CSU Magazine Fall 2021

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Faith and Learning Institute Impacting Campus - PAGE 4 Faculty How-To Series Debuts - PAGES 6, 15 Meet Bucky! - PAGE 24 Aeronautics Program Flying High - PAGE 21


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Fa ll 2021

Front cover: Faith integration serves as the foundation for Charleston Southern University. Design by Tyler Stokes

© 2021 Charleston Southern University

EDITORIAL STAFF: Ty Cornett Multimedia Producer Richard Esposito ’21, Executive Director of Marketing and Communication Jenna Johnson ’21 MBA, Associate Director of Marketing and Communication Jan Joslin ’82, Editor, CSU Magazine; Editorial Director Zachary Pace ’21 Web Content Strategist Tyler Stokes Creative Director, Brand Manager CSU Magazine is published three times a year by the office of marketing and communication for alumni and friends of Charleston Southern University. Contact us: magazine@csuniv.edu Address changes: csudevelopment@csuniv.edu

EDITORIAL ADVISERS: Rev. Tom Clemmons Dr. Jason Peterson Dr. Scott Yarbrough CONTRIBUTORS: Madi Blanford ’21 Bucky Frozen Time Photography Dr. Nina Grant ’04 MS Dr. Todd Heldreth Marie Phillips Andrea Raines Dr. Jennifer Zakrzewski

contents LEARNING

4 Faith and Learning Institute

6 How to: Incorporate Prayer

9 Covering the Campus with Prayer

10 How CSU Professors Changed Me 12 Pairing Tech with Other Fields of Study 12 New Academic Programs

12 Student-Athletes Score in Academics 13 Gospel Choir Now a Class 14 Gaming in the Classroom 15 How to: Beyond the Lesson 16 Ferguson Wins DoD Scholarship 17 Kuykendall Named Dean

LEADING 18 Busch Returns to Her Roots 21 Aeronautics Program Flying High 2 2 Alumni on Prestigious Lists 2 2 CSU Named to Best Colleges Lists

23 Buc Career Network 23 Science & Engineering Opens

SERVING 24 Meet the Mascot 25 Football’s Unexpected Gift 25 Alumni Partner with Career Center 26 Gonzalez Serving Athletes 28 Alumni Are Kansas Bound 33 CSU Mourns Barbara Mead

SCHOOL TIES 34 Class Notes

Design and layout by: Bob Durand Design facebook.com/bobduranddesign

Dr. Amanda Butler’s social studies education students enjoy an outdoor class by the pond on a beautiful September day.

37 In Memory 38 Baby Bucs

Photo by Ty Cornett

FOREVER CSU 40 Ensuring a Limitless Future Printed by: Knight Printing and Graphics knightpandg.com

40 President’s Cup Golf Tournament 40 Honor Roll of Donors

PRESIDENT’s message Heavenly Minded, Earthly Good


f social media had been a thing back in the day, Jesus would have been the G.O.A.T. on Twitter. Never the long-winded preacher, He mastered an economy of words to make the most of every moment. Although Peter, James, and John mistook prayer time for nap time when Jesus asked them to hang out for an hour (Matthew 26), nobody slept through one of His sermons. His Sermon on the Mount clocks in at less than 15 minutes by my watch. That memorable masterpiece all but tweets itself (Matthew 5-7). #BestSermonEver. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world. Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Give to the needy in secret so they can get the help and God can get the praise. Don’t lay up for yourself treasures here on earth but treasures in heaven. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. You cannot serve both God and money. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. When a persnickety professor asked Jesus to pick just one of the 613 Old Testament commands to hashtag as the greatest (Matthew 22:34-40), Jesus tipped the scales at two: #LoveGodLoveOthers. As for trending on Twitter in the first century, His cousin John the Baptist would not have been too far behind. It’s hard to make your point much clearer than this: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand (Matthew 3:2). Or this firecracker John releases when reflecting on his role in relation to Jesus: He must increase; I must decrease (John 3:30). That last one would make it into the

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By Dr. Dondi E. Costin

Hashtag Hall of Fame on the first ballot. Because putting Jesus first, others second, and ourselves last is the name of the game. Like anything worth doing, being heavenly minded and earthly good is a headscratcher that is easier said than done. Anybody can fire off a well-worded tweet, but we have been called to follow Jesus in washing others’ feet (John 13). Easy to say. Hard to do. But it can be done. In the history of Charleston Southern University, few have been more heavenly minded and done more earthly good than Barbara “Binky” Mead. During a recordsetting career spanning almost 55 years, Ms. Mead never sent a tweet. But only God knows the number of students He sent her way so she could wash their feet. She did so in countless ways—for the glory of God and the good of others. She began her career as a CSU enrollment counselor in February of 1967. Lyndon Johnson still had two years to go as President of The United States when she reported for duty. Continuing unabated until the day she died, Binky moved heaven and earth so that men and women of all ages could have the kind of Christ-centered education Charleston Southern provides. She showed them that God believed in them even when they refused to believe in themselves. She encouraged them to dream big dreams. She taught them life skills. She listened. She earned a graduate degree and professional licensure in counseling so she could listen even better. She pushed students and staff to live up to their God-given potential. She demonstrated excellence in everything she did out of obedience to the biblical admonition that everything should be done for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). She sacrificed any personal ambitions she might have had so that others could experience God’s ambitions for themselves. And she dug into her own pockets for decades to kick the door open for students who needed help crossing the threshold. Almost always she was an anonymous donor who gave in ways that caused others to give credit to an angel. They were not wrong.

Binky Mead could have had it all, but she wanted others to have it instead. She could have lived in a paid-for mansion on the water in the ritziest part of town, but for the last dozen years of her life she lived in a hotel just down the street from the university so she could be closer to campus. Her Mensa-level mind gave her a photographic memory. Her confidence in Christ made her photogenic. She could not be outsmarted nor outworked, as evidenced by the wildly successful family business she ran so profitably in her downtime. She never needed a job and never needed the money. She never needed a title and would not tolerate personal recognition of any kind if directed her way. All she needed was the freedom to love God and love others. Incredibly, during the administrations of 11 U.S. Presidents across seven different decades, her dream was to help students live God’s dream. He used Binky to make their dreams come true. Why did she do it? And why so long? Because God called her to Charleston Southern to be a blessing to others, and she agreed to stay at her post until He called her home. In between those two callings, she embraced as her own the tweets of Jesus and His cousin John. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world. Give to the needy in secret so they can get the help and God can get the praise. Don’t lay up for yourself treasures here on earth but treasures in heaven. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. He must increase; I must decrease. Binky decided long ago to be heavenly minded and do earthly good. Too many of us are so heavenly minded that we’re no earthly good. Too many others are so earthly mind-

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ed that we’re no heavenly good. How much better it would be if we followed Binky like she followed Christ (Philippians 3:17). In the apostle Paul’s final letter, just a few paragraphs before he admits that he has almost “finished the race” by fighting the good fight and keeping the faith (2 Timothy 4:7), he compares the life of a Christian to that of a soldier. “Join with me in suffering,” he says, “like a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs but tries to please his commanding officer” (2 Timothy 2:3-4). Binky’s commanding officer gave her clear instructions to love

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God and love others, to be heavenly minded and do earthly good. So she did. Her first set of orders arrived early in the spring semester of 1967. Her second set arrived on October 10, 2021. Like a good soldier, she reported to her heavenly duty station and heard these most tweetable words when she arrived: “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” (Matthew 25:21). As already mentioned, Binky could have had it all. Now she does.

Barbara Mead attended the 50th reunion of the Class of 1968 along with several longtime professors. Pictured: Dr. Enid Causey, Dolores Jones, Sandra Lee, Dr. Carol Drowota, Linda Gooding, Barbara Mead, Vickey Costin, Dr. Dondi Costin. File photo

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Faith Integration

Faith and Learning Institute Growing Christian Community by Jan Joslin / Photos by Richard Esposito

F “I am most passionate about my students being able to read the New Testament in its original language, Koine Greek. Every student at CSU can take Greek to meet their foreign language requirement, and we offer ongoing opportunities for tutoring, advanced study, and summer practice to all our Greek students. It is a real joy to watch the Scriptures come alive to my students as they begin to become proficient in reading and translating God’s Word.”

aith is the foundation upon which Charleston Southern University was built. Integrating faith in learning, leading, and serving is part of the university’s vision. In day-to-day life it can be hard to define. In an effort to strengthen faith integration, President Dr. Dondi Costin combined the faculty Faith Integration Committee and the Center for Excellence in Teaching to form the Faith and Learning Institute, a branch of the Whitfield Center for Christian Leadership. The Faith and Learning Institute kicked off in January 2020 and is led by 20 faculty members representing 14 different colleges and departments. Dr. Jacquelynn Pleis, from the College of Education, and Dr. Jonathan Denton, from the College of Christian Studies, are chairing the group this year.

The new format has energized the faculty, and attendance and participation is up in all of the activities they lead. The Faith and Learning Institute oversees the fall faculty kickoff training, book studies, new faculty orientation meetings, and faculty resources such as a Blackboard community, the Cover the Campus prayer initiative, and What Works for Me training sessions that also include time for networking. Dr. Michael Bryant, vice president for strategic planning, faith integration, and Christian leadership, manages the faculty resources in Blackboard including researching definitions and descriptions of faith integration for faculty members. “There are so many different people involved,” said Pleis. “That’s part of what’s making this so magical.”

Dr. Jacquelynn Pleis

Dr. Jonathan Denton

— Dr. Ed Gravely Professor of Christian Studies

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The revamped Faith and Learning Institute had just gotten its start in January 2020, not knowing that the COVID pandemic was about to send everything virtual. The FLI members saw the shutdown as an opportunity for growth. “Other universities scaled back their faculty development or became intensely focused on technology development, while we grew and continued focusing on the whole faculty member not just technology development,” said Pleis. Denton said the faculty are interested in how faith integration looks in different disciplines, how to answer student questions about faith integration, how to integrate a biblical worldview into the curriculum, and how to think about who a student is, what the environment in the classroom is, and what works best for different educators. The book studies fill up almost as soon as they are announced. This year’s books are Small Teaching and What’s Best Next: How the Gospel Transforms the Way You Get Things Done.

Obviously, as professors at a Christian institution, faculty members know that faith integration is an important part of the curriculum. Some faculty members have worked in professions where they were not allowed to bring their faith into their daily work. They appreciate learning tangible ways to infuse faith into their lessons. Pleis uses teaching creativity in the classroom as a way to integrate faith. She said she reminds her students that God is the creator, and man is made in His image. “My job is to teach my students God has already put creativity in you, and show them everyone is creative,” said Pleis. Helping students understand how faith impacts what they are studying, and ultimately, everything they do in life, is driving the work of the Faith and Learning Institute and is creating an even stronger Christian community on campus.

“Faith-learning integration may be briefly described as a scholarly project whose goal is to ascertain and to develop integral relationships which exist between the Christian faith and human knowledge, particularly as expressed in the various academic disciplines.” — William Hasker, in “Faith-Learning Integration: An Overview,” in Christian Scholar’s Review, Vol. 21, No. 3

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“While I demand strong technical competence, I pay special attention to the importance of good interpersonal skills, particularly listening, as one of those most prized skills in the creative industry. A broad understanding of how the world fits together is one of the best ways students can expand their creative arsenal. I often share with students: Design forms culture. Culture forms values. Values form the future. So wield your creativity with the utmost care. What is beautiful is glorified.” — Professor Ed Speyers Associate Professor of Graphic Design

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Faith Integration

How to: Incorporate Prayer into a BlessingFilled Life By Andrea Raines

W “Two days, two moments of blessing in my teaching. A mezzo student of mine accidentally hit a clear as a bell high F6 as she overshot the written pitch by a 4th. This, of course, resulted in gales of wide-eyed laughter. I should also mention that this lesson was outside and likely the entire campus heard it. [COVID restrictions] Needless to say I am reevaluating her repertoire. Then, a performance major asked in her second of my two advanced diction classes, ‘Is this the last diction class we have?’ She was sad to hear that it was. I love it when my students start to love what they do, not because they have to because I’m their teacher. But because they have learned to love something amazing and good. Praising God for joy in my teaching.” — Dr. Jennifer Luiken Professor of Music, Vocal Performance

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hat is prayer? This is quite the openended question, ripe for interpretation and discussion. Likely, our colleagues, friends, and family are familiar with the concept, and speaking about your prayer life is not an uncommon occurrence. Let us ask ourselves, how commonplace have we made prayer in our everyday? I don’t pretend to have all of the answers nor be your go-to spiritual advisor. I, too, am a busy working spouse and parent, who wonders at how quickly the hours have slipped by. I do, however, have the habit of prayer, the desire to deepen my relationship with God, and the honesty of human frailty.

you drive to campus (swipe the smartphone only with the car in Park, please), take care of housework, (much better than TV to fold the laundry) or as you tidy up and lock your office door for the evening. 5. Give yourself grace. Nothing in this earthly life is foolproof, and we are imperfect beings. If intentional prayer escapes you one day, remember that God desires our flawed hearts, not perfection. Turn to the Lord in very honest, conversational prayer as you would a trusted friend. (contined on page 7)

Foolproof Steps to an Abundant Prayer Life: 1. Decide why you wish to incorporate more regular prayer. We must identify our why to sustain our commitment. 2. Identify your preferred type(s) of prayer: meditative, spontaneous, prayer journaling, song, prayer walks, contemplative, conversational, communal, or repetitive to name a few. 3. Identify your preferred location for prayer: specific room, chapel, outdoors, in the car. 4. Identify and seize opportunities to naturally interject prayer into your day. One of the blessings of this digital age is the spiritual aids available at our fingertips. Just a few sweeps of the smartphone can access individual or communal prayer as

Andrea Raines is an instructor in the College of Nursing and assists with the Cover the Campus prayer project.

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New nursing graduates participate in the annual Blessing of the Hands ceremony.

Watching the faithful example of loved ones with a consistent prayer life left me yearning to achieve the peace that seemed to follow. Taking this aspiration into my adult years has led me down a path rich with beautiful, meaningful friendship and bookshelves filled with scripture studies, lives and lessons of the Saints and devotionals speaking straight into the souls of busy

mothers. Through all of these lessons, the one which I wish to share is the beauty that comes with embracing the everyday mundane in prayer. Grounding ourselves in prayer through our familial or professional acts of service fills our actions with love and allows the light of Christ to shine through our example in ways that far more elaborate efforts may never.

“Taking Biochemistry under Dr. Bobbie Stewart, Human Anatomy & Physiology under Steve Best and Physics under Fred Worthy further reinforced the complexity of all creation, and how insane it is to think all this just happened. The mathematical probability of that being true is really small. So whenever life gets cray, I just go outside and talk to the Lord, look up, and know He is bigger than anything.”

“For me, the task of teaching theology is a task of disciple-making. Theology begins and ends with worship. That is, we should approach the study of God because we want to worship him in spirit and truth. We know we have studied him rightly when we find ourselves worshipping him more fervently than when we began. This is my personal goal, and it is a goal I seek to lead my students to pursue for themselves as well.” — Dr. Jonathan Watson Department Chair, Christian Studies

— Karen Collins Hames, student in the 1970s

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Covering the Campus with Prayer C

o-chair of the Faith and Learning Institute, Dr. Jacquelynn Pleis, was praying in spring 2020 and had a vision of the entire CSU community in prayer. She brought her idea to President Dondi Costin, and he told her to pursue it. Pleis worked with Professor Andrea Raines of nursing to develop the Cover the Campus guides for students, parents, and employees. The weekly devotionals are written on the same theme but have been written specifically to each group. Fellow faculty members wrote the weekly devotions, and Pleis and Raines partnered

with graphic design students to design the devotionals: Tyler Hicks ’21 last year, and current student Katie Brock this year. Hicks helped come up with the idea to distribute bookmarks reminding parents and students about the guides. Raines said, “The power of prayer is overwhelming. If you already believe that, you are on board.” The prayer devotionals are available online, and a form to share prayer requests is available also. Pray along with the campus: charlestonsouthern.edu/cover-the-campus.

“Faith integration is a distinctive approach to Christian higher education guided by foundational principles: 1. There is a unity between the biblical worldview and all knowledge. 2. The Bible provides the lens for understanding truth. “For Christian educators who follow the faith integration approach, the Christian worldview should shape their thinking, teaching, and writing.”

Associate Vice President for Spiritual Life Jon Davis interviews Professor Andrea Raines and Dr. Jacquelynn Pleis about the Cover the Campus movement.

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— Dr. Michael Bryant Vice President for Strategic Planning, Faith Integration, and Christian Leadership

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Faith Integration

A Recent Grad Reflects: How CSU Professors Changed Me By Zach Pace ’21

“Christians must recognize that the Bible is fundamentally a book of history. Jesus was an actual person, in an actual place, and what He did constitutes the basis of our faith. We must not lose sight of that.” — Dr. Nathan Martin Associate Professor of History

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CSU made me a better reader, writer, and thinker. CSU made me a better reader by simply making me read better books. I didn’t know that there was such a thing as a good or bad book. I just hadn’t put in enough hours reading to know the difference between the two. CSU made me a better thinker by making me a better reader. I didn’t just read for a good mark on my reading quiz; I read to understand the text. The more I read to understand, the better I began to discern the arguments and intent of the author. Once I began to spot the author’s overarching goal and how all the pieces in the book led to that end, I began to see whether the author accomplished their goal and whether I agreed with their conclusion when they were through. CSU made me a better writer by making me a better reader and thinker. The more I was able to engage with complex subjects and understand how different authors came to different conclusions about the same thing, the better I became at choosing which conclusion I would stand with. Once I was able to take a stand upon a particular conclusion, I was able to both argue for my position and argue against opposing viewpoints while using their critiques to refine my view.

Zach Pace

All this came to me, not primarily through learning in my major of choice, but rather through the teaching and guidance of those professors from the College of Christian Studies. I never expected this. In fact, I thought that the professors from the College of Christian Studies would be the most narrow-minded professors at CSU. I thought that they wouldn’t be able to engage with opposing viewpoints, and I certainly didn’t think they would be able to reason objectively.

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As I studied under these professors, I found the exact opposite to be true. Professors from the College of Christian Studies were the most open-minded, objective, and reasonable professors I had ever learned from. The same was true for professors in my communication and English courses. They too approached their work from a Christian worldview in their own individual way. I have an immense trust in the professors at CSU because they acknowledged and explained their presuppositions about the world and led me to logical conclusions. Faith integration at Charleston Southern University is not about bringing an unreasonable concept into education. It is quite the opposite. Faith integration is about engaging in deep thinking about the validity of a Christian worldview and its implications in both our personal and professional lives. While we do pray before class and read quotes from Scripture, the faith component in our education is much more than a box to check. It is the very foundation of our education. It is the lens through which we see the world and engage in its many fields of work. For some of us, it is our very identity.

Though faith in God is the foundation of education at CSU, not all choose to root themselves in it. What makes CSU different from what you might expect of a private, Christian college is that it is okay to not agree with the Christian perspective. No matter what you believe, you are welcome at CSU, and you are welcome to openly debate opposing viewpoints. Professors create an environment and expectation of gracious, civil debate backed with good evidence. This kind of environment creates an invaluable education experience for Christians and non-Christians alike because it exposes students to the radically different and prevalent worldviews that they will encounter often in the real world. The professors at CSU changed my life, and that’s no exaggeration. They took what could be an intellectually rigid experience and showed me how God could use great minds and great reasoning to soften my heart and show me who He is. I saw that He is a God of truth and grace. I experienced that He loves me and that He is patient with me as I struggle like a child to understand the world we live in. He is a good Father leading His children to truth in His love, and therefore to Him. It’s no stretch to say that the people of CSU caused me to experience God more intimately than I’ve ever known. For that, I cannot be more grateful.

“I always tell our kids that small acts of obedience change generations. We see it in Scripture on every page. Here’s my page: it looks like a wrinkled old piece of paper – but 19 years ago a classmate at CSU shared the Gospel with me on this piece of paper. It is now framed in our home. Just who was that classmate that shared the love of Christ to a broken unbeliever? My husband Bobby Vann ’05. Thank you for your obedience in sharing the Gospel and introducing me to a Savior who rescues, redeems, and restores.”

“My professional interest is in karst hydrogeology, or how ground water travels in areas with caves, sinkholes, and springs. My previous research has used groundwater modeling and geochemical analysis of well water and springs to show water flow and structural influence. I have also served as a local environmental consultant. Psalm 91:1 states that ‘The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.’ And so do the rocks!” — Dr. Sara Baldwin Assistant Professor of Geology

— Virginia Vann ’06

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Pairing Technology and Other Fields of Study in Applied Computing By Jan Joslin


SU’s new Bachelor of Arts in applied computing pairs a related discipline such as business, cybersecurity, or graphic arts with traditional computer science skills such as software development and computational problem-solving. Students gain a strong foundation in computer science and learn how to apply it in a particular field. Dr. Sean Hayes, associate professor and chair of computer science, said, “Computer technology is essential in almost every discipline. The applied computing major is for students who want to apply their love of technology to their other areas of interest.” The applied computing major is highly flexible, allowing students to not only develop programming and problem-solving ex-

New Academic Programs Added Bachelor’s Degrees Bachelor of Technology in cybersecurity, Bachelor of Arts in chaplaincy ministry, Bachelor of Science in aeronautics, Bachelor of Arts in applied computing, with concentrations in business, cybersecurity, and graphic arts, Bachelor of Science in engineering, mechanical concentration, Bachelor of Arts in student ministry, online option Master’s Degrees Master of Science in nursing education Doctoral Degree Doctor of Physical Therapy Minors chaplaincy ministry, sport coaching education, music and worship leadership, aeronautics, leadership Certificates Personal Financial Counseling, Postmaster’s in nursing education, with practicum or without practicum

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periences for a general discipline but also to tailor their coursework to meet their unique career goals, skill sets, and passions. Graduates of this program can enter the workforce as software developers for desktop, mobile, or web apps, IT Analysis, or network specialists. The major also prepares students for computer-related professions in almost any field including business, the visual and musical arts, religious service, public service, or health care. “Students who enroll in this major can complete school with course schedules that meet their already busy lives,” said Hayes. The cybersecurity and business concentrations may be taken completely online or inperson. The graphic arts concentration may

only be completed in-person at this time, but students are able to take most courses online. Hayes said, “Almost all businesses operate online with unique hardware and software requirements. Companies are struggling to respond to the ever-changing threat landscape. With a concentration in cybersecurity, graduates will have a very attractive skillset that stands out above other computer professionals.” This major sets students up for success to meet the demands of the future job market and opportunities for additional education. Some students in the major choose to pursue a Master of Business Administration after completing applied computing.

Student-Athletes Score in Academics


r. Todd Heldreth of the biology department serves as the Faculty Athletics Representative. He recently shared the academic accomplishments of CSU studentathletes for 2020-2021. The Big South Presidential Honor Roll named 162 CSU student-athletes. To be named to the Presidential Honor Roll, student-athletes must maintain a grade point

average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) or better for the recently completed academic year. CSU had 14 student-athletes receive the Commissioner’s Award for earning a 4.0 GPA. CSU student-athletes had an overall GPA over 3.0 for the academic year. “Being a student-athlete is a full-time job,” said Heldreth. “Congratulations to these men and women for their work ethic and dedication.”

“Being a studentathlete is a full-time job,” said Heldreth. “Congratulations to these men and women for their work ethic and dedication. GO BUCS!”

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Decades-old Gospel Choir Now Offered as a Course By Jenna Johnson / Photos by Richard Esposito


he Horton School of Music is expanding its music course opportunities by offering Gospel Choir each semester. With virtually no limit on capacity, students from any academic discipline can enroll. Students learn the history of traditional African American gospel music and how it has become a progressive sound in the contemporary worship experience. “This course supports and ties scholarly encouragement, diversity, and theological efforts with a Christ-centered emphasis,” said Darrell Ravenell ’18, the director of the One Accord Gospel Choir for over 25 years. “Our

objective is to give students an opportunity to sing and experience the culture of gospel music and its influences. Singers gather each week to express their love for Christ and foster unity and harmony on campus and in the surrounding community.” Dr. Tonya Houston, now assistant professor in the College of Education, and a One Accord alumna from the class of 1991, said the choir became a home away from home for herself and fellow students 30 years ago. “The Gospel Choir provided a safe space where we could use our God-given beautiful strong voices, rhythmic movements, and

syncopated expressions of praise and worship to usher the people of God into worship,” Houston said. The choir adopted the name “One Accord” while she was a member. During her junior year at CSU, Houston was voted in as choir director. Reflecting on fond memories of her time as a student, traveling along country roads to churches and venues with her fellow choir members, Houston said she is overjoyed by this move to offer Gospel Choir as an elective course. “I am excited to see what God is doing,” she said. “I truly believe great things are in store.” The class meets Monday and Wednesday evenings for a total of three hours. It is offered as a one-hour credit (MUSI 121-63); however, students who may have maxed credit requirements or may have taken the course already can enroll for zero credit. In addition to vocal performance, the choir also includes a three-piece band and dance troupe. Ravenell, who has performed across the United States and toured European cities, said education is essential for a balanced outlook and an enhanced approach to certain conditions. “When learning is paired with experience, knowledge provides a more fundamental perspective on every claim,” he said. “In addition to developing a vocal presentation, this class will also assist students with developing a biblical conscience and a Christ-centered worship perspective that is inspirational—which formulates a biblical understanding of worship according to Scripture.”

Photo by CSU Sports

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Gaming in the Classroom Leads to Engagement By Jan Joslin


n the first day of her Technology for Teachers class, Dr. Jennifer Zakrzewski greeted her students dressed as a computer nerd and welcomed them to their technical support role for a fictional tech company. Zakrzewski, assistant professor of education, said the students had no idea what was going on at first. Concerned about her students during COVID-19, and the isolation

issues they were having, she sought to help them have some fun in a dark time. She had read the book Explore Like a Pirate by Michael Matera the summer before and was determined to bring gaming to the classroom as a way to keep students engaged. In the Technology for Teachers class, she divided the class into teams of four for the semester. The teams had competitions,

worked on team building activities, completed tech tickets related to what they were learning in class, and learned to create bitmojis to use for their class pictures. The teams were formed based on the students’ majors, and they collected badges for completed tech tickets and for activities outside of class. “It was a way to help them stay engaged, especially the online students,” said Zakrzewski. “It pushed them beyond what they were learning in class, and it was great to see some of the relationships that formed.” While some of the activities might have seemed silly, Zakrzewski said future educators learned to engage more with the technology and learned not to be afraid of it. She has found that members of Gen Z are strong in social media skills but not with academic technology. She quickly gets them up to speed with working in live documents and other skills they will need in the workplace. Instead of strictly teaching students how to use different technologies, Zakrzewski teaches them how to engage with technology and figure it out. She said sometimes students are frustrated that she just doesn’t tell them how to use tech. But there is a reason for her method. “What they are learning from me will be obsolete by the time they are in the classroom,” said Zakrzewski. “I encourage them to figure out what they are going to do for their lesson and then find a technology that fits.” Technology for Teachers helps future educators become comfortable with technology and get to the point where they can experiment with it. Turning the Technology for Teachers classroom experience into a tech support game proved Zakrzewski’s point that technology can be used effectively in education. It also had the added benefit of helping the students in her online and in-person classes interact with their classmates. One student who was struggling with online classes during the pandemic said Zakrzewski’s class was the thing that kept her going. Zakrzewski brainstorms new ideas each semester including what she will wear on the first day of class.

Dr. Jennifer Zakrzewski adds nerd glasses, bow tie, and suspenders to her look for Technology for Teachers class. Photo provided

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How to: Beyond the Lesson – Increasing Retention and Decreasing Frustration by Dr. Jennifer Zakrzewski


hether you are a parent, pastor, coach, marketing executive, or any other myriad of positions, we are all teachers at heart. A parent may be teaching a child the difference between right and wrong. Coaches teach their team how to improve their skillset to win a game. Pastors teach their congregation about Jesus. Marketing executives teach others about their ideas and try to gain support for them. Teaching is fundamental to everything we do. Therefore, it is critical to support others in remembering what we have taught them. Most of us have experienced the dreaded blank stare accompanied by asking someone to recall information. The look remains the same regardless of whether they are being asked to recall information immediately after the lesson or the next day. This look and the silence that follows causes uneasiness to anyone who has taught a lesson and hopes the content was heard and retained. On the bright side, there are solutions. The first solution is to preview information. For most, summarizing the goals of the session will be sufficient. For example, a baseball coach may explain they will be working on fielding drills that day. A marketing exec-

Fall 2021, vol.31 no.3

Top 4 Tips: 1. Preview the information 2. Allow for predictions 3. Review 4. Naming the take-aways

utive may remind the client the goals of the presentation and what they asked for when they retained the marketing company. This allows everyone to solidify in their minds the goal of the session. The second tip is to allow for predictions. A parent preparing to engage in a learning opportunity with a child may ask the child why they are having a conversation about unkind words. A pastor may ask the congregation to predict what Jesus and social media have in common before engaging in the sermon. By allowing the learner to engage in this activity the learner is considering their prior knowledge about a subject and prepar-

ing to engage with the topic. The final two solutions occur at the end of a session. Upon the conclusion of the session, it is always good to review what was discussed and then list the major takeaways. For the parent this might be reminding the child why it is important to be kind and having the child list ways you discussed to show kindness. A baseball coach may review the technique for fielding and have the team list various methods of fielding they can employ. Ultimately, the goal is to support the learner in being successful as they move forward. With these simple tools, sessions ending in frustration can turn into true learning experiences. Dr. Jennifer Zakrzewski is an assistant professor of education in the College of Education.

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Ferguson Wins Prestigious DOD Scholarship and Job after Graduation By Jan Joslin


he Department of Defense has awarded a SMART Scholarship to Logan Ferguson, a sophomore cybersecurity major with a focus on information systems. Ferguson is the first Charleston Southern student to win the Defense Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation Scholarship. The SMART Scholarship provides Ferguson with full tuition, summer internships, a stipend, and full-time employment with the Department of Defense after graduation. Ferguson will receive hands-on experience from one of over 200 of the nation’s most innovative laboratories across the Army, Navy, Air Force, and larger Department of Defense. During summer internships, he will work directly with an experienced mentor, gaining valuable technical skills. After graduation, Ferguson will work at the Missile Defense Agency in Huntsville, Alabama. Ferguson will begin his internship in the summer of 2022. He said, “The SMART Scholarship will allow me to use my skills to aid in defending against cyberattacks and protecting this nation from any foreign threats. I will have the opportunity to work with new technologies and learn more about my career field every day.” Ferguson has always had a passion for technology and chose STEM and cybersecurity because of a desire to help protect national security from cyberattacks. Dr. Sean Hayes, chair of the CSU computer science department, said, “We know that our computer science and cybersecurity programs attract very talented students, and Logan is no exception. We are excited that the Department of Defense also recognizes the talent of our students with this prestigious award.” Hayes is looking forward to Ferguson bringing back a wealth of on-the-job experience to share with his peers. He said, “We are excited to see the ways his experience rubs off on those around him in class, service projects, cyber competitions, and in life.” Hayes said, “I know the Missile Defense Agency will agree that their support of Logan is worth it for his commitment to work

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Logan Ferguson. Photo provided

for them. Prospective Charleston Southern students can be confident that top employers eagerly compete for students in our programs, well before graduation.” The Department of Defense is the largest employer of scientists and engineers in the nation with nearly 300,000 STEM professionals. For over a decade, SMART has trained a highly skilled STEM workforce that competes with the evolving trends of industry to support the next generation of science and technology for the nation.

“The SMART Scholarship will allow me to use my skills to aid in defending against cyberattacks and protecting this nation from any foreign threats.” — Logan Ferguson

Fall 2021, vol.31 no.3


Kuykendall Named Dean of College of Humanities and Social Sciences By Jenna Johnson / Photo by Richard Esposito


r. John Edward Kuykendall has been named as dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. He has served the university for 18 years, first joining the CSU faculty as an assistant professor of history and, most recently, as the interim dean for the college. “I am absolutely confident in Dr. Kuykendall’s leadership abilities and his skill in navigating the many different disciplines that compose the College of Humanities and Social Sciences,” Dr. Jacqueline Fish, vice president of academic affairs, said. “His willingness to assume the responsibilities of leading the college speaks volumes of his commitment to the students, faculty, and staff of our university.” For nearly two decades, Kuykendall has enjoyed the opportunity to live out his calling as a teacher of history. His research interests focus on the changing relationship between war and popular culture in 20thcentury Europe, though the history buff enjoys studying and teaching on a wide range of topics. “Historians study the growth and interaction of diverse worldviews,” said Kuykendall. “It is natural for me to see a direct connection between my discipline and my faith since the story of Western civilization is in large part the story of the development of the Christian worldview. The study of the past is presented to my students as the story of God’s sovereignty over human life. History is no accident—it is the working out of God’s will for His own glory with an ultimate outcome in which all Christians will rejoice.” A native of South Carolina, Kuykendall was born into a family with generational connections to higher education. The academic gown he wears at CSU’s commencement ceremonies first belonged to his greatgrandfather, a former president of Queens College (now university) in Charlotte from 1921-1939. The label sewn into the back also reflects the name of Kuykendall’s father, who wore it in his 38 years of college teaching. “It is an antique, an heirloom, and, in a

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way, a reminder of my debt to generations of teachers and my responsibilities to generations of students,” he said of the gown. Lineage does not determine a vocation, but it may point toward aptitude for a career. His homegrown experiences may have led Kuykendall to value a life of learning, but it did not immediately incline him to follow in his father’s (or great-grandfather’s)

footsteps. Instead, a combination of circumstances as an undergraduate gave him a profound sense of God’s call to teach at the college level. Kuykendall earned a bachelor’s degree in history from Erskine College followed by an MA and PhD from the University of South Carolina. Kuykendall and his wife, Mary, live in Goose Creek with their two sons.

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Busch Returns To Her Roots By Madi Blanford ’21 / Photos by Ty Cornett


t has been 10 years since Dr. Megan Busch graduated from Charleston Southern, charging forth into the professional world with an English degree and an entry level position at Charleston Home + Design magazine. In fall of 2021, she returned to her CSU home—not as a student—but as a full-time professor of English, equipped with a decade’s worth of journalism, marketing, and teaching experience. When a young Busch first arrived on campus as a CSU freshman in 2007, she entered into an English program very similar to the one that exists today. Dr. Scott Yarbrough, then professor of American literature, trained his students in the artistry of the modern American novel. Dr. David Phillips, professor of early English literature, graded students’ papers with ruthless, tearevoking precision. Dr. Nancy Barendse, professor of rhetoric and composition, laid the foundation for amateur writers’ knowledge of English grammar and mechanics. “The professors made the program,” Busch said. And now, she has joined their ranks, stepping into the position of Barendse, who recently retired. Busch is teaching Advanced Composition and Rhetoric and History of the English Language. Barendse said she still remembers having Busch in class, the quintessential English major with a planner covered in sticky notes and memos. “Dr. Busch was one of the most organized students I’ve known,” Barendse said. “She always had all of her work done, on time and exactly right. She was the kind of student faculty dream of getting.”

Editor’s Note: This article first appeared in The Buccaneer Beacon, a product of Dr. Jason Peterson’s students. Madi completed it in Advanced Reporting class. She graduated in 2021 with a BA in English with writing emphasis and is now living in Kentucky.

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Busch’s impact went beyond her reputation as an exemplary student within the classroom. In her three and a half semesters at CSU, she joined Sigma Tau Delta, the literary honor society, tutored in the Writing Center, and interned with CSU’s marketing and communication office, helping to create CSU Magazine. When she wasn’t working with the school, Busch gained real-world experience as the editorial intern for Myrtle Beach’s Grand Strand magazine. She also blogged for Roxy and Quiksilver, the popular surf and swimwear brands based out of California. At the time of her CSU graduation, she was more than qualified for her first official job as an editorial assistant at Charleston Home + Design magazine. From there, her career took off. In a few

Dr. Megan Busch works one-on-one with a student during class time.

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short years, she climbed her way up from editorial assistant to editor to managing editor, the highest position at Charleston Home + Design. All the while, she studied to get her Master of Arts through The Citadel and the College of Charleston’s joint program. Busch also completed the occasional article as a freelance writer. This is how she happened across her next endeavor: Momentum Marketing. In 2016, Busch said her goodbyes to Charleston Home + Design to pursue a position with Momentum, an agency that represents high-profile clients in the automotive, fashion and culinary industries. Suddenly, she was traveling cross-country to host events, test-driving luxury vehicles, and managing large-scale social media platforms. For a small-town South Carolina girl, this experience was close to surreal.

However, even in the driver’s seat of a foreign car, her heart remained with academia. “Becoming a professor was my dream job,” Busch said. “It’s what I’ve wanted to do since high school, [but] there were many years that I wasn’t quite sure it was going to happen.” Around this time, Yarbrough stepped in to guide her back into education. Busch began teaching 100-level courses in the evenings at CSU, taking an adjunct position to get her bearings as a professor. She said she enjoyed these classes immensely, but in order to progress, Yarbrough was very clear: Busch needed to earn her PhD. Back to school Busch went, commuting from Charleston to Columbia to complete her education at the University of South Carolina. All the while, she continued writing for Momentum and teaching lower-level classes. As Busch received her PhD in English Composition and Rhetoric, Barendse announced her retirement as CSU’s only professor of Composition and Rhetoric. “I do not think it is a coincidence that she is completing her degree just as I am leaving,” Barendse said. Though Busch was not simply handed the job upon graduation, there was an air of expectation and excitement within the English department as she began the application process. Her former status as one of CSU’s star students still lingered in the minds of many who once taught her, and even those who did not have the opportunity to teach her met her throughout the years, like Dr. Celeste McMaster, current chair of the English department, who said she formed a close, professional relationship with Busch by meeting for the occasional lunch or cup of coffee. All the while, McMaster said the department encouraged Busch to finish her education and apply for a position at CSU. Certainly, Busch’s numerous achievements and credentials earned her this position, not merely her connections. The department is overjoyed to have an alumna on staff— someone trusted, respected and well-known in the CSU community. “I’m rather opinionated and protective when it comes to ‘my’ classes,” Barendse admitted. “[But] I am very happy to leave them in such capable hands as Megan’s.” Busch is married to fellow alum, Jordan Busch ‘10, ‘14 MBA, and they have one son. As the saying around campus goes, once a Buc, always a Buc.

Fall 2021, vol.31 no.3


Aeronautics Flying High as FAA Pilot School By Jenna Johnson

CRAFT Flight Training representatives, Dr. Todd Ashby, dean of the College of Science and Mathematics; Pesident Dr. Dondi Costin, and Colonel (Ret.) Christopher Will at the official opening of the CSU Aeronautics program. Photo by Sol Photography


SU and CRAFT Flight Training hosted the CSU Aeronautics Liftoff ribboncutting event to officially kick off the university’s new Professional Pilot degree program in August. The event was hosted at Summerville Airport with representatives from CSU, CRAFT, Boeing, and the Federal Aviation Administration, as well as community members and elected officials. “We are very excited that by virtue of this aeronautics program we get to live our calling—that is to prepare servant leaders to pursue significant lives,” President Dr. Dondi Costin said. “What we get to do at Charleston Southern is help people understand what their passion is, what their purpose is, and now—as of today—if their passion is flying, whether it be as a commercial airline pilot, or a military pilot, or a missionary pilot—they will be able to do that after graduating from Charleston Southern.” The program began in response to the market’s need of pilots as many are retiring in the next few years. A Boeing study forecasted more than 700,000 commercial pilots will be needed over the next 20 years. Though the idea and plans for an aeronautics program formed prepandemic, no one anticipated the

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even greater need for pilots after COVID-19’s negative impacts on the industry. Many commercial airlines encouraged pilots to take early retirement during the pandemic to cut expenses. The Air Force also struggles to fill jobs—an issue for combat operations. With a hopeful goal of 12 students in their first year, Colonel Christopher “C.J.” Will said CSU soared to roaring heights with 34 inbound students plus a hefty waitlist. The inaugural class is more than one-third female and close to 20% people of color. The decorated U.S. Air Force veteran is the founding program director and no stranger to aeronautics. Will is a combat command pilot, military instructor pilot, and holds FAA Airline Transport Pilot, Commercial Pilot, Flight Instructor (Single and Multi-Engine) and Remote Pilot Operator certifications and ratings. He holds a Juris Doctorate from Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law and served as a Judge Advocate for the Air Force prior to earning his wings. Will also practiced as an aviation attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice, served as the commander of The Citadel’s AFROTC program, and taught at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

Will shared his excitement in how this program will open new doors of opportunity to youth who have never considered flight as a vocation. “Our goal is to introduce a new perspective to students. And teaching them not just about the world that they live in, but how they fit into that world. There is no better vehicle for that than aviation,” Will said. “With aviation, you place a young man or young woman [in the pilot seat] who may not have ever been in an airplane before—and I’ve seen it before. It’s powerful. It’s transformational.” CSU’s Aeronautics Program is one of only three FAA pilot schools in the state of South Carolina, and is the only program in the state where a student can simultaneously learn to be a pilot and earn a bachelor’s degree. Flight training is conducted at Summerville Airport in partnership with CRAFT. Students fly in Diamond DA-20, DA-40 and DA-42 aircraft, as well as study various topics such as aircraft operations, safety, aerodynamics, and meteorology. The program is academically accredited, FAA Part 141-certified and an institutional member of the Aviation Accreditation Board, International (AABI). Learn more about it at charlestonsouthern.edu/aeronautics.

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Alumni Named to Prestigious Lists

Lisa Grant ’17 MS, the owner of real estate firm SeeWee Homes and a children’s book author was named to The Charleston Business Journal’s 40 Under 40 2021 list. She got her start in the real estate business by buying and renovating homes.

Jenna Johnson ’21 MBA was named to Charleston Business Magazine’s Best and Brightest for 2021. She is associate director of marketing and communication at Charleston Southern and is active in her church and community. She and her husband, Josh (also named to the Best and Brightest list), have two children, Julia and Jonas.

Tyler McSwain ’09, ’18 MA was also named to Charleston Business Magazine’s Best and Brightest 2021 list. He was the student services coordinator in the academic technology department at Charleston Southern and is now the outreach ministry coordinator at Metro North Church.

Charleston Southern Named to U.S. News Best Colleges List and More


harleston Southern University continues to draw national recognition for its education designed to issue students a Passport to Purpose enabling them to embark on a life of significance after graduation. U.S. News and World Report has once again named Charleston Southern to its Best Colleges rankings for 2022 in the Best Regional Universities in the South category. In the general Best Colleges category, CSU rose five spots in the ranking to No 57. In the Best Colleges for Veterans, CSU rose 11 spots to No. 26, and in

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the most dramatic increase, CSU rose 37 spots to No. 37 in the Social Mobility category. “The national recognition of Charleston Southern University by multiple reputable publications demonstrates the incredible value, academic reputation, and accessibility to quality education in the South,” said Dr. Anthony Turner, vice president for enrollment and marketing. “We are grateful to all our faculty and staff who make tremendous sacrifices to make Charleston Southern University a place for students to thrive.”

Earlier in the year, U.S. News ranked Charleston Southern’s online bachelor’s programs at No. 21 nationally for Best Online Bachelor’s Programs, and No. 13 nationally for Best Online Bachelor’s Programs for Veterans. Washington Monthly’s recent college rankings included Charleston Southern on the Best Bang for the Buck in the Southeast list. Charleston Southern also is listed among the safest universities in the state of South Carolina by national groups Niche and State University.

Fall 2021, vol.31 no.3


New BucCareer Online Job Platform Is Open to Alumni for Networking By Dr. Nina Grant


he Career Center joined the Handshake family, a popular career-services platform available to students and alumni, in spring 2020. Handshake’s early talent recruitment platform utilizes innovative technology to connect students and alumni to employers for internship and career opportunities and provides information on career development programs, events, and workshops. Students and alumni can create a Handshake profile, and jobs that are a good fit for them will display on their personal pages.

They can also filter and search through jobs and internships based on their interests and discover new possibilities. Best of all, recruiters can message students directly with event invites and job opportunities. Be sure to send your resume to the Career Center before uploading your resume to your profile and sharing with employers. Need to meet with a Career Center team member? You can schedule an appointment in the Handshake portal. The Career Center is receiving approximately 3,000 job postings monthly.

Employers use Handshake as a recruitment tool to post career, volunteer, and internship opportunities, identify candidates for various positions, as well as register for career fairs and events. To join Handshake: Students and Alumni: www.bit.ly/CSUBucCareerNetwork Employers: www.bit.ly/HireABucNetwork

Science & Engineering building opens

The newest building on campus, dedicated to science and engineering, opened in time for fall semester. Board of Trustees Chairman Ken Evans and President Dondi Costin cut the ribbon with College of Science and Mathematics faculty, students, CSU facilities, and Trident Construction and Liolio Architects personnel on hand. A second phase of the building will open at a later date. Photo by Richard Esposito

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The Mystery of Bucky Why did you want to be Bucky? I am very curious by nature. I like to know what is going on and be a part of it too. I had done theater for seven years, and I really enjoyed that. I thought this would be very similar, so naturally I thought I would be good at it. The scholarship was enticing as well. My parents have helped me pay for college, so I wanted to make it easier on them as much as I could. Plus, I thought it was a really cool new experience that would be a challenge for me to take on. What’s a typical week for Bucky? Once a week my team and I plan out everything. We plan where I am going to be, who is with me, what I wear, everything regarding anything going on around campus. We also plan out my social media content as well. We film at least one Tiktok a week to post every Thursday. Every Friday I have Blue Friday with the Zaxby’s chicken. Every week I write four letters to students and staff just to encourage people or make their day better. That is the bare minimum of my typical week. Add-ons include Sweet 16 events, CSU sporting events, events that I have been requested at, and just going around campus doing my crazy Bucky stuff. I occasionally have to respond to emails and put events into my calendar. Sometimes I have to run to the store to get new clothes or other things I might need. Why the secret identity? It is easier for everyone to just see Bucky as Bucky. If you put a face behind it then the magic is ruined in a sense. Once you figure it out you can’t get the feelings of curiosity and excitement from not knowing who it really is back. I personally love the idea of a secret identity. It is almost like a superhero. That’s one of the reasons I wanted to do it. What do you like about being CSU’s mascot? No one knows who I am so I can do whatever I want and not really get embarrassed. I love being in control of what I get to do as Bucky. It is really fun to just be a total goofball and make everyone smile around me. I

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like being a distraction from the pains of the real world for people. I love being able to bring joy to others through Bucky. What are some of your favorite moments? In February, I really wanted to do something for all the girls. I got tons of flowers and cheesy pirate puns; I made a Valentine’s Day playlist, and then gave every girl I saw a flower while they were serenaded with music. They were all really surprised and happy. I have had the honor of kayaking across the reflection pond. That was cool because it was a lot of fun and everyone was so shocked. I have never seen as many people around the pond all at once. I got to go to a Stingrays game, walk around, get on the ice and play a little broom ball game against kids. There were a ton of other mascots there, so it was really cool to play off each other. Serving CSU There is always someone that is alone or just having a bad day that needs a break or distraction. I try to prioritize finding the one in the crowd. Ultimately Bucky brings joy to everyone and has been a light shining in the dark time that we are all still currently in. My goal as Bucky is to bring unity to our campus, to make it a happier place, and to help people enjoy their limited time here. At the end of the day, if someone is happy, or feels a sense of community because of Bucky, then I have done my job. It is all about the CSU family and what makes them joyful.

The person who plays Bucky will be revealed when that person graduates from CSU.

Bucky at Whirlin’ Waters. Photo by Ty Cornett

Fall 2021, vol.31 no.3


CSU Football’s Unexpected Gift of Kindness By Jan Joslin / Photos by Marie Phillips


n 11-year-old’s dream of playing flag football almost didn’t come true because his family couldn’t find men’s size 14 cleats in local stores. CSU Head Football Coach Autry Denson’s donation of two pairs of cleats has James Phillips learning the game. His mother, Marie Phillips, an administrative assistant in the CSU English department, had just about given up hope of finding the cleats when she reached out to Denson asking for advice about where to purchase the shoes that local stores didn’t carry. Denson went above and beyond and gifted James with the shoes. Marie said, “James was so excited to receive these shoes, and they fit perfectly.”

James was inspired to learn flag football after a bout with COVID-19 in March 2021. The virus was complicated by his asthma, and he ended up in ICU with COVID pneumonia. His mother credits prayer with saving her son and keeping him off a ventilator. James’s pediatrician encouraged him to get active in sports. With the help of the donation from CSU football, James is learning the game of flag football at Hanahan Recreation Center and working to improve his health. Marie said, “Not only did CSU football help support a little boy’s dream to play flag football, but they are helping him fight back against what COVID-19 almost took away from him.”

Alumni Partner with Career Center Providing Mock Interviews for Students By Dr. Nina Grant


ob interviews can be challenging and intimidating. However, having a practice interview or mock interview session can help students learn how to answer difficult questions, develop effective interview strategies, improve communication skills, boost their confidence, and reduce stress and anxiety regarding the interview process. The Career Center is excited to offer a mock interview program conducted by a group of alumni. Alpha Dite Criterion Fraternity, Inc. partnered with CSU Career Center to offer a Mock/Simulated Interview Program that gives students practical experience in interviewing and develops a strategy for a successful interview. ADC Fraternity has successful professionals willing to share their career experiences with students and give back to the CSU community. Mock Interviews are conducted virtually by Reginald Hicks ’78, president of ADC, Dr. Abe Morrall ’78, and Corteze Morrall ’86. The Career Center hosts mock interview days several times each semester, and students and alumni can sign up for a time to

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meet with the ADC mock interview team. This is a free service to students and alumni. Twenty students participated in the inaugural program in 2020-2021. Students and alumni who have participated in the program said how helpful these mock interview sessions were and how they appreciated receiving feedback on how to better prepare for interviews. ADC was founded as a service fraternity on the campus of Baptist College, now Charleston Southern. At the time of their charter, they were the first African American and the first non-Greek fraternity founded in South Carolina. The organization was active at Baptist College from fall 1974 to spring 1981. Due to low recruit numbers and members graduating, the organization became inactive on campus and was not reinstated in the state of South Carolina until March 27, 2017, with a new charter. Stay tuned for the Mock Interview Schedule! Students and alumni may register to participate on Handshake: www.bit.ly/ CSUBucCareerNetwork.

Alpha Dite Criterion 1977 yearbook photo.

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Gonzalez Serving Athletes Through AIA by Jan Joslin / File photos


azmin Gonzalez is passionate about athletes. As a former member of the Buccaneer soccer team, she knows their world and how they think. Gonzalez, a 2019 graduate, is currently preparing for a full-time ministry position with Athletes in Action, which is a branch of CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ). She is raising funds to support herself and

has been assigned to work with athletes at North Carolina State University and Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina. Growing up in Philadelphia, Gonzalez went to church and attended a Catholic school. She believed there was a God, but she found her identity in soccer. Arriving at CSU as a freshman and being passed over as the head goalkeeper started her questioning

– who am I? She jumped from major to major and eventually graduated with a human and social science degree. Observing the Christians on the soccer team and how they lived convinced Gonzalez she wanted what they had. “The discipleship piece was never shown to me; I never studied the Bible growing up,” she said. Fellow team member Lydia Frierson Radcliffe ’18

Jazmin Gonzalez in action with the Buccaneers.

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started meeting with Gonzalez in her junior year and talked out Bible stories. Her senior year, Gonzalez took an Intro to Missions class with Dr. Ryan Gimple. She started meeting with Brittany Gordon, former assistant campus minister, weekly. “I wanted to be there for athletes. There was a fire burning in me, and it was hard to focus on school. The activator in me wanted to put into action what I was thinking,” she said. The time spent with Gordon and seeing what she did on campus helped Gonzalez see a little bit of what full-time ministry would look like and the sacrifice it would take. Still, the fire burned in her. She went on a mission trip to Puerto Rico with Athletes in Action and some of her team members. She was baptized during that trip. She began to think, “This desire in me might be more than just a regular desire.” On a soccer tour with Athletes in Action to Portugal, she played soccer against club teams, worked with a church, and in Lisbon, walked on a university campus just to get to know people and what they believed. It was in Portugal that she realized she was called to work with student-athletes. Gonzalez asked the Lord for a sign that what she was feeling was the right path. “On the last day of the tour, one of the women on staff with Athletes in Action asked me, have you ever thought about going on staff?” It would be a year before Gonzalez actually joined Athletes in Action. She was eligible for a fifth season of soccer, so she enrolled in the Master of Science in Christian counseling degree at CSU and lived with a couple who worked for Campus Outreach. She saw fulltime ministry up close and learned to trust the Lord step-by-step as she waited on his timing. Several of the Athletes in Action staff members who led the Portugal and Puerto Rico mission trips are AIA leaders in Raleigh. Gonzalez said, “After the Portugal trip, they sent me a picture and said we are praying you will be at the table with us.” CRU allows new team members to choose three places, and Gonzalez was awarded her first choice – Raleigh. She said, “God’s plan is so different than anything we come up with ourselves.

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Jazmin Gonzalez, second from left, and some of her teammates went with Athletes in Action to Puerto Rico in 2018.

Two years later I’m living in Raleigh and have almost raised my support.” As an AIA staff member, she will disciple student-athletes, build relationships with a ministry of presence, attend games, lead game day devotionals, plan retreats and mission trips, build relationships with coaches, and more. She said, “AIA is great at collaborating with other faith groups, so sometimes we will collaborate with Fellowship of Christian Athletes.” Gonzalez credits part of her Christian growth to professors and employees she interacted with at CSU. “Professor Christi Gramling in political science showed so much grace in the classroom and the way she helped me outside the classroom.” Dr. Dan Fultz invited Gonzalez and her teammate Anna Menendez ’19 to church and to dinner with his family. Her supervisor in the Learning Center, Brenda Hanna, inspired her in her faith and in the classroom. “It was an encouraging space,” said Gonzalez. She still talks to Hanna today.

Gonzalez said her eyes were opened to how much her professors cared after she started walking with the Lord. Her time in the Christian counseling program was brief but helpful as she learned to trust the Lord in different seasons. She said, “The counseling professors wanted to help the students get through the program. How they treated everyone in the program was incredible.” As Gonzalez wraps up the fundraising part of her journey and gets ready to assume a full-time position in Raleigh, she has reflected on how small the Christian soccer world is. “I’ve gone to soccer games at N.C. State and Shaw, and it’s set a fire under me to be there. I can’t wait.” And though it has been a two-year process, she sees how the Lord was working all the time. If you would like to contribute to Gonzalez and Athletes in Action, you can contact her through email to hear more at Jazmin.gonzalez@athletesinaction.org, or visit her giving website at give.cru.org/1099170.

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By Jan Joslin / Photos Provided

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Four young couples are preparing to pull up stakes in the Lowcountry and move to Lawrence, Kansas, where none of them have ties. All eight happen to be Charleston Southern alumni.

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ike Woodard ’15 first felt the stirring to plant a church six years ago. He said, “At the time, I was 22, newly married, and was scared to say out loud that I felt led to start a church.” He only told his wife and a few close friends what he was feeling. Over the next five years, Woodard had 20 unsolicited affirmations from people who said things like, I could see you doing this one day. In late 2019, he and his wife, Emily Gaskins Woodard ’15 started the discussion of what church planting would look like. They started considering what it would look like spiritually, financially, practically. “In other words, what would it look like if we said yes to this calling,” Woodard said. “That’s always a good question to ask,” he said. “Jesus said it Himself, no one plans to build a tower and forgets to count the cost (Luke 14:28). So we began to count the cost. We put our yes on the table and told the Lord we’d go anywhere.” As they researched and even visited a city, they ran into dead ends in every direction. Over the years, when people had confirmed Woodard’s conviction, several of their connections involved Kansas. Mike and Emily decided to give Kansas a chance. Further research and calls to pastors in several cities confirmed a need. August 2020 was a high mark for COVID, so Northwood Church, where Woodard is young adults pastor, was meeting online but about to go back to meeting in person. With a two-week window to visit Kansas and no time to plan financially, the Woodards thought they couldn’t pull off the trip. Mike received a call from his grandfather, who had no idea what they were planning. He said, “I was just thinking about you guys and wanted to give you some money as a gift.” Woodard said, “What he gave covered the cost of the trip.” In Kansas, the Woodards visited several cities. Lawrence, between Kansas City and Topeka, the state capital, is home to the University of Kansas. It has a population of 100,000, and less than 10% of the population attends church. “The people of Lawrence are known to be skeptical about Christianity and hold adverse views of the Church,” said Woodard. “One pastor explained it to me like this: ‘It’s like you plucked a city out of California and put it in the Midwest.’ It’s nothing like its surroundings.”

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Woodard Family: Mike, Sammy, and Emily

Malley Family: Blakely, Jacob, and Caroline

Fall 2021, vol.31 no.3

The Woodards met with several Biblebelieving, Gospel-centered pastors. “They all sat across the table from me and said, ‘we have been praying for more churches.’ We believe God is sending us to Lawrence to be an answer to those prayers.”

The Team Woodard has worked closely with Jacob Malley ’17 and Caroline Albertson Malley ’20 in Northwood Church’s young adult ministry. They were on board from the very start. “They told us that wherever we decided to go, they would be coming with us,” said Woodard. Jake King ’16 and Danielle Evans King ’17 serve in the youth ministry at Northwood and have been friends with the Woodards for years. Woodard had kept them in the loop during the process, and they were praying about it. Woodard said, “They separately decided it was what God wanted for them. They sat down to talk about it and shared with each other how they were feeling. When they realized they had a mutual peace about moving, they joined the team.” Andrew Singer ’19 and Mary Catherine “MC” McCarthy Singer ’20 were serving in Guatemala. Jake had been keeping them up-to-date about the move, and Mike wasn’t even aware they were considering it. In March 2021, Andrew FaceTimed Mike from Guatemala to tell him they had been praying and felt the Lord calling them to join the team. Woodard believes working in young adult ministry has been a divine training ground for he and Emily. “Pastoring a ministry that focuses on college students and young professionals is a beautiful roller coaster,” he said. During this transient stage of life, you meet lots of people who are around for a short time. “You have to have thick skin,” said Woodard. “You have to fight for an age bracket that the Church sometimes forgets about. You have to have a short memory for the low times and hold onto the good times for dear life. I believe that reality has prepared us greatly for church planting.”

ganization, Association of Related Churches, and undergoing training through ARC. The team is also raising funds to support their families and the launch of the church. The church plant is considered a parachute plant, because the team will parachute into Lawrence with no prior connections in the city. Although they have made connections since, at first they knew no one. They are learning too about how to form relationships, start missional conversations, plan interest events, and serve in the community. Woodard said, ”My time at CSU was where I discerned my call to ministry. I believe I could say the same about our team as well. It was a formidable time for me and my life. I remember sitting in the library during my sophomore year and journaling my thoughts, trying to figure out if God wanted me to pursue full-time ministry or not. That was a watershed moment for me after a tough freshman year. I truly believe that CSU is where I fell in love with Jesus again.” The Lawrence team holds three business degrees, two Christian studies degrees, a nursing degree, a human and social sciences degree, and a communication degree. They believe these different backgrounds will help them as they minister and have taught them to approach their careers with faith as a filter. Woodard said, “We see our respective workplaces as mission fields and our work as unto God, and we desire for others to see it that way too. That is very important to us, and we even worked it into our church mission statement: to disciple, develop, and deploy believers. As a church, we want to deploy believers into their homes, workplaces, and into places around the world. Following Jesus in the marketplace is the most effective evangelism tactic we have in today’s world. We want to leverage that mightily for the kingdom.”

FUN FACTS: Jacob and Caroline Malley met at CSU, as did Jake and Danielle King Jacob Malley led worship for Elevate Jake King was an Orientation Team Leader Danielle King was a cheerleader Caroline Malley worked at the Brewer Center Mike Woodard worked for Marketing & Communication Emily Woodard won the Accounting Student of the Year award her senior year

“The people of Lawrence are known to be skeptical about Christianity and hold adverse views of the

The Preparation

Church. One pastor explained it to me like this: ‘It’s like

In addition to the spiritual preparation the team is doing, the support of Northwood Church has been an encouragement. The team is working with a church planting or-

Midwest.’ It’s nothing like its surroundings.”

Fall 2021, vol.31 no.3

you plucked a city out of California and put it in the — Mike Woodard

CSU magazine 31


The Faith

Singer Family: MC and Andrew

Three of the four couples have young children. Not only are they walking away from established ministries and jobs, but they are also leaving grandparents and support systems. Woodard said, “I preach about faith, encourage faith in others, and work to grow my faith. But I’ve never obeyed a call from God that will cost me as much as this will and already has. I’m walking away from a great ministry job, from a great church, selling my house, leaving family, leaving my hometown, leaving comfort. And our whole team is doing the same.” All of this has come about by saying yes to God. The team knows that they will now see how integrated into their life their faith really is. They are walking forward in this adventure by faith, an adventure that will cost them greatly. Woodard said, “But we know that Christ did not call us to comfort or convenience, but to follow Him at all costs.” If you are interested in supporting the Lawrence, Kansas, team, go to thevalleyks.com/ give to contribute.

King Family: Danielle, Hayden, and Jake

32 CSU magazine

Fall 2021, vol.31 no.3


CSU Mourns Golden Employee of 55 Years By Jenna Johnson


arbara “Binky” Mead, age 77, died Oct. 10 after a lengthy illness. A 55-year veteran staffer at Charleston Southern, Mead was well-known for her impactful work with students and her unwavering commitment to the university. She began her time at CSU in admissions in 1967 and worked her way up to assistant dean of students 20 years later. Her latest role was serving as associate dean of students. In more recent years, Mead oversaw the international program, worked on major campus events like CultureFest and Kuumba, and taught dining etiquette. Her dedicated service to CSU and its students went far beyond her employment. Mead has been a member of the Board of Visitors Scholarship Program, Buc Club Board of Directors, a Lifetime Member of the President’s Club, and established the P.O. Jr. & Margaret I. Mead Endowed Scholarship in memory of her parents. Unknown to many among the CSU family, Mead was a major donor and was instrumental in establishing the Student Emergency Care Fund during COVID. Rev. Clark Carter, vice president for student life and dean of students, said that Mead’s entire life was focused on doing things for others. “Ms. Mead was a gift to so many people. Her generosity was legendary and it brought

Fall 2021, vol.31 no.3

her such joy to be a blessing to others,” he said. “As she was lying in her hospital bed, just a few days before her passing, she told me with tears in her eyes, ‘I wish I had more time to help others.’ Oh, Ms. Mead, it will take an eternity to fully realize how many people you have touched. I thank God that I had the privilege to be one of those people.” In a book titled God’s Blueprint: From Wel-

fare to the White House and Beyond, Cindy Clark ’78 wrote that Mead had an everlasting impact on her life. “Once I arrived on campus as a student, Binky continued to show an interest in me beyond that of a mere student needed to fill a freshman quota. She genuinely cared about me (a new concept to me in many ways). Yet, the Lord continued to work in my heart and my life as He showed His loving care to me through others. In each step of my life since college, Binky has been a true Proverbs 18:24 friend. I will always appreciate the investment she made in me so many years ago.” Mead received the Outstanding Staff Merit Award in 1988 and made a splash in the community with the WCBD TV 2 Good Apple Award in 1991. At her 50th anniversary reception, Mead said, “The Lord has been so good to me. If I’m successful at anything, it’s because my parents taught me.” “Ms. Mead represented the purest example of living one’s calling that I have ever seen,” said President Dr. Dondi Costin. “Because of her outside business interests, Binky never needed a job, never needed a paycheck, and never wanted recognition. But she was compelled to serve the Lord by loving students in countless ways, always generously and often anonymously. In a CSU career with service in seven different decades, Binky was driven to demonstrate this truth: ‘only one life will soon be past; only what’s done for Christ will last.’ And only God knows the number of lives she impacted for good during her one full life.” A graduate of Furman University, Mead also held a master’s degree from The Citadel and was a licensed counselor.

CSU magazine 33


Class notes 1970s




the Blazers to an appearance in the 2021 NCAA Championship. Wilson’s Blazers climbed to a No. Fred Wehman ’71 has retired Dr. Wally Baird ’96 is the new ex5 national ranking in November of after 35 years with the Ford Moecutive director of academics and 2020 after posting an undefeated tor Company. He lives in Mount innovation for Berkeley County fall season. The No. 5 ranking is Pleasant. School District. He was formerly the highest in program history. the assistant director of elementary Prior to UAB, Wilson served as Rev. Glenn Creech ’76 is the schools for Dorchester District 2. He head coach and director of golf member care consultant at the is married to Stephanie Faulkner at Charleston Southern where his International Mission Board in Baird ’95 who is an instructional team earned a 2016 NCAA ReRichmond, Virginia. He is married coach for literacy at Sangaree Elgional appearance, the first-ever to Pam Black Creech ’77. ementary School in Summerville. at-large postseason berth for any The Bairds have two sons. sport in school history. He was also Donnie R. Simmons ’77 has retired a two-time Big South Coach of the from the faculty of California Dr. Rodney E. Graham ’82, ’02 is a Leslie M. Whitten ’98 is an attorYear (2012 and 2016). He played State University, Fresno where he 10th Degree Japanese Karate Black ney and partner in the Chartwell varsity golf at Charleston Southern. served as distinguished lecturer in Belt Grand Master. He’s a United Law office in North Charleston. the department of sociology and States AAU National Gold Medal She holds a law degree from 2000s as co-director of the humanic’s Recipient and member of the U.S. the University of South Caroprogram in philanthropy and National Martial Arts World Com- lina School of Law and formerly Diana Saillant ’06, ’10 MBA, has community based leadership. petition Team. Rodney has been worked at Clement Rivers LLC. been named to the board of diPrior to joining the faculty at Cali- inducted into the USA Martial rectors for the YWCA Greater fornia State-Fresno, he served on Arts Hall of Fame. He recently Christie Chambers ’99, ’02 MEd, and Charleston. Saillant is the owner of the faculty of Golden Gate Bapappeared in a book that comJohn “Phud” Chambers ’98 anSaillant Language Consulting, LLC. tist Theological Seminary (now memorated Chuck Norris’ lifetime nounce the birth of Asa Chambers, Gateway Seminary of the SBC), dedication to the martial arts. He born Sept. 13, 2020. Christie said, Occidental College, and Biola resides in Summerville, where he “He is the youngest of eight. Our University. He continues to lead a serves as the drummer for Foroldest is now a freshman at CSU.” national consulting firm, Creative ward Church. Potential Consulting and Training, and lives in Fresno, California. Will Powell ’83 won the Fittest 6064 contest at CrossFit Games in the summer of 2021. He is the first master’s athlete to win in three divisions: 50-54, 55-59 (twice), and 60-64. He owns Powell Fitness Training and Wellness in Greensboro, North Carolina, and is married to Terry Ellis Powell ’83. Alexis Davis ‘07 has published her first Christian children’s book, Lee Taylor ’89 announces the birth Wherever You Go, based on Joshua of two grandchildren, Norah Alice 1:9 through Covenant Books. She Tuck, born March 1 in Mount Mike Wilson ’99 is the new head said, “It’s available on Amazon by Pleasant, and Lewis Benjamin coach of the men’s golf program at searching Wherever You Go Alexis “LB” Bowlby, born March 18 in the University of Wisconsin. Davis. I’m also going into my 15th Anderson. LB is also the grandson He spent five seasons as the head year of teaching, the past 11 years of Laura Skipper Sanders ’89. Lee men’s golf coach at Alabamabeing at Stratford High School in lives in Piedmont with his wife, Birmingham where he was a twoBerkeley County.” Christine Taylor. time Conference USA Coach of the Year (2020 and 2021) and helped

34 CSU magazine

Fall 2021, vol.31 no.3

Carolyn Anderson ’08 MEd has been named interim principal at Septima P. Clark Academy in Charleston. She was previously assistant principal at North Charleston High School. Her career with the Charleston County School District has included serving as a career and technical education teacher, teaching leadership, and as a South Carolina Teacher Mentor. She founded and directs Anderson Alpha Angels, LLC, which seeks to cultivate the strengths of young women in elementary, middle, and high school through stepping.

Phillip Wilson ’08 graduated from Trinity School for Ministry with a Master of Arts in religion in May 2021. Currently, he is a bivocational clergyman working in commercial banking with Pinnacle Financial and serving as the Associate Priest at St. Andrew’s Anglican Church Park Circle in North Charleston. J.W. Myers ’09 is the new athletic director at Pinewood Preparatory School in Summerville. Myers is continuing to serve as the head varsity football coach. Previously, Myers taught middle school social studies at Pinewood and coached junior varsity and varsity football. Myers is married to Beth Boyle Myers ’08, and they have one daughter.

2010s Megan J. Bruner Busch ’10 and Jordan Busch ’10, ’14 MBA announce the birth of a son, Boone Busch, born May 8.

Fall 2021, vol.31 no.3

Kristi Latham ’10 has been named a master teacher at Pinewood Preparatory School in Summerville by the South Carolina Independent School Association. She teaches middle school English and writing at Pinewood. She has been teaching for 11 years at Pinewood. She also holds a Master of Business Administration.

Laura Temples ’12 and her husband, Chris Temples, announce the birth of a daughter, Alyssa Jade Temples, born Jan. 14 in Greenville.

Dr. Tracy Williams ’12 has published her first children’s book, The Adventures of Quintarus: Introducing My Big Biracial Family. The Jessica Berrios ’11 has published book is available from mascother first children’s book, The Paint books.com and celebrates growing Jars. She said, “I have had a soft up in a blended family. Tracy is a spot for children’s literature for as graduate of the Medical University long as I can remember. In 2017 I of South Carolina and is a pharstarted working on my book, then macy manager for CVS. finally published with Barnes and Noble Press in December 2020. Stephen Thomas ’13 MEd is the The Paint Jars is written ideally for principal at St. Andrew’s School of young children but can be enMath and Science in Charleston. joyed by budding artists of all ages He served as assistant principal as it teaches colors, color blendat Jennie Moore Elementary and ing, and even shading! Parents can Memminger Elementary. He was read The Paint Jars to or with their a teacher at St. James-Santee kids, or teachers can share it with Elementary-Middle School and their classes. “Since graduation, I was named Teacher of the Year moved to Charlotte, N.C., where I for 2010-2011. serve in my local church in music and children’s ministries, and I Rachelle Rea Cobb ’14 and Devin work as an administrative assisCobb announce the birth of a tant at a university. I’m currently daughter, Rosalie Cobb, born working on future books, two of April 18, 2020. which will teach children money concepts and music.” Marcus Schoultz ’14 is employed at Naval Information Warfare Monica Smalls ’12 MEd, is the Center Atlantic as the mobile apnew principal at Chicora Elemen- plication development lead and as tary School in North Charleston. STEM events coordinator. He also She has been a guidance counruns a nonprofit he started when selor at Minnie Hughes Elemenhe was at CSU called True to Your tary, C.C. Blaney Elementary, SOLE. He said, “Each year we give Brentwood Middle, and Charlesback to rural areas with sneakers, ton County School District Sixth scholarships, and mentorships. Grade Academy. She was Teacher This year we were able to collab of the Year in 2004-2005 at A.C. for our first STEM Camp sponCorcoran Elementary School. sored by NIWC Atlantic.”

Andrew Woodall ’14 has been promoted to Lieutenant with the Salisbury Fire Department in Salisbury, North Carolina. He has been with the department since 2020 and formerly worked for the North Charleston Fire Department. Seth Montgomery ’15 MBA has been named associate athletic director for communications and digital content at Indiana State University in Terre Haute, Indiana, where he will oversee the overall management, operations, and performance evaluations of athletic communications. Formerly, he was associate athletic director for communication/public relations at Charleston Southern. He was also chair of the Big South Conference’s Sports Information Directors Committee. Stephen Cagle ’16 has been named the football coach at Ben Lippen School in Columbia. He was previously offensive coordinator at A.C. Flora High School. He is married to Alisha Best Cagle ’13. Jaimee Salone ’16 is the new marketing coordinator for the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce. She formerly worked for the 628th Force Support Squadron at Joint Base Charleston. Gage Dowling ’18 and Casey Fabian Dowling ’17 both earned a master’s degree in management from Southwestern Oklahoma State University in 2021. Gage is the new director of residential living at Sul Ross State University in Alpine, Texas, and Casey is the new director of talent search TRIO at Sul Ross State University. Mary Beth Kegley ’18 and Zak Kegley ’18 announce the birth of a daughter, Annabeth Kegley, born July 7, 2020. Cameron Cain ’19 is serving as the defensive backs coach for Ashley Ridge High School Swamp Foxes in Summerville.

CSU magazine 35


Class notes

STAY CONNECTED! Send us news about family additions, job changes, community involvement, etc. To include a photo, email a high resolution jpg - 800kb or larger. (If you send a professional photograph, please include permission to print from the photographer.)

Class Notes: magazine@csuniv.edu Address change: csudevelopment@csuniv.edu Name change: register@csuniv.edu Follow the Alumni Association on Social Media:



Did you know?

36 CSU magazine

Elizabeth Conroy ’19 was named Rookie Teacher of the Year for 2021 at Mount Holly Elementary School in Goose Creek. Zackery Evans ’19, ’20 MS in management won Rookie Teacher of the Year for 2021 at Hanahan Elementary School in Hanahan.

Paul Washington ’21 was named Outstanding Mentor by the Scott Mentorship Golf Tournament Group. Washington was honored 2020s at the group’s sixth charity golf Sydney Lord ’20 was named the event in Peachtree City, Georgia. Rookie Teacher of the Year for He was nominated by Dr. Nina 2021 at Devon Forest Elementary Grant, assistant dean/director of School in Goose Creek. the Career Center at CSU, and selected for his exceptional comAllison Moyer ’20 was named munity service and mentorship Rookie Teacher of the Year for in community, church, employ2021 at Foxbank Elementary in ment and nonprofit organizations, Moncks Corner. serving young people, citizens, veterans, and peers. The Scott Kylie Mussat ’20 was named Mentorship Group was formed Rookie Teacher of the Year for to continue the legacy of seven 2021 for Westview Primary School colonels assigned to Scott Air in Goose Creek. Force Base during the 1980s and believes in placing service before Kevin Jacques ’21 has been named self. Pictured are: Travis Lewis, a staff accountant at Jarrard, Now- Elijah Jackson, Walter Smith, Paul ell & Russell, LLC in Charleston. Washington and Abe Morrall ’78. He previously served as an intern Ted Thurmond ’81, and a member for Jarrard, Nowell & Russell. He of Alpha Dite Criterion Fraternity, has been an assistant manager at Inc., also assisted with the event. Johnston & Murphy. Hannah Rogers ’21 is the Rookie Teacher of the Year for 2021 at Sangaree Elementary School in Summerville.

You can view digital issues of CSU Magazine at charlestonsouthern.edu/magazine. Current and past issues are available from issuu.com.

Fall 2021, vol.31 no.3


in memory Francis Xavier Archibald ’76, age 89, died June 24 in Mount Pleasant. He was a U.S. Air Force veteran, a security director with the military, a Hanahan City Councilman, a judge, a member of the S.C. House of Representatives, was public affairs officer for the S.C. Department of Corrections, and was an adjunct professor at CSU in the 1980s. Clairisa Davis Baisley ‘10, ’14 MEd, age 33, died Aug. 22 in Summerville due to COVID. She was the new assistant principal at Spann Elementary School in Dorchester District 2 and had previously taught school at Knightsville Elementary. She and her husband had their first child on Aug. 8. Robert “Hank” Bauer ’75, age 68, died Aug. 20 in Folly Beach. Prior to retirement, he taught middle school math. He was an avid surfer. Pat Baughman Sr., age 86, died Aug. 4 in Columbia. He received an honorary doctor of laws from CSU in 1973. He was a U.S. Army veteran, owned a life insurance business, and was a former president of the South Carolina Baptist Convention. June Alice Conner Broad ’81, ’82, age 60, died Aug. 4 in Mauldin. She was an auditor and worked for the U.S. government. Cecile Langham Cothran ’94, age 76, died Aug. 11 in Summerville. She was an artist and owned an art gallery in Charleston prior to retirement. She belonged to the Flowertown Garden Club and served as editor of the South Carolina Gardener. Elisa Deffendall Creasy ’08, age 35, died July 30 due to COVID in Corpus Christi, Texas. She was a math teacher at Robstown Early Collegiate High School. She and her husband had their first child on July 14.

Fall 2021, vol.31 no.3

Mical Ezra Embler ’75, age 69, died May 22. He was a certified public accountant and owned his own firm in Greenville. He ran track while in college and was on the Board of the Greenville Track Club Elite. Lorvens Florestal, age 19, died Aug. 29 in Charleston. He was a freshman walk-on defensive end on the football team and was a graduate of Atlantic High School in Delray Beach, Florida. Flynn Thomas Harrell, age 87, died July 8 in Columbia. He was a U.S. Army veteran, was the business officer for the South Carolina Baptist Convention, was an executive assistant to the S.C. Attorney General, and was on the board of Southern Mutual Church Insurance Company. He was a member of the CSU Board of Visitors and received an honorary doctor of laws from CSU in 1978. Hannah Caitlin Hatherly ’19, age 24, died Aug. 18 in Summerville from COVID. She was known for her saxophone talent. Margaret Odom Hobgood ’96 MAT, age 76, died Aug. 2 in Ladson. She was a U.S. Navy veteran, had been a newspaper reporter, worked in real estate, and taught high school English and Spanish before retiring. Andrew Hogue ’70, age 73, died Oct. 8, 2020, in Charleston due to COVID. He had been a member of the CSU Board of Visitors. John Michael Kammeyer ’74, age 69, died Aug. 12 in Charleston. He was the co-owner of Rug Masters and was a member of the Charleston Southern Hall of Fame, and played basketball for CSU. He was a longtime member of the CSU Buc Club Board of Directors.

The Rev. Marvin D. “Buddy” Locke, ’73, age 77, died July 3. He was a retired minister. He was a U.S. Air Force veteran, and had worked for the S.C. Department of Mental Health and as a building designer before becoming a pastor. Charles Wayne McManus, age 64, died Sept. 20, 2021, in Summerville. He attended CSU and owned an internet broadband service business. He was a former member of the CSU Board of Visitors. Joyce Phillips Moore Mixson, age 99, died Aug. 7 in Pawleys Island. She had been president of the Garden Clubs of South Carolina. She was a member of the CSU Board of Visitors, the Women’s Advisory Council, and the President’s Silver Club Life Member. She endowed two CSU scholarships with her late husband, Frank Mixson. CSU bestowed an honorary doctor of nursing on her in 2004. Carroll Jo Sandefer ’92, age 56, died July 17 in Summerville. She had been a senior analyst for H&R Block and a secretary at Roper Hospital. Nina “Beth” Sprinkle ’73, age 69, died May 15 in North Charleston. She was an art teacher. Ronald J. Wells ’88, age 75, died Jan. 9 in North Carolina. Lawrence Wertan ’72, age 77, died May 25 in Georgia. He was a retired teacher and had been a librarian and author. William Christopher Yarina ’12, age 38, died Sept. 4, 2020, in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. He was a U.S. Navy veteran, a correctional officer at SCI Somerset, an EMT with Conemaugh Valley Ambulance, and was a member of the Franklin Borough Fire Department.

CSU magazine 37


Baby Bucs 1





1. 2. 3.


Annabeth Kegley, daughter of Mary Beth Kegley ’18 and Zak Kegley ’18 Zella Nell Keener, daughter of Cady Nell Keener ’15 MBA and David Keener Lewis Benjamin Bowlby, grandson of Christine Taylor and Lee Taylor ’89 and grandson of Laura Skipper Sanders ’89

38 CSU magazine

4. Asa Chambers, son of Christie Chambers ’99, ’02 MEd and John “Phud” Chambers ’98 5. Hilah James Caldwell, daughter of Jamie Hansen and Jeffrey Caldwell ’07 6. Boone Busch, son of Megan J. Bruner Busch ’10 and Jordan Busch ’10, ’14 MBA

Fall 2021, vol.31 no.3



CSU graduates, if you have a child under the age of 2, let us know at alumni@ csuniv.edu, and we will send a CSU onesie for your Baby Buc. The shirt is free; all we ask in return is a photo of your Baby Buc for the magazine.

Email a picture of your Baby Buc wearing the shirt to alumni@csuniv.edu. Pictures should be 800 kb or larger in size, in jpg format.





10 12

7. Alyssa Jade Temples, daughter of Laura Temples ’12 MBA and Chris Temples

10. Ava Marie Schultz, daughter of Amanda Schultz ’19 MEd

8. Joseph Charles Lounsberry Perdue, son of Stephanie Marie Lounsberry Perdue ’19

11. Zemirah Rae Medina, daughter of Javee Martinez Medina ’08

12. Rosalie Cobb, daughter of Rachelle Rea Cobb ’14 and Devin Cobb

and Bradley Scott Perdue

9. Norah Alice Tuck, granddaughter of Christine Taylor and Lee Taylor ’89

Fall 2021, vol.31 no.3

CSU magazine 39


Ensuring a Limitless Future for CSU Students


s the university seeks to fulfill the objectives of its 2020-2025 Strategic Plan, CSU has embarked on a $35 million comprehensive campaign, named Limitless, that will help transform the campus, build a stronger Buccaneer community, and ensure a Christian education from Charleston Southern University is within reach for every student. With guidance from our Strategic Plan and input from various stakeholders, the Board of Trustees approved three areas of focus for the Limitless campaign: Convocation Center and Arena As the center for large worship, academic, athletic, and social events on campus, the convocation center will be the single venue that brings the university community together in one place at one time to share an experience. In addition to hosting commencement, chapel, conferences, and providing essential student gathering space, the convocation center and arena will give the Buccaneers home court advantage for athletics. Annual Scholarships The CSU Annual Scholarship Fund provides opportunities for students whose financial capacity is limited but whose Godgiven ability and ambitions are limitless. Giving to CSU’s Annual Scholarship Fund is one of the best investments you can make, ensuring a top-notch Christian education is within reach for the majority of students.

Because of the generosity of donors, most students can attend CSU for no more than it costs to attend a state school. Student Enhancements Over the next five years, Charleston Southern will seek to increase designated gifts through Limitless for strategic priority initiatives to improve the student experience. Opportunities for designated gifts abound, and include: expanding funding for capital projects, supporting programs of study, providing support for student-athletes, creating endowed chairs, and endowing new scholarships. The name Limitless was chosen because we serve a limitless God, who can do more than we could ever ask or imagine. Currently in the quiet phase, Limitless, is underway. The Lord has already blessed us with generous philanthropists who recognize the impact the campaign will have on our campus. A group of CSU alumni and friends is providing campaign leadership. The Steering Committee is chaired by Frank Bullard, a long-time CSU supporter, a member of the current Board of Trustees and market presi-

33rd Annual President’s Cup Golf Tournament


highlight of the annual golf tournament was a beautiful September day, perfect for raising money for student scholarships. The 27 teams and sponsors contributed $18,830 to the CSU scholarship fund, with every penny going to students. If you are interested in playing next year, contact alumni@csuniv.edu.

40 CSU magazine

dent of First Reliance Bank. Jairy and Sissy Hunter are serving as honorary chairpersons for the committee. The belief and support from our alumni and friends in our mission and campaign priorities are crucial to us exceeding our goals. Stay tuned for details on how you can partner with CSU and help ensure the futures of CSU students and of Charleston Southern University are limitless. Steering Committee: Frank Bullard, Chair Hal Adams ’69 Ron & Marcia Brantley Gerald & Tia Brewer-Footman Bucky Drake Herbert Drayton Ken Evans Mark Hood Judy Kneece-Hetz Roger Nielsen ’74 Dusty Rhodes ’75 Gloria Thiem Tim & Alina Whitfield Dondi Costin and CSU staff

Thank You, Donors! We are grateful for the alumni, friends, businesses, organizations, and churches who generously donated during the 2020-2021 fiscal year. To view the Honor Roll of Donors, go to charlestonsouthern.edu/giving and select Honor Roll of Donors.

Fall 2021, vol.31 no.3

3 Things

Making Us Happy!

Photos by Ty Cornett and Richard Esposito



AFROTC Det 772 Remembers 9-11

Pride of the Lowcountry

Before the sun peeked across the treeline on 9-11, more than 50 cadets and cadre from CSU’s Air Force ROTC Detachment 772 walked the equivalent of 110 stories or 2, 071 stairs. With each step on the home side bleachers of Buccaneer Field, the cadets remembered the 343 police officers, firefighters, and medics who never made it out before the towers fell on 9/11 20 years ago. The stair climb is a symbolic completion of the mission in honor of those men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

The Pride of the Lowcountry marching band represents nearly every major on campus. The 83 members have dodged rain, beat the heat and readied for the new year. Their 2021 program, “Up from the Ashes,” is a celebration of the world coming out of the pandemic (we can all hope and pray!). Music includes Stravinsky’s epic ballet, “The Firebird,” Fall Out Boy’s “The Phoenix,” Celine Dion’s “Ashes,” Lin Manuel Miranda’s “My Shot” (from Hamilton), and The Weeknd’s “Blinding Lights.”

2 Legacy Buccaneers Jaycie Chambers, daughter of John “Phud” Chambers ’98 and Christie Chambers ’99, MEd ’02, moved into the residence halls for her freshman year Aug 20. The Chambers live in Rock Hill.

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Alumni, what would you tell your college self? CSU students want to know! Share your wisdom by mentoring students through Buccaneer Bridge, an online partnership between the Career Center and the alumni office. Share your expertise and provide professional development experiences such as job shadowing, internships, and career workshops/information sessions. Create your mentor profile today: charlestonsouthern.firsthand.co

CSU Voted Best in State Charleston Southern University was voted as the Best College/University in the state of South Carolina. The 2021 South Carolina Best in Business Awards, hosted by Charleston Business, Greenville Business, and Columbia Business monthly magazines, accepted nominations for individuals and companies in dozens of categories. Online voting was open between Sept. 20-Oct. 10. CSU’s votes outnumbered the other nominees for Best College/University including the University of South Carolina, Clemson University, Furman University, College of Charleston, Anderson University, Newberry College, Presbyterian College, and ECPI.

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