWn: pB83 - purple passIon prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk lInes are alWays In red Ink. BaCkground Colors not avaIlaBle.


pICk - a - pad

Frederick Mason

reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 6”x 8”

Item numBer:



6” x 8”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

WhIte (Wh)

p8 - Bank gothIC md Bt

Ink Color shoWn: pB82 - emerald green prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk lInes are alWays In Blue Ink. BaCkground Colors not avaIlaBle.


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

Lynette B. Olivier

tan (tn)

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB) reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 6”x 8”

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:



6” x 8”

BaCkground Color shoWn: Font shoWn: pInk (pk)

orange (or)

p18 - Carpenter ICg

Ink Color shoWn: pB88 - BlaCk prICe Code:

orange (or)

envelopes avaIlaBle

p4 avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk

or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground

lInes are prInted In same Color as personalIzatIon


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

Vivienne Ericson

tan (tn)

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB) reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 6”x 8”

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:



6” x 8”

BaCkground Color shoWn: Font shoWn: pInk (pk)

tan (tn)

p39 - novella

Ink Color shoWn: pB77 - WhIte prICe Code:

orange (or)

envelopes avaIlaBle

p4 avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk

or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground

lInes are prInted In same Color as personalIzatIon


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

tan (tn)

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 7”x 7”

BrIght Blue (BB)

Item numBer:



7” x 7”

BaCkground Color shoWn: lavender (lv)

lavender (lv)

Ink Color shoWn: pB88 - BlaCk monogram shoWn: prICe Code:



pInk (pk)

orange (or)

avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

tan (tn)

Madison’s Drawings and Doodles sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 7”x 7”

BrIght Blue (BB)

Item numBer:



7” x 7”

BaCkground Color shoWn: lavender (lv)

Font shoWn:

orange (or)

p24 - CupId

Ink Color shoWn: pB56 - hot pInk prICe Code:


pInk (pk)

orange (or)

avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

tan (tn)

Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Barkley

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 7”x 7”

BrIght Blue (BB)

Item numBer:



7” x 7”

paper Color shoWn: lavender (lv)

Font shoWn:

WhIte (Wh)

p52 - sloop sCrIpt

Ink Color shoWn: pB03 - hunter green pInk (pk)

orange (or)

motIF shoWn:


prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

tan (tn)

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 7”x 7”

BrIght Blue (BB)

Item numBer:



7” x 7”

paper Color shoWn: lavender (lv)

Font shoWn:

WhIte (Wh)

p23 - Crm reg

Ink Color shoWn: pB54 - real red prICe Code:


pInk (pk)

orange (or)

avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground

lInes are prInted In same Color as personalIzatIon


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

Mr. and Mrs Robert Stinson 353 East Park Place Anaheim, California 92804

tan (tn)

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB) reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 8.5”x 11”

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:



8.5” x 11”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn: pInk (pk)

WhIte (Wh)

p51 - shelley volante

Ink Color shoWn: pB84 - ash grey prICe Code:

orange (or)

envelopes avaIlaBle

p7 avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk

or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

tan (tn)

Michael T. Simon

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB) reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 8.5”x 11”

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:



8.5” x 11”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn: pInk (pk)

Ivory (Iv)

p22 - Copperplate

Ink Color shoWn: Bp88 - BlaCk prICe Code:

orange (or)

envelopes avaIlaBle

p7 avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk

or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

Cassie McDonald’s Homework

tan (tn)

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB) reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 8.5”x 11”

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:



8.5” x 11”

BaCkground Color shoWn: Font shoWn: pInk (pk)

orange (or)

envelopes avaIlaBle

sChool yelloW (sy)

p47 - rosemary modern

Ink Color shoWn: pB88 - BlaCk motIF shoWn:


prICe Code:

p7 avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk

or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

tan (tn)

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

Grace Wentworth Harrington 352 Berkley Drive, Boston, Masschusetts 02410

BrIght Blue (BB)

reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 8.5”x 11”

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:



8.5” x 11”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn: pInk (pk)

WhIte (Wh)

p53 - snell roundhand

Ink Color shoWn: pB55 - Blush pInk monogram shoWn: prICe Code:

orange (or)

envelopes avaIlaBle


p7 avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk

or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


List of Chores List of Chores List of Chores List of Chores








Dad Kylie Week of:

List of Chores

Chores for the Rheingold Family Matt Jessica Mom

pICk - a - pad reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 8.5”x 11”

Item numBer:



8.5” x 11”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

Ivory (Iv)

p17 - CanterBury

Ink Color shoWn: pB54 - real red prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk desIgn Is alWays prInted In grey Ink. BaCkground Colors not avaIlaBle type sIze Is at the dIsCretIon oF typesetters


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

Katie Wilson’s Weekly Chores

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

List of Chores

Week of:

sChool yelloW (sy)

Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu.



tan (tn)

BrIght Blue (BB) reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 8.5”x 11”

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:



8.5” x 11”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn: pInk (pk)

WhIte (Wh)

p42 - parade

Ink Color shoWn: pB83 - purple passIon prICe Code:

orange (or)

envelopes avaIlaBle


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk desIgn Is prInted In same Ink Color as personalIzatIon


pICk - a - pad

Andrew B. Crawford

reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 8.5”x 11”

Item numBer:



8.5” x 11”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

Ivory (Iv)

p5 - amerICana

Ink Color shoWn: pB03 - hunter green prICe Code:


a avaIlaBle vaIlaBle WIth WIth WhIte WhIte or or Ivory Ivory paper paper stoCk stoCk llInes are alWays In grey Ink . B aCkground Colors not avaIlaBle. Ines are alWays In Blue


pICk - a - pad reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 8.5”x 11”

Item numBer:



8.5” x 11”

paper Color shoWn:

WhIte (Wh)

monogram shoWn:


envelopes avaIlaBle

Ink Color shoWn: pB54 - real red prICe Code:


a avaIlaBle vaIlaBle WIth WIth WhIte WhIte or or Ivory Ivory paper paper stoCk stoCk llInes are alWays In Blue Ink . B aCkground Colors Ines are alWays In Blue Ink. BaCkground Colors not not avaIlaBle avaIlaBle..


pICk - a - pad

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

Lauren Whitestone

tan (tn)

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

BrIght Blue (BB) reduCed, aCtual sIze Is 8.5”x 11”

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:



8.5” x 11”

BaCkground Color shoWn: Font shoWn: pInk (pk)

pale pInk (pp)

p24 - CupId

Ink Color shoWn: pB88 - BlaCk prICe Code:

orange (or)

envelopes avaIlaBle

p8 avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk

or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground

lInes are prInted In same Color as personalIzatIon


Marcia Langdon tan (tn) Marcia Langdon

Marcia Langdon

sChool yelloW (sy)

pICk - a - pad set

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:


Marcia Langdon

BrIght yelloW (By)


Marcia Langdon

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

layout only as shoWn. pads reduCed, not aCtual sIze

BrIght Blue (BB)

Item numBer:


aCtual sIzes:

3.25” x 5” (2-pads) 3.25” x 6” (2-pads) 4” x 6” (2-pads) 5” x 8” (1-pad)

lavender (lv)

paper Color shoWn: pInk (pk)

Font shoWn:

p47 - rosemary modern

Ink Color shoWn: pB54 - real red prICe Code:

orange (or)

WhIte (Wh)


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground

type sIze on varIous pads Is at the dIsCretIon oF typesetters


tan (tn)

sChool yelloW (sy)

Joceyln Perkins

a note from Jocelyn Perkins

Jocelyn Perkins

Jocelyn Perkins



Jocelyn Perkins

pICk - a - pad set

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB) layout only as shoWn. pads reduCed, not aCtual sIze

BrIght Blue (BB)

lavender (lv)

Item numBer:


aCtual sIzes:

3.25” x 5” (2-pads) 3.25” x 6” (2-pads) 4” x 6” (2-pads) 5” x 8” (1-pad)

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn:

pInk (pk)

orange (or)

WhIte (Wh)

p53 - snell roundhand

Ink Color shoWn: pB80 - poWder Blue motIF shoWn:


prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground

type sIze on varIous pads Is at the dIsCretIon oF typesetters


George Murphy tan (tn) George Murphy

George Murphy sChool yelloW (sy)

pICk - a - pad set

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:


George Murphy BrIght yelloW (By)


George Murphy

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

layout only as shoWn. pads reduCed, not aCtual sIze

BrIght Blue (BB)

Item numBer:


aCtual sIzes:

3.25” x 5” (2-pads) 3.25” x 6” (2-pads) 4” x 6” (2-pads) 5” x 8” (1-pad)

lavender (lv)

paper Color shoWn: pInk (pk)

Font shoWn:

p38 - mohaWCs

Ink Color shoWn: pB05 - navy prICe Code:

orange (or)

Ivory (Iv)


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground

type sIze on varIous pads Is at the dIsCretIon oF typesetters


pICk - a - pad set

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

tan (tn)

sChool yelloW (sy)

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

layout only as shoWn. pads reduCed, not aCtual sIze

BrIght Blue (BB)

Item numBer:


aCtual sIzes:

3.25” x 5” (2-pads) 3.25” x 6” (2-pads) 4” x 6” (2-pads) 5” x 8” (1-pad)

lavender (lv)

paper Color shoWn: pInk (pk)

Ink Color shoWn: pB58 - key lIme monogram shoWn: mt-95 prICe Code:

orange (or)

WhIte (Wh)


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground


Johanna Martin tan (tn) a note from Johanna Martin

Johanna Martin sChool yelloW (sy)

Johanna Martin



Johanna Martin

pICk - a - pad set

avaIlaBle BaCkgrounds:

BrIght yelloW (By)

lIme green (lg)

pale pInk (pp)

lIght Blue (lB)

layout only as shoWn. pads reduCed, not aCtual sIze

BrIght Blue (BB)

Item numBer:


aCtual sIzes:

3.25” x 5” (2-pads) 3.25” x 6” (2-pads) 4” x 6” (2-pads) 5” x 8” (1-pad)

lavender (lv)

BaCkground Color shoWn: pInk (pk) pInk (pk)

Font shoWn:

Ink Color shoWn: pB88 - WhIte prICe Code:

orange (or)

p45 - quICkhandle C1

avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk or WhIte stoCk WIth your ChoICe oF Colored BaCkground

type sIze on varIous pads Is at the dIsCretIon oF typesetters


pICk - a - photo pad

Item numBer:



4” x 6”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

WhIte (Wh)

p23 - Crm reg

Ink Color shoWn: pB55 - Blush pInk prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk BaCkground Colors not avaIlaBle.


pICk - a- photo pad

Angela Harman Item numBer:



4” x 6”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

WhIte (Wh)

p36 - mIss FItzpatrICk

Ink Color shoWn: pB61 - tangerIne prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk BaCkground Colors not avaIlaBle.


pICk - a- photo pad

The Raymond Family Item numBer:



4” x 6”

paper Color shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

WhIte (Wh)

Font shoWn:

p44 - poppl-resIdenzlIght

Color shoWn:

pB54 - real red

prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk BaCkground Colors not avaIlaBle.


pICk-a-photo pad

John, Cindy and Paul Lafferty Item numBer:



4” x 6”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

Ivory (Iv)

p43 - parIsIan

Ink Color shoWn: pB82 - emerald green prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk BaCkground Colors not avaIlaBle.


pICk-a-photo pad

Cameron Bryce Daniels Item numBer:



4” x 6”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

WhIte (Wh)

p17 - CanterBury old style

Ink Color shoWn: pB81 - BrIllIant Blue prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk BaCkground Colors not avaIlaBle.


pICk-a-photo pad

Clarice Monroe Item numBer:



4” x 6”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

WhIte (Wh)

p21 - ClarIssa

Ink Color shoWn: pB56 - hot pInk prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk BaCkground Colors not avaIlaBle.


pICk-a-photo pad

Mason Gregory Trumble III Item numBer:



4” x 6”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

WhIte (Wh)

p16 - CaFlIsCh sCrIpt

Ink Color shoWn: pB88 - BlaCk prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk BaCkground Colors not avaIlaBle.


pICk-a-photo pad

Nicholas’ Mom Item numBer:



4” x 6”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn:

envelopes avaIlaBle

Ivory (Iv)

p50 - satIsFaCtIon

Ink Color shoWn: pB48 - dark ChoColate prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk BaCkground Colors not avaIlaBle.


Item numBer:



4” x 6”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn:

pICk-a-photo pad

Emily Rae Bowen

envelopes avaIlaBle

WhIte (Wh)

p15 - CaC lasko Cond

Ink Color shoWn: pB77 - WhIte prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk BaCkground Colors not avaIlaBle.


Item numBer:



4” x 6”

paper Color shoWn: Font shoWn:

pICk-a-photo pad

Harrison’ s Dad

envelopes avaIlaBle

WhIte (Wh)

p33 - greetIng monotone

Ink Color shoWn: pB77 - WhIte prICe Code:


avaIlaBle WIth WhIte or Ivory paper stoCk BaCkground Colors not avaIlaBle.


Our new address: 768 City Slicker Avenue, Apt 15 Chicago, Illinois 60608 Matt, Renee, Spencer and Austin Miller

Item numBer:

mv-01 CItysCape


4.625” x 6.25”

Ink Color shoWn: pB77 - WhIte Font shoWn:

p5 - amerICana

prICe Code:


desIgn as shoWn and Comes WIth WhIte envelopes. return address avaIlaBle on BaCk envelope Flaps, In BlaCk Ink, For an addItIonal Charge.

movIng announCements

We’ve moved to the big city!

Item numBer:

mv-02 remodelIng


4.625” x 6.25”

Ink Color shoWn: pB88 - BlaCk Font shoWn:

p10 - BICkley sCrIpt

prICe Code:


desIgn as shoWn and Comes WIth WhIte envelopes. return address avaIlaBle on BaCk envelope Flaps, In BlaCk Ink, For an addItIonal Charge.


movIng announCements

The Taylors have moved... greener pastures!

675 West Mountain Drive Bennington, Vermont 05201 802-652-3621 Item numBer:

mv-03 house and sun


4.625” x 6.25”

Ink Color shoWn: pB81 - BrIllIant Blue Font shoWn:

p4 - amelIe

prICe Code:


desIgn as shoWn and Comes WIth WhIte envelopes. return address avaIlaBle on BaCk envelope Flaps, In BlaCk Ink, For an addItIonal Charge.


movIng announCements

T he Johnsons have a new home! 631 Elm Drive Seattle, Washington 98105 (206)586-3513 Item numBer:

mv-04 Front door


4.625” x 6.25”

Ink Color shoWn: pB48 - dark ChoColateF Font shoWn:

p3 - alys medIum

prICe Code:


desIgn as shoWn and Comes WIth WhIte envelopes. return address avaIlaBle on BaCk envelope Flaps, In BlaCk Ink, For an addItIonal Charge.


movIng announCements

Please come knock on the Bradford’s new door! 540 East Pacific Coast Drive Hilton Head, South Carolina 22609 (803)587-6953

Item numBer:

mv-05 pIllars and door


4.625” x 6.25”

Ink Color shoWn: pB54 - real red Font shoWn:

p16 - CaFlIsCh sCrIpt

prICe Code:


desIgn as shoWn and Comes WIth WhIte envelopes. return address avaIlaBle on BaCk envelope Flaps, In BlaCk Ink, For an addItIonal Charge.


movIng announCements

Item numBer:

mv-06 maIlBox


4.625” x 6.25”

Ink Color shoWn: pB88 - BlaCk Font shoWn:

p42 - parade

prICe Code:


desIgn as shoWn and Comes WIth WhIte envelopes. return address avaIlaBle on BaCk envelope Flaps, In BlaCk Ink, For an addItIonal Charge.


movIng announCements

The Jacksons are taking off!

...and landing at our new address: 646 Sunset Lane West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 561-692-3623 Item numBer:

mv-07 paper plane


4.625” x 6.25”

Ink Color shoWn: pB88 - BlaCk Font shoWn:

p30 - Freehand 591

prICe Code:


desIgn as shoWn and Comes WIth WhIte envelopes. return address avaIlaBle on BaCk envelope Flaps, In BlaCk Ink, For an addItIonal Charge.


Item numBer:

mv-08 reloCatIng


4.625” x 6.25”

movIng announCements

The Collins family is relocating.. but just during renovations! Our temporary address is: 56 West Oak Drive Sausalito, California 94965 (415)596-6223 - Mark’s cell (415)596-6224 - Mary’s cell

Ink Color shoWn: pB54 - real red Font shoWn:

p19 - Cathedral

prICe Code:


desIgn as shoWn and Comes WIth WhIte envelopes. return address avaIlaBle on BaCk envelope Flaps, In BlaCk Ink, For an addItIonal Charge.


movIng announCements

The Foster’s have moved! 465 Willow Street Barrington, Illinois 60011 (847)986-8654 Tom, Stacy, Brian and Spike

Item numBer:

mv-09 neIghBorhood


4.625” x 6.25”

Ink Color shoWn: pB83 - purple passIon Font shoWn:

p21 - ClarIssa

prICe Code:


desIgn as shoWn and Comes WIth WhIte envelopes. return address avaIlaBle on BaCk envelope Flaps, In BlaCk Ink,

For an addItIonal Charge.


From May thru October 468 Plymouth Rd. Livonia, MI 48143 Home: (313) 887-8654

movIng announCements

When we’re not here:

You can find us here:

From November thru April 368 Sunny Lane Tampa, FL 98156 Home: (352) 986-8654

The Anderson family: Sheryl, Brad and Fluffy

Item numBer:

mv-10 summer home


4.625” x 6.25”

Ink Color shoWn: pB88 - BlaCk Font shoWn:

p10 - BICkley sCrIpt

prICe Code:


desIgn as shoWn and Comes WIth WhIte envelopes. return address avaIlaBle on BaCk envelope Flaps, In BlaCk Ink, For an addItIonal Charge.


movIng announCements

Our New Address is: 56 East Boston Road Newton, Massachusetts 02458 (617) 896-4236 The O’Brien Family Timothy, Ellen, Sinclair and Bryce Item numBer:

mv-1 1 moved!


4.625” x 6.25”

Ink Color shoWn: pB88 - BlaCk Font shoWn:

p14 - atBurInsans

prICe Code:


desIgn as shoWn and Comes WIth WhIte envelopes. return address avaIlaBle on BaCk envelope Flaps, In BlaCk Ink,

For an addItIonal Charge.


movIng announCements

Our New Address is: 5632 Mountain Drive Denver, Colorado 80206 (303) 596-5354 The Simones Kevin, Angela, Craig, Lucy and Pearl Item numBer:

mv-12 We’ve moved!


4.625” x 6.25”

Ink Color shoWn: pB52 - true Blue Font shoWn:

p7 - avant garde gothIC extra lIght

prICe Code:


desIgn as shoWn and Comes WIth WhIte envelopes. return address avaIlaBle on BaCk envelope Flaps, In BlaCk Ink,

For an addItIonal Charge.


movIng announCements

California here we come! The Olsens are moving! 462 Great Shore Road Santa Barbara, California 93101 (805) 968-3201 Barney, Cecile, Jerome and Rufus Come visit!

Item numBer:

mv-13 sun


4.625” x 6.25”

Ink Color shoWn: pB52 - true Blue & pB79 - daFFodIl Font shoWn:

p12 - Bradley hand ItC

motIF shoWn:


prICe Code:


announCement Comes WIth WhIte envelopes. return address avaIlaBle on BaCk envelope Flaps, In BlaCk Ink, For an addItIonal Charge.


movIng announCements

We moved! 467 Park Avenue, Apartment 5A New York, New York 10017 212.456.4564 The Robinsons Jack, Sarah and Lulu

Item numBer:

mv-14 keys


4.625” x 6.25”

Ink Color shoWn: pB48 - dark ChoColate Font shoWn:

p8 - Bank gothIC md Bt

motIF shoWn:


prICe Code:


announCement Comes WIth Ivory envelopes. return address avaIlaBle on BaCk envelope Flaps, In BlaCk Ink,

For an addItIonal Charge.


an American Stationery Collection Company

100 N. Park Avenue Peru, Indiana 46970

800-277-5458 (p) * 800-329-1669 (f)

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