Different forms of art

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Different Forms of Art

-by Bob Ransley

Introductions Painting and Arts date back to prehistoric times. Cave Paintings, Rock Carvings, Stone Calligraphy, eventually evolving into using vegetable compounds as color pigments. Then gradually moving on towards the age of Renaissance with great maestros such as Picasso, Da Vinci, Montaine dishing out world class oil paintings on canvas and animal skins.

1.Photorealism Photorealism basically encompasses everything from Super Realism. Sharp Focus Realism, Hyper Realism.This style of art essentially focuses on the illusion of reality which is painted in such a realistic manner that it looks like a large representation of a real subject.

2. Realism

2. Realism

Realism form of art represents real life reflection of objects and subjects in the painting. The paintings are exactly as they are in real. Here everything appears real from a distance, however there is illusion interwoven within the painting which comes out when looked t closely.

3. Impressionism This form of art emerged as the ‘black sheep’ of the art styles as during its inception, it was ridiculed and harshly criticized by art critics during the 19th Century. It incorporated uneven, rough unfinished nature of art which didn’t present a clear picture directly as compared to the other contemporary art forms.

4. Abstract Abstract art form is a form of art that consciously deviates from real life impressions. Abstract form of art is vague and often looks like an accidental play of colors and paint. It focuses on the essence of the subject rather than the subject itself.

Thank You! http://bobransley.blogspot.in/




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