Brooklyn Cremation details
Cremation of most of the bodies is done by placing in something combustible. Normally cremation containers are heavy cardboard trays, wood caskets or canvas body bags. Majority of the cremations are done using less expensive cardboard container or canvas bag. Normal cremation process takes one to two hours to complete. The actual time varies according to the size of the deceased and larger bodies take slightly longer time to get cremated. Brooklyn cremation heats the body and container at a high temperature to reduce all the contents to cremains. Cremations are gray in colour and from the environment point of view it is sterile and non-polluting. Most of the funeral homes return the cremated remains in a small cardboard box fitted with plastic bag liner. The cost of the Brooklyn cremation varies between funeral homes. Choosing a reasonable priced funeral home instead of corporate funeral home can substantially reduce the funeral expense. It is good to call and find about the details of funeral homes and also found whether it is corporate run or family run. Most of the families are not aware about funeral planning because this is not a common practice for most of the families and they only needs to face it in once in 15 years or something like that. So most of the families automatically go along with whatever the funeral director recommends. Cremation is less expensive than a funeral followed by body burial. So most of the families are choosing cremation in lieu of full blown burial.