Memories of Jah People

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BOB Marley

Memories Of Jah People

«One good thing about music, w

In the ghetto of Trenchtown, we called him «Tuff Gong». Then the world has acclaimed him as Bob Marley. Throughout the world, he delivered the message of Jah. His music was his weapon against injustice and oppression. He planted a seed and we are reaping the fruits.


when it hits you feel no pain...Âť

Some of us met Bob Marley, some saw him on stage, others met him in various circumstances. Unfortunately, many of his fans never saw him or met him. Herein, i’ve collected unusual stories from all over the earth and am pleased to share these precious testimonies with you. Emmanuel

Give Thanks I give a special thanks to everybody who helped me with their histories, rares infos, photos, press archives and the support of lot of friends. First Thanks to my family. My son and my wife 6SHFLDO WKDQNV WR 5RJHU VWHĹŠHQV 0LNH YDQ GHU /LQGH -HDQ 3LHUUH :HLOOHU /RZHOO % 7DXEPDQ 7- :HVWHUQ 5DV 6DE )UHG %UXQR 5LFR *UHJ 7LQR *DsO +XEHUW 0DUFR 9LUJRQD ,YDQ 6HUUD $OEHUWR -RH -XUJHQVHQ -XOLDQ 6FKLPGW 'DYLG 5H\QROGV 'HULDQ 3DWULFN $OOHQ 0RXQVH\ $OYDUR 5DXO -RKQ 5LWHVK -DQLFH Fabio, Tammy, Nadia and anybody alse i forgot to add. All the authors photographers, illustrators and publishers. 7KH 0DUOH\ )DPLO\ %RE 0DUOH\ 7KH :DLOHUV 2QH /RYH Emmanuel

Photo ŠMitsuhiro Sugawara press conference at Shinjuku in 1979


Contents -Bob Marley, The reggae Pope ! -The Lyceum 1975 -Many are called, but few are chosen. -«Bob Marley Spirit Dancer» : San Diego 1979 -1975-06-18 - Schaeffer Music Festival -April 25 1976- Music Hall, Boston -July 30 1978- The Warehouse, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA -1976-05-13 Orchestra Hall, Minneapolis, Minnesota,USA -University Arena, Denver Dec 5, 1979 -June 17 1978- Madison Square Garden, New York City,USA -Rastaman Vibration Tour -Donald Kinsey: Marley and I -John Tobler’s interviews -Milan (Italy), June 27, 1980

Bob Marley, the Reggae Pope! (Live at the Bourget July 3, 1980)


istant memory, but always in my head! When you are 12 years old at the time, it’s brand. I think it was a Thursday. We were a group of 25 students. Departure by bus to the Bourget. I remember we were all purchased five francs, a cardboard box containing a set of rectangular windows.

Photo (Bourget France 1980) Š 6


e were about 300 meters from the scene. First, it was the I threes who opened the show. The vibration was very good. Then, the King Bob Marley came on stage and 50,000 fans screamed his name! An unforgettable concert. That’s how I saw it. A great memory. Stephane to BobMarleyArchive

«We were about 300 meters from the scene»


The Trenchtow

(Live at the Lyceum,

It was mid July 1975 i think it was the 18th. I was a 16 year old in my first job as a trainee hairstylist. The manageress of the salon, where i was working in at the time was dating Butch Leek a member of the band,The Drifters. They were also touring at the time and were due to perform at the London Palladium. It was Butch who obtained the tickets for the Marley concert and i only got to go because one of his friends was unable to. I know for sure it was the second of the 2 concerts performed at the Lyceum ballroom. It was built as a theatre then changed into a ballroom in the 1930’s with no seats apart from in the balconies. It then became a venue for concerts in the 60’s and 70’s, but still maintained its rococco style interior which was most bizarre. Can you imagine 1000’s of people partying to the sound of Bob Marley and the Wailers surrounded by very ornate gold plasterwork walls with dark red velvet curtains. I remember a support band i think they were called Third world coming on although they were quite good, i hoped Bob Marley and the Wailers would be an improvement or i would be disappointed. Tony Garnett came

Lyceum 1975 Photo © Dennis Morris 8

on stage along with Bob Marley and the Wailers. They waited while he read out something about Some young black man waiting to be hanged... Bob started singing the opening song which i believe was Trench Town Rock everybody surged forward towards the stage. The atmosphere was a cross between carnival and mild hysteria. I remember looking around and watching young west Indians which were obviously more familiar with the reggae sound dancing almost trance like.

wn Experience

, July 18th 1975)

Others just looking on in sheer adoration. I mostly stood there staring at this man on stage thinking i’ve never seen anything like this. Don’t forget i was a 16 year old kid not very savvy on reggae music. I hadn’t heard much and certainly none like Marley’s. To me every song told a story and till this day i can still find a Marley tune to fit any mood or emotion i am going through be it sad, happy, stressed or worried. It was the night where Chris Blackwell decided, after hearing the audience sing the previous night that he was going to record No Woman No Cry .

friends of mine had played it at a party. I remember is this little man dressed in denim with rather short dreadlocks jumping about on stage at times almost in a trance like state singing like i’ve never heard anyone sing before, or since. I was mesmerised. It was that night almost 36 years ago that started an obsession which will stay with me until the day i die. Lisa

So i suppose i am one of the voices on that recording. Anyway up until that day i knew very little about this rastafarian reggae singer that was Bob Marley. The only song i really knew and that’s only because some West Indian






MANY ARE CALLED BUT FEW ARE CHOSEN June 02 1978 - Stanley Theater, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania I have a sure testimony of Bob Marley being the messenger of The Elect of God. He is a prophet, he is the Light of the Trinity. In 1978, June 2, my best friend surprised me with a gift of a ticket to Bob’s Kaya Tour Show at the Stanley Theatre in Pittsburgh. I had first heard ‘Rastaman Vibrations’ in 1976 and after that it was only Bob for me and reggae music. Four of us headed down to Pittsburgh [I live 100 miles north of Pittsburgh in the mountains] and needless to say we got a little too high. I saw the concert through the spectacles of LSD. I don’t regret it because I know I perceived and received Bob’s message. The Stanley was packed. This theatre was rated by Billboard magazine for the best.

CHANCES ARE... «After the encore I just waited for Bob to come back out. I do not know how much time lapsed or if we were the only ones left in the theatre. But then off to the right of the stage, there he was. And he sang ‘Chances Are’ acapella. Then he waved farewell and disappeared. This is my testimony. I am truly blessed.»


September 23 1980 - Stanley Theater, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Another thing Bob seemed like he was 10 feet tall and even though I was about halfway back on the first tier of seats, it was like he saw everyone personally. I still remember his intense gaze searching our innermost self. Bob that night skanked in his bare feet. He was like King David when he entered Jerusalem singing and dancing and praising JAH. This concert was ‘Movement of JAH People’, from beginning to end. After that show I wrote Bob a letter and mailed it to Hope Road, Kingston JA. I can’t remember all I expressed in the letter but I asked him when he came back to Pittsburgh if I could have a front and center seat. I always knew he received my letter. In 1980 I was living in Pittsburgh. Bob came to the Stanley September 23 and we got tickets right away. My friend and I waited outside the backstage door for Bob all day. I knew he did his own sound checks. His bus pulled in and Bob was the first to descend from the bus. He looked right at me into my eyes and I know he knew I was the one. My friend got Bob’s autograph then. It said ‘One Love’ ‘Bob Marley’. We went in and took our seats. A usher came up to us and took us to our new seats. Front and center in the orchestra pit. From that moment on it was magic. I never looked back in the theatre. There were only the people on either side of me. This concert from the very beginning was spiritual, reverent, sacred. Bob physically touched many brothers and sisters that night. When he did ‘Get Up Stand Up’ he literally reached down and lifted my friend off the floor. When Bob did ‘No Woman No Cry’, I know this was for me personally. He stood right in front of me and I beheld the Prophet of the Creator. And at his feet I wept, as it is written in scripture. And then he laid his hands on my head and he blessed me and light shone all around.


Backstage Pittsburgh 1980. Photo Ed Traversari 13

Photo by Roger Steffens c.1979

«Bob Marley Spirit Dancer» : San Diego 1979 In 1979, Hank Holmes and I began a radio program in Los Angeles on the Public Broadcast affiliate KCRW. We were on the air for two months when Island Records, Bob’s label, asked if we would mind going on the road with Bob Marley for two weeks! On our first day


we rode with him on the bus from L.A. to San Diego for three hours. Backstage before his show there he held a press conference. It was a very serious affair, and only once during the hour did he smile. At that moment, all the cameras in the room went off. I

was sitting to Bob’s right. My friend, photographer Bruce Talamon was in front of him. His simultaneous picture appears in our book «Bob Marley: Spirit Dancer.» ROGER STEFFENS

1975-06-18 - Schaeffer Music Festival, Central Park, New York

Bob performing at the Schaeffer Music Festival 1975. Photo Š Lee Jaffe

1975 was a big year comming of age at the end of the vietnam conflict. I was in the ninth grade here in nyc, it was spring and we had ditched class in the afternoon as we got word that Bob Marley was playing that nite in Central Park. We dashed to Wolman rink got on the cue for seems like hours with really cool like minded fans all hangin sharing the good word and good vibrations. As the sunset the gates opened we all filed in and dusk came apon us and he took to the stage. His words still in mind to this day greetings in the name of lord. That got the crowed rockin took my first puff of ganja and i was taken on a musical voyage music i really haven’t heard before to see all those

people giving to his music was truely amazing. It felt like it went on for hours and hours and it did song after song he wailed it was like he gave all he got in him that nite. I remember into the set looking up and seeing people hangin in the tress around the rink cause it was so packed and knowing this man will change music on how its heard. At the end of the concert, i remember we all sat there for a while and took in what we just saw. Max


The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively� Bob Marley

April 25 1976- Music Hall, Boston The following is an extended version about

one of the most memorable experiences in my life. I am also partially writing this version of the story because when I am old and forgetful, I would be able to read this to jog my memory. I saw the Wailers in 76 at the Orphium theater (The Music hall) in Boston. I went with a very beautiful girl of color, (our first date, I’m white) We had seats about 20 rows back, As you could imagine the show in progress was incredible. We didn’t hit it off very well, I wanted to move up, she didn’t. We moved up to the 17th row. It was too far away for me. I wanted to move up further, I don’t think she was enjoying the music and she said she wanted to go home, I said if that’s what she wanted, it was OK, but I wasn’t leaving, She left, I moved up to the 10th row, then 4th, row, but it still wasn’t close enough. I moved up to the 2nd row, since it wasn’t hard since everybody was standing, and I was alone.

Then I was at the press area, in the pit, stage left, but I still wanted to get closer. I finally wound up effortlessly at Bob’s feet. Ziggy joined him on stage that night. When Bob sang Get up Stand up, I yelled back, «what ya gonna do» and Bob made eye contact with me.

Background photo © Don Bullens 18

Photos Courtesy of Lowell B Taubman MD

After the show, I went backstage to his dressing

some other small talk. I thanked him, said goodbye and left the dressing room, walked back past the people in the hallway. A few of them quickly put their spliffs out of sight. I was the only white person there and I happened to have short hair at that time. I left the dressing room, turned right walked back past about 25 members of his Entourage. I made a little eye contact, Got a few nods, and walked up the stairs, and I wound up back on the side of the stage of the concert hall, any way some how I went outside, got to the back of the Theatre and decided to walk onto his tour bus. Familyman was standing there, and I got his autograph on the only other piece of paper I had, which was my Organic Chemistry graph paper. As I was saying, I then went on the Wailers tour bus and asked Bob if he could speak at my College., which he declined, because he said «he had a tour to do». I wrote my phone number of my dormitory room, on some type of business card and gave it to another person on the bus (of course I had no power or authority to invite Bob to speak, but it seemed like a good idea at the time). It must have been about 2:00 AM, and I went home alone, practically walking on air...

room. I had a little resistance from the Hall’s security, but when they turned their backs I walked past the bouncer. I walked past several Rastas and lots of kids with boom boxes, It seemed every body was playing his concerts on self recorded tapes. The hallway and dressing room were full of thick white smoke. I got a few dirty looks, but I could have been a bit paranoid, since I... Finally I’m getting closer to Bobs’ dressing room, I hear a lot of loud talking/bickering/Jamaican Patwa. The yelling immediately lowed down when they all saw me, (I have no idea what the argument was over, maybe somebody missed a note). Apparently I did not catch Bob in a great mood. (Retrospectively I am surprised at this, since I thought he would be in a great mood, since he just shared the stage with who I thought was his son.) I slowly walked to the doorway of the dressing room,(there must have been 10 men in there. I believe I said something to the effect that I was a big fan and I believe I introduced myself. Now this was back in 76 so I really didn’t have a good understanding of Bob or his intelligence.(To quote another writer, in those days, people thought that the Wailers were from another planet»). I did not know how much English he Lowell even spoke, I had only a basic understanding of his culture, (remember that some of the words on the natty Dread cover were «Dreadlock, Congo bongo, I») I pulled the first piece of paper out of pocket, which turned out to be a crumpled up napkin I asked Bob to autograph a picture I drew of him. At first he had it upside down, but then I told him it was a picture/sketch of him. (It’s now the cover of «Marley Blog « sold at I obviously did not have a clear head that night, but Bob went easy on me and he did not make me feel uncomfortable, I was foolishly talking a bit of Patwa to him and told him I was Jewish, and made



he Bob Marley & The Wailers concert is one that i will never forget. I drove from Pensacola, FL to New Orleans with some friends the day of the concert. I remember parking in a neighborhood where The Warehouse was. This was in the old warehouse district in New Orleans. Not a typical venue you would expect for a concert like this. Just an old brick warehouse in a residental and warehouse neighborhood. Not a big warehouse and not overflowing with ticketholders. It was very easy to walk right up to the front of the stage as it was standing only with no seats. This was during the Kaya album. I was at the front only 10-15 feet away from Bob Marley singing along and dancing to every song just like everyone else. It was a wonderful experience that gave me goosebumps the whole time. No disrespect intended, but it felt like God was in the house. This was the most amazing concert that I have ever seen and ranks tied with Led Zed Zeppelin in Mobile, Alabama in 1973 as the best concert I have ever seen in my whole life. Larry


1976-05-13 Orchestra Hall, Minneapolis, Minnesota,USA I was on stage with Bob Marley and the Wailers when they performed in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1976, performing at Orchestral Hall. We had conducted an interview with a reluctant Bob Marley. He was suspicious of the media and rarely gave interviews. He did agree to meet us for a video taped interview. My friend, Jerry Douglas, conducted the on-camera interview and if he lacked journalistic experience he made up for it in personal enthusiasm and insight. After the interview, we joined the Wailers on side stage. It was more than a high to be next to a performer for whom I had the most respect and whose music influenced my life beyond any other. The performance hall where the concert took place, Orchestra Hall, in downtown Minneapolis, was built for orchestral and classic music. Its’ acoustics were as fine as french wine, warm, sweet and lasting. Vocals came clear and true. Bob sang his lyrics to an audience who adored him and loved the music. The audience stood and surged with the beat. The hall was well suited for Bob Marley and the Wailers. How could life be better? Maybe, if the Wailers would come over to the Walker Art Center and check out the local Reggae band that I managed SIMBA, it could be better. So, i took the Wailers (Bob stayed at the hotel), in my 1974 Ford Econoline van, to the Walker where SIMBA and a Thirties style big band were performing for the Walker Art Center’s tenth anniversary party. Imagine the Wailers, in denim slacks and sneakers, dreads all about, strolling into the Center as a wave of guests part to either side. The women are draped in gems and fine gowns. Their hair and complexion have required much attention. The gentlemen have bows and ties, shiny black shoes, and hair-cuts so clean that Rudolph Valentino would envy. The hall was a-buzz with excitement. You could feel the energy when those guys entered the performance area and abruptly joined SIMBA on stage to jam. Those gowns were dancing! TJ Western





was attending the University of Denver (December 5 1979) at the time and was 19 years old. I loved (love) Bob Marley and went to the concert with a friend. I remember it to this day. It was a wonderful experience.

The auditorium was not really large and we all sat close to the stage Some of us on the floor and the air was ganja filled and his music penetrated our souls! I am so happy that I was fortunate to be in his presence live on stage and this memory lives with me always

The music, the positive vibes and the atmosphere of unity and love was an amazing experience. One of the other things that stood out to me was : Bob was smoking a giant spliff, it looked like a huge hand rolled cigar! My friend informed me that it was a huge spliff !



ÂŤ I was there... Âť June 17 1978- Madison Square Garden, New York City,USA


s crazy as it seems, me being having such OCD, can’t remember much of the concert. I was looking thru an old little black book years ago, and noticed the phone number for an old girlfriend, Aurelie, pronounced Orally... During that night, the Garden was somewhat smokey, and I think Bob was in his in usual Mythical form. Aurelie and me sat far away, upper left side back about 150 rows. I tried to tape the concert on one of those 1 hand held tape recorders. I did record three songs , but all that was really recorded was the Echo but unfortunately the acoustics were terrible, and my recording was unlistenable... Lowell




had heard a promo for the Bob Marley show at the Roxy around March or April 1976 and immediately called the Roxy to find out when ticket went on sale. I was told May 3rd or 5th or something. There were no further radio promos for that particular show but he was also doing shows that weekend at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium (festival seating... in other words an open dance floor) and the Santa Barbara County Bowl. Determined as I was to get ticket for it, I called the Roxy a couple of days prior to the date I was told they would go on sale only to be told the show was «Sold Out». I got angry, hung up the phone and, after gathering myself called back and was put on a ‘waiting’ list. I didn’t hold out much hope for the ‘waiting’ list, called back a few days later and was told there would be 2 tickets ‘waiting’ for me at the will call. WOW! My first Bob Marley show. Yeah I was excited. The club had put additional seats & tables on the dance floor which put me & my date closer to the stage than all of the celebs in attendance! The rest is history. I refer to this show as his ‘breakout’ performance.


Bob Marley, Santa Barbara County Bowl, 1976

Went to the show at the Santa Monica Civic where I was right in front of the stage and then went to the Santa Barbara County Bowl show where, on a beautiful, sunny Southern California spring day we were, again no more than 10 feet from the stage. All this within the span of one week. The best concert experience of my life and will never be surpassed. His music lives forever in my soul. Thank you, Bob. Jah, Rastafari. Mark


One night after playing London,England...Bob & I & the rest of the band.went out for some fun, to a dance hall in brixton, danced the night away! Bob enjoyed having fun..he was a very down to earth person....Donald Kinsey 26

Bob with Seeco and Donald Kinsey backstage ROXY 1976 Photo Š Kim Gottlieb-Walker


Because I had written the book, I knew quite a lot about Bob’s history, and I tried to do the interview in the same way as I would interview anyone else, but I felt that Bob didn’t really know what I was trying to do, and after 12 minutes, I said thanks and left. However, I felt that someone had told Bob that I had written a book about him, and that as a result he was going to be polite and helpful, although I have no idea whether or not he had read the book.


n 1976, I wrote my first book, which is also credited to Cathy McKnight, although she did very little writing, but she knew the publisher, which was acceptable to me, because I knew very little about publishing. So I found numerous interviews with Bob in NME and Melody Maker and pieced together a vague chronology of his life and the albums he had released, and the book, which was titled ‘Bob Marley & The Roots Of Reggae’, was published. Around the same time, I got a job as an interviewer at BBC Radio One (the national pop/rock station), and did loads of interviews with such stars as The Eagles, The Sex Pistols, The Stranglers, The Jam, Blondie, Steve Gibbons and many more, and became known as the BBC person who was less interested in the mainstream of music and often preferred the more obscure. Let me say at this point that John Peel was far more influential than I was in this respect, but he was a disc jockey and I was an interviewer. So three times Island Records asked me to interview Bob for ‘Rock On’, which was the magazine programme where my interviews were broadcast. I agreed to do it, but warned Island that the BBC might feel that Bob’s Jamaican patois would not be acceptable, and that some people would fail to understand it, which was what happened. The first interview was done, I think, in a private house in West London probably not far from the Island Records office.


The time I remember most vividly was the interview in Paris, the day after a brilliant gig by Bob in the afternoon in a very big hall. The gig was on at that time because Bob had wanted to watch the football World Cup Final between Holland and Argentina, and that was the longest interview on the CD. On each occasion, Bob was pleasant and co-operative, and we were on friendly terms, although not friendly enough for him to offer me a spliff, unfortunately. That’s about as much as I can remember, except to say that Island Records asked to borrow the interviews, so I agreed that They could have them, although it took around 30 years for me to reclaim them, and to be honest, I had very rarely thought about them in that 30 years. Until a film company contacted me and asked permission to use part of my interview in he movie they are making about Bob. I said they could use whatever they wanted as long as they gave me the interviews, which they did, about a year ago. Once I knew that the film company had decided to use less than half a minute of one of the interviews, I decided to release them as a CD on my label, Road Goes On Forever Records. John Tobler


“Love the life you live. Live the life you love.” Bob Marley

Photo © Kim Gottlieb-Walker, all rights reserved,



t was a Friday, a hot Friday in late June. Many young Italians waited anxiously for the expected event for a long time to witness a performance «live» the Lion King, Robert Nesta Marley. San Siro stadium, was chosen as the ideal place to meet them. There was some concern that unrest could occur as had happened in other international musical events of many years before. But that day at the San Siro nothing happened. Since the early afternoon it was evident that the public expected and wanted the event to take place in the atmosphere ideal «Rasta». With some friends of Radio Diffusion Lombard, the FM station in Milan at that time was a point of reference for many fans, we entered the San Siro stadium. For the first time in my life off the grass field of the famous game. I had just turned 26 years. I took a day off: I preferred to see the debut in Milan instead of going to the concert in Turin on Saturday. The friends of the radio were all young people under thirty years of age.The radio station was in front of the stage, on the steps at the same height of the stage. From there we dominated the scene. The sounds came pure, above the hum of the public directly from the amplifiers. The microphone «gagged» the «station» Spread Radio Lombard Meazza Stadium for Concert 06.27.1980 (we had forgotten to wind protection)

We realized he had forgotten many of the radio equipment in the studios. I can not find the stereo microphone wind protection. Sometimes the emotion pulling tricks and then «sometimes» do you jump through hoops to deal with the distractions.There were no additional batteries and with only two rolls of film.The stadium was crowded and we had to recross the stage. It was like swimming in a sea of people. My friend Michele, baritone from his 2 meters in height, opened the way through the crowd. We managed to reach the exit, get a pass / retraction. We went running out of breath in the store nearest equipped, almost 15 minutes later, we bought batteries and film, and, breathless, we returned to the stage. I felt like a lost sheep. 32


e risk losing the opportun there was a lot bigger crow tickets. The music was already in th much. Fortunately the staff at the contr friend Michael shouted with the la «Press service, let go, please» and

We were back inside the stadium. little water over the crowd. The m everything and everyone. I had to be careful of the camera pr of water. The sun is rising on the Wailers The three singers Marley M Rita Marley are preparing the arri

The rhythm and the echo resound rhythmically wave music. The mu bouncing from one side of the stag ‘Stepping Out Of Babylon’, ‘That’s

Marley! Marley! Marley! Here he its own with ‘Natural Mystic’. Th tion dragged from his inspiring ‘P songs that everyone knows. We parted with Michael, giving hi the microphone to give a sort of w station, I stood near the stage to ta ‘I shot the sheriff ’, ‘War / No M breathe is more and more «intimat Here is a nice close-up of Bob, wel me to stay a little higher, above th the stadium full of flickering light Music ran like a thread of all my s tural Mystic’, ‘Zimbabwe’, ‘Jammin

nity of a life waiting.At the gates wd than before.Many were without he air. Someone pushed a little too

rol gate to recognize our past.My ast thread of breath after the race: the boys we facilitated the transit.

Hydrants cool the air atomizing a music, colors and smoke enveloped

rotecting it from bumps and drops e stage set and the I-Threes cones Marcia Griffiths, Judy Mowatt and ival of the Lion King on stage.


see a tear on these notes, it’s dark, I can not photograph. It was then that I realized that Michael had brought both the batteries and film the location, on the opposite side of the stadium. I had made a rush for anything. I stayed with my two rolls of film and i had to do only useful shots. I could not do more. ‘Zion Train’, ‘Exodus’ accompanied me in the second human transoceanic voyage. I had finished the shots available, I had to reach the post. From there I could take more pictures with a telephoto lens, but the concert was almost over. Salvatore Maniscalco

ds in the stadium. The crowd sways usic, waiting for the king of reggae, ge: ‘Precious World’, ‘Slave Queen’, The Way Jah Planned it’.

e is, finally! Now the scene is all The crowd becomes one voice ovaPositive Vibration’, ‘Revolution’, are

im my undershirt to wrap around wind protection. He returned to the ake photos. More Trouble’, and atomosfera we te» there seems to know everyone. ll lit, well-mixed. Someone helped he heads. I watched the vastness of ts. skin and the stadium was full ‘Nan’’,’ No Woman No Cry ‘.

All Photos © Salvatore Maniscalco


Meeting Bob


he first time I met Bob was in 1976 after the release of Natty Dread (1975). A Bob Marley celebration had been arranged by Danny Morrison and JahMick (“I Want to Disturb my Neighbor”) of JahLove Musik. The celebration was held at the Mona Heights Community Center in Jamaica. I had arrived late for the celebrations, and when I got there, Bob was sitting under an acacia tree. I walked up to him, introduced myself, and he told me to sit down. This was the first time I had experienced Bob’s so-called psychic ability because he began to tell me things about my life that no one else--not even my mother--knew about me. I still don’t remember the details because I was in a state of shock. I just couldn’t believe that anyone upon meeting me within the space of five minutes could have told me so much about my life. I continued to meet Bob over the years as he would drop into JahMick’s home on Geranium Path or sometimes when members of his entourage would come to the park on Aralia Avenue in Mona Heights to play soccer. There I met Gilly Dread, Seeco Patterson, and Neville Garrick and sometimes we would play football late into the night by the light of the moon or sometimes when we couldn’t see each other, but could only scream at the glimmer of the ball going between a defender’s legs, “Salad!” For the non-Jamaicans, a “salad,” is when you pass the ball through the open legs of your opponent, and probably has a derivation from a song with the refrain, “Please, mister, don’t touch me tomato. “Salad” tomato took on a sexual connotation and referred to a woman’s vulva. So, if you pushed the football between another man’s legs”unsexing him”it was a big insult. You had made him into a woman, and in “macho”


Jamaica, “a guy would kill you for less Soon the games expanded and with Re games against teams from August Tow match against some old guys like All The only days we didn’t play football ( New Year’s Day,

Easter weekend, and Christmas. And Then, one week everyone disappeared We figured it had something to do went to National Heroes Park that ni up with waiting. I told my friends tha ing to show up. Was I wrong! Bob sho my friends were teasing me and said t Bob ever played. I was determined I w concert. I would have to wait a long went into a self-imposed exile in Lond without him. So, when Bob back to Jamaica to do t Jamaica, I had to go despite the tensi that something bad was going to hap cert, and I thought that I was going got dread in Jamaica, and my mother airplane ticket for me. She gave me a month to get everythi Miami on April 30, 1979.

s than that!” eal Mona members, we began playing wn and our team once played a pickup lan “Skill” Cole and Lindy Delapena. (and it wasn’t for want of trying) were

d we always played way into the night. d. Bob had been shot. with the “Smile Jamaica” Concert. I ight, but I left early because I got fed at I was tired and that Bob wasn’t goowed up and the next morning and all that I had missed the best concert that would never miss another Bob Marley g time because after the concert, Bob don. But the football games continued

the “One Love Concert” in Kingston, ion and all of my friends warning me ppen. Nothing did. It was a great conto see many more. However, things r sold our house in Mona and sent an

In December 1979 after starting college in Miami, I returned to Jamaica for the Christmas holidays. I met up with Seeco, who was driving down Old Hope Road in his blue BMW, and he invited me to go to Island House and “kick some ball.” I was always in sneakers and always ready for a ball game. When we got to Island House, “One Drop” was playing in the background on the loud speakers. The minute Bob saw Seeco, he wanted to play a game against the old dread. We divided ourselves into two teams: Bob, Gilly, and if I remember correctly, Leghorn on one side, and Seeco, myself, and another dreadI( can’t remember his name) on the other side. We played the first game and beat Bob and Gilly, 6 -3. Seeco told Bob that he should give someone else a try, and Bob said that it was his house and he wasn’t coming off, so we played a second game. All the while, Survival was playing over and over. It was during the second game that I saw Bob’s temper flare up. During the game, I slipped the ball through his legs--a salad--and Bob tripped me. Of course, I wasn’t going to take it like that, so I stood up to him, knowing full well that he could kick my ass without even trying. They didn’t call him “Tuff Gong” in Trench Town for nothing. I was trembling, but I was going to back down. Luckily, Seeco intervened. Bob got angry with him, picked up a cinder block to hit him, and then came to his senses. When Bob realized how angry he had gotten over nothing, he calmed down and we played rest of the game. This time they beat us 6-2. Bob said we had to come off the field. We told him we weren’t going to come off because we won the first game. We decided to play a third game... During the third game, it was getting dark, and I realized that I had to catch my plane back to Miami. The score was 3-2, our 3. I told Seeco and Bob that I‘d be seeing them soon. Bob nodded and gave me a look that even then struck me as meaningful and that I’ve never forgotten. I went home showered and caught the plane back to Miami. That was the last time I saw Bob...

Text by Geoffrey Philp Author of Bob Marley and Bradford’s iPod Blog:

ing ready and leave. I left Jamaica for


Bob Marley Memories of Jah People

Š Ian Patrick


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