1 minute read
Can your organisation support
The 5 asks are:
1. Prepare young people for the world of work (e.g. support a school, offer work experience, mentoring)
2. Help young people to achieve their potential (e.g. support those looking for work, CV prep, work experience)
3. Invest in a skilled workforce (e.g. offer apprenticeships –modern or graduate)
4. Create jobs, volunteering and training opportunities (e.g. Kickstart, volunteering, paid work experience / interns)
5. Create an inclusive and fair workplace (e.g. living wage, disability confident etc.)
Employers don’t need to support all 5. If you are interested please email info@dywwest.co.uk and we can help you complete the form and support you on your journey to achieving the relevant asks (such as direct support from DYW or signpost / refer to partner organisations). Almost 900 employers across Scotland have so far pledged their support.