Photo shoot Images of Jasmine Foster and Section six. For my magazine I was originally planning to use only photos of my chosen band Section six as they were the main selling point of my magazine. Although when designing my Front cover with these images, they didn’t fit with my flat plan sketches or desired style. After designing one front cover using an image of the band, I decided to change this and keep it as a free poster within the magazine. I then done a photo shoot with Jasmine using mainly close up and bold images, which I knew would be striking and look good when creating my new front cover design. My intentions for the photo shoot, was for Jasmine to pose with a guitar, to show the audience what genre my magazine is based around. I specifically chose strong lighting to bring out her facial features and highlight shadows with the texture of the guitar. Although this shoot was not originally planned, I was very pleased with the results as the images looked very professional and striking on my page.
The Section Six gig I attended on the 17th of December, was a very exciting shoot, as it didn’t feel artificial and created. The music was live and the energy of the band portrayed well on camera. My only issue with these images, however, was that because this was a live gig, the band members couldn’t pose or stand still for me, so many of the photos taken were blurry or had bad lighting. This was why I couldn’t use any for my front cover. Overall I was very pleased with the outcome, as all of the photos have many colours and different poses of the band members and it has a real and original feel within my magazine.