RootsMagic Family Tree
It is widely known as RootsMagic in genealogy software group. Genealogy researcher uses this software to do research and save their data and organize all their information. It is one of the most liked software by users. This software is developed and written by RootsMagic Inc. RootsMagic was founded by Bruce Buzbee in 1987. When first they developed the software, It was only for windows. Now it is available for Mac. This software can import or export data from RootsMagic has paid and free both software available for users. Please read detailed information about Free and Paid both software features.
Why should I use RootsMagic over other software? First reason for someone to use RootsMagic Family Tree is, it has an easy interface so user will not have difficulties updating their information. Drag and drop – when you create a new tree data base and you want to move data from old tree to new tree, you can drag and drop. It is easy as pie. Keep track of leaving person. It allows you to limit your information to be shared on internet. Timeline – This feature will make putting and finding information in your tree easy. RootsMagic has easy way to save your digital media in computer. 1/2
Roots Magic has powerful tree analysis tool. We will talk about these tools more as it is one of the important features one should know if you are going to use the software.
Does RootsMagic work with ancestry? The good news is for RootsMagic lovers, yes it does. Last Year RootsMagic announced that they are working with ancestry. This feature now will allow people to get hint from ancestry, user can view records and you can also see your online tree using RootsMagic software. This feature will work with new release sent by RootsMagic for 7.5 to update from RootsMagic7. It is a free upgrade so don’t think, you will have to pay for it.
This new update will allow you to use two new features. TreeShare – Treeshare will let you sync your data from RootsMagic to ancestry and from ancestry to RootsMagic. You can move your data, image and everything you have on RootsMagic or on ancestry. Ancestry hints – You will be able to see hints from ancestry directly to your software now.
What if you are using a free version of RootsMagic software? Do not worry, this feature is also for those who are using RootsMagic essential software. You can do every possible thing that you can do with paid version.
If you have any issues with RootsMagic then please call our RootsMagic Support number +1-888-652-9580. Who are we? We, or RootsMagic Support is an independent company owned by Tane Innovative concepts LLC. We provide an expert service to genealogy software user. We are in this business for four years. We have group of technicians who can fix any kind of technical problem that you may face with software installation. RootsMagic Support also provides genealogy experts service. It means if you have any questions about how to research more information about your family, an expert will guide you. This is a paid service, so we charge for our service.