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100 celebrate 30 years pg. President & Mrs. Hunter

at CSU

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for more 50th anniversary coverage

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from the president

Dear Friends, Welcome to our commemorative issue of CSU Magazine, celebrating Charleston Southern University’s 50th Anniversary. The men and women who first began dreaming of a Christian college in the Lowcountry in the 1950s were indeed visionaries. I am confident that those visionaries would be pleased with the beauty and success of Charleston Southern University today. I know you will take pride in your place in Charleston Southern’s history as you look through the pages of this magazine. We wish that we could feature every graduate and everyone who has served and given to the university. Since that is impossible, we offer you some special highlights and memories that make up our great university. Please visit charlestonsouthern50.com for more pictures, videos and memories. CSU provides students with an excellent education enhanced by the integration of faith in learning, leading and serving. Our graduates are prepared to be critical thinkers and skillful communicators positioned to serve with integrity in society. Sissy and I are celebrating 30 wonderful years at CSU. Our lives have been enriched by the thousands of students and members of the CSU family. I personally want to thank each of you for your prayers, contributions and friendship. I would also like to express appreciation to my wife and partner. Thanks Sissy for your 30-year journey of support and commitment to Christian higher education. Please continue to pray for the CSU family as we embark on the next 50 years.


Jairy C. Hunter, Jr.


CSU magazine

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Charleston Southern University



a publication of charleston southern university

volume 24 number 2 Special Edition

Editorial Staff: Jan Joslin ’82, Editor, Director of Publications John Strubel ’11, ’14, Director of Integrated Marketing Jon Merkling, Graphic Designer contributors: Dr. Ken Bonnette Kara Butler ’13 Dr. Enid Causey ’73 Dr. Carol Drowota Danielle Hensley ’18 Kristen Hixon ’14 Rhett Marley ’10 Christi Pearson Rachelle Rea ’14 Nicole Thomas ’13 Aaron Ware ’14 Mike Woodard ’15 CSU Magazine is published three times a year by the university relations office for alumni and friends of Charleston Southern University. Address changes should be sent to advancement@csuniv.edu or CSU Advancement Office, PO Box 118087, Charleston, SC 29423-8087.

Celebrating Our 50 Years Welcome to the special edition of CSU Magazine, celebrating the university’s history from 1964-2014. Our coverage of the 50th anniversary highlights some of the university’s achievements and milestones. Each person who has taught, worked, coached, attended or supported Baptist College at Charleston/ Charleston Southern University has been vital to our success. We wish that we could name each and every one of you, but limited space prevents that. In order to expand coverage of the dedicated people who are BCC/CSU, we have created an anniversary website, filled with more stories, videos and pictures of our 50 years. Check it out at charlestonsouthern50. com. It’s not too late to share your memories. Send your story and photo to 50@csuniv.edu. Thank you for your help in celebrating CSU’s 50th anniversary, and we look forward to reporting the next 50 years with you. The University Relations Team

charlestonsouthern.edu CSU Magazine on the web: csumagazine.com email: magazine@csuniv.edu Sources: CSU Archives CSU Publications Gilmore, Margaret Taylor. Ebenezer Stones – A Firm Foundation, a History of the Baptist College at Charleston 1955-1988. unpublished manuscript, 1988. Hamrick, John Asa. The Hand of God in Building a Christian University. Greenville, SC, Graphic Printing, 2003.

The official Seal: “The indigo band encircles the crest with the words The Baptist College at Charleston. Inside the crest is The Book, symbolizing Truth; The Lamp, symbolizing Light; and The Cross, symbolizing the sacrifice which is the source of all true wisdom. The Greek inscription reads ‘Go Ye Therefore and Teach …’” (Cutlass)

Design and layout by:

843.324.2004 • www.facebook.com/bobduranddesign

© 2014 Charleston Southern University

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prior to 1964 The idea for a Baptist college in the Lowcountry can be traced to several factors: • The Baby Boomers were reaching college age • There were three Baptist colleges in South Carolina, all in the Upstate; no faith-based school existed in the lower part of the state • The energized North Charleston area was developing rapidly with industry, military installations and a growing residential base • The City of Charleston was behind the idea, and Mayor J. Palmer Gaillard told the South Carolina Baptist Convention meeting in 1960, Charleston “heartily expressed favor of the prospect of having a new Baptist College of Charleston.” (Gilmore)

First students to register, with President John Hamrick, Madeline Livingston, Mary Ann Francese, Pamela Gambrell, Glenn Berry. Not pictured: Neil Lyerly,

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• The Rev. Chester Russell, pastor of Remount Baptist Church, shares vision of faith-based college in lower South Carolina with local Baptist ministers

• The Rev. Russell presents report of Education Committee at the annual meeting of the Charleston Baptist Association and requests the formation of a committee to investigate the need for a Baptist college in or near Charleston County

• The Rev. Chester Russell, chairman of the Education Committee of the Charleston Baptist Association, presents to the South Carolina Baptist Convention a request for the appointment of a special committee to study need and feasibility of a Baptist College in lower South Carolina. Committee appointed with The Rev. L. W. Corder as Chairman.

“Any Christian looking into the dreams, plans, disappointments and successes which preceded the establishment of the Baptist College at Charleston will be deeply grateful to God. The movement began with a few unrelated figures on sheets of paper. God gave meaning to the figures. God gave a vision and gathered interested Christians. These Christians became the living stones out of which the foundation of the college was constructed.” (from “A College Is Born,” by Chester F. Russell, November 1964)

Rev. Chester Russell

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• Dr. David G. Anderson submits the Report of Special Committee to Establish a Denominational Institution recommending formation of a committee “to formulate definite proposals looking toward the establishment of an educational institution. This committee to report findings by Association meeting scheduled for January 17, 1955, on the following: 1. desired location and cost of property 2. plans to acquaint the 40 Baptist Associations with need for institution 3. reaction and approval of the State Convention 4. provision for receiving property and/or money to fund institution 5. advisability of “launching” institution utilizing existing educational facilities or church • Committee formed to broaden interest in organized efforts for proposed college and gain sponsorship of the South Carolina Baptist Convention. Members of the committee chaired by Dr. John A. Hamrick, pastor of First Baptist Church Charleston, represented the following Associations: • The Rev. Chester Russell and Dr. John A. Hamrick: Charleston • The Rev. Bill Jones: Colleton • The Rev. Julius Corpening: Hampton (The Rev. Charles Price later replaced Rev. Corpening, who moved to North Carolina) • The Rev. James Storm: Screven

1956 • Special Committee reports at January SCBC General Board meeting. Matter referred to November annual meeting. • Report adopted

1957 • Special Committee reports to SCBC Capital Needs Committee for further study

1958 • SCBC votes to “Consider the creation of an educational fund by the Charleston Association and the City of Charleston. When funds and site are located, then the Convention will give serious consideration to the establishment of a junior college, operated at least initially as an accredited affiliate of Furman University, subject to the approval of the trustees of Furman University.” • Fundraising organization formed with the Rev. J. Roy Robinson, chairman; Dr. John A. Hamrick, vice chairman, and the Rev. Chester Russell, secretary (Dec.16, 1958)

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• H.E. Ashby, a Charleston banker and community leader, becomes general chairman of the fundraising campaign headquartered in the Francis Marion Hotel in downtown Charleston (November)

• Baptist College of Lower South Carolina chartered (Feb. 5) • Landsite Committee selects site for campus. Fund drive tops $1,000,000 (April)

Document dated 1959 from the president’s office, source unknown: Principles for Selecting a College Site “First, the college site should be within fifteen miles of a city of 50,000 or more people. Seventy percent of students in Baptist Colleges earn most or all of their fees while in college. These must, therefore, be within commuting distance of many filling stations and drug stores. Hence, the nearness of a major city is required. “Second, the college should be beyond the residential and industrial area of its nearest major city. The college should be located far enough away from present developments that those associated with the college will exercise some control over the development that takes place.

• Land site committee (Clif Jones, G.A. Herrin, H.E. Ashby, Horace G. Adams, Senator R.M. Jeffries, L.C. Padgett, Sen. Rembert Dennis, J.B. Grubbs, Vince Mixon, Clifton Weeks, Louman Tyler, C.C. Vaughn, Jr., W.L. Rhodes, P.O. Mead Jr.) • “The studies indicated that the area around highway 78 and highway 52 would be the center of the population of greater Charleston by the 1980s. The committee concentrated on this area. At that time, highway I-26 had not been built, although it was under construction.” (Hamrick, 31)

• Difference between Documented Founded Date and Organized Founded Date: The university’s earliest legal record date is Feb. 5, 1960, with the S.C. Secretary of State office. The founding organizing date may differ from the documented founded date. The university’s organized founding date is listed as 1964. “In 1964, the charter date was reversed to 1964. This was when the first Board of Trustees for Baptist College at Charleston was elected.” (Gilmore)

1961 • SCBC votes “The Capital Needs Committee be instructed in all future allocations to consider the proposed Baptist College of Lower South Carolina as an institution of the SCBC.” (November)


• The Charleston News and Courier, April 26, 1960, carried a front page, banner headline announcing: “Baptist • The General Board of the SCBC College Fund Tops One Million to Exceed Goal” subtitled “Mayor Offers recommends support for the new Land Near Goose Creek,” the article college (November) reads:


- “Jubilant Lowcountry Baptists went over the top last night in their “Third, the college should be located campaign to finance a Baptist College • Dr. John A. Hamrick reports to on a major highway. The college will near Charleston, with pledges totaling Convention that sufficient funds and need advertising. The best advertising $1,009,227. site are secured (November) will be a good name, the campus and In the report Hamrick said, “From - They also got welcome news from the buildings.” a study of students already in High Charleston Mayor J. Palmer Gaillard, School, the number of students Jr. He told them a 500 acre site near ready for college in this area will Goose Creek, owned by the County approximately double from 1963 to would be available to them if they 1973.” (Gilmore) wanted it.” (Gilmore)

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1964 Dr. John A. Hamrick named the first President of Baptist College at Charleston (BCC) on November 19, 1964, with Clif S. Jones serving as Chairman of the Board of Trustees. The 1964 SCBC Annual lists these among their recommendations to the new college’s trustees: • That the temporary name of the new college at Charleston shall be “Baptist College at Charleston,” until such time as another name may be recommended to South Carolina Baptist Convention by the trustees for the new college • That the trustees of “Baptist College at Charleston” consider the date of September 1965 as a tentative goal for the opening date of the college, with the understanding that the wise and final decision on this date must be the full responsibility of the trustees

FLASH BACK to 1964

Board of Trustees 1964-1968 David G. Anderson Henry Anderson C.A. Arrington H.E. Ashby Lester L. Bates Sr. C.H. Beard Danny Blackwell Larry Bray Henry R. Creech Robert E. Cuttino John W. Drummond Ryan Ecklund Lloyd Fitzgerald Furman R. Gressette Ralph Hall John Hamrick E.E. Hite Jr. Clif S. Jones John W. Kemp E. Harold Keown Sr. Morgan Kizer Mrs. W. Norris Lightsey

Brodus R. Littlejohn Jr. Franklin G. Mason J. Carlisle McAlhany Lewis E. McCormick J.W. Middleton Edmund H. Monteith Fred Norris Jr. William L. Palmer Mrs. Harrison Peeples Charles Price Paul Pridgen Jr. W. Lee Prince Hunter Rentz P. Edward Rickenbaker Chester Russell Guy S. Sanders Cecil Tucker Mrs. O.K. Webb Joseph R. Weber W.E. Whitley Robert L. Wynn

It was a time of economic prosperity – the last of the Baby Boomers were born, and the older Boomers were beginning to challenge authority in music and dress – world politics was driven by the Cold War, communism and the Vietnam War – Civil Rights, the Space Race and Rock & Roll dominated the news Cost of living: • • • • • •

New house: $13,050 Average Income per year: $6,000 Gallon of gas: 30 cents Average cost of a new car: $3,500 Loaf of bread: 21 cents Movie ticket: $1.25

Products Debuted/Inventions: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Ford Mustang, $3,000 G.I. Joe Sony introduced the first VCR computer mouse patented Bubble wrap Hess trucks Plasma Display Screen 8 track cartridges Permanent Press Lucky Charms Pop Tarts Diet Pepsi Hula Hoop patented IBM, System 360 computer: 8 kilobits to 8 megabits of memory Cassette Recorder/player Sharpie markers

Entertainment: on

unders Lunche

Fo Founders & Co

“One of the first trustees said, ‘I think we’ve made a mistake putting this school way out here in the country.’ Can you imagine that now?” Dr. Lewis McCormick Founding Board of Trustees, Retired Pastor

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• The Beatles and The Rolling Stones make first appearances on “Ed Sullivan Show:” became known as the British Invasion • TV Premieres: “Gilligan’s Island,” “Addams Family,” “Munsters,” “Flipper,” “Peyton Place,” “Daniel Boone,” “Bewitched,” “The Man from U.N.C.L.E.,” “Gomer Pyle,” “The Pink Panther” cartoon, “Jeopardy!,” “Jonny Quest” • The Beatles hold top 5 positions in Billboard Top 40 Singles at same time: top song, “I Want to Hold Your Hand” • “Mary Poppins” made its world premier • “Fiddler on the Roof,” “Hello Dolly” and “Funny Girl” opened on Broadway • Popular dances: Hully Gully, Frug, Swim • Jackson 5 debuted Source: mrpopculture.com; thepeoplehistory.com; mentalfloss. com; babynamester.com; boomerinas.com; foodreference.com; bonappetit.com; 348-409.com/1964flash.html

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1965 Did you know? The St. John Hotel was built in 1853 and had several names in its history. It was demolished in 1968 and the current Mills House Hotel was built on the same site and has a similar design to the St. John.

Student Government Association Officers 1965-66 Tony Blanton, president (pictured below)

Ron Ruff, vice president Barbara LaFlamme, secretary Brian W. Gebhard, treasurer Mark Carter, president of student senate

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“Reality for the students and faculty alike was at first a long, tired line … registration … It was finding a parking place, a friend, meeting new and confusing experiences. For the members of the First Baptist Church of North Charleston it was housing for and adjusting to and straining in order to make room for the student Ashby Hall groundbreaking body who was to temporarily call the education buildings ‘our college.’ There was the vital necessity for everyone to demonstrate resiliency … for here the student body was • September 12, 1965, to emerge, displaying at the end, groundbreaking for first building miraculously, a profile of collegiate (originally called Classroom building, dignity, loyalty and unity.” (Cutlass) later dedicated as Norris Hall and Wingo Hall) First classes offered in fall 1965 at First Baptist Church in North • October 17, 1965, Charleston, South Carolina, with groundbreaking for second approximately 500 full and part-time building (originally called Sciencestudents. The first faculty represented Administration Building, later the following academic areas: religion, dedicated as Jones Hall and music, biology, physical education, Ashby Hall) physics/mathematics, business, English, foreign language and one • From groundbreaking program: librarian. Approximately 150 of the “Designed by architects Perry, Shaw, students were boarded at the St. John Dean and Stuart of Boston, Mass., Hotel on Meeting Street (downtown the campus of the Baptist College at Charleston). Charleston is an example of majestic planning. The buildings combine the beauty of the classical and the utility of the contemporary.”




at registra


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The 1965-66 Catalog lists as faculty members: W. Howard Bagwell, coach and assistant professor of physical education John A. Barry Jr., chairman, division of humanities and professor of philosophy J. Walter Carpenter, chairman, division of social sciences, professor of religion and education Robert L. Carroll, professor of physics and mathematics Clarence Chesnutt Jr. professor of biology David W. Cuttino, assistant professor of music Thomas I. Dean Jr., assistant professor of religious education* Vera Frances Johnson, assistant professor of business administration Silas H. Garrison, instructor of English Doris McCoy, assistant professor of English Milton S. Overby, associate professor and librarian *part-time Charles L. Price, assistant professor of religion* James C. Settle, instructor-coach Linda Ann Truluck, assistant professor of English Stephanie Cain Van D’Elden, assistant professor of languages* Lt. Col. Van Cleave P. Warren, assistant professor of modern languages*

St. Joh n


English professor Linda Truluck

Staff Members




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Thomas I. Dean Jr., administrative assistant, recruiter, baseball coach Margaret T. Gilmore, administrative assistant, publicity and public relations Charles L. Price, dean of student services Joseph C. Powell Jr., business manager Carl Sellers, maintenance superintendent putting practice

Bulletin of The Baptist College at Charleston 1965-66 (catalog) Lists the Purpose: To enable students to “increase in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and man” To prepare students intellectually and spiritually to live successful Christian lives in every area To develop in students healthy minds and bodies through class study and school activities To inspire students to desire knowledge, and to challenge their minds with the unlimited possibilities in the search for truth and the development of intellect To guide students in working out their individual programs of education for their greatest good and the good of others To strengthen the faith of students through association with mature Christian scholars and the teaching of the Bible To inculcate in students the principles and ideals for which Baptists have stood throughout the years, with freedom and dedication to serve God and the world To awaken students to the claims of the Christian ministry To enrich students culturally by inspiring a love and appreciation for all of the fine arts

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First Director of Athletics was Howard Bagwell, soon joined by coach and physical education professor Jim Settle. The first teams competing in NAIA during 1965-66 were men’s track and field, cross country and basketball, (13-7) all coached by Bagwell and Settle; baseball, (6-2) coached by Tom Dean, and golf, coached by Harry Crosby. Captain and center of first basketball team was Jim Gardner. This team was known as the “wandering Buccaneers” because of no practice facilities of their own.

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“Howard Bagwell, athletic director, told the Cutlass how we became the Buccaneers. The early administration wanted a mascot like the Christians or the Crusaders. The students did not. The students headed downtown for Baptist’s first basketball game against Anderson Junior College, held at the College of Charleston, because we did not have a gym. Baptist College students showed up wearing eye patches, bandanas and earrings. They were waving swords and holding signs that said Buccaneers. And ever since that fateful night downtown in 1965, we’ve been the Buccaneers.” (Cutlass)

Life at the St. John Hotel

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Coming out to the campus By Margaret Gilmore


n a Monday morning in early February 1965, Dr. Hamrick and Dr. Carpenter each took a carload of college employees out to see the campus site, 16 miles away. The drive was up Meeting Street, past Pinehaven and First Baptist Church of North Charleston. Then, along massive oaklined, two-laned Highway 52 until it forked to Highway 78. (Interstate 26 was under construction.) The road went past Deer Park Baptist Church, then to the land that was part of what had been a very large plantation, but now belonged to the Baptist College. The distance seemed very long, and when the campus site finally came into view there was little to indicate what it was to become. Forty of the 500 purchased acres had been totally

cleared of every blade of grass, every tree. The once thickly overgrown land had been denuded of every stump and root to ensure that any piling ever installed here would not be endangered. Summerville, six miles away, was known to be earthquake prone. Campus buildings must be made as safe as possible, and future students would be proud to point out that fact. Topsoil was all gone, and the land lay totally without character. The place seemed in the middle of nowhere, someone said, but Dr. Hamrick assured them one day the College would be at the hub of a marvelously developed Lowcountry and at the focal point of three counties. As soon as the Interstate Highway was completed, he said, Charleston and North Charleston

would move toward the campus, and Baptist College would become central to tremendous numbers of people. Twenty years later it was as he had predicted. Later, Ruth Williams Cupp, a Charleston attorney, supplied the College with considerable historical materials, maps and genealogies of the Ralph Izard family to whom these acres first belonged. The plantation, once a thriving rice and indigo producing land, had belonged to a prominent family. The plantation house where Ralph Izard had once entertained Lafayette, was now in ruins, with only faint outlines of its foundations and formal gardens to be found.

“Little would I realize at the time … I still see those woods that stood where CSU stands proudly today. When you are 18 and just see woods, you are just a bit skeptical about seeing the vision that others saw. You have to remember that in the fall of 1965, this was swamp, but to those that held a vision; this was to be a university. This transformation was the life’s work of individuals who in anyone’s world will define leadership, dedication, loyalty, and hard work, integrity and especially grit both in the classroom and in the boardroom.” Dr. Mike Frost ’69 Chairman of the Board, Cleveland Capital Holdings, Inc.

Vera Johnson, business professor

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First student Ministerial Union: President, George Culp; vice president, James Mizzell; secretary/ treasurer, Bill Hayes.

“The Ministerial Union of the Baptist College at Charleston is composed of a group of dedicated young men intent on following the will of God in their own lives and being of help to others in Christian living.”

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Move to the current campus: “The public service department had assured us that we would have city water by the time of our opening, but when the time of opening approached, upon inquiring, I learned that city water would not be available in time. We employed two well diggers to dig deep wells capable of supplying water for the campus. They worked day and night and reached good water just in time for the opening. It did not appear that there could be anything to stop us from opening on time. But just before the students were to arrive, a hurricane came up the coast. We had to send out 800 telegrams announcing that because of the hurricane, the opening of the college would be delayed one week!” (Hamrick)

In September 1966, with a student enrollment of 1,177 the College moved to its present campus site (corner of University Blvd. and I-26) which contained the following buildings: • Classroom Building which also housed the temporary library (present day Norris and Wingo Halls) • Science-Administration Building, also the temporary home of the student center-dining hall (present day Ashby and Jones Halls) • Temporary housing facilities in trailers for 360 resident students and housing directors

Moving onto ca


First Miss Baptist College: - Jo Jenkins crowned March 6, 1966 Dr. David Cuttino and the choir presented “The Seven Last Words of Christ,” performed at the First Baptist Church of North Charleston

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Freshman orientation: “I am a B.C. rat, the lowest form of life other than a Citidal [sic] Cadet.” (Cutlass)

Buc in Print: “College Accepts Freedom Shrine [from Exchange Club]”- Gov. McNair, speaker “The Exchange Club of North Charleston presented the Baptist College at Charleston with a Freedom Shrine. ..The goal of the Exchange Clubs of America is to have one in every college and school in the country.” Includes Mayflower Compact, Declaration of Independence, Monroe Doctrine, and 25 more documents. Beau Brummel Speaks: “Trousers are slim, that is, within the limits of good taste. Ties are 3" wide. Shirts are longer collared. And, as a concluding suggestion for the casual fashions aforementioned, tassel moccassins or wing-tip oxfords are the finishing touch for the young male to select to complete his sportswear attire.”

“In 1966 I walked on this property for the first time. Education I received here taught me to be a visionary. What this campus means to me is what it has done for my life since 1969. “When I look back to 1966 when this campus opened and I was a sophomore … we’ve come a long way baby. This location has given opportunity to people. First year when it was raining, it was the mud hole; when it was sunny, it was the dust bowl. Now, this is a happening place.” Honorable Keith Summey ’69 Mayor, City of North Charleston

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In September 1967, the Physical Education Building (field house), the Student Center-Dining Hall (present day Thurmond Center) and the permanent dormitory (present day Russell East and West) were ready for occupancy. Six permanent buildings were now completed.

Formal dedication of these buildings:

“To have a part in the building and sustaining of such a college is, in our opinion, the greatest kind of investment. It is a living memorial to faith in God and country and to the potential intellectual and spiritual greatness of our youth.”

“I’m a student at the Baptist College at Charleston … I begin with the school. With the campus growing around him, the student develops a sense of pride and security in the school – he is an integral part of the ‘beginning.’ Though sometimes discouraged in the face of trial, he soon realizes the spirit of his school is instilled within him and he grows to love its newness and potential.” (Cutlass)

• C. S. Jones Hall, April 18, 1967 [Clif S. Jones was a member of organizing committee which chartered the school, chairman of the Land Site Committee, Founding Board of Trustees member, elected chairman of the board, November 19, 1964] • Fred K. Norris Hall, May 12, 1967 Honors Day Ceremony and Dedication of Tablets to Founders and Cofounders, May 28, 1967 BSU President for 1967-68 was Dale McGee; Professor Linda Salter Gooding was faculty advisor. Professor Anne Howe, a gifted violinist, is featured in Baptist College Bulletin in October 1967

Norris Hall dedication

Dr. John Hamrick First President

After posting a 14-9 record in 1966-67, the basketball team moved into the recently completed Field House for the 1967-68 season under the new head coach, Mel Gibson. Winning seasons continued until 1971-72, a remarkable achievement for any athletic program.

From Student Handbook: Guide to Appropriate Dress Classes: Men – casual wear; slacks, sports shirts, sweaters; ties if desired Women – skirts and blouses, sweaters, dresses; hose, loafers or flats Banquets: Men – business suits Women – dressy dress or suit; hose and heels, gloves General: Pin curls, rollers and “shirts out” are not considered appropriate dress in public areas of the campus, this includes the lobbies of residence halls.

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Sandra Lee: Watching CSU Grow By Kristen Hixon


andra Lee, assistant professor of kinesiology, joined the faculty of Baptist College at Charleston in 1966. She says it was the idea of being part of a new and developing school that drew her here, as well as the small school environment that led to a tight-knit community among the faculty and students. Coach Howard Bagwell took her during the interview over the old Cooper River Bridge in her car, and she jokingly claims she “committed out of fear” of being so high above the water. “There was nothing but pilings here,” said Lee. Classes were held at North Charleston Baptist Church, and only the gym and the beginnings of the library testified that these grounds would become a university. The first physical education classes jumped rope outside on the bare campus. When Norris Hall was completed, all classes were held inside until Ashby Hall was available for use. The faculty shared office space in Norris Hall. This setting encouraged the faculty to interact with each other and to develop relationships. “I could call on anybody to help me,” Lee said. “People listened” even in disagreements, allowing for everyone to have a voice. This family aspect, according to Lee, has not changed. The kinesiology department has expanded from physical education to include curriculum that addresses athletic training, physiology and precursors to physical therapy, said Lee. The growth of the department

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attests to the school’s evolution in its ability to cater to students with interests in diverse specializations. Lee coached the first women’s basketball team, as well as men’s and women’s tennis. She recruited the first tennis teams from physical education classes. She coached cheerleading for eight years and because of it “knew everything on campus.” Only a few years older than her squad, she developed close relationships with its members. In the early days, she taught a horseback riding class at local plantations. She took a class camping in the Florida Keys during an Interterm (a January course similar to Maymester). The 20 girls who went on the trip endured the cold weather (the coldest it had been at that time of year in 100 years) by disappearing into the Airstream trailers of elderly campers who offered them refreshments and artificial heat. They held a scavenger hunt and made canoeing trips, during which two canoes tipped, creating a situation that required teamwork to overcome and an entertaining story to share later. Lee also recalls an experience at the Coastal Center pool, where she taught a swimming course. Thirteen student names were on the class roll, but there were more than 30 people in the pool when class was to begin. A student helped her to clear the pool for class. Memories such as these make Lee glad she has been at CSU since the beginning. Lee has made lifelong friends

at CSU. Dr. Enid Causey, retired librarian, for example, is her daughter’s godmother. Retired Professor Dolores Jones is also a close personal friend. The family atmosphere of CSU has encouraged close relationships with colleagues. “The school has been my life,” says Lee. Here most of the day each week, Lee’s time centers around teaching. Her work and social life mingle so that CSU is an extension of her family, which has grown up in this school as well. As a child, Lee’s daughter played the role of little sister to Lee’s students. Serving CSU has impacted every aspect of Lee’s life. She is excited about the direction the school has taken and wants to see students succeed. Of the university, she says, “Any parent likes to watch the growth of their child. The school’s growing and I get to be part of it.” This, for her, is the main attraction to CSU.

Lee coached the first women’s basketball team, as well as men’s and women’s tennis. She recruited the first tennis teams from physical education classes. She coached cheerleading for eight years and because of it “knew everything on campus.” Only a few years older than her squad, she developed close relationships with its members.

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1968 “God had a vision for this university. Let’s not forget God’s purpose all along was to have a Christian university here. I remember the Norrises, the Lightseys, the Joneses, and others, all instrumental in keeping this university going.” Dr. Franklin Mason Joined the Board of Trustees in 1968, Dentist

H.E. Ashby Hall dedicated, January 31, 1968 [H.E. Ashby was chairman of the initial fundraising committee, was on the Landsite Committee, founder, founding Board of Trustees member, made possible the Baptist College Foundation] Fall 1968, total enrollment (head count) was 1,449; full-time students 1,147 A two-year nursing degree (associate of applied science) was added in fall 1968 with Director of Nursing, Fredricka Lilienthal, two faculty members (Paula Ward and Barbara Muschick) and 32 students [On the 1973 State Board Nursing Examination, 100 percent of BCC students passed. This program continued through spring 1983 when it was transferred to Trident Technical College.] First Commencement was May 26, 1968, with 41 graduates [mostly composed of students who had transferred into the College. Graduation Speaker, Dr. Frank Kinard, Executive Director of S.C. Commission] 1968-69 Religion Department chaired by Dr. J. Walter Carpenter along with two other distinguished scholars, Dr. Elmer F. Haight and Dr. Wallace R. Rogers, graduated first class of eight religion majors. These graduates included: Harold Beauford, Woodrow Busch, James Crittendon, John Dill, John Hagin, Robert Lovett, Thomas Metts and Billy Mew.

LEFT, TOP TO BOTTOM: Groundbreaking: L. Mendel Rivers Library, November 27, 1968; Admissions; Switchboard

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Lessons learned at BCC helped me navigate turmoil: June Scobee Rodgers, PhD ’71 Founding Chair, Challenger Center Compiled by Rachelle Rea What are some of your favorite memories of your time at CSU? My favorite memories at CSU tend to flow together around the Reflection Pond from springtime walks racing through the rain trying to make it to my next class on time to those days that I could actually take a few minutes to soak up some winter sunshine and actually “reflect” on the joy of having the opportunity to study at then Baptist College. Also, gathering with friends in the Buccaneer room or hearing great messages of encouragement during Chapel.

Can you share a story about how something you learned at CSU influenced you?

The campus was well located to my residence in the Charleston suburbs, and it supported my faith base. In addition, the course offerings were exactly what I was hoping to study.

Little did I know at the time, but every class I took supported some activity in my future – career or personal life. The education course work confirmed my interest to be a teacher and research professor. My major studies in Biology and Chemistry classes filled my yearning to know those subjects. English and literature (supported by history) gave me a confidence in communication skills and opened a world of new exciting literature that I treasure to this day. Math skills gave me the courage to apply for advanced study that led to a PhD. Foreign language studies seemed such a waste, but not only did they help me to understand other cultures but also to appreciate my own country and language.

What was your first impression of the school?

What were you most pleased with during your time at CSU?

The campus looked pristine and a little intimidating from a distance, but after walking across campus and down the halls, I soon learned it was also filled with joyful and interesting people – both students and faculty. By graduation, I was rewarded with a greater worldview of the true benefits of a college education and a much better understanding of who I was and what I wanted to accomplish in life.

I was pleased with all that CSU had to offer, especially with encouragement for the lifelong joy of learning, but it was the faculty and many of the In your writing/speaking ministry, how do you seek to make an staff that made all the difference.

Why did you choose to attend CSU?

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And many of those lessons, I learned in Dr. Charles Smith’s literature classes. The heart-wrenching literature whether in the form of fiction, poetry or essays gave me strength to fall back on and actually to help lead a nation to overcome tremendous grief after the 1986 Challenger Space Shuttle “Teacher in Space” accident for which my husband Dick Scobee was commander.

impact? Can you share a story about how Blessed with my God-given talents and the benefit of a marvelous wellyour time at CSU has shaped rounded Christian education and your life?

Like most lives, we are often challenged with turmoil and hardships on stormy seas, but I learned at CSU that it’s how you react to problems that carry you across to a shore of calm with the rewards of overcoming difficulty that result in learning how to solve problems and seek new opportunities.

To learn more about the Challenger Center: www.JuneScobeeRodgers.com, www.Challenger.org

experiences, it is my prayer that I can make a positive difference in the lives of others.

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Robert B. Russell Halls dedicated, October 10, 1969 [Robert B. Russell, Ruscon Construction Company, built early buildings, donor] The founding class graduation was May 14, 1969, with 158 graduates, most of whom had enrolled as freshmen in 1965. [The Commencement speaker was Dr. James Ralph Scales, president of Wake Forest University.] Only college in lower South Carolina offering a major in music and a minor in art Track team was ranked #3 in the state, won South Carolina State Championship and defeated University of Ohio, University of Illinois and East Tennessee State

FACING PAGE: Rat Week TOP RIGHT: Buccaneer Room LEFT: Four Season’s concert

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Library opening

Dedication of Library


It took two weeks to move the library holdings of 50,000 volumes from the temporary library in Norris Hall to the new library. • Dedication of L. Mendel Rivers Library, Oct. 29, 1970, with Congressman Rivers, Reverend Billy Graham, trumpeter Al Hirt on hand. Library Director was Thelma Elkins. • “Dr. Billy Graham, who cancelled a television series in France to be at Baptist College for the library’s impressive dedication, had said, “One of our greatest gifts is inquiry and decision. A library is also a monument to this freedom.” (Gilmore)

• “An offer came that if someone would come and get them the college was welcome to a collection of government documents, dated since 1817, and annuals from the first Congress. These had been stored for many years in a basement in downtown Charleston. The Storms [James and Doris] took a truck, rescued the collection and brought it to the college maintenance building where the boxes stayed until the contents could be sorted out, dried out, evaluated and logged in to the library’s official holdings.” (Gilmore)

Littlejohn Parlor dedicated “The girls’ dorm was honored by the dedication of Littlejohn Parlor. Mr. Broadus Richard Littlejohn Jr., now on the board of trustees, donated the money for furnishings in honor of his mother, Mrs. Evelyn Hicks Littlejohn. The parlor is furnished in

Billy Graham

1970 was known as the Year of the Trees. R.M. Hendricks, manager of industrial and community relations for Westvaco, presented 40,000 slash pine seedlings to Fred Norris and John Hamrick.



modern contemporary. Also included is a painting of Mrs. Littlejohn, done by Miss DeViolette Bernhardt. In addition to its dating purposes, the parlor was also used for faculty dropins.” (Cutlass)

Twenty married couples moved into the trailers which had been used as temporary housing in 1966-67. These renovated apartments were 12 ft. by 40 ft. with a kitchen/dining/living area in one end and a bedroom/bath at the other.


Buc in Print Headlin


Accreditation from the Southern Association of


Colleges and Schools was

• Temptations to Per form at Baptist Colleg e • A First Homecoming – Anne Hilton [Russe ll] ’71 crowned the first Ho mecoming Queen

received Dec. 2, 1970.

Fall: • L. Mendel Rivers Lib rary Open and Fully Staffed • Dancing Is a Realit y on Campus – colleg e allows dancing • Editorial: Women’s Lib

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Fred & Susan Worthy: Half a Century of Service and Growth By Kristen Hixon


rofessor Fred Worthy and his wife, Susan, have been serving Charleston Southern since long before the school bore this name. Susan’s family was actively involved in the initial fundraising for the Baptist College at Charleston. She recalls attending the first fundraiser, a worship service at Citadel Square Baptist Church, which began The Million Dollar Campaign for the land and the establishment of the institution. In fact, it was her Uncle Jones (Clif Jones, for whom Jones Hall is named) who provided Professor Worthy with a “vision of what the school would be,” leading him to interview with President John Hamrick in 1965 and to eventually leave a job with NASA in 1968. Fred recalls that Dean John Barry called him and asked him to be at BCC for the beginning of the semester, two weeks before school was to start. Even at such short notice, the Worthys eagerly decided to come serve and make this school their home, seeing the “opportunity to invest in the hearts of young people.” Fred started at BCC teaching physics, and he was also recruited to serve as registrar and director of the evening school in 1969 and 1970, a task that demanded the supplement of after-hours work. He also taught photography for a period. But – in a manner that proved to be characteristic of his service here – he saw a need and determined to fill it. Fred had a unique knowledge of the

needs of industrial South Carolina and of the continual advancements in the realm of technology throughout all aspects of society. So, in 1977, he initiated the computer science department. After 34 years of cultivating this program, he was honored for his work with the dedication of the Professor Fred L. Worthy Excellence in Computing Lab in Ashby Hall on Jan. 24, 2011. Under the pretense that Professor Worthy was needed to pray, Dr. Valerie Sessions recruited Fred to be present at the lab dedication without telling him who the lab was dedicated to until the plaque was unveiled. When he finally realized that the lab was dedicated to him, he was speechless. The lab included a lounge that coincidentally resembled his office where he taught students such as Tim Scott, future congressman. With an influence reaching far beyond the classroom, the Worthys provided a safe and spiritually nurturing social environment for BCC students. Students told Susan, administrative assistant for the religion department, that they had little place to interact with each other, as young men and women were not permitted in each others’ dormitories, and the area that is now North Charleston was then quite vacant. So the couple instituted Thursday Night at the Worthys, a time for students to gather at the Worthy home, enjoy meals and each other’s company and pray. The Worthys made sure

that students left in time to return to school before the women’s 11 p.m. curfew. Fred also drove the BCC bus, aka “Blue Goose,” to the city Baptist Student Union and took students to visit seminaries and to BSU conventions. In furtherance of her self-proclaimed “Mother Hen” duties, Susan and the students created Snoopy Goes to College, a cookbook designed to accommodate those with access only to dormitory kitchens. In a fundraising effort for the communityencouraging Baptist Student Union, Susan and the students cooked pizzas in the on-campus married housing, which were trailers near the presentday Quads, to be sold to other students. Students who delivered the cooked pizzas – runners – were told, “I have a male [female] pizza here!” to differentiate whether a pizza needed to be delivered to men’s or women’s housing. Susan and her team of chefs and deliverers sold 105 pizzas that night.

For more of the story, go to CharlestonSouthern50.com

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1971 Accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools as a liberal arts/general baccalaureate degree granting institution

from 1971-73 all athletic programs transitioned from the NAIA to NCAA Division I. Additional sports and women’s teams were added in women’s basketball, cross country and tennis.

Majors in Elementary and Preschool Education, Special Education and Counseling Education were added in 1971-72. The minor in secondary education was among the College’s initial offerings. A minor in aerospace science was added in 1971-1972 to complement the new Air Force ROTC program. The first commander was Colonel John Hanlin. Initially begun as a 4 year program, AFROTC became a 2-year program in 1978. Today, Detachment 772 is the smallest AFROTC program in the nation and has been acknowledged as the Best Small Detachment in the Southeast Region four of the past 10 years.

Our Mascot, BUCO, made debut at BC Tales of Buco’s adventures provided lively copy for the news media. She traveled with the athletic teams and appeared to enjoy game time tumult. Once she stayed overnight with the team in an Atlanta Hotel. Buco intensely disliked being on a leg chain restrainer and was much less inclined to be difficult to manage if she was simply allowed to clasp the wrist or perch on the shoulder of one of the students. Some people were afraid of her; she appeared to be afraid of nobody. To the delight of hundreds of children, Buco attended Bible School at various local churches. (Gilmore) The Oliver J. Brodie Physics Laboratory was dedicated July 31. The family of Oliver Brodie, a member of the department of pharmacology at the S.C. Medical College, funded the furnishing of the physics lab, Room 108, Ashby Hall, in his memory.

A 4-1-4 curriculum began in 1971 when the one month January Interterm with 758 students was instituted “in order to provide an innovative education experience, genuine intellectual excitement and an opportunity for independent and creative study.” Examples of courses and special topics not offered during the two traditional semesters:

The Furman Reeves Gressette Center was dedicated November 15. Gressette, an attorney from St. Matthews, served on the Board of Trustees for 10 years.

• Whodunit? The Development of the Detective Novel • Wildlife Investigational Techniques

Zenith of Knowledge

• French Civilization Seen Through the Arts • A Layman’s View of Einstein’s Work in Relativity • The Symphony in the 19th Century


Hea Buc in Print

• Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds Spring:

ted to College

Presen • Rivers’ Flag Fall:

22 CSU magazine CSU v24 n2.indd 22

on March 10 orts news

– sp ampionship Wins State Ch y tr un Co s • Cros r Dec. 8 ofts to Appea • Seals and Cr

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Strom Thurmond Student Center was dedicated on May 3, 1972 The center included the dining hall, private dining areas, a student canteen, named the Buccaneer Room; the bookstore, post office, student lounge, game room and offices for the dean of students and director of student services and a student council room. Participating were: Vice President Spiro Agnew, Admiral Thomas Moore, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, and Admiral Hyman Rickover, known as the father of the nuclear fleet.

Strom Thurmond and John Hamrick

In 1972, the John Barry Scholar Award was first granted at Commencement as the highest academic award. Dr. Barry served as vice president for academic affairs from 1964-1982. The first recipient was Patricia Ann Shearer [McCallum].

“Ancient Shellfish Found”- 45 millionyear-old fossilized shellfish (called a chambered nautilus) by two BCC seniors

Claudia Turner, Miss South Carolina of 1970-71 and 1st runnerup in 1970 Miss America contest, and Buco, the parrot mascot, were featured on the track brochure.

Seniors Norma Neely and Marvin Locke found the fossil in a limestone quarry near Holly Hill while doing field research with their geology class. “Neely first saw the shell imbedded in a chunk of limestone, and Locke chipped it out, a job that took more than four hours. While being removed, each of the chambers separated, but all have been fitted back into place.” Today, the fossil can be viewed in the display in the 2nd floor lobby of the Science Building. (Buc in Print)

Joseph Holliday, a member of the Board of Trustees from Gallivants Ferry, provided support to add two tennis courts to the existing court.

Faye Breland

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1973 CLOCKWISE FROM TOP RIGHT: Concert Choir; Victor Lawson; The Carr Family; Sandra Lee

The college now offered the following degrees: Bachelor of Arts (humanities and fine arts); Bachelor of Science (natural and social sciences); Associate of Arts (62 hours of liberal arts core); Associate of Applied Science (nursing) Sprinters James Bryan, Wallace Jackson, Ron Jackson and Tom Reid were named All-Americans in track. During these early years people wore many caps: faculty and staff assisted the athletic department by serving as head coaches, assistant coaches and trainers. These included Dr. William Kerr (chair of physical education department and baseball coach); Dr. Clyde Odom (chair of chemistry department and golf coach); Jim Settle (physical education professor and track/cross country coach) and Charles Welty (physical education and trainer).

William Kerr

Education Department Offers New Major [in school guidance counseling]

By fall 1973, total student enrollment grew to 2,241 (with 1,214 full-time) and number of faculty grew from 16 to 82 full-time. Fall 1973 President’s Scholar program began for high academic achieving freshmen. These students were encouraged to challenge courses when content was familiar to them, enroll in special courses designed to challenge them, and often to graduate early or gain early acceptance to medical, graduate and professional schools: James Bowers Deborah Barrett Loraine Crouch Kathy Hardwick Smith Edward Hartzog Judy Hembree Holwell Gerald Hill Steve Horton Fred Matthews David Smith Susan Irene Young Huckaby


He Buc in Print Spring:

m at BCC anist to Perfor 2 • Famous Pi ppears April A [rock group] an m er lv Si • Fall:

ng Away? • IS BC Washi lmost A – • Football

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“The Weekly Log” of May 17 for employees gives 16 tips on ways to save on gasoline – “for future reference if gasoline does go to a dollar a gallon and we wait in line to buy it!”

Paul Harvey fundraiser for Chapel

The values from the very beginning of the institution still remain true today:

FLASH BACK to 1974


Generation X

(from SACS 1974 Self-Study): to meet the educational needs of students of all ages, creeds, and sex within a Christian context with an aim of moral development and development in Christian leadership.

News and Information: • Richard Nixon forced to resign after Watergate scandal • Cost of gallon of gas: 55 cents • Cost of a first class stamp: 8 cents • Smallpox Epidemic in India causes the deaths of between 10,000 and 20,000 people • 55 speed limit imposed on Jan 2 by Richard Nixon • The tallest building, World Trade Center opens in NYC (110 stories)

Philosophy (from 1972-73 catalog): “providing, in a Christian environment, education in a variety of liberal arts, preprofessional, and professional programs of study for qualified men and women. The South Carolina Baptist Convention founded the College upon the principle that young people are entitled to the opportunities of higher education leading to their maximum achievement, and that the best form of such education is one which can be pursued under the guidance of Christian teachers toward a synthesis in Christian perspective. To this end the College exists and is dedicated to developing the total person.”



Emphasis: 1. to teach every discipline from a Christian point of view 2. to relate every discipline to the Christian ethic 3. to recognize the worth of every individual 4. to teach the Christian faith from an academic standpoint, to present the life and principles of Jesus Christ, around which a student may integrate his whole life 5. to take particular interest in developing Christian leadership

• • • •

SPECIAL EDITION, vol.24 no.2

“Herbie Rides Again” “Blazing Saddles” “The Great Gatsby” “The Godfather, Part II”

Popular TV shows: • • • • • •

“All in the Family” “Kung Fu” “The Price is Right” “The Waltons” “Kojak” “The Six Million Dollar Man”

Sports: • • •


• [Musical grou p] Dean Scott Ki cks off the Conc • Nurses Hold Fi ert Season rst Striping Cere mony

Rubik’s Cube invented MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging was developed in USA Pocket calculators popular Invention of the Post-it-Note

Popular Films:

Buc in Print He

• Business Depa rtment Expand s • [Musical grou p] Chicago in Co ncert • Drive for Chap el-Auditorium Un derway • Special Olympic s Scheduled – Sp ecial Olympics he • Digging into th ld on BCC track e Past – student s and professor where est. 1700 dig in area behi s Elms Plantatio nd gym n was (ruined by earthquake of 18 86) Fall:

CSU v24 n2.indd 25

• • • •

Super Bowl - Miami d. Minnesota (24-7) World Series- Oakland A’s d. LA Dodgers (4-1) Hank Aaron ties Babe Ruth’s home-run record by hitting his 714th

Fashion: • • •

Bell-bottoms, tall leather boots, hippie style continues, disco attire for men Computer watch Fur cap

Source: historyorb.org; thepeoplehistory.com; time.com

ABOVE MIDDLE: Katie Huger’s International Trade Class ABOVE: Cathi Wimberly and Aline Mahan

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Bob Hope, hosted by the Student Government Association, came to Charleston April 4.

Linda Ronstadt Delights Crowd. James Taylor Performs Oct. 29.

Joyce Bagwell accepted an assignment from the U.S. Geological Survey to help set up and monitor several Lowcountry seismographic stations. (Gilmore) RIGHT: Bob Hope FAR RIGHT: English Chair, Charles Smith BELOW RIGHT: Trident Hospital

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“Patsy Morley was named Chairperson for the National Entertainment Conference in November 1975. In that capacity, she was responsible for the entire program of the convention in Texas in February 1976. Morley began working with NEC when Baptist College’s Student Government Association began booking music groups, lecturers and other entertainment. She coordinated nearly every entertainment the college presented from 1966 onward until her sudden death Dec. 6, 1981.” (Gilmore)

Effective September 1, 1975, all BCC athletic teams moved to NCAA Division I.

“Dr. Royce Breland was unprepared (but pleased) at what happened when a member of his Marketing Management Class requested permission to do a student survey of a floundering fried chicken business. Seven students made a seven day, round-the-clock survey. They observed, questioned customers, tasted, studied company books, kept records of days, times, remarks and recommendations. The result was that sales went up so significantly that the franchise owners implemented the suggestions and changes for all their East Coast stores.” (Gilmore)


Buc in Print He Spring:

on love rite Sister spoke Everyone’s Favo : rs he ot Br e yc • Dr. Jo ed cluded: Jimmy ts Society Form ncerts/shows in co – • Performing Ar t es gg ow Bi ck y” from the TV sh ittee Brings Ba alker, aka “Jay Ja • Concert Comm (W h nc Bu r e sto Th Stafford, e Jimmy Ca Walker and Th ed We Stand, Jim mmodores, Divid Co e rley, Mission Th Cu ”), d es an m ds Ti “Good Liverpool, Edmon tz, Ka b Bo , rs he Righteous Brot receive Band in BCC history to Mountain Wood baseball player st fir – n ica er ed All-Am leagues • LaPointe Nam to play in minor gnition; went on co re n ica er m All-A

the 10th anniversary of the college was celebrated oct. 27, 1975. the theme for the evening was 10 years of service.


tion – ntennial Celebra Bob Hope in Bice th wi ar C. pe BC Ap at s d • Teller g group, base a touring singin re we rs lle n Te m e Th ire Viet Nam Hy ers of War] Insp aring • POWs [Prison onal Goals of Sh rs Pe es ade Stress • Campus Crus

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Memories Jim Settle: Coach, Hall of Famer, Teacher By Kristen Hixon


oach Jim Settle, track and field coach, CSU and Big South Athletic Hall of Fame member, and professor emeritus of kinesiology, joined the BCC faculty when Coach Howard Bagwell called and offered him a job. Settle had coached several of the track team members in high school and knew their determination and stamina. He initially came to BCC because, “It was new. … We had a chance to begin and build a reputation, and it was fun.” His family always supported the school and helped to fund it in the early days, a fact unknown by Settle until much later. Settle, who started at BCC in 1965, recalls the students being bused from housing in the old St. John’s Hotel downtown, which has since been demolished and replaced with the Mills House, to classes at North Charleston Baptist Church. Settle and his wife, Betty, supervised the boarding students at St. John’s Hotel. He recalls that Brooks Moore, a member of the founding class and the golf team, lived next door to the room where the Settles slept. David Reese was one of his runners who also lived in the hotel. Settle’s young son used to ride his tricycle through the hallways of the hotel and even rode down in the elevator to the dining area on his tricycle. The dean of Baptist College suggested throwing the student residents a party to help relieve stress prior to exams. Settle purchased 200 burgers for the occasion, overcoming a battle with a local food service clerk who did not want to accept his check in order to make sure the gathering was a success. During exams, an establishment next to the St. John’s threw a party that kept students awake and prevented effective studying. When

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Settle asked the establishment to lower the noise, the hosts refused, but Charleston police sided with the college students struggling to prepare for exams. As BCC grew and moved to its permanent location, President John Hamrick wondered what improvements could be made to the school. He approached Settle with the concern, “I want to know what we need to do to make Baptist College work.” Settle’s answer was direct and effective: “Trees,” he answered. Trees and endowment would help the school feel like home and provide an environment conducive to learning. After Settle made this suggestion, “full-sized trucks” brought in trees to be planted, and the campus began to develop into what it is today. Settle notes, in fact, that the original plans for the campus were to create an enclosed area around the Reflection Pond, but that later changed so that the classroom buildings branched out. The original vision prevailed, however, as today classes form a rectangle around the pond. Baptist College used a Macaw as a mascot at sporting events for a brief period. Once, when a starting shot was fired at a track meet, the spirited mascot flew away, and BCC feared he would not return – until an upstanding citizen of the community found and returned him to the school. But the athletic drama did not end there: BCC’s colors were originally indigo and gold but became blue and gold because the fabric the uniforms were made of would not hold the indigo dye. And so blue and gold are reflected all over the CSU campus today. In 1970, BCC hosted 5,000 spectators for a track meet between Ohio State University and Lafayette


College. Three different television stations were on the scene. Settle believes the event brought the students an “object of school pride,” though it seems they had enough cause for school pride. The track team quickly became a nationally ranked program and home to Olympians and All-Americans – worthy of remembering. Settle was inducted into the Charleston Southern Athletic Hall of Fame in 1990. Settle’s induction was an emotional affair, as the event hosts played “Wind beneath My Wings” when they presented the award. In addition to his induction, Settle was one of 20 coaches asked to speak at an Olympic clinic at West Point designed to educate attendees from all over the U.S. on sprints and relays, as most of the academia on these subjects dated back to the 1940s and 1950s. The first person Settle met when he stepped off the plane was Tom Telllez of UCLA, who told Settle as he introduced himself, “I know who you are,” as Settle stood amazed. Fred Wilt, who was “prolific in … having information translated to English in Iron Curtain countries,” saw Settle in the audience at a clinic at the University of Florida, turned to him and asked him how he was doing in the middle of the speech, illustrating Settle’s impact in the realm of track and field and how lucky CSU was to have him.

In 1970, BCC hosted 5,000 spectators for a track meet between Ohio State University and Lafayette College. Three different television stations were on the scene. Settle believes the event brought the students an “object of school pride,” though it seems they had enough cause for school pride. The track team quickly became a nationally ranked program and home to Olympians and All-Americans – worthy of remembering.

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1976 BCC Observes National Black History Week: special speaker: William B. Davis, deputy assistant director in Washington, D.C. Rigby Appears: Cathy Rigby, America’s most honored gymnast, is appearing during today’s convocation.

“The year was 1976. The nation was celebrating its Bicentennial, and Baptist College was caught up again in a renewed excitement of history in the making. David Cuttino took his Singing Buccaneers on a tour that began with a concert on the steps of Charleston’s First Baptist Church and was concluded with a concert on the steps of the Capitol in Washington, D.C. The Tellers, singers under the direction of Bill Lee, cut the sound track for the South Carolina Bicentennial film, ‘Two Hundred Candles.’” (Gilmore)

Buc in Print Lebanese Students Arrive: Perilous Journey Ends Safely at Baptist College” Lebanese siblings risk death during their trip to voluntary exile, come to BC. Completion of Lake in Process. Four-acre lake behind gym for purposes of swimming, boating and fishing, known as Lake Bagwell. “SGA Presents Top Performers”- Dionne Warwick to appear Nov. 22 and England Dan and John Ford Coley perform Nov. 29.

ABOVE: Joyce Bagwell, chemistry & geology LEFT: Men’s Soccer

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The 1977 Report of the President lists “the impact of Baptist College upon higher education within Coastal Carolina as illustrated by the many significant ‘firsts’ which have been developed at BCC:”

1. First evening school program to offer a bachelor’s degree

11. First bachelor’s degree in allied health sciences

2. First formal Foundations Program on the college level to assist students who needed strengthening in one or more areas

12. First five-year medical degree in cooperation with Medical University


14. First church-related college in Coastal Carolina

First accelerated program which removed the barriers and permitted course challenges, CLEP credit, etc., so a student could move at his own pace

4. First associate degree program in nursing 5. First college with department of music 6. First college with department of art 7. First college with department of religion 8. First program in hotel and restaurant management 9. First major in preschool education 10. First major (undergraduate) in guidance and counseling

Al Lacour

13. First college to offer full academic credit for military service

15. First college on the 4-1-4 schedule 16. First voluntary ROTC in the area 17. First college with a three-year bachelor’s degree 18. First college to participate in Cooperative Education 19. First college in state to have all architectural barriers removed for physically handicapped students 20. First college or university in South Carolina to offer a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice 21. First bachelor’s degree of general studies

“Computers Can’t Read Minds”R-2, aka System 7, computer on campus processes bills and registration. Al Lacour, manager of our IBM System, says “90 percent of problems encountered with bills and registration are caused by the students themselves.” Later in the article, he does say his office makes mistakes too. (Buc in Print)

ABOVE LEFT: Sweathogs LEFT: Library


Buc in Print He


BCC libra ings displayed at istoric cave draw eh pr – Strom e ed th lay of sp ction Di the first floor • Unusual Colle theatre at BCC on w ne – en Op w No • Lingle Theatre udent Center Thurmond St e. First to Perform tes First in Stat • Greg Almond ee: BCC Candida gr De r’s McClure, ie elo ck ch ce Ba cisco Ramos, Vi • Criminal Justi tes in S.C.: Fran ua ad gr ee gr de ce criminal justi d Jerry Nettles ll Younginer an David Smith, Bi


an of Students, C’s Associate De Patsy Morley, BC – ys 00 students at a Sa 3,0 ley to or k M Wayne!!) spea • Get Involved hn Jo , es (y e Morley was yn ve John Wa ciation meeting. arranges to ha s Activities Asso pu m Ca with BCC d en an t be s en tainm in 1977. Patsy ha A CA National Enter NE for rs to e board of direc chairman of th for 10 years.




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Women’s Volleyball added as a sport. The team was coached by Ken Boleman, a physical education major.

RIGHT, CLOCKWISE: Douglas Brooks & Nancy Thurmond Norris Hall 105 Singing Buccaneers

The March 16, 1978, edition of the “Baptist Courier” featured the headline: Baptist College Begins Campaign: Drive for Three Million for Chapel has March 22 Kickoff. The article stated in part: “The Chapelauditorium has been on the college’s master plan. The building’s portico is patterned after First Church, Charleston, the oldest Baptist Church in the South. That building was designed by Robert Mills, famed architect who also designed the Washington Monument and many other important buildings. He was a Charleston native.”

“Mr. Larry Thompson, with the Baptist College International Services Office, traveled to Iran to interview the applicants and provide information about Baptist College. Each applicant was given a catalog and a description of the major he was interested in. A signed document of financial responsibility was also required from each applicant. After all the paperwork was completed, the applicants flew to America. The first students arrived at the beginning of the fall semester. Additional Iranian students arrived during Interterm.” (Cutlass) “Rain at Baptist College is like the snow in New England – it’s a part of our lives … Consequences of the rain include mudslides, swamped fields and standing lakes on the walkways.” (Cutlass)

“Gamma Beta Phi Sponsors Ann W. Richardson”- well-known Charleston artist came to BCC. “Two of her paintings of egrets, commissioned by the students and faculty of Baptist College, were presented to Dr. and Mrs. John Hamrick, at his inauguration as president of BCC.” (Buc in Print)

The habit of dunking friends in the Reflection Pond to observe a birthday was pictured in the Cutlass. “The ducks had not yet arrived. When the ducks and gulls came to stay, the tradition of tossing people into the pond gradually went out of favor.” (Gilmore)

“From Halfway ‘Round The World They Came To BCC To Run…To Learn!” Anderson Abare Atuya and Francis Ruchugo, members of the track team, left their home in Kenya for a U.S. college degree. (Buc in Print)

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1979 Students moved in on Sept. 3, and by that night were locked up tight in the dorms awaiting Hurricane David. “Most feel the first day of fall 1979 at BCC will always be remembered.” (Buc in Print) Air Force ROTC Detachment 772 is the fastest growing detachment in the nation. (Buc in Print) Mike May, a freshman from Wagner, S.C., was chosen as Santa Claus at the Charlestowne Square Mall. (Buc in Print) “John Roberts’ editorial in the May 24 ‘Baptist Courier’ said in part: ‘The college is maturing, and is no longer ‘new.’ Each year a growing number of its ministerial students complete seminary studies – the number is close to 100 in 10 years.’” (Gilmore) “Dance! Dance! Dance! The music swells, and people move. Everyone loves disco. Thursday and Saturday nights are disco nights for BCC students. Whether at Stonehenge or Lingle Theater, dancing to disco music is a favorite pastime.” (Cutlass)

TOP: Dolores Jones, radio & TV field trip RIGHT: volleyball team

“The founders had a vision of what they wanted the school to be. At that time there was not a business school in Charleston. It revolutionized my life.” Hal Russell ’71

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“1980 was a year marked by rising prices due to rampant inflation … More students sought recreation on campus, but they still had a taste for off campus food … inexpensive activities included night walks on the beach and group visits to the ever popular ‘Summerville Light.’” (Cutlass)


“Student Government elections brought new leadership, in a new mode, in 1980. Cheryl Foster was elected first female SGA president; officers were Nina Parks and Amy Henderson. The indomitable Dwight Ives, named treasurer, was the lone male winner.” (Gilmore)

SGA President’s Cabinet

Seal femur cast. Original now owned by Smithsonian Institute.


Buc in Print He


• BCC Starts a Ne w Night School • First-in-the-sta te program starte d: Accelerated Ev Program. Stud ening Degree ents attended cla ss es three nights terms a year, a week in five making it possibl e to earn 30 sem year, all throug ester hours each h night classes. • Where Are the Sofas of Littlejohn Parlor? – Sofas because people confiscated were “displayin g to o much public aff so-called “love ection on the seats.”

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1981 “The college survived the 1980s because of the invested lives of individuals, students and faculty who put down roots that went deep into the soil of learning in a Christian environment.” (Gilmore)

Buc in Print “Computerized Transactions Will Soon Replace Monetary System” “Info Center Provides Protection”new security information center established “Best Team Ever: Claims Coach Welty”- tennis teams “Junior-Senior Prom Features ‘Gone with the Wind’ Setting” “Fraternity Drive Raises Money to Aid Sleuths in Atlanta Case”known as Atlanta Child Murders (20 deaths of young black children by a serial killer from 1979-1981) “Shocked Students Mourn Morley” Patsy Morley, dean of student life, died in her home December 6.

“shoney’s Big Boy [hamburgers] in Reflection Pond” (Buc In Print)

Jasper Coth

ran & Neyda


A tribute in the 1982 Cutlass says: “Patsy Morley came to Baptist College in 1967. Her duties were as numerous as her titles. She went by many names which included: Patsy, P.M., Mother Morley, Dean Morley and Mom. She was quiet about herself, but she always spoke out loudly in favor of the students. Her family included those she loved most – the students of Baptist College.”


Monica Ce

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“World’s Fair Books Singing Buccaneers.” (buc in print)


“Storm clouds darkened. Before they departed, the college was to suffer many anxious pangs and much pain. The institution was moving from infancy and adolescence into early maturity. It was yet to be seen if the institution could stand alone and could move undamaged through perilous waters of change.” (Gilmore)

“Buccaneer Track Team Establishes New Records.” (buc in print)



“There’s No Place Like Home”“…Bucs are in excellent shape to finish at .500 or above for the first time since 1972 (Buc in Print) Front page story by Andy Keegan stated the Buccaneers beat the College of Charleston Cougars 73-69. He wrote, “In beating C of C, Baptist is guaranteed its first nonlosing season since 1972, as the Buc record stands at 13-13. The Buccaneers have faltered on the road this season, as their 2-11 record indicates, but nothing can tarnish the glittering 11-2 home record …”

ABOVE MIDDLE: Toilet paper trees; Computer professor Loren Radford

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Watching the College Take Shape by: Ruth Simmons ’82, SCE&G, Charleston Metro


y name is Ruth Stone Simmons, and I remember when Charleston Southern (Baptist College) was at First Baptist Church in North Charleston. My father, David Stone, was the registrar at the time. I remember the college being built and watching it take shape. My dad became Vice President of Business Affairs, and I remember going to his office and playing on the adding machine, the old-fashioned kind that you had to pull the handle. One of my favorite moments is at a basketball game, they had a faculty show of some kind, and I can remember my dad coming out as Fred Flintstone. He had the costume and all. I wish I could find a picture of that. There may be one in an annual. I grew up at Charleston Southern but I will always remember the college to be Baptist College at

Charleston. I worked at the college, in the registrar’s office and also the bookstore. I went to school in 1976 and graduated in 1982, and the most memorable moment is when my dad handed my diploma to me. I will never forget that. I loved the college and everyone was like a family. I could never get away with anything because everybody knew my dad. When I had my son my parents would take him to the pond to feed the ducks and so a next generation is familiar with the school. I have such fond memories and will treasure them forever. My teachers there were awesome. I had wonderful teachers like Dr. Barrier, Dr. Vanella, Mrs. Stewart, who finally helped me to understand math. I loved living in the dorm. We had a blast. I love to reminisce about the dorm times.

For more, check out CharlestonSouthern50.com for events, stories and photos

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1983 Chapel Construction “On the day the steeple was to be raised, students began writing their names on papers to be placed inside the structure … ‘I believe.’ … And when the actual lifting of the spire began, many students ran from their dormitory rooms to watch … When the cross was at last aloft, steadied and secured, the campus was forever changed, and many people felt the difference.” (Gilmore)

Norris & Nell


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From the Columbia Record, Nov. 4, 1983: Baptist College joined new conference as a founding member. Big South Conference also included Winthrop, Coastal Carolina, Augusta College and Campbell University. Athletic Director Howard Bagwell said, “This is really an answer to my prayers because playing as an independent is a rough life …” (News and Courier, Aug. 22, 1983)

“Dr. John A. Fincher, 72, was appointed by the Board of Trustees to lead the college after they forced the resignation last week of President John A. Hamrick. Hamrick had led the school for 19 years. The school, with about 2,000 students and a dozen buildings is one of four colleges of the S.C. Baptist Convention.

students, alumni, friends and the breadth and depth of quality in the faculty and academic programs,” Fincher said.

“Baptist College at Charleston’s accreditation does not depend on the administration, but on quality academic programs, faculty, financial resources and students,” Fincher said in a press release. The college is strong because of its great resources –

“After voting for the president’s retirement, the board voted October 25 to dismiss E. Harold Keown, vice president for development; Charles L. Price, vice president for student affairs, and E. Harold Keown Jr., assistant vice president for student affairs.”

“According to a Baptist Press report, Hamrick was forced to retire because he was in conflict with the Board of Trustees over financial policies and his administrative assistants.

Student groups

A spirited group of women, led by Charlene Kirk, chairman, began the Women’s Auxiliary Advisory Council to fundraise for campus efforts. The group later changed its name to Women’s Council and today raises funds for campus beautification and student scholarships. ABOVE: Alumni employed at BCC LEFT: David Cuttino, Music Professor

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Willie C. Rish and family of West Columbia presented a Bosendorfer baby grand piano to the school for the Nell Lightsey Music Building.

Dedication of Lightsey Chapel Auditorium Nov. 28 – Dec. 4


• Dr. Lawrence Vanella directed “Were You There?” • W. Norris and Nell P. Lightsey recognized • Art exhibit featuring Sallie Frost Knerr, Joseph Ward, Bette MuellerRoemer, Charles Staats

First season of competition for newly formed Big South Conference: charter members were Winthrop, Coastal Carolina, Armstrong State, UNC Asheville, BCC, Campbell, Augusta and Radford. Men’s Quads residence halls opened. Spaces for married housing made available.

Bernie Waitt, Jairy & Sissy

Charlie Simpkins traveled to Los Angeles for the Olympic Trials. Named 2nd alternate for the Olympics. Earlier finished 3rd in NCAA Outdoor Track and Field Championships in triple jump.

Hunter, Bob Riley

• Astronaut Dick Scobee and wife, Dr. June Scobee, (CSU alum) presented BCC materials which flew aboard the space shuttle Challenger.

• Student Activities sponsored Russ Taff concert December: stringent cut-backs in personnel; trustees pledged $210,000 • Dr. David Cuttino directed “Messiah” of their own money and raised $400,000 in 45 days.

RIGHT: Jairy Hunter & Nell Lightsey ABOVE: Quad 2

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July 15 – Jairy Hunter’s official first day Mission statement established: Academic Excellence in a Christian Environment

FLASH BACK to 1984 Cost of Living: • • • • •

New home: $86,730 Average income: $21,600 Movie ticket: $2.50 Gallon of gas: $1.10 Dodge RAM 50 Truck: $8,995

Products Debuted/Inventions: • • • • • •

Apple introduces Macintosh with a 3.5 floppy drive and 128k of RAM Tetris game 1st TED Conference Sugar Free Jell-O California Dancing Raisins debuted Transformers

In the news: • • • • •

“What is the mission of Baptist College? We must know the mission [Academic Excellence in a Christian Environment] and with a clear sense of mission, everyone must spend 80 percent of their time on the 20 percent of activities which will yield the most results.” - Jairy C. Hunter Jr. in his first few days of office (Ebenezer)

Walter Mondale selected Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate in the presidential election Ronald Reagan elected to a 2nd term as president, vice president was George H.W. Bush Summer Olympics held in Los Angeles; gymnast Mary Lou Retton was the darling of the games Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial named a national monument July named National Ice Cream Month



Buc in Print He Spring:

Again re Is Beginning Limit! BCC Futu e Th y’s Sk he • T s : Spiritual Succes • Cross Country ee gr De int Law • BCC to Offer Jo t Center Opens in Studen y ar br ed Li r ee • Car r Society Approv no ty at BCC! New Ho w No llege honor socie i co l Ch a na lph tio na • A as a member of ed pt ce ac ge lle • Baptist Co Fall:

me to College to aduate: Wright Ca • First Class Gr ed er Shop Approv • Campus Barb ce Title en er nf Co th ay wi • Bucs Run Aw

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• Wendy’s “Where’s the Beef?” commercial • Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” premiered on MTV • Record of the Year: Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” • Song of the Year: The Police/Sting’s “Every Breath You Take” • Best Movies of the Year: “Terms of Endearment,” “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom,” “The Karate Kid,” “Footloose,” “Purple Rain,” “Revenge of the Nerds,” “Ghostbusters” • Captain Kangaroo retires after 30 years • Hit TV shows: “Miami Vice,” “The A-Team,” “The Cosby Show,” “Growing Pains” • 1st “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” comic book sold Source: mrpopculture.com, thepeoplehistory.com, mentalfloss. com, babynamester.com, unlikelywords.com

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Club Football team begins play. Undefeated in first season of play against club teams from Clemson, UNC, Appalachian State and Gallaudet.

Julia Yost donated money to light the Chapel spire in memory of her husband, Oliver J. Yost, who was head of the music department. Lighting ceremony May 14, 1985

“If you can see the cross, you will always know. The cross says it all. It always has, and it always will.”

four-year college in S.C. to require a computer literacy course for graduation. volunteer coach of club football was an alumnus, Frank Cuda ’74, principal of Alston Middle School. He had been an assistant coach at Summerville High School for seven years. Charles Welty, assistant professor of physical education, served as the club football coordinator.

graduation held in Lightsey Chapel Auditorium, May 25, 1985, master of science degrees awarded – 3 students.

- Julia Yost

marching band formed, under the direction of Stephen Rich. BCC sold 180 acres of land to The Women’s softball, women’s Gulf Atlantic Company of Greenville, cross country and women’s track S.C., for $15,000 an acre. added in athletics. Trustee Lloyd Sineath said, “Baptist College took a giant step John W. Beasley ’71, first toward obtaining financial stability alumnus to be named to and future success by selling this the Board of Trustees – served land.” 1985-1989

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Karen Berry, Ma

rk Evans, Kim Gre


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1986 Second president, Dr. Jairy C. Hunter Jr., is inaugurated April 18, 1986. Trustee chair, Greg Horton, administered the oath of office to President Hunter. • Senator Fritz Hollings said, “I have studied your outstanding record in the field of education, and I’m sure with your brilliance and dedication, that you’ll not only settle their minds and enrich their intellects, but make a truly strong college great.” • John Rogers, Student Government Association president, said, “The Baptist College students appreciate very much his efforts as well as the Southern Baptist churches of South Carolina for their support of Baptist College.” ABOVE: Jairy & Sissy Hunter RIGHT: Jairy Hunter & Strom Thurmond BELOW: Cross Country

• Friend Richard W. Furman said, “I think the greatest honor for Dr. Hunter and for Baptist College is yet to come, because of a promise we find in the scriptures: 1 Samuel 2:30 says, ‘Them that honor me I will honor…’ Dr. Furman quoted Hunter

as he had described his coming to Baptist College … ‘After we prayed and worked as hard as we knew how, God began to take over and clear the way for the college to move ahead. Every day I experience God’s hand and the strengthening and healing of Baptist College.’”

Buccaneer Park opens with areas for basketball, volleyball and horse shoes. Women’s Auxiliary Advisory Council awards the first Mattie Leigh Francese Scholarship in memory of one of the council’s original members. Dedicatory Recital of the Möller Organ, Lightsey Chapel Auditorium, April 15

Buc in Print Head


Spring: • Scobee Scholarsh ip Established • Hunter Seeks to Instill Pride in BC C • Softball Team Be gins First Season • Sky Party Thrills Viewers – re: Haley ’s Comet Fall:

“In reading over Dr. Hunter’s biography, I find that Baptist College has chosen a man of great intellectual capacity and dedication as its new leader.” senator strom thurmond

“Faculty and staff waited and watched, aware that inevitably much of the once familiar was continuing to change … Perhaps the irreversibleness of it all was brought most sharply into final focus in December of 1985 when Dr. Chuck Smith retired. ‘Mr. Shakespeare’ was honored at a farewell luncheon. The ‘old crowd’ gathered to reminisce, and to remind each other of shared past days – good and bad. Dr. Barry and Dr. Smith had been the ‘core’ senior officials for the academic. Throughout the years, the two of them had represented the ‘father figures’ of the faculty. These two had been accessible, appreciative and affirmative. Now their torches would be placed in younger, newer hands.” (Gilmore)

• [Pirates Cove in Russell Lobby] Ga me Room Reopen • Music Scholarsh s ip Named for Cutti no SPECIAL EDITION, vol.24 no.2

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1987 As the university approached its 25th anniversary, Margaret Gilmore wrote, “History has already revealed the college became a solidly based institution of which South Carolina Baptists can be proud because of the leadership of its first two presidents. Each was tenacious in faith, and no one doubted the genius that was present in both men’s personalities. Baptist College would not have risen to its heights so soon without Hamrick, nor would it have survived the difficult years of recovery from financial crisis without a man such as Hunter.” (Gilmore)

“Cheerleaders Competing in National Contest” (Buc in Print)

Dr. June Scobee delivered the commencement address for the class of 1987 graduates. The Cutlass reads: “Her knowledge of life and her strength are enough to make us realize that nothing is impossible. Her late husband, Francis R. Scobee, was the space shuttle commander of The Challenger, and he died in the tragic accident in January, 1986. Dr. Scobee spoke of the risks one should take to grab hold of your dreams. She said without risks, there would be no adventure and without adventure, no betterment. Dr. Scobee received a BCC degree in English in 1970. “At the end of her speech, Dr. Scobee received a standing ovation. ‘In today’s world,’ she said, “it is

wonderful to see people ambitiously striving for knowledge.’ Dr. Scobee was the first woman and the first graduate of the college to speak at a BCC commencement.” (Gilmore)

“Academic Appetizers,” the 1st BCC cookbook was published by the Women’s Auxiliary Advisory Council.

ABOVE LEFT: Margaret Gilmore ABOVE: Psi Kappa Phi BELOW: Carole & Stan Ricketts, Dennis Gore, Jairy Hunter

Air Force ROTC ranked 2nd in the nation in recruitment. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools approved BCC’s graduate program in education and reaffirmed accreditation of the undergraduate programs. The Board of Trustees adopt the Plan for Progress with three phases: Renewal, Stability and Excellence.

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Graduating in CSU’s First Class by: Rona Duncan, ‘90 Team Lead - Server and Database Team Tiger Institute, University of Missouri Healthcare


n 1988 it was time to relocate for my husband with the U.S. Navy, and Charleston, South Carolina was the destination. Prior to moving I applied to both Baptist College at Charleston and College of Charleston. Baptist College at Charleston was the only college to contact me before we were actually in Charleston; Hope (Harrison) made me feel very comfortable in choosing that my college home was going to be Baptist College. This would be the college I would graduate from and this was a big decision to make without having a good visit to the college. Upon arrival in Charleston, Hope greeted me for my first visit and again I was assured this was where I wanted to attend. • Beginning my college career at University of Missouri and then moving to Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, I finally landed at Baptist College at Charleston. The small environment allowed me to get to know the professors and obtain the assistance to transfer my previous credits. Starting as a Business Administration with Accounting emphasis major and a Computer Science minor, my advisor really

helped to determine the courses that were necessary. As I started taking the programming classes to fulfill the computer science minor, there were a couple of professors that left me with lasting quotes and antidotes. Dr. Fred Worthy was the professor that I still quote, “Documentation should be written at the 4th grade 2nd month reading level.” This advice has come in handy through the years. Dr. Roberts was very helpful in allowing me to plan my graduation on time by granting permission to complete independent study and evaluate the course work for a transfer course to allow the credits to apply to my graduation. These same professors were a great encouragement during the years and were very supportive when it was time to plan graduation and need to change my major to Business Administration with Information Systems emphasis in order to graduate before we were scheduled to transfer to Rota, Spain. • Remembering English class being outside by the fountain the day we read about the Albatross in Hemingway’s classic. Walking by the reflecting pond to attend convocation. Many years later

being able to reminisce that Leigh Cappillino was on the worship team while I attended Baptist College; it is wonderful to watch her success with Point of Grace. Getting to be a part of the change from Baptist College at Charleston to Charleston Southern University in my last semester. Graduating in December 1990 as the first class from Charleston Southern University was hard at first because I attended Baptist College. Now, looking back, it makes me proud to be able to tell my co-workers and teammates that I was a part of the first graduating class from Charleston Southern University. Today, I am the Team Lead for the Server and Database Team as part of the Technology Division of the Tiger Institute for Health Innovation at University of Missouri HealthCare in Columbia, Missouri. Each day there are opportunities to apply what was learned in the courses. The business courses, accounting, computer science all have impact on my career path. Congratulations on 50 wonderful years! I am very glad that I chose Baptist College at Charleston and am proud to be a graduate of Charleston Southern University.

For more, check out CharlestonSouthern50.com for events, stories and photos

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sp e c i al e d i t io n Board of Visitors formed (authorized by BOT in 1985). Officers elected Jan. 11: Ronald Banks, chairman; Hal Adams, vice chairman; Thomas Warwick, secretary-treasurer. The board is made up of distinguished citizens who help improve the planning, operation and evaluation of outcomes for the college. Gary Clark Banks Tennis Center dedicated in memory of Gary Banks, Feb. 20 AFROTC ranked 1st in nation in recruiting. BCC’s 25th anniversary celebrated September 1988 - April 1989. Events included: S.C. Poet Laureate Grace Freeman spoke Sept. 12 Kim Boyce concert, Oct. 15 Charleston Symphony Orchestra presented Silver Series, four concerts Larnelle Harris concert Nov. 4 [First sold-out performance in Lightsey Chapel]

1988 “The Class of 1988 will be the first to attend all four years at Baptist College under the Hunter administration. Although accepting their diplomas from Dr. Hunter will be a proud moment for all, when students look back on their years at Baptist College, their memories of Dr. Hunter are more likely to be of the man who stood with them and cheered the Runnin’ Bucs on the first ever Big South Conference Championship, or of the mornings he ate breakfast with them in the cafeteria, or surprising students at a Christmas party by sitting down and playing Christmas carols on the piano. These are the things students will remember when they think of Jairy Hunter.” (Cutlass)

“Elijah” presented by New Vision, Nov. 12 All Sports Day Feb. 25 “Friends Forever” presented by New Vision March 11 Values & Ethics Series: Christian Ethics and the Environmental Crisis April 11-12 Concluding Ceremony, Convocation, Dr. Max Lennon, Clemson University president, April 19

“The pressure to win in college sports today is tremendous. There is too much money, too much cheating … But there are some situations in sports that do my heart good, and one of them is right here at The Baptist College at Charleston. I’m not saying all Baptist athletes are from Goose Creek. They are not. But Baptist tends to represent the local talent as honestly as any other place in the country … Baptist has excelled at providing its students with a quality education and an opportunity to excel on the playing field. Consider, if you will, that Baptist

College has produced 12 NAIA and NCAA All-Americans. These include trackmen James Bryan, Ron Jackson, Wallace Johnson, Ken Layne, Albert Miller, Tom Reid, Paul Ricciardi, Charlie Simpkins, Steve Towles and Steve Whitney. The list also includes basketball sensation Ben Hinson and his sister, Priscilla Hinson, who was honored in basketball and volleyball. That’s an impressive list. They don’t wear medals around their necks, they just go about life like everybody else.” (Ken Burger, sports editor, “News and Courier,” May 3, 1988)

LEFT TOP: Bob Marthai, psychology professor, LEFT: David Boggs, Rick Brewer ABOVE TOP: Jenn Lara, Christy Farris, Sharon Grosso MIDDLE LEFT: Karen Jackson, Richie Mims, MIDDLE RIGHT: Men’s Track

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1989 Women’s golf was added to the athletic programs. Athletic Hall of Fame established: 11 inducted, May 9, Athletic Director Howard Bagwell and 10 former athletes: Tom Reid, Tom Ryall, Jim Causey, Dan Franz, Marion Salerni, Raymond LaPointe, Phil Turner, Mike Mauldin, Jerry Gardner and Ken Layne.

Hardy Ferguson

kmon, Jairy Hunter

Lorrie Lee, manager of the President’s Citation Program for Private Sector Initiatives, said, “We were greatly impressed with your organization’s dedication to the President’s vision of ‘1,000 Points of Light.’ Baptist College is now qualified to receive the prestigious C-Flag.” (Buc in Print) A group of citizens led by Jerry Williams and Richard Blackmon, from Lancaster, President Jairy Hunter’s hometown, began fundraising to build a welcome center for the university, which would become the Hunter Reception Center. Williams is the current chairman of the Board of Trustees.

Student community outreach project at Woodside-Woodview Manor Park in Ladson was recognized by President Bush’s Citation Program for Private Sector Initiatives (1000 Points of Light).

Jerry Williams, Richard Blac

Hurricane Hugo Makes Landfall! Damages to the campus from Hurricane Hugo (September 21) resulted in a revised academic calendar with exams finishing Dec. 22. The campus was used as a feeding site after the hurricane. A disaster relief crew with the Illinois Baptist Brotherhood cooked 40,000 hot meals in the week after the hurricane. The field house was used as a Red Cross Disaster Relief warehouse.

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The campus experienced extensive roof and water damage, fallen trees and extended power outage. Most students were evacuated before the storm hit, and when they returned to campus they dealt with alternate classrooms and eating in the Gold Room because of roof damage to the cafeteria. Sharon Grosso, of Toms River, N.J., was unable to go home during the storm and stayed on

campus. “It was the scariest thing I ever did,” she said. Dr. Silas Garrison of the English department, said, “It’s an experience that I would just as soon not go through again.”

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s p e c i a l e d itio n

The Board of Trustees voted Oct. 30 to move the club football team to NCAA Division III status. “Club football began in 1985 but ran into some problems when they beat most of the other club teams.” (Cutlass) The administration rolled out the Five Life Preparation Concepts for students: Values/ Ethics, Wellness, Leadership, Service and Communication. The concepts were foundational to curricular and extracurricular planning and were used for the next two decades.

1990 May 1990 graduates were the last to graduate as Baptist College graduates. Heder Ambroise said, “First of all I was relieved to graduate. Going for four years straight and playing basketball at the same time was difficult. My mission was complete and now I could get into life.” (Cutlass)

“Approximately one-third of the on-campus students are involved in sports. There are 135 NCAA athletes, 60 club football players, 36 cheerleaders and 133 students involved in intramurals.” (Cutlass) Groundbreaking for Jairy C. Hunter Jr. Reception Center Oct. 30. Friends from Hunter’s hometown, Lancaster, S.C., spearheaded fundraising efforts. The Hunter Reception Center was the university’s first debt-free building.

Master of Business Administration program added.

Lancaster Committee: Hunter, Mike Williams, Mike Blackmon, Richard Blackmon, Harold Rowell

The school’s name changed to Charleston Southern University at the 170th annual session of the S.C. Baptist Convention, Nov. 13. Move to university status resulted in the reordering of the school to College of Arts & Sciences, School of Business, School of Education. In addition to the move to university status, the name change reflected additional opportunities in student recruitment.

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Hunter Reception Center


Dedication of Hunter Reception Center and the Robert M. Condra Memorial Gates, Nov. 15. The funds for the Condra Gates were given by Evelyn L. Condra and the late Robert M. Condra.

Hunter family

Club football moves to NCAA Division III play. Homecoming moved to football season.

John Hosey Jairy Hunter Mike Drolet

Employment Enhancement Grant established to help displaced Navy workers after the Naval Shipyard was closed by the government. A computer-based music lab was installed to aid music majors in musical composition.

Dedication of Condra Entrance Gates and Hunter Reception Center

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sp e c i al e d i t io n Charlie Simpkins wins silver medal in the 1992 summer Olympics in the triple jump, with a final jump of 57-9.


“I think Simpkins is the best triple jumper in the world.” Coach Howard Bagwell

Entered into partnership with IBM to create first computer training center and curriculum in distribution management in S.C. SuperSummer Youth Camp had grown from its start in 1987 with 50 campers to 500 campers in 1992. 10-year-old John Riney from Cross enrolls at CSU. BellSouth Foundation funds a $215,000 three-year grant for a program implementing school reform in rural Berkeley County. The University’s first endowed chair, The Gene and Freda Ott Endowed Chair of Religion, established through an estate gift of $500,000.

TOP: Homecoming MIDDLE: The Happy Millionaire

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1993 Named to The John Templeton Foundation Honor Roll for Character Building Colleges for 1993: annual listing of those schools which best exemplify campuses that promote high integrity and encourage the development of strong moral character among students. Master of Education in Administration degree started. A fire, determined to be caused by an electrical problem, broke out in the Chapel Feb. 27, necessitating a move to the Field House for events.

Graduation was moved to the North Charleston Coliseum for the first time in the spring of 1993. Patricia Willis, executive director of the BellSouth Foundation, gave the commencement address and received the university’s first Distinguished Service Award.

Football moves to Division I-AA play, based on an NCAA mandate that all sports at an institution be played on the same level. First Buccaneer Club Corporate Cup Golf Tournament raised $3,000. The Buccaneer Club also added a Board of Directors level. CSU received the Distinguished Volunteer Award from the Charleston County School District for its contribution to the improvement of education.

Groundbreaking held for University Park April 21, to include 2 basketball courts, 2 volleyball courts, a pavilion and a 24,000-square-foot pool. The park opened in fall 1993.

Construction, Patsy Morley Pool

ABOVE LEFT: Lourdes Alvatierra, Natasha Giles, Keva Keyes RIGHT: Alex’s Restaurant

Men’s basketball played for the first time in the new North Charleston Coliseum Feb. 8.

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sp e c i al e d i t io n FLASH BACK to 1994 The Cold War was over, “Generation X” was growing up, and a new era was on the horizon – one of increased prosperity, technological advances and social upheaval that would shape the next century. This new generation would continue to challenge authority like their Baby Boomer predecessors, becoming more progressive in music, dress, social conventions and ethics.


Cost of Living: • • • • • •

New house: $119,050 Average Income per year: $37,070 Gallon of gas: $1.09 Average cost of a new car: $12,350 Loaf of bread: $1.59 Movie ticket: $4.08

In the news: • Harding wins the national Figure Skating championship but is stripped of her title following an attack on Nancy Kerrigan • OJ Simpson flees police in his white Ford Bronco • Major League Baseball Players Association began a 232 day strike causing 1994 season to be cancelled • The United States hosts the FIFA World Cup, won by Brazil

Entertainment: • Lisa Marie Presley marries Michael Jackson • Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain commits suicide • Woodstock ’94 music festival is held to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the original Woodstock • “Home Improvement” is top-rated TV show, followed by “Seinfeld” • Top grossing movie: “Forrest Gump,” followed by “The Lion King” • Notable movies: “The Shawshank Redemption,” “Ace Ventura: Pet Detective,” “The Mask,” “Dumb & Dumber,” “Little Giants,” “Angels in the Outfield,” “The Santa Clause” • Top Song: “The Sign” by Ace of Base, followed by “I Swear” by All-4-One • Top selling Album: “The Lion King” soundtrack • Justin Beiber is born

Henry Wingo of Kline, S.C., donated $1.5 million to construct a nursing building in honor of his late wife, Derry Patterson Wingo. Groundbreaking: Derry Patterson Wingo School of Nursing Building, July 8, 1994 Of his donation of $1.5 million, Henry Wingo said his late wife lived “an exemplary life” and had a “strong appreciation for individuals who chose service as a profession.” He said the nursing program “particularly fits the manner in which my wife lived and the university’s mission which emphasizes care and service to others.” (Buc in Print)

University celebrated 30th Anniversary, Founders’ Week celebrated April 9-15: • Dr. Jairy Hunter celebrated his 10th anniversary as president. • Commemorative Dinner & Celebration, honoring the university’s founders, donors and friends, April 12 • Founders’ Convocation, April 13. Dr. James Storm, founding trustee, was guest speaker • Drama presentations: “The Diary of Adam and Eve” and “Picnic on the Battlefield” April 14

• Lightsey Chapel rededication service, Charleston Symphony Orchestra presented “An Evening in Europe,” April 15 Patsy Morley Pool dedicated in Morley’s memory April 9: Dedication of Patsy Morley Pool – money was raised after her death, and then a campaign by the Women’s Auxiliary Advisory Council was established to complete the fundraising. A pool on campus had been her dream. Youth Ministry major added. Environmental Management major added. Bachelor of Science in Nursing added.

Products Debuted/Inventions: • The very first smartphone was unveiled and retailed for $1,100 • The world’s first Satellite Digital Television Service Launched • Netscape Navigator released, quickly becoming market leader for browsing the web • Sony PlayStation is introduced

Top Baby Names: • Girls: Jessica, Ashley, Emily, Samantha, Sarah • Boys: Michael, Christopher, Matthew, Joshua, Tyler Source: mrpopculture.com; thepeoplehistory.com; billboard. com; babynamester.com; buzzfeed.com; foodreference.com

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Miss CSU Pageant: Daniell Fogle crowned Miss CSU “I’m proud to be the first Miss Charleston Southern University. It’s a good feeling. It’s something I can always remember and tell my children about in the years to come,” said Daniell Fogle (Buc In Print)

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Charleston Southern license tags unveiled at South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicle offices.

Derry Patterson Wingo School of Nursing building dedicated, Oct. 31 NCAA Self-Study: CSU one of the first collegiate programs in the country to participate in NCAA Accreditation process. First Mr. CSU contest held: Brad Cordray, winner. Field House $1 million renovation: improvements made to offices, locker rooms, new weight room.

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Margaret Hamrick Prayer Room in Lightsey Chapel rededication, April 24. Renovation and refurbishment by the Women’s Auxiliary Advisory Council. First December graduation Dec. 19 in Lightsey Chapel.

lson Swofford

Jairy Hunter, Ne

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sp e c i al e d i t io n Marching Band reformed under the direction of Jay Watkins.

The baseball team won its first Big South Conference Championship title and qualified for NCAA postseason play for the first time in school history. The Bucs lost to Clemson and the University of Tennessee in the double elimination regional tournament.


Reaccreditation by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. “Buc In Print” reporters participated in a mock emergency Feb. 15 presented by the National Preparedness for Response Exercise Program, by the U.S. Coast Guard National Strike Force team. Athletics accredited by the NCAA. Revival broke out among students and spread to the campus and beyond in October as student ministry teams shared what was happening around the state.

Technology: • Comcast cable added in dorm rooms. • Internet access made available to all computers on the CSU network. • A S.C. Federal Credit Union ATM was added in the Strom Thurmond Center lobby.

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CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Marching Band; Harbor Cruise; Dorm Room; New Vision

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Memories of a Trustee: Dr. Danny Blackwell Compiled by Rachelle Rea


was elected to the Board of Trustees at the Baptist College at Charleston in 1965. My committee appointments were finance, student affairs and personnel. The men and women with whom I served were from every walk of life. We had one thing in common – we were all humbled and dedicated Christians with a common purpose to make bold decisions which would establish a strong, higher educational institution in the Lowcountry. Dr. John Hamrick had a passion to make certain that the students in this area would be exposed to the best in Christian education. Community involvement was high, and it continued to increase with the local Baptist associations. This tradition has continued under Dr. Jairy C. Hunter who has taken the education standards to new heights by showing his love to all of the students to make certain they complete their studies. Dr. Hamrick had a long-range plan and presented his case stronger than any lawyer. The budget committee and the executive committee with whom I worked closely were Trustees Jones, Littlejohn, Gressette, Lightsey, Peeples and Norris, and we presented to the Board that we should pay $500 per acre for country land when farm land was bringing less than $50/acre. The Trustees voted unanimously for the vision and location.

An outside person who meant a lot to the college was the owner of Ruscon Construction Company who got us a loan to build a needed dormitory when we could not obtain it otherwise. Dr. David Cuttino, of the music department, used an Interterm class to carry his music students to Daufuskie Island and camped out in a Gullah church and taught these students the music with the help of the church family. He brought this back to the college and did numerous tours throughout the state to Baptist churches. This created more advertisement for the college than we could have ever purchased. The founding fathers and those who have followed spent much time in prayer for guidance. Humility starts at the top, and we certainly felt the need to follow that lead. There existed love and respect for one another because we met many road blocks which together we overcame. The professors we hired were well educated, and standards were set high from the beginning. They were selected for their leadership ability and their Christian principles. Even though the name has been changed to Charleston Southern University,

the Christian atmosphere and love for the students remains the same. The leadership is committed to helping the students prepare for a better life.

Former trustees with President Hunter: Dr. Lewis McCormick, Hunter, Dr. Danny Blackwell, Mr. B.R. Littlejohn, Jr., Dr. Fred K. Norris, Jr.

I am humbled by the fact that annually I receive at least two letters from students thanking me for helping them receive an education.

Editor’s Note: Dr. Danny Blackwell and his wife, Betty, of Kershaw, S.C., are believed to be the only husband and wife who have each served on the BCC/CSU Board of Trustees: Danny from 19661970, 1973-1977 and 1998, and Betty from 1994-1997.

For more, check out CharlestonSouthern50.com for events, stories and photos

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CSU was featured live on “Good Morning America” along with the College of Charleston during the NCAA men’s basketball tournament.

Men’s soccer team captured the Big South Conference and played in the first round of the NCAA tournament. Lost to University of South Carolina 3-0.

Family of former trustee and chairman of the board W. Gregory Horton, donated $1 million in his memory to name the Horton School of Music and fund the Horton Chair of Church Music. Student Success Center opens, centralizing services such as tutoring and academic advising. Six students participated in CSU’s first study abroad program in Spain, led by Dr. Pamela Peek.

Adam Lockyer Sheron Simmons Dustin Smith

Aimee Perrin Stacey Cordray Tanya Lott

FACING PAGE: Brett Larrick

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Men’s Basketball wins Big South Conference, advances to first round of NCAA Tournament. CSU lost 109-75 to UCLA in Ann Arbor, Michigan

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School of Nursing students graduate May 22. The Student Success Center named the BellSouth Student Success Center after BellSouth donated $100,000. Partnered with the University of South Carolina as a research site for doctoral students in the higher education program. Scholarship Luncheon brings together scholarship benefactors with student scholarship recipients. Achieving Excellence Campaign Phase 1 goals of $20 million completed 6 months ahead of schedule.

LEFT: Danielle Patton Carolyn Rooney Jadin Miller Brigitte Rosa

First course offered via the Internet: a computer course.

Men’s and women’s tennis teams, big south conference champs!

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John Riney, 16-year-old 1998 graduate, was featured on CBS’s “48 Hours” program. Dr. Don Clerico was interviewed on campus for the segment.

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1999 Groundbreaking for bridge buildings: Student Activities/Wellness Center and a multipurpose academic building and Stadium Center, March 30.

Women’s Soccer

Master of Criminal Justice begins

Whitfield Stadium Center dedicated during halftime of the Homecoming 1999 football game. 35th anniversary of University celebrated; Hunters’ 15th anniversary. Derry Patterson Wingo School of Nursing received initial accreditation for its bachelor of science in nursing program from the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission. The Legacy Society established to recognize alumni and friends who name CSU in their estate plans. Current membership is 49.

The Criminal Justice program trains practitioners in law enforcement, court systems and corrections. CSU is a charter member of the National Forensic and Crime Scene Investigation Consortium formed in 2013.

Interterm Marine Biology Class

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Izards & Elms the


Charleston Southern University is located on land originally owned by the Izard family. Their estate was known as The Elms.

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“Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Izard (Alice Delancey),” oil on canvas, by the American painter John Singleton Copley. 69 in. x 88.5 in. Courtesy of the Museum of Fine Arts. Image courtesy of The Athenaeum.

• Ralph Izard III (1742-1804) - Member of Continental Congress 1782-1783 - Was a U.S. Senator from S.C. 1789-1795 - Served as President pro tempore of the Senate during the Third Congress - Mentioned several times in George Washington’s Diary (National Archives: founders.archives.gov/documents/Washington) - According to the “Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress,” Ralph Izard “pledged his large estate in S.C. for the payment of war ships to be used in the Revolutionary War.” - In 1774, Izard and his wife, Alice De Lancey Izard, were painted by John Singleton Copley. The painting hangs in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. The L. Mendel Rivers Library has a copy of the painting. • The Chicora Foundation says The Elms garden was listed as one of Shaffer’s Ten Most Important Colonial Gardens. • St. James Parish Goose Creek Church still exists in Goose Creek, S.C. In “Historic Goose Creek, South Carolina, 1670-1980” by Michael J. Heitzler, he notes that the Izard family hatchment still hangs in the church. The Izard hatchment is thought to be one of only two in existence in American churches.


• “Charleston Receipts,” the iconic Junior League cookbook, lists a recipe for Mrs. Ralph Izard’s Awendaw. Perhaps it is one of The Elms’s Mrs. Ralph Izards? • “Charleston in the Age of the Pinckneys” by George C. Rogers Jr., says that in the late 1700s it became a tradition for Charleston visitors to take a tour of river plantations, among these on Goose Creek were Garden’s Otranto, Izard’s The Elms and Manigault’s The Oaks. • “Historic Goose Creek, South Carolina, 1670-1980” by Michael J. Heitzler tells of French General La Fayette’s visit to The Elms. The area of the house prepared for La Fayette’s visit was “known as La Fayette Lodge.”

Izard Hatchment in St. James Parish Goose Creek Church Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South Collection, Prints & Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-DIG-csas-03829 (photographer, Frances Benjamin Johnston) Archeological dig during Interterm 1974, Bobby Jones, Bonnie Hatcher and George Timms assist Dr. Paul Reitzer of the history department. All that remains at the site are small fragments of the original structures.

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School of Education selected to participate in the South Carolina Teaching Fellows Program. Arthur J. Rooney Jr. ’74 achieves rank of Brigadier General, the first AFROTC grad to reach that rank.

Dedication ceremony March 28: The Brewer Center, named in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Brewer and their son Brad of Lancaster; Edwards Express, sandwich shop located inside Brewer Center, named in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edwards of Lancaster

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Pat and Jimmie Brewer

Baseball field relocated to back campus due to widening of U.S. Highway 78 at front of campus.

CSU is named the newest site for MFuge, Lifeway Christian Resources missions camp for 7th- 12th graders.

Jairy Hunter, Dr. & Mrs. Floyd Whitfield

Selected for the 2nd time as a college of character by the John Templeton Foundation’s Honor Roll of Character Building Colleges.

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Whitfield Stadium Center, named for Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Whitfield of Charleston

“Any coach is only as good as the players on the field, and I have been fortunate enough to coach 14 All-Americans in college and another 12 in high school. The athletes are what make this job special.� Howard Bagwell Whittington Hall, named in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Whittington of Little River

Bernice and Jeff Whittington

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Spring blooms

Last year of Interterm in January. The academic schedule changed to add Maymester.

First Charleston-area university to offer students free wireless Internet connections in their dorm rooms.

Three teams qualified for NCAA regional tournament play: • Women’s Golf captured their third Big South Championship in a row

University became a member of the IBM Partners in Education program. Bagwell-Settle track dedicated March 27. Mike Frost, a 1969 grad, provided $75,000 of the $200,000 cost. Named for Howard Bagwell, former track and field coach and athletic director, and Jim Settle, former track and field coach and a kinesiology professor. - Coach Bagwell and Coach Settle made a lasting impression on my life. I just wanted to show my gratitude for their leadership.” Mike Frost (Reflections) Campus awarded a $1.75 million Title III grant for Technological Advancements. Minor in Christian Leadership added to the curriculum.

• Men’s Golf won the Big South for the first time • Men’s Tennis won their fourth consecutive Big South title.

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2002 CSU appears in the book “Great Colleges for the Real World” by Michael P. Viollt. Began a partnership with 1975 alum Dr. Jay Strack’s Student Leadership University, a premier leadership development program for high school students.

LEFT: Club football reunion BELOW: Music Therapy

First satellite campus opens in collaboration with HorryGeorgetown Tech and Coastal Carolina University, offering criminal justice degree. Charleston Heights Baptist Church Endowed Scholarship established with a gift of $433,000 when church membership disbands and church property sold. Maymester begins. The William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship was established with a $100,000 grant from the William Randolph Hearst Foundation.

ABOVE LEFT: Susan and Tony Blanton ABOVE: Martin Avery, Amber Attridge LEFT: Colin Snider

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s p e c i a l e d itio n School of Education gains national accreditation with the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.

CLOCKWISE FROM UPPER RIGHT: Barbara Mead and International students; Homecoming, Ewald Kirschner, Arnold Hite, Markus Messerer; Intramurals


n Gr ant D ay in Co lumb ia

2003 Partnership begins with Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary for CSU to serve as a seminary extension site. University builds its first Habitat for Humanity house; home dedicated Nov. 23 in Moncks Corner. The Habitat project originated with Johnny Ward, a member of the Board of Trustees, and his contributions helped get the project off the ground.

Groundbreaking for Science Building Oct. 10. Athletic Training program achieves national accreditation with the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs. L. Mendel Rivers Library renovated.

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2004 University celebrates 40 years; Hunters celebrate 20 years.

FLASH BACK to 2004 Cost of Living:

Teaching & Learning in Ghana program awarded a prestigious Fulbright-Hays Foundation Group Curriculum Projects Abroad Grant. John Arce, senior in the School of Nursing, elected president of the National Student Nurses Association. University awarded a National Science Foundation grant of $371.249. First president, Dr. John A. Hamrick, died Oct. 24.

• • • •

Movie ticket: $6.19 Gallon of milk: $3.75 Gallon of gas: $2.01 Average home cost: $264,000

Products Debuted/Inventions: • The very first smartphone was unveiled and retailed for $1,100 • The world’s first Satellite Digital Television Service launched • Netscape Navigator, released quickly becoming market leader for browsing the web • Sony PlayStation is introduced

In the news: • •

Hurricanes Charley, Frances and Ivan made landfall in the U.S. George W. Bush defeated Jon Kerry to serve a second term

Entertainment: • iPod sales hit the $10 million mark • Facebook launches at Harvard – developed by Mark Zuckerberg with Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes • Ken Jennings became the largest monetary winner on “Jeopardy,” eventually winning more than $2 million • Popular TV shows: “Friends,” “American Idol,” “CSI,” “Survivor” and “Everybody Loves Raymond” • “Lord of the Rings: Return of the King” was named best picture at the Academy Awards • Popular films: “Shrek 2,” “The Incredibles” and “The Passion of the Christ” • Topping the bestseller list: “The DaVinci Code” by Dan Brown • Song of the Year: “Beautiful” by Christina Aguleira

Top Baby Names: • Girls: Emily, Emma, Madison, Olivia, Hannah • Boys: Jacob, Michael, Joshua, Matthew, Ethan Source: mrpopculture.com, thepeoplehistory.com, mentalfloss.com, babynamester.com

ABOVE: Jairy & Sissy Hunter, John & Jane Hamrick RIGHT: Dome on Science Building

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“The further away I get from my time at CSU, the more important and meaningful the experience becomes. My desire to contribute to our community was to some extent birthed by folks who helped me obtain a Christian leadership scholarship at CSU.”

– Tim Scott ’88, U.S. Senator

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It wasn’t expected to happen … so how do you measure a legacy? By Calen Brown


ith only 3:30 left on the clock, some CSU fans sought to escape the cold and the postgame traffic on Nov. 19. However, the Buccaneer faithful who stayed for the long haul bore witness to one of the most miraculous events in school history. When hope fluttered away … the Bucs looked up to the heavens for a miracle. What they got was a brilliant combination of skill, heart and the hand of God. Coastal Carolina’s bid to run out the clock flopped when the ball was forced out of bounds at their own 4-yard line. As the ticker read :1.5 seconds, quarterback Collin Drafts rolled out of the pocket and threw a beautiful pass to freshman receiver Markus Murry, who leaped up to make the grab. As Murry came down, the referee’s hands went up, and the crowd erupted. The ensuing extra point sailed through the uprights as the stage was set for a dramatic overtime battle. The

first overtime ended with an exchange of field goals. The second was much more climactic. Running back Andre Copeland punched in a 2-yard run to put the Bucs up by 6, followed by kicker Nick Ellis’ extra point which raised the lead to 7. With no choice but to go for the touchdown, the Chanticleers rattled off 3 unsuccessful plays, gaining only 4 yards. Time seemed to stand still as the final desperate pass spiraled through the air. It was an incomplete pass. The ball had barely touched the grass before the field was swarming with fans, all shouting at the top of their lungs. Players knelt down to pray; students climbed up the goalpost, and opposing fans were silenced. Everyone learned a priceless lesson that day. Some learned respect. Some learned humility. But above all else, the Bucs learned that true victory, on or off the field, comes from within. And what did our beloved Buccaneers teach us? BELIEVE, BABY! (Cutlass)

Remembering The 2005-2006 year will never be forgotten. Some will remember the sorrow. Some will remember the joy. But however we choose to recall these moments, and whether we lost a friend, a teammate, or simply a fellow student, we cannot deny the existence of miracles. And what is a miracle? A Big South football title? An unofficial City Championship? Or is it simply the overwhelmingly positive response of such a strong-willed student body faced with the frightening reality of human tragedy? Either way you look at it, miracles are among us, just as surely as those friends who still hold memories in our hearts. Like soldiers on the battlefield, we will not leave them behind. Remembering Always … Eddie Gadson and Grant Ringenberg. (Cutlass)

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Ashby and Jones Halls renovated. Patio area added to Strom Thurmond Center.

Enrollment exceeds 3,000 for the first time (3,022). Dr. and Mrs. Otto Strock pledge $1 million to CSU. Student scholarships and construction of the Christian Leadership building will benefit from the gift. John Arce was commissioned as an ensign in the U.S. Navy Nurse Corps; CSU’s first nursing graduate to be commissioned as a naval officer.

ABOVE: Buc Wild crowd RIGHT: A. J. Scott

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Leigh Darby Cappillino and Point of Grace perform.

Football team beat Coastal Carolina in double overtime 34-27 to earn the title of Big South Co-Champions. “It’s unbelievable,” said head coach Jay Mills. “God is certainly smiling on us today, as is Eddie Gadson. I could not be more proud of a group of young men who have faced so much adversity but never gave up on the dream.” (CSU Magazine) [Gadson, a member of the team, was killed in a car wreck during the summer, and the team dedicated their season to him.]

A unique feature in the Science Building is a time capsule in the lobby floor, which will be filled in the future.

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Dedication of the Science Building, Oct. 14. • 54,000 square feet, 8 research labs, 11 teaching labs, faculty offices, greenhouse • Establishment of Science & Mathematics Hall of Fame, inaugural members:

Dr. Samuel E. Gandy ’76, professor of Alzheimer’s disease research and professor of neurology and psychiatry, Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. “I have this career only because I came to Baptist College. You can start here and get to the very top.”

Dr. F. Avery Ragan Jr. ’71, associate professor of pathology, LSU School of Medicine in New Orleans. “When you’re a graduate of this university, feel confident that you can compete with any graduate in the world.”

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2006 Coffee shop addition at the front of L. Mendel Rivers Library opens April 20. Cafeteria expansion includes a new kitchen, serving lines and a new meeting room. Groundbreaking for the Wingate by Wyndham Aug. 15. Wingo and Norris Halls renovated. L. Mendel Rivers Library Rededication Nov. 20. CSU named to Intel’s Most Unwired College Campuses list. Nursing lab

AFROTC receives the High Flight Best Small Detachment in the Southeast Region for the second straight year.

Margaret T. Gilmore Garden dedicated Sept. 18, located between Jones and Norris Halls. Sandra Ward, chairperson of the Gilmore Garden project, said, “Margaret is a legacy of love at Charleston Southern. The garden is a legacy of life to invite people to sit

awhile and to reflect and get in touch with their own thoughts and God.” The Women’s Council headed up the fundraising for the garden.

Candy West

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Kate Ramer, an athletic training student, worked at the Nike/Michael Jordan Flight School in athletic training over the summer.

Habitat House Dedication

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Coach Jay Mills and the team gather for a team prayer after beating The Citadel for the first time 38-35

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2007 Live Nativity

Air Force ROTC Detachment 772 named the 2007 Right of Line Award winner as the best small AFROTC detachment in the nation.

Brad Wise, y Service Da Koryn Van Dy k

Health Promotion added as a major.


Wingate by Wyndham construction

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Ditch surfing

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Specialized accreditation of the business degree programs in the School of Business given by the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education.

IRIS, the Immediate Response Information System, is adopted to send emergency messages directly to students, faculty and staff.

The School of Nursing chosen as one of 15 nursing schools in the nation to pilot the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Bachelor of Management Arts program goes totally online. Roper-St. Francis Healthcare approves $224,000 grant over three years to expand nursing program enrollment from 30 to 40 students. CSU receives National Science Foundation grant of $297,000. CSU receives Congressional Directed Grant of $250,000 to purchase equipment for new Science Building.

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ABOVE: Grace Deal and Matt Carsner in Sudan LEFT: Dining hall renovation

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Nine-hole disc golf course built on campus.


Franklin Graham speaks at Convocation Sept. 17.

A national study by Collegiate Learning Assessment places CSU in the top 10 percent of universities for value added education. University named to America’s 100 Best College Buys. Grand opening and ribbon cutting for Wingate Inn by Wyndham at Charleston Southern Oct. 10. School of Nursing becomes only school in Lowcountry to provide instruction on the i-Stan simulator by Meti.

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Franklin Graham and Jairy Hunter; Shirley Whitfield and Sissy Hunter; Retirement Ceremony, Carol Drowota, Anne Hawkes, Jairy Hunter, Linda Gooding, Tom Guerry; Men’s basketball team in Krakow, Poland

Campus streets named.

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Trident Health System approves $225,000 grant over three years to hire a Coordinator of Nursing Technology. Jenzabar Foundation establishes endowed scholarship to provide financial aid to male students in the teacher education program or to first generation African-American students accepted into the nursing program. Cheerleaders win first place in the nation in the Small Coed Collegiate category.

“It’s about being taught not just Athletic Training but about passion for Athletic Training, a love for others that carries us through long hours, exhausting study sessions, and more cups of coffee than I would ever want to count.” Leanna Fortner (Cutlass)

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Athletic Training; Ghana Team; China Team, David Phillips & Don Clerico; Wingate opens

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Senator Chip Campsen (right) presents President Hunter with the Order of the Palmetto on behalf of the governor. The award is the highest civilian honor in the state of South Carolina and recognized Hunter’s 25 years at CSU.

University goes tobacco-free Aug.1.

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The unique needs of her son led to the creation of a new company for education alum Lynn Preacher Yeager, ‘91, ‘95.

The women’s track relay team captured 8th place in the 4 x 100 m at Nationals to earn NCAA All-American status and to be named Big South Track Athletes of the Year. “Those four young ladies have paved the way in CSU and Big South history by doing some monumental things. Not only were they the first relay team, male or female, to qualify for NCAA Nationals, they went the distance and advanced to the finals. They finished eighth and received FACING PAGE LEFT TO RIGHT: Gabrielle Houston Dionne Gibson Jessica Thomas Misha Morris

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NCAA All-American status. Then they received another first by becoming the first relay team to earn the award from the Conference; it truly is an honor.” Coach Tosha Ansley ’99 “Track has really helped me to grow and mature. God has blessed me with a wonderful coach and awesome teammates. I know the girls will continue to thrive because of the dedication embedded in every heart.” Dionne Gibson, 2008 All-American (Cutlass)

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Founding classes celebrate 40th Reunion Oct. 23-24

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A trerasured moment at commencement each year is the commissioning of U.S. Air Force Officers.

Master of Science in Nursing Education added. Historical Marker for The Elms Plantation placed on campus. Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design added. University’s 45th year; Hunters celebrate 25 years; Mayor Keith Summey declares July 15 Jairy and Sissy Hunter Day in North Charleston. Evening College revamped and expanded to College of Distance and Continuing Education. CSU awarded College & University Athletic Training Staff of the Year by S.C. Athletic Trainers’ Association.

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CSU opens football season against #1 ranked Florida Gators.

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Andre Dukes ’02, ’06 Principal, St. John’s High School By Rachelle Rea What are some of your favorite memories of CSU?

Were you involved in any clubs/ organizations?

Some of my favorite memories are being a resident director, meeting friends for lunch and dinner in the café, studying at the Reflection Pond, playing sports, failing Professor Hite’s class, attending Chapel with friends. I made lifelong friendships at Charleston Southern.

I was not directly involved in any clubs or organizations. I participated with several events but was not a formal member. Campus life at CSU was rewarding and provided me opportunities to reflect, meet new friends and provide service back to the university.

Why did you choose to attend CSU?

What were you most pleased with during your time at CSU?

I chose CSU because the school mission, vision and institutional goals were closely aligned to my professional and career goals. As a school administrator, I am always encouraging my students to consider enrolling at CSU after high school.

I was very impressed with the atmosphere and the personalized attention I received from faculty and staff. My experience felt like home, and I was always surrounded by family and friends. The faculty and staff make you feel like you are the priority.

What was your first impression of the school? That it was merely a Bible school.

Did that impression change by the time you graduated? Yes, it did. I have a strong place in my heart for CSU and the lifelong relationships that were established. Some of my best years were spent at CSU. My college days help to shape my philosophies and ideologies. CSU has provided me with many perspectives of an ever changing society. I am now an Alumni Board member and a member of the Board of Visitors.

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In your work at St. John’s, how do you seek to impact your students?

As principal of St. John’s High, my goal is to provide every student a college and/or career readiness Who were a few people who learning experience before they worked/taught at CSU who made graduate from high school. My an impact on you? educational experiences at Charleston Don Little, Jim Rhoton, Professor Southern University have prepared Mela Wyeth, Professor Nancy me to educate an increasingly diverse Canavera, Professor Pat Bowers student body to higher academic standards in Charleston County School District.

For more, check out CharlestonSouthern50.com for events, stories and photos

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sp e c i al e d i t io n A brick walkway was added around the Reflection Pond, and bricks are sold to benefit student scholarships.


Music and Worship Leadership major introduced. Women’s South residence halls renovated; the first of the older dorms to be renovated.

Freshman Shaun Bisson carries the torch for the 2010 Winter Olympics.

Psi Chi was named National Chapter of the Year for the second consecutive time. Dr. Christina Sinisi said, “We’ve had psychology students tell us that the award-winning Psi Chi chapter is why they came to Charleston Southern.” First Master of Science in Nursing, nurse educator class graduates.

Graphic Design studio opens

More than 50 former choir members sang in the first Cuttino Choir Reunion Concert at Homecoming.

Football linebacker Jordan Lancaster was one of 22 studentathletes selected from more than 50,000 student-athletes nationwide to the Allstate AFCA Good Works Team, earning national media attention.

Jordan Lancaster

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Did you know? The university continues to receive national awards, including:

America’s Best Christian Colleges, 11th consecutive year

America’s 100 Best College Buys, 5th consecutive year

Military Friendly School

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Recreational Services


CSU and The Citadel enter a Dual-Degree Engineering Program agreement. The university also has Dual-Degree Engineering agreements with Clemson University and the University of South Carolina. University named to the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll for the first time. Online programs change name to College of Adult and Professional Studies. Groundbreaking for Athletic Center Oct. 1. Groundbreaking for Christian Leadership Building Oct. 14.

Horton School of Music

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Memories Where I Met My Future by Heather Gray ’02


t all began with a haircut. Tired of the mess the Lowcountry humidity made of my long locks, I found myself with a pixie coif and a nagging suspicion I shouldn’t have acted so hastily. Then he walked over and my world changed forever. “Wow, you cut all your hair off.” A tall, handsome guy who looked vaguely familiar had apparently made his way across Wingo Hall to state the obvious to me. Before I could formulate a response, my professor arrived for class and we parted ways. A few days later the same guy passed by with a fleeting comment about the weather. I’m not exactly sure what came over me but I grabbed him by the backpack and turned him around. “Are you ever going to have a real conversation with me or are you just going to keep stating the obvious?” He smiled at me despite my rather coarse invitation. We both skipped the rest of our classes that day and spent the next four hours on a bench under the stairs getting to know each other.

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The next day was a Convocation day. Standing by the Reflection Pond waiting for the Chapel doors to open, he found me in the crowd, and we ended up sitting next to each other inside. Our conversation continued as we passed notes back and forth on a blue HOPE prayer card that I still hold as one of my most prized possessions to this day. When Convocation was over we again stood by the Reflection Pond but this time in a comfortable silence. I felt as if I was seeing him for the first time… and that somehow in my heart I knew I was also looking at my future. He would forever laugh at the thought I shared then. A thought that, in that moment, struck fear in his heart yet brought a peace to mine.

“You know, if we were to get married, my name would be Heather Gray, like the color.” I’m pretty sure he ran from the Reflection Pond that day. As fate would have it, a memorial brick now sits at nearly the exact location that conversation took place. David never saw the brick. It was set in place as an anniversary present to him just a few days before he was killed in action in Afghanistan in 2012. I saw the brick for the first time in 2013 when I returned to CSU to share our story with a Chapel full of bright-eyed students. It was so surreal to stand on the stage we both crossed as graduates and look out to the place we once sat, and recount the way that God used Charleston Southern to bring us together and ultimately weave Himself through our lives. David’s story on this earth has come to an end. But his legacy and the story of our love that began on the CSU campus, lives on.

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The School of Education, in collaboration with the English department, qualified for a U.S. Department of Education’s Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad program. Dr. Don Clerico, professor of education, has been directing team trips to Ghana for 10 years. “In class on Friday, I ask the children, What can we give to our communities? A boy answers, ‘A church.’ How can we give a church? I ask. He responds, ‘You can build it.’ Me: What if you can’t build the whole thing? Him: ‘You can give a bag of concrete.’ And I think: Here we are, all of us, each bringing our own bag of cement.” Dr. Celeste Pottier, assistant professor of English

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Christian Leadership building construction Mission trip team helps those affected by Hurricane Sandy.

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Building updates: • Dedication: Athletic Center, Sept. 9 • Groundbreaking: Jairy C. Hunter Jr. Reception Center Expansion, Oct. 12 • Groundbreaking: Derry Patterson Wingo School of Nursing Building Expansion, Oct. 19

Shannon Burgess, a senior elementary education major, earned a perfect score on the national Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching test, a rare feat that only 0.2 percent of students have achieved.

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Athletic Center opens; Hunter Center groundbreaking; Ghana trip

Dean of the School of Nursing, Dr. Tara Hulsey, appointed chair of the United Nations and Global Health Advisory Council for Sigma Theta Tau International. William Randolph Hearst Foundation added a third grant of $100,000 to the William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship Fund, bringing the total endowment at CSU to $300,000. Graduate program in Organizational Management added.

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Sociology with Human Services emphasis degree added to curriculum. Computer students Justin Ramos and Steven Daniels were winners in a Mobile App Challenge sponsored by the Charleston Defense Contractors Association.

“One of my favorite memories was playing golf with my brother as members of the first Baptist College golf team. The excitement we both felt when we won our first college golf match against the College of Charleston was exhilarating.” Brooks Moore ’69

The university website was redesigned as part of a move to Omni Update’s content management system. Department of Religion is renamed the School of Christian Studies. David Britt of the College of Adult and Professional Studies is named Online Professor of the Year by Best Colleges Online. Choral reunion for members from 1993-2013 who have sung under the direction of Dr. Valerie Bullock.

TOP RIGHT: D.J. Fowler & Kevin Jones, CSU Herbarium RIGHT: School of Education studies iPad-based curriculum

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Nursing Building expansion dedicated Oct. 11 Nursing building expansion ribbon cutting

CSU Herbarium accepted for registry with the prestigious New York Botanical Garden. CSU was one of eight institutions signing the official charter to begin the Crime Scene Investigation Consortium Sept. 11 in Dallas.

Graduate students in criminal justice help write a textbook – “The Crime Scene Investigation Case Studies: Step by Step from the Crime Scene to the Courtroom” by Dr. Jacqueline Fish and Jonathon Fish.

David Britt

Floyd & Shirley Whitfield, Jairy Hunter

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sp e c i al e d i t io n The baseball team plays its first game under the lights April 19. Much of the funding was provided by baseball alumni who formed the group, Building Buccaneer Baseball.

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Chick-fil-A Express opens on campus in January. Chad Burn ’02 serves as the Chick-fil-A licensee operator consultant.

Daniel Kulhanek, Bucky, Chick-fil-A Cow, Chad Burn

“U.S. News and World Report” ranked CSU’s bachelor of science in organizational management online program one of the best in the nation.

Hunter Center Ribbon Cutting: Mayor Keith Summey, Jairy Hunter, Mayor Bill Collins, Sissy Hunter, Mayor Joe Riley

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Football team plays their first game under the new lights, August 28, 2014



ticulation Ag

District 2 Ar

School of Education receives national recognition through its specialty program associations. School of Business launches an Executives in Residence program.


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Jairy Hunt ent signing:


Joe Pye, ‘69

In recognition of their 30 years of service to CSU, the expansion to the Hunter Reception Center was named the Carolyn K. “Sissy” Hunter Center, and the entire building was renamed the Jairy C. and Carolyn K. Hunter Center.

CSU and Dorchester District Two Sandwich It In, a book club sign an articulation agreement to offer facilitated by the CSU English DD2 Early College Program students department and the Elms retirement a seamless transition to CSU. community, celebrates its 25th anniversary.

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Students have found the new Whitfield Center for Christian Leadership a great place to meet and hang out.

Fall enrollment sets record at


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Hunters Celebrate


Years at CSU




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Jair y






C e n t e r.

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Charleston Southern University is celebrating its 50th Anniversary and you and the First Lady are celebrating 30 years. What keeps you motivated?

Mayor of North Charleston, Keith Summey, stated, “Sissy Hunter has demonstrated a commitment to the diverse needs of the university community and its mission. She works closely with Dr. Hunter to enhance the visibility of the university Hunter: The university was in a in denominational, business and state of crisis, and the Board was philanthropic communities.” searching for a Baptist leader with Sissy was instrumental in extensive academic, business and establishing the Women’s Council fundraising experience. When the and continues to provide leadership Board of Trustees offered me the and service to the Council. As of job, I accepted the position with last year, this committed group the understanding that I would of ambassadors has raised over serve three years and then return $280,000 to establish an endowment to the University of North Carolina that provides funds for student system. I honestly did not realize scholarships. at the time that the Lord had been Sissy and I were thrilled when we preparing me through various academic and business experiences to learned that the Board of Trustees voted earlier this year to name the serve in Christian higher education. Hunter Center the Carolyn K. and However, as years passed, it became Jairy C. Hunter Center in recognition evident that serving as president of of our 30 years of service. What a Charleston Southern University was partnership! God’s will for me. What a joy it is to find your calling and also to love Who have been your mentors? what you do! Hunter: My mentors have been my mother, father, and wife, Drs. When you accepted the Richard and Jim Furman, Rev. Joe presidency at CSU, you stated Wren, Clif Jones, Ken Evans, Rev. that you and Sissy came to the school as partners. Tell us about Wendell Estep, Johnny Ward and Jerry Williams. the Hunter partnership. Hunter: Sissy has been a loyal Do you have Scripture that partner since I assumed the presidency at CSU. Sissy shared with guides your work? Hunter: Yes, the following verses me during my interview how the job have guided me through life: description read as though it was written directly from my resume. Romans 10:9: If you declare with That feeling grew stronger, and so did your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and the realization that we were being believe in your heart that God raised called here. Rev. Joe Wren, pastor of him from the dead, you will be saved. Summerville Baptist Church at that time, said, “Sissy and Jairy Hunter Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the are a great team. They’re caring people and serve in many roles in the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not community.” to harm you, plans to give you hope During the beginning years, Sissy and a future.” was a full-time kindergarten teacher, mother, wife and first lady of the Romans 12:6-8: Since we have gifts university. that differ according to the grace As the university grew, Sissy’s role given to us, each of us is to exercise as first lady likewise increased in them accordingly: if prophecy, hosting, attending and coordinating according to the proportion of his university events. The time came faith; if service, in his serving; or he when it was impossible for Sissy to continue her profession as a full-time who teaches, in his teaching; or he who exhorts, in his exhortation; he teacher and serve as the first lady. who gives, with liberality; he who For many years, she has been my leads, with diligence; he who shows full-time partner, giving generously mercy, with cheerfulness. and representing the university.

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Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Philippians 3:12-14: Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:4: Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Matthew 25:21: His master replied, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!”

Charleston Southern University’s strategic plan has recently been updated. Can you reflect on the future of the university? Hunter: The university’s strategic plan includes the goal of student enrollment reaching 4,000 by the year 2020. There will be new academic programs in the fields of nursing, health sciences, computer science and Christian studies. The university will expand international student enrollment to 10 percent. The adult student market will also continue to grow through online degree expansion, certificate programs and workforce-related course offerings. CSU will continue to establish partnerships with K-12 and local industry. Several new buildings and facilities will be added to our beautiful campus.

What makes Charleston Southern University distinct? Hunter: The vision of the university is integrating faith in learning, leading and serving. The first point of distinction is that CSU is a faith-based university. CSU has excellent academics enhanced with the integration of faith in all learning

“We think we have the right man for this critical time in the life of the college, and we are pleased.” William H. Seals, Marion attorney, chair of the Presidential Search Committee, Baptist Courier, May 17, 1984

“I was impressed with Dr. Hunter during his interview when he stated that a Christian university must have a greater commitment than other institutions to promote excellence.” Dr. Carol Drowota, faculty representative, Presidential Search Committee

“I wanted to say thank you for all that you have done and continue to do for CSU. I well remember the days leading up to your coming and the mess the school was in at that time. It is hard to believe how far we have come from those days when we were not sure the school would be here in five more years much less be one of the top schools of its kind in the country.” Professor Fred Worthy

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sp e c i al e d i t io n “Dr. Hunter’s recent inauguration as the college’s second president in its 22-year history can be viewed only as a positive sign. The new president never tried to soft-pedal the seriousness of the school’s problem and we doubt he would have authorized the inaugural ceremony were he not convinced the school was on its way back up again.” Editorial, The Evening Post, “Man with a Mission,” April 28, 1986

“Dr. Hunter’s MBA Strategy course was interesting and rewarding. He put everything about business in perspective. He has a knack for making you want to learn more about business and life in general.” Andy Smith ’98, Charleston County Treasurer, Sept. 27, 1999

experiences. In addition, Charleston Southern graduates are prepared for the workforce. Finally, Charleston Southern operates an NCAA Division I athletic program, competing in the Big South Conference.

college education and pursue their calling as teachers, ministers, nurses, law enforcement officers, business leaders and more.

Hunter: Trust is the foundation of leadership, and those who serve on your team are paramount to success. Leadership in higher education requires integrity, commitment and transparency. Leaders must cast the vision of the university, establish priorities and secure the resources required to move forward. Leaders must be change agents because change is inevitable. Understanding different cultures is critical to building relationships. Along the way, good leaders make a positive impact in the lives of others and in the organizations where they serve.

scholarships which will be essential for the university to achieve our enrollment goals. In addition, CSU will be challenged to keep our academic curriculum relevant in a changing workplace. The university will continue to grow in quality and quantity. Expansion of the dining hall will begin in 2015 with 200 additional seats. The Whitfield Stadium Center and football stadium seating will be expanded; a new library, a 3,000 seat gymnasium, a student center, additional residence halls and several academic facilities will be needed to accommodate the growth of our academic programs.

The campus has physically changed in recent years with What role does athletics play in the addition of the Whitfield the success of a university? Center for Christian Leadership, Hunter: Athletics are commonly the Science Building, a new referred to today as the front porch of Athletic Center, expansions a university. Our athletics programs to the College of Nursing and are committed to excellence, integrity Hunter Center, Chick-fil-A and competitiveness. CSU studentExpress, Java City and the athletes strive for excellence both in Wingate by Wyndham hotel. the classroom and on the field. In What is in the strategic plan fact, each year our athletes receive for the next decade, and what numerous academic awards. challenges do you think the university will face? What lessons have you learned Hunter: Our greatest challenge will be providing additional student as president?

The university has raised more than $28 million of its $40 million goal for the Transform Campaign. Can you share the value of giving to the university campaign and what it means to the future of Charleston Southern? Hunter: Giving to CSU is a sound investment because we are in the business of transforming lives spiritually, academically, physically and emotionally. Our Transform Campaign addresses needs in the following areas: Scholarships, Academic Enhancement, Athletics, Nursing and Christian Leadership. Our donors enjoy helping students obtain an excellent education in a Christian environment. Ninety-five percent of our students must receive scholarship assistance to attend CSU. Our donors’ gifts make it possible for deserving students to complete their

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In addition to academic excellence, what do you hope is instilled in CSU students as they leave the university?

Hunter: I really hope that every student has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Additionally, I trust that our graduates will have a biblical worldview to guide them in making good decisions and living a godly life.

What do you hope your legacy will be? Hunter: I would like my presidency at CSU to be remembered as a time when many students accepted Christ as Lord and Savior, and the university made great strides in achieving the vision of integrating faith in learning, leading and serving.

“At CSU, we strive to educate the mind and the heart. Our programs emphasize spiritual, intellectual, physical and social growth. We put a high priority on character building, campus involvement and community service. Be assured that the CSU family is intentional in keeping the university academically strong and unapologetically Christian.” Dr. Jairy Hunter, President’s 15 Year Report, Fall 1999

“Dr. and Mrs. Hunter serve as worthy role models who, by placing paramount the person and principles of Christ, have in both their professional and personal lives enriched the university through diligent, consistent service.” Ken Evans, Board of Trustees, CSU Magazine, Winter 2004

“These changes [the addition of graduate programs] never would have happened without the president’s nudging or full support. We had one graduate program when he came. Now we are accredited to offer a full slate of graduate programs.” Dr. A. Kennerley Bonnette, retired provost, CSU Magazine, Fall 2009

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“The solid leadership of Dr. Hunter to the task of building a Christian university devoted to scholarship while uncompromisingly emphasizing spiritual development has been the key to the institution’s sustainable growth.” Dr. Rick Brewer, vice president for student affairs and athletics, CSU Magazine, Fall 2009

“Dr. Hunter’s personality and his positive attitude gave confidence to the school’s creditors and donors and that the college was moving forward. His business experience and entrepreneurial spirit enabled the school to rise from the ashes.” Ronnie Givens, CSU Board of Visitors, CSU Magazine, Fall 2009

Dr. Hunter received the Order of the Palmetto in September 2009: “Hunter’s leadership through an outstanding career in education has paved the way for the school to expand and become a greater player in higher education. We salute his strong commitment in providing quality education and building future leaders.”

Excellence and Growth • Established the university’s vision to be a Christian university nationally recognized for integrating faith in learning, leading and serving. •

Academic: Achieved university status; Established first baccalaureate nursing program, master’s degree programs, online degree programs, Horton School of Music endowment and the Values and Ethics Lecture Series

Finances: The university has operated in the black for 27 out of the last 28 years; the endowment has increased from $800,000 to $16 million, and alumni giving has increased 500 percent.

• Buildings: Opened the Lightsey Chapel, Jairy C. & Carolyn K. Hunter Center, Derry Patterson Wingo Nursing building, Whitfield Stadium Center, Brewer Center, Edwards Express, Whittington Hall, Science Building, Wingate by Wyndham, Whitfield Center for Christian Leadership, Health Sciences Building, along with renovations to several existing buildings •

Athletics: First football team, NCAA accreditation, established Buccaneer Board of Directors, NCAA March Madness appearance (1997) vs. UCLA, 2005 Big South Conference co-Champions (football), stadium lights for baseball and football

• Developed a comprehensive strategic planning process • Implemented a name change from Baptist College at Charleston to Charleston Southern University (1990) • Established the Board of Visitors Scholarship Program with approximately 500 members • Expanded enrollment from 1,600 to 3,400 students

“Dr. Jairy Hunter calls the last 30 years that he has spent as president ‘challenging and rewarding.’ He enjoys not only his job on campus but also representing CSU to the outside world and working with organizations such as the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce, Trident United Way, the South Carolina Baptist Convention and many others. Though he’s been there for 30 years, Dr. Hunter’s path to CSU was not linear. He has owned many small businesses, has served in the military and enjoyed other ventures before being called to a life of ‘joy, purpose and fulfillment’ at Charleston Southern.” 40 to Know, North Charleston Magazine, Fall 2014

• Established The Legacy Society deferred giving program

Editorial, Lancaster News, Sept. 20, 2009

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through the years 2002





1972 1968

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Transforming Lives

Your gifts make a difference for our students. Multiple giving opportunities are available: • Charleston Southern Fund – unrestricted scholarship support • Buy a Brick Program • Board of Visitors • Buc Club/Athletics • Transform Campaign: Capital Projects • Endowed Gifts • The Legacy Society

For more information on giving, visit charlestonsouthern.edu/advancement

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Integrating Faith in Learning, Leading and Serving More videos, more photos, more memories @ charlestonsouthern50.com

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