7 minute read
Class Notes
Dr. Clyde J. Smith ’69 has concluded a career as a full-time physics teacher with 30 years at the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics after teaching in higher education. His career has always been teaching physics full-time. “My Baptist College at Charleston teachers contributed greatly to both my teaching skills and my understanding of physics,” said Smith. I will forever be indebted to Dr. Robert Carroll, Mr. Fred Worthy, and Mr. Steve Nemeth. My wife, Vicki, and I are now enjoying retirement; we have no children. However, I still teach two weekly Bible studies in our church, Lakeview Baptist in Hartsville. Walking barefoot on broken glass is a marvelous object lesson on faith in the Lord Jesus! I also teach chess online for the SC4H chess club. It was my pleasure to sponsor the SCGSSM chess club, and our students won 14 state scholastic chess championships.” Smith earned an MA at Wake Forest University and a PhD at the University of South Carolina, both in physics. Before joining the faculty at SCGSSM, he taught 10 years in higher education, specifi cally at Henderson State University, Ouachita Baptist University, and at Centenary College of Louisiana.
Lynda Wyman ’71 has worked for the University of South Carolina since 1972. She began in McKissick Library typing cards for the card catalog. She became a staff cataloger and moved to the Thomas Cooper Library. She retired from full-time work in 2010, and has worked part-time in the library development offi ce for the past 12 years.
Beverly Jefferson ’89 is retired from Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina. She works as needed for BCBSSC, and is currently working with Community FaithWorks nonprofi t, an FB Foundation Initiative. She lives in St. Stephen.
Dr. Kenneth R. Pruitt ’89 is the new president of the John Leland Center for Theological Studies. Also known as Leland Seminary, the school is located in Arlington, Virginia. Previously he was pastor of King’s Grant Baptist Church in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He has served on the board of trustees and been an adjunct professor for the school. Pruitt holds a doctor of ministry in preaching and theology from Truett Seminary at Baylor University and a master of divinity with biblical languages from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Dr. Kimberly Britt ’94 has been selected the next president of Phoenix College in Phoenix, Arizona, of the Maricopa Community Colleges. She has 25 years of experience in higher education. Most recently she was vice president of academic affairs and the accreditation liaison offi cer at Phoenix College. Recently, she reconnected at a conference with Dr. Jairy Hunter, president emeritus, who served as president when she was a student at CSU.
Richard V. Waring ‘99 is the new vice president of diversity, equity, and inclusion for the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce. He holds a Master of Business Administration from New York Institute of Technology and a law degree from Charleston School of Law. He previously served as student services chief of staff at Trident Technical College.
Bonnie Fitz ’00 is the new Parks and Recreation Director for Warren County, in Warrenton, North Carolina. She is also assistant director of community services. Previously she was Parks and Recreation Manager for York County, Virginia.
Jerry Thorsell ’02 is the manager of information technology infrastructure and security at JW Aluminum. He holds a master’s degree in cybersecurity from EC-Council University. He is married to Lynn Thorsell ’02 who is the executive assistant to the dean of the College of Science and Mathematics at CSU.
Roger Simpson ’04 was recently hired by the South Carolina Department of Education to serve as Education Associate for the Visual and Performing Arts. His role primarily consists of overseeing the South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards for Visual and Performing Arts Profi ciency, the Arts Curricular Innovation Grants Program, the Archibald Rutledge Scholarship Program, and the development of professional learning opportunities for arts teachers and administrators.

Jessica L. Keisler ’06 is the new principal of Pelion Middle School in Lexington County School District One in Lexington. She has been assistant principal at Pelion Middle. She has taught English language arts and math in her career as well as coaching middle school and junior varsity girls’ baskeball. She is a former Teacher of the Year at Pelion Middle and won the Michelin Golden Apple Award in 2018. She holds Master of Education in teaching and Master of Education in administration from the University of South Carolina.

Ashley Williams Adams ’08 is the new youth director and missions coordinator at First Baptist Church in Florence.

Brittany Bolick ’09 was named teacher of the year at Valmead Elementary School in Lenoir, North Carolina, for 2022. She has six years of physical education experience. She previously was assistant women’s soccer coach at Appalachian State University. She was on the CSU soccer team and holds a Master’s in sports management and parks and recreation from North Carolina State University.

Dr. Alyssa Clay-Gilmour ’10 announces the birth of a daughter, Cora Gilmour, born Nov. 29, 2021. Alyssa is assistant professor at the University of South Carolina in epidemiology and biostatistics.
Nicholas Lee ’16 is Pee Dee foster care director for Epworth Children’s Home. His offi ces are located in Florence. He holds a Master of Arts and is a licensed professional counselor. Rhonda E. Anderson ’17 recently moved from Greenville to Beaufort and is the Allied Health Program Administrator with Technical College of the Lowcountry. She completed a Master of Education in allied health education at Widener University in May 2021 and was inducted into Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society in March 2021. She previously worked at Greenville Technical College. She has experience teaching phlebotomy and managing continuing education healthcare programs.
Stevi Johnson ’17 is head softball coach at Redwood High School in Visalia, California. She previously was assistant softball coach at CSU and was a member of the CSU softball team as a student.
Raymond Robinson ’17 works for the Navy and plays for the Military Basketball Association, a 54-team league for active duty military and government employees.
Arthur Griffi n ’19 is playing in the PGA Tour Canada and PGA Tour Latinoamérica in 2022. He was a member of men’s golf team at CSU.
Melanie Tipton ’19 and her husband Matthew Tipton, a current CSU student, announce the birth of a daughter, Lucy Rae Tipton, born a year ago. The Tiptons are expecting a second child this summer.
Zachery Evans ’20 is a fi fth grade teacher at Hanahan Elementary School in Hanahan. He holds a master’s degree in management and is currently working on an educational specialist degree. A member of the CSU football team when he was at CSU, Evans was Rookie Teacher of the Year at Hanahan in 2021. He and Grace Clark Evans ’19 were recently married. She teaches at Daniel Island School. Chris Makowski ’20, is the communications manager for the Town of Kiawah Island. He previously worked for Berkeley Electric Cooperation as a social media specialist.
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Name change: register@csuniv.edu
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Madeline Krigbaum ’22 is the new chorus teacher at Carolina High School in Greenville County.
Daniel Taylor ’22 is the junior graphic designer in CSU’s Marketing and Communication offi ce.
Tell us at magazine@ csuniv.edu by Sept. 16, 2022, and we will include a selection of them in the fall CSU Magazine issue.
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