3 minute read
Sponsor Ava's Helmet

by BobbyTequila
It is always a blessing to bring in child into the world. You can be the best parents. You can work as hard as the next, but when it comes to bringing in a double bundle in twins, the joy, well, it needs to shared. So today i want to bring you to the attention of a young daughter named Ava, born NOV 2017 with her twin brother Ian, and both were born in the great state of Texas. Ava and Ian, children adorable on all measures, and also children of my coworker and buddy, Jordan. Just as much he is happy to be the father of twins, he is also a loving young man to Amanda, his beloved, and both young adults are great parents by far. Yes, parenthood is a job, and that’s why we are here on this GoFundMe article.
With all the daily responsibilites going on being parents of twins, surely one must understand that there is too much for any one set parents to take on. No one questions that unexpected bills to factor in, but its just not the norm to handle all
unexpected bills when it comes to twins, and even to that, when bills are met, you still need find enough stamina to maintain what it takes to function as well adjusted parents at home, and trust me, Jordan is at work eveeryday,a nd going home everyday, giving it his all knowing that his daughter Ava needs a helmet. Lets reach out with a pledge today and lets get Ava’s new helmet today. My friend Jordon, has already told me in person that he would apprecaite all the assistance you can give. As a friend, I asked Jordan to get me the link to this GoFundme, and naturally I am writing this article to get some exposure for what needs to be done.
Engage on link to the right, and read more details on the post organized by Ava’s grandmother. As you can tell, this post is pushed by family and freinds. Getting Ava her helmet is very important. Do what you can to pitch in, and thank you. It really means alot to help out my friend. It really means alot to Ava. Sponsor Ava’s helmet and lets keep her smiling at all times.

Click here to support Ava’s Helmet organized by Cherry Shipley Rocha
The picture is of my Granddaughter Ava. She looks like a happy healthy baby girl but looks can be deceiving, She and her twin brother Ian are truly a blessing from God and have dramatically changed her parent's lives for the better. Unfortunately, Ava has Plagiocephaly which is flat head syndrome. She did have Torticollis in her neck but with physical therapy that has been taken care of. As you can imagine all of the Dr's visits, physical therapy, and copayments have put a financial strain on the family. Even their family car is in the process of breaking down, with no financial room in sight to fix it, due to the demands of Ava's treatment. Ava is now six
months old, according to the Dr, she is at the age where her skull will start to harden, so time is of the essence in funding a helmet that will be used to reshape her skull. Without this much-needed helmet, it is possible that her hearing can be affected due to misalignment of her ear canals. The money contributed to this cause is much needed and will be greatly appreciated by the family. Everyone in her family is doing what they can to contribute to the situation but more is needed. Please help!