Education Aboard the
Patriots Point rning a e l l a m r Info eyond b d n a p x to e oom r s s a l c e h t
USS YORKTOWN You are cleared for an unforgettable landing as you explore and experience the ship affectionately known as the “Fighting Lady.” Our History and Science Educational Programs use the USS YORKTOWN and its estuarine environment as hands-on, “real life” teaching stations.
urney like no other. jo l na io at uc ed an Embark on onal experiences. ased educati of immersive theme-b ty rie va a ch er off to al programs that tea We are proud eractive, inspiration int g gin ga en er liv Our mission is to de ills. and 21st Century sk core History, Science
the Awe Factor Join us for living history, along with the “awe” of the USS Yorktown’s size and visits with our resident critters. Participants leave with a lasting impression, validating the importance of educational experiences.
the FLIGHT ACADEMY Take off with us as we engage students’ minds with opportunities and experiences they will need to be competitive in the 21st Century’s global economy. Our Flight Academy’s state of the art, multi-use learning and entertainment venue, expands the capabilities of learning, while offering a unique, fun-filled high tech and high adventure attraction. The framework of our multi-disciplinary curriculum is based upon the development of:
Mental agility
Problem solving skills
Communications Competition
Center for LEADERSHIP The mission of the Center for Leadership is to create new knowledge that advances the way future leaders, their organizations, and societies confront the most difficult challenges of the 21st century. The fundamentals of effective leadership are presented through the study of the military in American society, and military history, while allowing participants to define and refine their personal leadership style through interactive group exercises.
The aim of the program is to
Develop one’s capability and talents
Recognize the power of ideas and aspirations
Promote an environment of diversity, fairness, support; and a desire for continuous learning
Offer customized JROTC programs as needed
EDUCATION The Education Department offers standards-based History, Science and 21st Century STEM programs tailored to elementary, middle, and high school grade levels.
Over 20,0 00 students each yea r par ticipa te in our hands-on program.
th and ELA concepts. History, Science, Ma rce nfo rei t tha ns Interactive statio d in the future to ngs past, present, an thi ry ina ord tra ex Ordinary people doing m t the American Drea promote and protec Harry I WAS?!� series, “Oscar I AM; y rac lite d se ba ryOur sto s and Science standard e fifth grade History Covers the complet
Informal Learning to Expand Beyond the Classroom History programs are a natural fit with our impressive WWII / Vietnam War era aircraft carrier, while her berth in Charleston harbor provides a wonderful working laboratory for the science concepts that are planned around Charleston’s marine estuary.
Custom programs for all grade levels, including: 3rd and 4th grade: Tiny Tales (our resident terrapin) 5th - 12th grade History & Science All ages - Beach Exploration Programs - Anchors Away - Homeschool Days
World’s Shipboard Camping Experience For more than 25 years, the Youth Overnight Camping Program aboard the USS YORKTOWN has been one of the nation’s top overnight and educational experiences.
500,000 Campers have Experienced the Patriots Point “Awe” Factor Girl Scouts & Brownie Troops Boy Scouts & Cub Scouts Junior ROTC Units Church Youth Groups School Groups Other Organized Groups
Climbing Wall
Geocaching Girl Scout journey programs for Brownies and Juniors Boy Scout merit badge and Cub Scout programs Check back as programs are regularly updated!
Membe r program ship s are n ow availab le for a ll Boy and Gir l Scout s.
CAMPS School’s out! FUN on the USS YORKTOWN is in session. Patriots Point provides eye-opening, engaging and exceptionally EXCITING programs for various ages in a safe, kid-friendly environment.
Day Camps History, Science and More!
Merit Badge Camps Badges earned while on board the “Fighting Lady”
Sailing Camps Hosted by Patriots Point for High School students. Spend 3 nights aboard the YORKTOWN. Run by College of Charleston nationally recognized Sailing Team.
PUBLIC & VIP Tours Engaging one- to two-hour tours reveal areas that are not normally seen on regular visits. Explore the YORKTOWN’s operations areas, living spaces, and more. Visitors go “behind the scenes” in: Hangar Bays Flight Deck and Bridge Fo’c’sle (Anchor Room) Medal of Honor Museum Living Quarters …and around Unique Historic Aircraft
With advance notice, some tours may be tailored to your group’s unique needs.
Other Special Activities
Patriots Point can also arrange self-guided ShipShape Scavenger Hunts.
Ask us about our annual Summer Teachers Professional Development Re-Certification Institute.
40 Patriots Point Rd., Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 843.971.5046