Bailbonds Fresno and Alternative Bails

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Bailbonds Fresno and Alternative Bails Bailbonds Fresno is generally considered at a hearing conducted shortly after a defendant has been taken into custody. At this hearing, the judge considers such issues as whether the defendant is a flight risk or is dangerous before setting bail. Some jurisdictions have developed bail schedules to make certain that the amounts are uniform based on criminal history and on crime. Bail bonds are generally cash deposits but may also consist of property or other valuables. Indigent defendants who are unable to make bail may turn to a bail bondsman. Although the U.S. Constitution does not guarantee any person bailbonds Fresno (the Eighth Amendment only prohibits excessive bail), the vast majority of defendants are granted bail in some fashion. Nevertheless, other alternatives to pretrial detention also exist. The first and most often used alternative to bail for non serious crimes is release on recognizance (ROR). Defendants released on their own recognizance simply assure the court that they will return for their subsequent court appearances. In these situations, should the defendant not appear in court, no collateral or bond is forfeited, but a warrant can be issued for his or her arrest. ROR is usually granted to individuals with strong ties to the community who have been accused of less serious crimes; rarely are those accused of murder or rape granted ROR, no matter how much standing they have in the community. Another alternative to bail is conditional release where the judge releases the defendant prior to the trial but imposes conditions on the defendant by which the defendant must abide during the release (e.g., maintain employment, avoid contact with the victim or co-defendants, and submit to urine analyses or electronic monitoring). If the defendant fails to abide by these conditions, the defendant is arrested and returned to detention. Finally, third-party custody occurs

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