Austin Lubetkin & Kobi Kassal
Table of Contents Definition .................................................................................................................................... 4 Red Wine ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Green Tea ................................................................................................................................... 7 Avocado ....................................................................................................................................... 9 Exotic Asian Fruits ................................................................................................................ 12 Broccoli .................................................................................................................................... 14 Butternut Squash .................................................................................................................. 16 Black Variations .................................................................................................................... 17 Onions ....................................................................................................................................... 22 Peppers .................................................................................................................................... 23 Kiwi ............................................................................................................................................ 24 Soy .............................................................................................................................................. 25 Sprouts ..................................................................................................................................... 27 Acai ............................................................................................................................................ 28 Blueberries ............................................................................................................................. 30 Brewers Yeast ........................................................................................................................ 31 Sweet Potatoes ....................................................................................................................... 32 Tomatoes ................................................................................................................................. 33 Wild salmon ............................................................................................................................ 34 Turkey ...................................................................................................................................... 36 Eggs ............................................................................................................................................ 37 Barley & Other Grains ......................................................................................................... 39 Seeds ......................................................................................................................................... 42 Brazil Nuts ............................................................................................................................... 43 Lentils ....................................................................................................................................... 44 Walnuts .................................................................................................................................... 45 Cinnamon ................................................................................................................................ 46 Dark chocolates ..................................................................................................................... 48 Garlic ......................................................................................................................................... 49 Leafy Green Vegetables ....................................................................................................... 51 Honey ........................................................................................................................................ 53
Extra virgin olive oil ............................................................................................................ 54 Kefir & Yogurt ........................................................................................................................ 57 Jicama ....................................................................................................................................... 59 Sardines ................................................................................................................................... 60 Chia ............................................................................................................................................ 61 Sea vegetables ........................................................................................................................ 62 Shitake Mushrooms ............................................................................................................. 64 Umeboshi plums ................................................................................................................... 70 Wheat grass ............................................................................................................................ 71 Burdock Root ......................................................................................................................... 72 Works Cited ............................................................................................................................ 75
Definition Super Foods, also known as anti aging foods, are foods high in antioxidants as well as high concentrations of crucial nutrients that have been proven to help prevent and in some cases, reverse the effects of aging. They're actually called Perfect Foods in some places (10 Super Foods & 10 Reasons To Eat These Super Foods) An alternate definition of super foods is foods that help treat or prevent cancer
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Red Wine Red wine's main benefit is the antioxidant power it carries. There are few other food sources on the planet that protect their antioxidants from exposure to oxygen. Without shielding the antioxidants from oxygen prior to consumption, they lose their main benefits. Antioxidants are powerful because they offer the body a way to protect itself from the damage of free radicals. Since an antioxidant is a molecule that has an extra electron, it can freely donate that electron to a free radical (which is an unstable molecule). This process prevents damage, aging and ultimately disease. During the wine-making process, from the grape Â
vine through the grape vat to the wine cask, the grapes are pretty much shielded from oxygen until they make it to your lips. (Top 10 Healthiest Foods) Red Wine recently made the list of Super Foods when it was discovered that resveratrol increased the life span of mice. (We know it's a drink, but it is considered one of the 10 super foods!) Even before that, red wine has been heralded as the key to unlocking the "French Paradox". The "French Paradox", first coined in 1991, is the mystery revolving around France's low incidence of heart disease despite their high fat and cholesterol 5 Â
diet. It wasn't until 2002 that researchers found resveratrol in red wine. Fortunately for red wine, resveratrol is not the only reason it is on the list. Every culture in the world has a fermented food in its diet. Whether that food be sauerkraut, pickled lemons or red wine people have gravitated towards foods that aid digestion and digestive health. Red Wine is full of other nutrients too and some reserachers would have you believe it is the other nutrients that are the reason for the "French Paradox". Roger Corder of the William Harvey Research Institute in London believes Oligomeric Proanthcyanidins
(otherwise known as OPC's) offer the greatest health benefit. After testing over 150 wines, they proved that OPC's were in much higher concentration than resveratrol. OPC's are and are often found up to one gram per litre of wine. Studies show that these OPC's protect the walls of vessels and capillaries in the body. Whether it's OPC's or Resveratrol - Red Wine has made it to the top 10 super foods. Our Recommendation: 2 4-ounce glasses per day, of course. (10 Super Foods & 10 Reasons To Eat These Super Foods)
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Green Tea How Green Tea May Protect You From Cancer Green tea contains antioxidants called catechins that may slow down the growth of cancer cells. In laboratory studies, catechins stop free radical damage to cells and reduce the number and sizes of tumors. The most commonly studied catechins, called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), may cause cancer cells to die, rather than grow and spread. But it's important to go beyond petri dishes, test tubes and lab animals - to really be a superfood, some human research is necessary. In research involving people, two large studies found that people who drank more Â
tea were at a lower risk of developing certain cancers, while another study showed no correlation between green tea consumption and the incidence of cancer. The research isn't conclusive anyway, because other dietary and lifestyle factors can affect the outcomes of these studies. Clinical research involving randomized control trials is needed to determine whether or not green tea can really prevent cancer. Whether green tea prevents cancer or not, it still may be good for you because the antioxidants may help to protect your cells from free radical damage, and some studies indicate green tea may boost weight loss - at least a little bit.
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How Is Green Tea Different From Black Tea? Green tea and black tea both come from the same plant called Camellia sinensis. Black tea is made when the leaves are allowed to ferment. Green tea leaves are steamed or heated immediately after picking to prevent fermentation. Since they're harvested and processed more quickly, they contain more of the polyphenols than black tea leaves. Both types of tea contain caffeine, but not as much as a cup of coffee. You can usually find decaffeinated forms of green tea if you prefer.
(Jegtvig) Besides tasting great and counting towards your daily liquid intake, green tea has many benefits. The secret of green tea lies in the fact it is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a powerful antioxidant: besides inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. (Hunt)
Avocado Rich in good-for-you monounsaturated fats, avocados also contain phytonutrients like cholesterol lowering betasitosterol and cancerprotective glutathione, along with vitamin E, folate, vitamin B6 and fiber. Ounce for ounce, these creamy "vegetable fruits" contain more blood-pressure-lowering potassium than bananas, but also more calories (about 300 each). (Clausener, 2005) Also, did you know that avocado or an avocado extract is good for prevention or treatment of “breast cancer” as well as “prostate cancer”? Some information states that a toxin found in avocado can kill cancer
cell. However, the toxin mentioned here is not identified completely. Scientists believe that the toxin has a great effect on the myocardium (heart muscle tissue) as well as on tissues of the lactating mammary gland. Although many farmers believe that fresh and dried leaves bark, skin, and seeds are toxic to cattle, goats, horses, rabbits, and birds, there is no definite scientific explanation for that. Do not worry about the fruit meat of avocado. There are no dangerous toxic elements for human consumption as well as for animals. Creamy rich avocado is considered the world's 9
healthiest fruit, because of its nutrient contents such as vitamin K, dietary fiber, potassium, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin C, copper, and reasonable calories in it. Avocados contain “oleic acid”, a monounsaturated fat that may help lower cholesterol. In our studies, patients with high cholesterol levels who ate avocados showed clear health improvements. After a week of avocado diet, patients had significant decrease in cholesterol contents. Avocado is a good source of potassium, a mineral that helps regulate blood pressure. Adequate intake of potassium can help guard against circulatory diseases, like high blood pressure, heart disease, or stroke.
Diets containing foods that are good sources of potassium and low in sodium may reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke. One cup of avocado has about 23% of the Daily Value for folate, a nutrient important for heart health. Another study showed that individuals who consume folate-rich diets have a much lower risk of cardiovascular disease or stroke than those who do not consume much of this vital nutrient. Not only avocado has a rich source of monounsaturated fatty acids including oleic acid, which has recently been shown to offer significant protection against breast cancer, but it is also a very concentrated dietary source of the "carotenoid lutein". It also contains measurable amounts of related carotenoids plus 10
significant quantities of vitamin E. A few slices of avocado in salad, or mixing some chopped avocado into salsa will not only add a rich, creamy flavor, but will greatly increase your body's ability to absorb the health-promoting carotenoids that vegetables provide. Compared to other fruits or vegetables such as carrots and spinach, just a slice of avocado improves your body's ability to absorb carotenoids. (Takano)
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Exotic Asian Fruits
Mangosteen Mangosteen is a tropical fruit from Indonesia. It is widely available in tea form and like normal tea is high in antioxidants. Mangosteen tea also contains vitamin A and C Goji Berry Also known as wolfberry, this bright red-orange fruit has been a staple in rural china for at least 2,000 years. Nutritionally, goji is rich in fiber, riboflavin, copper, iron, potassium, and zinc. Related to the tomato, potato, and eggplant, it is the only berry exceptionally high in beta-carotene, zeacanthin, and lycopene.
The best mangosteen products are made from the thick purple skin due to the inner white pulp having a very low nutrient density this fruit has high amounts of vitamin C and numerous minerals, notably potassium. This fruit is so high in potassium that it could be dangerous or deadly to those with impaired Kidney function. Manufacturers have succeeded in removing the natural foul odor and pungent taste earning the fruit the name “Cheese Fruit”. Burdock Root
Noni White fruits generally lack phytonutrients and Noni is no exception. However,
Burdock root is a highly acidic yellow-orange berry that grows on a thorny vine. This is also 12
called Seaberry and is loaded with vitamins A, C, and E with a notable
amount of unsaturated fat. (Welland, 2008)
Broccoli At only 30 calories per cup, Broccoli is another powerhouse in a small package. Vitamins C, A, Beta Carotene and Fiber make Broccoli a staple in just about every diet on the planet. Whether it's Atkins, South Beach, Oprah's, or your gym's diet plan - broccoli will be on it from the first day. Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable (as are cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, bok choy and others). Broccoli is one of the most nutrientdense foods known having more polyphenols than any other food (other than beets and red onions). And as good as broccoli is, the key protective compound is at least 20 times more concentrated in broccoli sprouts! Â
Broccoli has been a proven cancer fighter, immune system booster, vegetarian protein source, bone-building calcium source, cataract preventer and superstar on the 10 super foods list. That almost sounds too good to be true. Our recommendation: Don't let your kids get up from the table without finishing their broccoli. With all that power wrapped in the tiny tree, can they really afford not to eat it? Maybe you should tell them it's on of the 10 super foods (or maybe not). (10 Super Foods & 10 Reasons To Eat These Super Foods) 14 Â
Bypass broccoli and you'll miss out on sulforaphane and indole3carbinol~potent anticancer substances that modify natural estrogens into less damaging forms and increase activity of enzymes that defuse
carcinogens. Aim for three servings a week of broccoli or its cruciferous cousins-bok choy, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage. (Clausener, 2005)
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Butternut Squash This tasty fruit (yes, fruit) is an exceptional source of beta-carotene, the orange-pigmented antioxidant that converts to vitamin A in the body. One cup cooked provides more than four times the
Daily Value (DV). Squash gets even more kudos as an overlooked source of bone-building calcium (nearly 10% of the DV) for the same one-cup serving.
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Black Variations See page 49 for black garlic Black Rice Besides its full body and flavor, black rice is loaded with vitamin E, which boosts vour immune system and shields cells from free radical damage even more than brown rice. In ancient China, one variety of black rice was called "Forbidden Rice" because the nobles kept it for themselves and common people weren't allowed to eat it. In a report released at the 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society last August. Zhimin Xu, an associate professor at the Department of Food Science at Louisiana State University Agricultural Â
Center in Baton Rouge, La., announced that just a spoonful of black rice has more health promoting anthocyanin antioxidants than in a spoonful of blackberries. He noted that black rice contains less sugar, more fiber and more vitamin E antioxidants. He's encouraging food manufacturers to use it in beverages, cakes, cookies and other foods. Meanwhile, try it in your favorite stir fries, soups or alongside anything you would serve with white rice, which is more familiar, but virtually void of nutrition. Black Seaweed
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So. you say you want to lose weight, but you're not willing to give up the foods that made you gain weight? Perhaps its time for a change. Try something different with black seaweed, which is available in anv Asian food market around metro Detroit. A team of scientists at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom found that seaweed may hold the key in tackling obesity after they discovered it reduces fat uptake by more than 75 percent. Alginate, a natural fiber found in sea kelp, stops the body from absorbing fat better than most antiobesity treatments available over the counter. The team led by Dr. Iain Brownlee and Professor Jeff Pearson suggested using seaweed in foods you already eat such as
salads and soups, and even baking it in bread. Black Tea While you already may be sold on green tea as a flavorful nutritious beverage, black tea has as many health benefits such as preventing the deadly clogging of arteries. It actually reverses the poor arterial functioning that can lead to heart attacks and strokes. In his research at the Boston University School of Medicine, Dr. Joseph Vita asked heart patients to drink either plain water or black tea each day. In four weeks, he found impaired blood vessel functioning improved by 50 percent in the black tea drinkers. Besides that, new lab studies find that black tea chemicals actually may halt cancer growth, in 18 Â
general, tea has been tied to a lower risk of stomach, colon and breast cancer, but recent lab studies at Rutgers University in New Jersey showed that a compound in black tea, known as TF2, also killed colorectal cancer cells and reduced inflammation. If you like something dark in the morning, consider drinking black tea as an alternative to the less health), but more popular coffee. For the best benefit, drink cups of green and black tea throughout the day to reduce cravings, lose weight and add an avalanche of antioxidants in your diet. Add lemon and stevia drops, a natural herbal sugar substitute, for flavor.
up with a way to avoid the less delicate side of eating lentils; however, they are worth the occasional unpleasantness. Just one cup of black beans contains about 8 mg of iron, nearly half of the 18 mg women need each day. It also is high in soluble fiber, which lowers your cholesterol and improves your immune function. If that isn't enough, black beans offer six to seven grams per half-cup serving of vegetarian protein. Black beans also are low on the glycemic index, which make them a nice option for diabetics. Reduce flatulence by getting rid of the water you use for soaking and cooking them. If digestion is an issue, mix them with rice.
Black Beans It may still be awhile before researchers come Â
And if you're working on reducing the amount of meat you eat, roll these 19 Â
into patties and make delicious burgers crammed with onions, green bell peppers, sage and other seasonings, use in salads and sandwiches and make hummus or bean dip for a healthy snack.
metabolism in the liver and adipose tissue, reducing synthesis of new fatty acids and cholesterol. This metabolic effect may explain the traditional Asian use of black soy for treating of diabetes.
Black Soy Beans
Eating black soy beans may result in weight loss and improve glycemic control, Bender reported. Find them in the whole foods section at grocery stores and at Asian food stores. Use them in baked beans, bean soup, refried beans and chili, and anything else your heart desires.
Researchers have called black soy beans "magic beans'' because of their power to help control weight. Black soy beans also help reduce thrombosis, a type of blood clot, more than green or yellow soy beans. No matter their color, soy beans contain a type of omega-3 fatty acid that may lower the risk of heart disease. David Bender, sub-dean at the Royal Free and University College Medical School in London, believes that soy protein may have an effect on fat Â
Vinegar You've used vinegar in salad dressings and to season greens and other foods, but researchers in Japan report new evidence that ordinary vinegar, a staple in pickles, salad dressings 20 Â
and other foods may actually live up to its ageold reputation as a weight reducer and health promoter.
seeds atop that Big Mac bun. Both white and black varieties have nutritious benefits and can be used in all sorts of ways.
Modern science research indicates vinegar may help control blood pressure, blood sugar levels and fat accumulation. New research adds to evidence that acetic acid fights fat by turning on genes for fatty acid oxidation enzymes. The genes churn out proteins that help break down fats, and suppress fat accumulation in the body. So bottoms up with vinegar.
Japanese steak houses often use black sesame seeds in some salads, to garnish sushi and California rolls and other sushi rolls. You can do that at home as well.
Black sesame seeds You may be more familiar with the white sesame
According to Naturopathy Digest, a single gram of black sesame seeds contain roughly 85 mg of calcium, a nutrient quintessential for building strong teeth and bones. In addition, they are high in phosphorus, fiber, protein and iron. (Taylor, 2011)
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Onions A symbol of eternity to ancient Egyptians, onions may indeed promote longevity. Pungent sulfur compounds (also found in garlic) thin your blood and lower blood pressure, while quercetin, a key antioxidant flavonoid,
helps prevent oxidation of "bad" LDL cholesterol and defends against cancer and cataracts. For the most quercetin, choose red onions over yellow, and yellow over white. (Clausener, 2005)
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Have twice the vitamin C as citrus fruit and contain antioxidants In addition to their high capsaicin content, cayenne peppers are also an excellent source of vitamin A, including betacarotene. Beta-carotene may therefore be helpful in reducing the symptoms of asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, its antioxidant activity make it useful in preventing the free radical damage that can
lead to arteriosclerosis, colon cancer, and diabetic complications, like nerve damage and heart disease. If one feels a cold coming one, indulge in some hot sauce because chiles help boost immunity and clear congestion. Lastly, chile peppers can help one lose weight due to the fact that they temporarily evaluate the metabolism. (Hunt)
Kiwi Named after New Zealand's flightless kiwi bird, these unassuming fuzzy fruits (technically berries) were deemed by Rutgers University to be the most nutrient dense of 27 commonly eaten fruits. Two medium kiwifruit have more
potassium (505 milligrams).than a banana and twice the vitamin C (114 milligrams) and fiber (5 milligrams) of a small orange, plus some folate, magnesium, vitamin E, copper and lutein. (Clausener, 2005)
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Soy What can't you do with Soy? It comes in so many forms, too. You've got soybeans, liquid aminos, miso and tofu just to name a few. Before we get to the good stuff, we should mention that soy is chock full of vitamins, minerals, plant proteins, soluble fiber and Omega3's. And that's the unimportant stuff. Soy is the richest known dietary source of phytoestrogens and disease-fighting phytonutrients. Soy's phytonutrients play a significant role preventing cardiovascular diseases, cancer and osteoporosis.
Fermented soy, known as miso, is even more powerful than soy itself. Â
Miso, like yogurt and other fermented foods, is a great source of good bacterium for the digestive system. Fermented soy acts as an antioxidant, an antiinflammatory and antiviral food. Not a lot to say about one of the 10 Super Foods but it makes a statement. Our Recommendation: Get the miso soup when you eat sushi, but avoid the soy sauce. That's a puddle of salt in a bottle. (10 Super Foods & 10 Reasons To Eat These Super Foods) Edamame. These green soybeans are a staple in Asia for good reason. Soy protein lowers lowdensity lipoproteins ("bad" 25 Â
LDL cholesterol) and may, suggests new research, protect against colon cancer. Soy isoflavones may hinder hormone dependent cancers (breast, prostate) and bolster bones, but limit servings if you've already been diagnosed with breast cancer. 'Look for edamame in natural foods markets; steam and pop beans out of the shells. (Clausener, 2005) Tempeh is a fermented food made from soybeans, most popular in Indonesia. The fermentation process and its retention of the whole bean give it a higher content of vitamins, phytochemicals, all of the essential amino acids, as well as firmer texture and stronger flavor than tofu.
The soy protein in tempeh becomes more digestible as a result of the fermentation process. Because tempeh is made from whole beans, it is also a good source of dietary fiber unlike tofu, which contains no fiber. Miso (fermented bean paste) is a concentrated, savory paste made from soybeans--often mixed with a grain such as rice, barley, or wheat--that is fermented with a yeast mold (koji) and then combined with sea salt and water. The mixture is aged from one month to three years. While it is a good source of protein and carbohydrates, miso is, nonetheless, high in sodium and should be consumed sparingly if you are salt-sensitive. (Hunt)
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sugars and proteins create amino acids transformations. (The New List of Superfoods) Sprouts like alfalfa, radish, broccoli, clover, wheat grass and soybean contain concentrated amounts of phytochemicals (plant compound antioxidants) that can protect us against disease. But the best part about plants is that they grow anytime of the year and require virtually no space. (a wet paper towel in the closet would be just fine). Not only that but when you grow them yourself there aren't any chemicals whatsoever put on them. And they mature in 3 - 5 days having grown 400% of their size. It's the sprouting process that provides the great benefits. Minerals chelate with proteins, starches get converted to simple
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Acai Açai is the product of an Amazon palm tree. While you may not have heard of it yet, you surely will. Acai is now marketed in juices, candy bars, cereals and lots of processed juices. (Oh yeah, it's pronounced Ah Sah Hee)
In it’s raw form, it is a berry that tastes like a blend of chocolate and berries. Like the red grape, açai is a dark reddish-purple color and is about the same size. You can find it just about anywhere in Brazil, and for parts of Brazil, the açai palm is a majority of their dietary intake. Otherwise to get it state side, you’ll likely need a specialty store. Açai is on the list of 10 super foods because of
its pulp. Ever hear the phrase “dynamite comes in small packages”? Well that describes the acai berry. The pulp contains a remarkable concentration of antioxidants – more so than even its counter part, the red grape. It’s also packed with healthy fats, fiber, plant sterols, minerals and amino acids. The fatty acid present is Oleic acid, known to work with Omega-3 to help nourish and regenerate cells. Açai's health benefits are touted to be as an antibacterial, an antiinflammatory, an antioxidant, and antimutagenic. The bad part about açai is it deteriorates very quickly after being harvested. Outside Brazil, 28
it’s really only available as a juice, fruit pulp or freeze dried. With such a quick deterioration process – not even the açai in nutritional supplements is as effective as when it was first picked.
Our recommendation: Take an annual vacation to Rio De Janeiro for some açai flavored ice cream. (10 Super Foods & 10 Reasons To Eat These Super Foods)
Blueberries These little blue marvels lead in antioxidant power thanks to anthocyanin, the pigment that-gives them their midnight-blue color. With nearly four grams of fiber per cup and a good dose of vitamin C, blueberries also contain cancer protective ellagic acid and tannins that help
prevent urinary tract infections, plus they may boost brain health and vision. For "the power of blue," eat 1/2 cup of cultivated or wild blueberries, fresh or frozen. (Clausener, 2005)
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Brewers Yeast Brewer's Yeast made the list because it's a highly concentrated mix of valuable nutrients: Vitamin B1 which aids digestion and converts excess carbs to fat Vitamin B2 which improves immunity and is important for the release of energy in the Kreb's cycle. Vitamin D, an important nutrient for the absorption of calcium Niacin, a B Vitamin important in the release of energy by carbs Folic Acid which is important for cell growth, the formation of red blood cells and reproduction. Lipoic Acid an important energy creator Chromium which increases the
effectiveness of insulin, stimulates enzymes and it plays an important role in the synthesis of fatty acids Iron helps form hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the cells, produces myoglobin, aids endurance and in the absorption of Vitamin C Zinc, good for development and digestion. Is an important component of insulin, semen and carb digestion. PABA which helps break down proteins, form red blood cells, and produces folic acid Pantothenic Acid important for stress reduction, in the formation of fats, and aids adrenal glands (Top 10 Healthiest Foods)
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Sweet Potatoes Sweet Potatoes provide: Vitamin B6 which works with proteins and amino acids Vitamin C helps heal wounds, maintains tissues and joints and is full of antioxidants. Beta Carotene (in the form of Vitamin A) is the most valuable nutrient for improvement of vision. Copper forms elastin, forms red blood cells, is
good for teeth, hair and skin, aids the cardiovascular system and releases iron for absorption Potassium aids in the health of the heart, liver, kidney and other internal organs Niacin, a B vitamin, is important in the release of energy by carbs Fiber which is great for maintaining the flow of the digestive tract
Tomatoes Pizza isn't exactly a health food, but its lycopeneloaded tomato' sauce is its saving grace. Lycopene is an antioxidant carotenoid thought to protect against several cancers (especially prostate), heart disease and possibly bone loss..
.Processing tomatoes into sauce, paste, soup, juice, even ketchup, releases iycopene from cell walls. Adding a touch of fat (olive oil) increases absorption (Clausener, 2005)
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Wild salmon an absolute fantastic source of protein, good fats and omega 3's, salmon is nutrient rich. What's in Salmon? Vitamin B1 aids digestion and converts excess carbs to fat Vitamin B12 makes red blood cells, helps use fat for energy and prevents nerve cell degeneration. Protein which is necessary for muscle growth Copper forms elastin, forms red blood cells, is good for teeth, hair and skin, aids the cardiovascular system and releases iron for absorption
Vitamin E reduces free radical damage, aids reproduction and in the utilization of fatty acids.
Niacin, B Vitamin, is important in the release of energy by carbs Folic Acid is important for cell growth, the formation of red blood cells and reproduction. Iodine - stimulates the thyroid which regulates digestion Omega 3 and Omega 6 helps regulate your heart rhythm (Top 10 Healthiest Foods) In his book "The Wrinkle Cure" back in 2000, Dr. Nicholas Perricone introduced salmon as a superb source of anti inflammatory, anti aging nutrients. Salmon is the perfect meat. It's full of essential fats, calcium, magnesium, B-vitamins, long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids and the carotenoid 34 Â
astaxanthin. Some people avoid salmon because of its fat content, but your body needs fat to live. And salmon has the good stuff. Now avoid the bad fats (saturated and trans), but make sure you get plenty of the good - the polyunstaruated fats. Omega-6 and Omega-3 are polyunsaturated fats, but we actually get plenty of Omega-6 in our diet. It's the Omega-3's we are lacking. Salmon is the richest source of these marinederived Omega-3's. Omega-3's, reduce the
risk of blood clots, improve cholesterol and help prevent heart attacks. They help the brain develop properly especially during breast feeding. Our recommendation: Listen to Madonna. In February 2009, she announced to the world that she was going on a 'salmon retox' program to "knock 12 years off her appearance". One of top 10 Super Stars promoting one of the top 10 Super Foods. (10 Super Foods & 10 Reasons To Eat These Super Foods)
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Turkey At last! Turkey receives its just recognition. Passed over as the official national bird in favor of the eagle (despite Ben Franklin’s enthusiastic support), the turkey is too often relegated to a oncea-year meal. Ignored and virtually invisible eleven months of the year, it’s been a quiet few hundred years for the poor bird. Turkey is a SuperFood. Highly nutritious, low in fat, inexpensive, versatile, and always available, the turkey has finally come into its own. When you discover all of turkey’s
terrific nutritious benefits, it will surely become part of your regular diet. Skinless turkey breast is one of, if not the leanest meat protein sources on the planet. This alone could make it a SuperFood: but turkey also offers a rich array of nutrients, particularly niacin, selenium, vitamins B6 and B12, and zinc. These nutrients are hearthealthy and are also valuable in helping to lower the risk for cancer. (Turkey - Overview)
Eggs Pantothenic acid which helps to convert food to energy is found in avocados, eggs and liver (Top 10 Healthiest Foods) Eggs are a great source of protein. Numerous vitamins, including vitamin A, potassium and many B vitamins like folic acid, choline and biotin, are also packed into this ovalshaped staple [Source: USDA]. In fact, very few foods share the same diverse nutrient makeup available in a single egg. Many of these are specifically needed for the health of the nerves and the brain. Through the years, all fats have become public enemies, often blamed for an increased risk of heart disease. Eggs fell out of favor and people Â
gravitated toward egg whites as a substitute. In truth, the yolk is where many of the vitamins and nutrients are found. The topic of cholesterol has become very confusing. Dietary advice on the subject is often so far off that consumers actually hurt their health by trying to avoid cholesterol. The body needs to achieve a balance when it comes to cholesterol consumption. Fat from healthy sources is vital to the body, while fat from poor choices, such as margarine or foods fried in vegetable oil, are very dangerous. Eggs remain a beneficial source of healthy fat. Many nutrients, such as vitamin A, are better absorbed with fat, making eggs a very good source of vitamin A. Research has 37 Â
documented that eggs do not appear to promote heart disease risk
Barley & Other Grains Grains, especially whole grains, are an essential part of a healthy diet. They are good sources of complex carbohydrates, some key vitamins and minerals and they are naturally low in fat. You could make a good argument that whole grains, not brown rice in particular, should be on the list of 10 healthiest foods.
Brown rice is bit like red wine in that the nutrients are not destroyed before consumption. Only the hull is removed in the production of brown rice and thus most of the nutrients are still in tact. Whole grains are good sources of the following: Magnesium is good for bones, skin, nerve and teeth health. Â
Selenium is an essential component of several major parts of metabolism, including thyroid hormone metabolism, antioxidant defense systems, and immune function. A cup of brown rice provides almost all of your daily Manganese requirements. Manganese helps your body produce cholesterol, helps turn protein and carbohydrates into energy and is used to produce sex hormones. It's been shown that fiber, like the fiber in brown rice, helps reduce weight gain. Vitamin B6 works with proteins and amino acids (Top 10 Healthiest Foods) Dr. Perricone and Women's Fitness list Barley among their top 39 Â
healthy foods. Almost every other list includes "whole grains". Woman's Health was remiss listing this as something "new". Whole grains should be a big part of your daily diet. Since your body runs on proteins, carbs and fat you really should be choosy when it comes to each source you ingest. In the carbohydrate realm, while veggies are a good source they don't provide the volume your body needs for muscle repair, energy and growth. Whole grains, like barley, are the next best things. (The New List of Superfoods) Barley
Barley's claim to fame is, again, how nutrient dense it really is. Packed with fiber, selenium, tryptophan, copper, Â
manganese, phosphorus it's one of the top 10 super foods all right. Barley's also an intestinal powerhouse.
When barley is eaten and is broken down in the stomach, the insoluble fiber in barley is actually fermented in butyric acid. That doesn't mean much to me and you, but that's the energy source for the cells in the large intestine. Your body actually turns the indigestible part of barley into food that it can use. Barley's fiber alone helps the colon, helps prevent colon cancer, helps to lower cholesterol and clean the liver. (Can you start to see how this list of 10 super foods was put together?) In addition to fiber, barley is a good source of Niacin (a B Vitamin) which helps to prevent free radical 40 Â
damage and lowers cholesterol.
school's close down due to snow.
Our recommendation: Find yourself a great barley soup recipe and eat it every time the
(10 Super Foods & 10 Reasons To Eat These Super Foods)
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Seeds Flaxseed. The tiny nuttyflavored seeds from the flax plant are a notable source of omega-3 fatty acids (see sardines for benefits) and lignans, which may block hormone-related cancers. ... They pack plenty of protein and fiber, one-
third of which is cholesterol lowering soluble fiber. Sprinkle one to two tablespoons of ground flaxseed into yogurt, cereals, salads, soups and batters. (Clausener, 2005)
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Brazil Nuts This hearty tree nut is a super source of selenium, a promising' anti-cancer trace mineral that may prompt cancer cells to self-destruct, promote DNA repair and boost immunity. And a little goes a long way. Two medium
nuts contain enough selenium (200 micrograms) to perhaps reduce prostate, colon and lung cancers. Limit to no more than two a day. (Clausener, 2005)
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Lentils Available in a rainbow of colors (brown, green, red, and yellow), lentils offer a bonzana of heartprotective nutrients, including folate (179 micrograms per half cup) and fiber (nearly 8 grams, both soluble and insoluble). Their protein (9grams) and iron (3.3 milligrams) make them a
reasonable meat alternative. And unlike their nutritionally comparable bean cousing, they're a cinch to prepare, as they require no presoaking (though a good rinse is in order) and cook up in about 15 to 20 minutes. (Clausener, 2005)
44 Â
Walnuts Let's start with the shock and awe: Eating a handful of walnuts everyday (at least five times a day), WILL reduce your chance of getting a heart attack by 15% and as much as 51%. They also reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer and other chronic ailments. Omega-3's (the plant derived kind), Magnesium, Vitamin E, copper, fiber, Vitamin A, biotin, folate, potassium. . . all in that little shell. They're also one of the best sources of plant protein
(remember that, vegetarians). They're so good that in March of 2004 - the FDA approved labeling walnut products as being heart healthy. Our recommendation: Lobby your local Planning Commission to make the beautiful Walnut tree the "city tree" and then get free walnuts when they fall every December. (10 Super Foods & 10 Reasons To Eat These Super Foods)
45 Â
Cinnamon Studies have shown that just 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon per day can lower LDL cholesterol. Several studies suggest that cinnamon may have a regulatory effect on blood sugar, making it especially beneficial for people with Type 2 diabetes. In some studies, cinnamon has shown an amazing ability to stop medication-resistant yeast infections. In a study published by researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Maryland, cinnamon reduced the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.
It has an anti-clotting effect on the blood. In a study at Copenhagen University, patients given half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder combined with one tablespoon of honey every morning before breakfast had significant relief in arthritis pain after one week and could walk without pain within one month. When added to food, it inhibits bacterial growth and food spoilage, making it a natural food preservative. One study found that smelling cinnamon boosts cognitive function and memory.
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Researchers at Kansas State University found that cinnamon fights the E. coli bacteria in unpasteurized juices.
It is a great source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium. (Eat This: 10 Health Benefits of Cinnamon, 2006)
47 Â
Dark chocolates First, and most important, is the amount of chocolate: You can’t eat as much as you want. It’s high in calories and if you eat too much of it you can gain weight. Depending on your weight and activity level, chocolate should be a small treat, a little healthy indulgence that will have to be accounted for in your overall calorie intake/activity equation.
data suggest that the presence of milk in the chocolate somehow mitigates the effectiveness of the polyphenols.
When you do indulge in chocolate and you’re looking for a health benefit, choose dark chocolate. Milk chocolate or white chocolate (the latter isn’t even real chocolate) won’t do. While both contain some of the beneficial polyphenols (though in lower amounts than dark chocolate), preliminary
It’s a myth that chocolate is loaded with caffeine. While there is some caffeine in chocolate, it’s not much. In a typical chocolate bar, the caffeine content ranges from 1 to 11 mg. An 8ounce cup of coffee has about 137 mg of caffeine. (Dark Chocolate Overview)
Here, in a nutshell, is the good news: Dark chocolate seems to contribute to lowering blood pressure, increasing blood flow, and ultimately contributing to a healthy heart.
Black Garlic I'll be honest with you. I had never heard of this prior to reading it on the list. I've never tasted it and am not sure what to think of it. The idea that it is on the new list of superfoods is great because there's nothing "old" about this food. The first thing I found out about Black Garlic is that it is the result of fermentation. Yay! According to the folks over there at, it takes about 4 weeks to perfect Â
the process. The first three weeks the garlic is put into a machine that regulates heat and temperature to start the fermentation process, then once completed it rests for another week. I couldn't find any published studies on black garlic, but did read that the fermentation process "super charges" the antioxidants and nutrients in the garlic.
(The New List of Superfoods)
49 Â
The saddest thing about garlic is that there are tons of people allergic to it. Mentioned in the Bible itself, garlic has been used for its medicinal properties for centuries treating arthritis, cataracts, weakened immune systems, cancer, stroke, migraines, viruses and aging. Nearly every diet on the planet uses garlic. Similiar to fermented foods, garlic aids digestion and thus improves your body's ability to get the nutrients it needs from food.
Garlic does magic as well. It's most powerful nutrient, Allicin an amino acid, is not in fresh garlic.
But topping any David Copperfield trick, Allicin is instantly present when garlic is cut, pressed or chewed. Allicin is responsible for garlic's odor, its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties as well. In addition to Allicin, garlic's healthy compounds include phosphorus, potassium, zinc, selenium, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, aginine, flavonoids and polyphenols. That's 10 powerful agents in one of the 10 Super Foods. Our recommendation: Take your "better half" out for Italian cuisine tonite. (10 Super Foods & 10 Reasons To Eat These Super Foods)
50 Â
Leafy Green Vegetables Leafy Green Vegetables are healthy because they contain these powerful nutrients: Vitamin B1 which aids digestion and converts excess carbs to fat. (also B1 is the most common nutrient among the 10 healthiest foods) Vitamin B2 which improves immunity and is important for the release of energy in the Kreb's cycle. Vitamin C helps heal wounds, maintains tissues and joints and is full of antioxidants. Vitamin K, which is a blood coagulant and antibacterial. Choline is crucial for fetal development, metabolism and fat transport. Folic Acid (found in raw spinach)is important for cell growth, the formation of red blood cells and reproduction. Â
A healthy does of Calcium helps nerve transmission, maintains muscle tone and helps blood clot Cobalt maintains red blood cells, aids absorption of B12 Iodine stimulates the thyroid which regulates digestion Potassium maintains your mineral balance inside the cells Magnesium is good for bones, skin, nerve and teeth health. Iron helps form hemoglobin and myoglobin, aids endurance and the absorption of Vitamin C Phosphorus - inhibits sugar absorption Sodium aids digestion and elimination of carbon dioxide in the body PABA helps break down proteins, from red blood cells, produces folic acid (Top 10 Healthiest Foods) 51 Â
Swiss chard Kale. This leafy green scores highest among vegetables in antioxidant power, with lutein and zeaxanthin delivering much of the punch. These two carotenoids concentrated in the macula of the eye guard against free radicals, which contribute to agerelated eye diseases and may filter out eyedamaging blue light. Eat kale, as well as collards, spinach and turnip greens,' often.
bitter like beets and salty like spinach, this multicolored leafy vegetable is chock full of vitamins K (promotes bone health), A (preserves and improves eyesight) and C (may lower cancer risk), while also being a quality source of manganese (maintains normal blood sugar levels), iron (promotes energy) and dietary fiber. One cup is about 35 calories.
(Clausener, 2005)
(Burris, 2008)
52 Â
Honey Honey has been considered one of the 10 healthiest foods since the beginning of time. The natural bacteria in honey has made it a wonderful antiseptic and digestive aid. The antibacterial properties have been very effective against bacterial infections in the gut and other digestive tract problems. There is also a great deal of evidence that honey works better as a cough suppressant than any medications. In addition to that honey is full of the following nutrients: Magnesium is good for bones, skin, nerve and teeth health.
Chlorine aids digestion and elimination Gluconobacter and Lactobacillus are 2 great probiotics necessary to the health of the digestive system. Iodine stimulates the thyroid which regulates digestion Potassium aids in the health of the heart, liver, kidney and other internal organs The proteins in honey are mostly in the form of enzymes like amylase and protease. These enzymes are included in digestive enyzme products because of their value to the digestive system. (Top 10 Healthiest Foods)
53 Â
Extra virgin olive oil Extra Virgin Olive Oil (sometimes called EVOO) isn't one of the 10 healthiest foods because of its vast array of healthy nutrients. It's on the list because it's a vehicle for the healthiest kind of fat, a necessity of life. Avocado comes in a close 2nd to EVOO.
Olive oil is a natural juice which preserves the taste, aroma, vitamins and properties of the olive fruit. The beneficial health effects of olive oil are due to both its high content of monounsaturated fatty acids and its high content of antioxidative substances. The stomach very well tolerates olive oil. In fact, olive oil's protective function has a beneficial effect on ulcers and Â
gastritis. Olive oil activates the secretion of bile and pancreatic hormones much more naturally than prescribed drugs. Consequently, it lowers the incidence of gallstone formation. Unlike the others on this list, olive oil isn't a big source of vitamins and minerals, but it does top the list of phytonutrients. Of all the phytonutrients polyphenols offer the most benefit to the body. The following are the polyphenols found in Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Tyrosol Hydroxytyrosol Terpenes Oleuropein Ligstroside Apigenin Luteolin Cyanidins 54 Â
Peonidins Caffeic acid Cinnamic acid Ferulic acid Coumaric acid Quercetin Kaempferol Rutin Pinoresinol Vanillic acid Syringic acid Most don't consider olive oil an antioxidant, but polyphenols like the cyanidins act as much. It's hard to find these kinds of health benefits in one food. (FYI - you don't get these benefits if you cook it) (Top 10 Healthiest Foods) While the U.S. values the 10 super foods, the European Union went so far as to claim Extra Virgin Olive Oil as the Official Oil of Choice. That's saying something! And the FDA allows foods containing olive oil to Â
carry labels that say "may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease".
Wikipedia states" Olive oil contains a group of related natural products with potent antioxidant properties which give extra-virgin unprocessed olive oil its bitter and pungent taste and which are esters of tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol, including oleocanthal and oleuropein." That's a bit too scientific for me. So the low-down is EVOO is a quality unsaturated fat with some antioxidant properties. Because it comes from a plant it has plant phenols, which act like antioxidants and fight free radicals. Along with the plant phenols, (see what are polyphenols for more information) EVOO is a good source of Vitamin E. 55 Â
Studies show that EVOO could reduce your risk for breast and colon cancer, lower your blood pressure and improve your cardiovascular health.
fats and can be the source of free radicals that you're trying to avoid. So, stir-fry on low heat or use EVOO as a salad dressing to get the most out of it.
The reason it's called extra virgin is because it's the oil that's made when the grapes are first pressed - and then it's not further refined (that's the extra part).
Our recommendation: Mix some Italian seasonings with olive oil and dip some homemade bread into it as an appetizer. Maybe you could call it the 10 Super Foods Evootizer.
If you can find "cold pressed" extra virgin olive oil, that's even better. Heating oil can damage the fats, can oxidize the
(10 Super Foods & 10 Reasons To Eat These Super Foods)
56 Â
Kefir & Yogurt Kefir's been around a long time. In fact yogurt of some sort shows up among most people's super foods., and Prevention magazine all list Greek Yogurt in their top 10. Dr. Perricone lists Kefir, specifically and WebMD, TLC and Self all have low-fat yogurt on their list of superfoods. While MSN suggests it should be on the new list, I'd argue that yogurt in one form or another has been there since the beginning. Kefir does offer more protein and less sugar than most yogurts. And has all the helpful probiotics that yogurt does. But what really makes yogurt good is that Â
it is a fermented food. Every society has used fermentation in their popular diets. It's the bacteria created from the process that aids our tummies. (The New List of Superfoods) Molybdenum which aids in the absorption of iron. it's found in dairy products, legumes, meats and grains (Top 10 Healthiest Foods) Yogurt is your friend. More calcium than milk, more probiotics than Korean Kimchi - yogurt helps women prevent osteoporosis, boost immunity and lower the risk of digestive cancers. While an excellent source of calcium, the real reason yogurt in on the 57 Â
list of 10 super foods is the probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria. You've probably noticed the terms "active cultures" and/or "lactobacillus/acidophilus" on the packages of yogurt. These are good things that really aid your digestive system. Did you know there are more bacteria cells in your gut than there are cells in your entire body? If these good bacteria aren't present in great numbers, your body is more susceptible to disease and sickness. Scientists have also found probiotics to improve nutrient absorption, decrease the chances of diarrhea and constipation. And acidophilus helps reduce the number of carcinogens in the colon.
the good stuff - you have to follow some rules. First rule is buy plain, nonfat yogurt. If you have to sweeten it up, use fresh jam, fruit and some granola. But don't buy the sweetened stuff - that won't help. The second rule is make sure you get the kind fortified with Vitamin D (or eat it while sitting in the sun), and make sure it has either lactobacillus or bifidobacterium or acidophilus. These are not hard rules to follow - but you do need to follow them. Our recommendation: Buy the not so good plain, nonfat yogurt and use it to make a daily morning smoothie. (10 Super Foods & 10 Reasons To Eat These Super Foods)
Here's the bad part about yogurt. If you want to get Â
58 Â
Jicama Jicama is pronounced {hick uh muh} and is often seen on vegetable trays. Many eat it raw, others cooked with chili powder - it's quite a versatile root vegetable. Jicama is a low calorie food all while maintaining the antioxidants and nutrients that allow it to grace this list. It's also a fantastic source of good fiber for the body. It's also a good source of vitamin c, manganese, iron and copper. There's not really a downside to jicama and am surprised that this is the only list of super foods I've seen it on. Outside the U.S. jicama is a pretty common food source.
(The New List of Superfoods)
59 Â
Sardines This is our top fish pick for their exceptional omega- 3 fatty acids, which decrease blood clotting, prevent heart arrhythmias and combat inflammation-all heart bonuses-plus they may boost mood and brain functions. Eaten with the bones, sardines provide
commendable calcium (325 milligrams in three ounces). Moreover, they're low in mercury, making them safe to eat three to four times a week. But watch out for canned sardines packed in salty sauces. (Clausener, 2005)
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One tbsp. of chia seeds has as much fiber as a bowl of oatmeal. And on top of that they are packed with heart-healthy omega-3, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, molybdenum, niacin, and zinc. Honestly, I was glad to MSN put Chia on this list because it really is foreign to our American palette.
Chia is very rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, even more so than flax seeds, which has been featured on other super foods lists. Â
Remember why grapes manufacture resveratrol? It's because the resveratrol helps to battle disease, chemicals, harsh conditions and predators. Resveratrol, an antioxidant, keeps grapes young. Well chia is so rich in antioxidants that the seeds don't deteriorate and can be stored for long periods without spoiling. And, unlike flax, they do not have to be ground to make their nutrients available to the body. (The New List of Superfoods)
61 Â
Sea vegetables Sea Vegetables include sea wakame, spirulina, kelp, nori, dulse and chlorella. You'll traditionally find them in Japanese restaurants and oriental grocery stores. Sea Vegetables aren't a staple part of the traditional American diet, but they are prevalent in Asian culture..
Sea Vegetables are chock full of vitamins, minerals and nutrients: Vitamin A is the most valuable nutrient for improvement of vision. Vitamin B2 improves immunity and is important for the release of energy in the Kreb's cycle. Vitamin K aids blood coagulation and is an antibacterial nutrient. Â
Niacin, a B vitamin, is important in the release of energy by carbs Chlorine which aids digestion and elimination Boron aids in the absorption of mineral and calcium absorption Calcium helps nerve transmission, maintains muscle tone and helps blood clot Iodine stimulates the thyroid which regulates digestion Iron helps form hemoglobin and myoglobin, aids endurance and the absorption of vitamin c Sodium aids digestion and elimination of carbon dioxide in the body For people in need of additional iodine, sea vegetables are a terrific source. They are also alkaline in nature and help the body regulate acidic foods. Without alkaline 62 Â
foods in your diet, your blood has to find other ways to balance the acidity. Sometimes that
means it steals calcium from your bones. That's one of the main causes of osteoporosis.
(Top 10 Healthiest Foods)
63 Â
Shitake Mushrooms Other common name(s): Japanese mushroom, Black Forest mushroom, golden oak mushroom, oakwood mushroom Scientific/medical name(s): Lentinus edodes, Lentinula edodes Description A shiitake mushroom is an edible fungus native to Asia and grown in forests. Shiitake mushrooms are the second most commonly cultivated edible mushrooms in the world. Extracts from the mushroom, and sometimes the whole dried mushroom, are used in herbal remedies. Overview Studies in animals have found antitumor, cholesterol-lowering, and virus-inhibiting effects in Â
compounds in shiitake mushrooms. However, clinical studies are needed to determine whether these properties can help people with cancer and other diseases. It is reasonable to include shiitake mushrooms as part of a balanced diet. How is it promoted for use? Shiitake mushrooms are promoted to fight the development and progression of cancer and AIDS by boosting the body's immune system. These mushrooms are also said to help prevent heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels and to help treat infections such as hepatitis by producing interferon, a group of natural proteins that stops viruses from multiplying. Promoters claim that 64 Â
eating both the cap and stem of the mushroom may be helpful, but they do not say how much must be eaten to have an effect. They say the strength and effects of the mushroom depend on how it is prepared and consumed. Promoters claim that shiitake mushrooms contain several compounds with health benefits. A compound called lentinan is believed to stop or slow tumor growth. Another component, activated hexose-containing compound (also known as 1,3-beta glucan), is also said to reduce tumor activity and lessen the side effects of cancer treatment. The mushrooms also contain the compound eritadenine, which is thought to lower cholesterol by blocking the way cholesterol is Â
absorbed into the bloodstream. These claims are currently being studied. What does it involve? The fresh or dried whole mushroom is widely available in grocery stores, while extracts of the mushroom are sold in capsule form in health food stores and on the Internet. Kits for growing shiitake mushrooms indoors at home are available from some Internet sellers. For medicinal purposes, the extracts of compounds in shiitake mushrooms would usually be recommended, rather than the mushroom itself. For example, some Japanese researchers give lentinan along with chemotherapy to treat patients with lung, nose, throat, and stomach cancer. Extracts of the active compounds, such 65 Â
as lentinan and eritadenine, are mainly sold in Japan. Activated hexose-containing compound is sold as a nutritional supplement in the United States, Europe, and Japan. What is the history behind it? Medicinal use of shiitake mushrooms dates at least to 100 AD in China (see Chinese Herbal Medicine). The mushrooms have been widely consumed as a food for thousands of years in the East and more recently in the West. Today, shiitake mushrooms are very popular in the United States as well. Research into the anticancer properties of shiitake mushrooms has been going on since at least the 1960s. What is the evidence? Animal studies have shown some positive Â
results regarding the antitumor, cholesterollowering, and virusinhibiting effects of several active compounds in shiitake mushrooms. There have been some studies in humans. At least one randomized clinical trial of lentinan has shown it to prolong life of patients with advanced and recurrent stomach and colorectal cancer who were also given chemotherapy. Lentinan is a beta glucan (sometimes called beta glycan) that is found in several mushrooms, yeasts, and other foods. Beta glucan is a polysaccharide, a large and complex molecule made up of smaller sugar molecules. The beta glucan polysaccharide is believed to stimulate the immune system and activate certain cells and proteins that attack cancer, including macrophages, T66 Â
cells, and natural killer cells. In laboratory studies, beta glucan appears to slow the growth of cancer in some cell cultures. Several potential cancerfighting substances have been found in shiitake mushrooms, and purified forms of these compounds are being studied as treatment for stomach and colorectal cancer. It is not known whether any of these results will apply to the mushrooms bought in supermarkets or the extracts that are sold as supplements. One nonrandomized study published in 2002 looked at use of shiitake mushroom extract by men with prostate cancer but did not find any positive effect. Sixty-two men took the extract 3 times a day. After 6 months, they did not have any significant decrease in Â
their level of prostatespecific antigen (PSA), a protein in the body that typically increases as prostate cancer grows, and nearly a quarter of them had increases in their PSA level. More human clinical trials are under way to understand which, if any, compounds in shiitake mushrooms may be effective for which types of cancers. To reduce cancer risk, the American Cancer Society's nutrition guidelines recommend eating a balanced diet that includes five or more servings a day of vegetables and fruit, choosing whole grains over processed and refined foods, and limiting red meats and animal fats. Choosing foods from a variety of fruits, vegetables and other plant sources such as nuts, seeds, whole grain cereals, and beans is 67 Â
healthier than consuming large amounts of one particular food. (For more information, see American Cancer Society Guidelines on Nutrition and Physical Activity for Cancer Prevention). Are there any possible problems or complications? This product is sold as a dietary supplement in the United States. Unlike companies that produce drugs (which must provide the FDA with results of detailed testing showing their product is safe and effective before the drug is approved for sale), the companies that make supplements do not have to show evidence of safety or health benefits to the FDA before selling their products. Supplement products without any reliable scientific evidence of health benefits may still be sold as long as the Â
companies selling them do not claim the supplements can prevent, treat, or cure any specific disease. Some such products may not contain the amount of the herb or substance that is written on the label, and some may include other substances (contaminants). Though the FDA has written new rules to improve the quality of manufacturing processes for dietary supplements and the accurate listing of supplement ingredients, these rules do not take full effect until 2010. And, the new rules do not address the safety of supplement ingredients or their effects on health when proper manufacturing techniques are used. Most such supplements have not been tested to find out if they interact with medicines, foods, or other herbs and 68 Â
supplements. Even though some reports of interactions and harmful effects may be published, full studies of interactions and effects are not often available. Because of these limitations, any information on ill effects and interactions below should be considered incomplete. Shiitake mushrooms and their extracts are generally considered safe,
although there are reports of diarrhea or bloating. In some people, allergic reactions have developed affecting the skin, nose, throat, or lungs. Relying on this type of treatment alone and avoiding or delaying conventional medical care for cancer may have serious health consequences. (Shitake Mushrooms)
69 Â
Umeboshi plums Umeboshi is the general term for pickled fruit in Japan, and is a traditional food source there. Umeboshi plums, in particular, are a highly alkalizing fruit. (They are not actually plums at all, but are more like peaches.) The Japanese pickle their plums which stimulates digestion, provides energy and helps eliminate toxins in the body. Umeboshi plums have been proven to have antioxidant powers, antifungal powers, and natural antiseptic. The Japanese have been experimenting with the medicinal powers of umeboshi plums for a long time.
Umeboshi plums are good sources of: Beta Carotene (in the form of Vitamin A) is the most valuable nutrient for improvement of vision. Vitamin C helps heal wounds, maintains tissues and joints and is full of antioxidants. Potassium aids in the health of the heart, liver, kidney and other internal organs Sodium aids digestion and elimination of carbon dioxide in the body Fiber which is great for maintaining the flow of the digestive tract (Top 10 Healthiest Foods)
70 Â
Wheat grass
"We consider wheatgrass juice to be one of the most perfect foods,"says Emily Popp, a counselor at Hippocrates, a wellness center in Palm Beach, Fla., where raw foods and juices are menu staples. "It offers the most vitamins and minerals that a food can." Wheatgrass juice is, in fact, one of the most nutritionally dense foods available to us. It's full of oxygen-rich chlorophyll, which promotes optimal cell function. In fact, a single ounce contains the nutritional equivalent of 2 pounds of dark green leafy vegetables, in terms of calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, sodium and potassium. It's also a great protein source, supplying
all eight of the essential amino acids (protein building blocks). As a potent detoxifier and antibacterial agent, wheatgrass juice clears poisons from the body, enhances immune and liver function, promotes regular waste elimination and suppresses tumors. But because it's so powerful, Popp recommends starting with low doses so your system doesn't get shocked. Try an ounce a day, working up to 2 ounces a day. Wheatgrass has a distinctive taste that, while not unpleasant, takes getting used to. Drink it fresh-once juiced, it loses its nutrients. (Dworkin, 1998)
Burdock Root (NaturalNews) As the days get cooler and wild plants seem few and far between, Burdock (Arctium lappa) can still be found in large quantity. Burdock root is a versatile vegetable and one of the finest healing herbs known to cleanse the blood. In Healing with Whole Foods Paul Pitchford writes, "(Burdock) is a virtual cure-all for conditions of excess, and significantly purifies the blood while reducing fat and regulating blood sugar." (1) In the fall and winter - until the ground freezes - you can harvest burdock root all over North America. Look for first year plants: the wavy green leaves will be in basal rosettes on the ground. You'll find them Â
close to the easier-to-spot dead second year burdock plants which are brown, devoid of leaves and covered with burrs that stick to your clothes or your pet's fur. Harvest the roots from plants that are still green: you'll need a long shovel or spade because burdock sends down a long thick taproot that can be difficult to extract. In Japan, burdock root is called gobo and is eaten as a vegetable. It can usually be found in Asian groceries or health food stores. The wild or storebought root can be eaten cooked or raw: added to soups or sauteed with carrots and sesame seeds, or grated in salads and coleslaw. Burdock can also be juiced for a
72 Â
delicious and refreshing healing beverage. Burdock root can be used medicinally as well. The root can be sliced and dried, then simmered into tea. To make a tincture, steep the fresh root in alcohol. A standard dose is about 30 drops taken twice a day. Burdock root is considered powerful medicine in both Eastern and Western herbal traditions. In the East burdock is considered bitter and cool. It drains dampness and clears excess heat (or toxins) from the body. In the West burdock is known to cleanse the blood, and is useful in situations such as: exposure to environmental toxins such as cigarette smoke or air pollution parasites in the blood Â
heavy metals such as mercury, lead or arsenic in the blood chronic bacterial or viral infections, such as chronic fatigue or Lyme disease Burdock is a favorite among herbalists to treat acne. It supports the liver in cleansing the blood, and clears skin redness and blemishes. Try this recipe for fresh cleansing burdock juice: 3 inch piece of burdock root 1/2 inch piece of ginger root 3 small apples 1 leaf of collard, kale or chard (optional, add if you want a green juice) 1/4 lemon, with skin if organic Juice the above fruits and vegetables and enjoy. Footnotes 73 Â
1. Pitchford, p.119
Herbs, Volumes I and II. Snow Lotus Press, 2007.
References Elias, Thomas and Dykeman, Peter. Edible Wild Plants. A North American Field Guide. Sterling, 2009. Holmes, Peter. The Energetics of Western
Pitchford, Paul. Healing with Whole Foods, Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition. Third Edition. Berkeley, CA. Atlantic Books. 2002 (Sokulski, 2009)
74 Â
Works Cited 10 Super Foods & 10 Reasons To Eat These Super Foods. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2012, from Benefits of Resveratrol: Burris, J. (2008, july 24). Unmasking the super foods: These 10 nutrient-packed provisions can help us stay healthy and fit . Retrieved 5 2, 2012, from ProQuest: B7B8BAD63C1/1?accountid=13135 Clausener, A. (2005). From Avocados To Yogurt: 15 Super Foods For Super Health. In International Journal of Humanities and Peace (Vol. 21, p. 85). Flagstaff, United States: International Journal of Humanities and Peace. Dark Chocolate - Overview. (n.d.). Retrieved 5 2, 2012, from SuperFoodsRx: Dworkin, N. (1998, December). 11 Super Foods to Eat Right Now. Retrieved 5 2, 2012, from ProQuest: 0B07D9BB79B/1?accountid=13135 Eat This: 10 Health Benefits of Cinnamon. (2006, March 23). Retrieved April 21, 2012, from Health Diaries: Hunt, B. (n.d.). 15 Super Foods. Retrieved 5 2, 2012, from Macro Biotics: Jegtvig, S. (n.d.). Green Tea. Retrieved 5 2, 2012, from m
75 Â
PureHealthMD, t. e. (n.d.). Health Benefits of Eggs. Retrieved April 21, 2012, from How Stuff Works: Shitake Mushrooms. (n.d.). (American Cancer Society) Retrieved April 21, 2012, from cts/ComplementaryandAlternativeMedicine/DietandNutriti on/shiitake-mushroom Sokulski, M. (2009, November 2009). Wild Burdock Root Cleanses Blood, Clears Acne and Speeds Weight Loss. Retrieved April 21, 2012, from Natural News: d.html Takano, J. (n.d.). Health Benefits of Avocado. Retrieved April 21, 2012, from Pyro-Energen: Taylor, K. H. (2011, April 20). Why these eight 'black super foods' can help you become healthier. Retrieved 5 2, 2012, from ProQuest: B662A83A054/1?accountid=13135 The New List of Superfoods. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2012, from Benefits of Resveratrol: Top 10 Healthiest Foods. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2012, from Benefits of Resveratrol: Turkey - Overview. (n.d.). Retrieved 5 2, 2012, from SuperFoodsRX:
76 Â
Welland, D. (2008, June). 5 New Exotic Fruits: How "Super" Good for You Are They. Environmental Nutrition .
Disclaimer: The articles included in this handout are the ownership of the original author. The above should not substitute in any way a doctor’s advice. The creators of this handout claim no ownership of the articles. This handout is not for sale of any kind. All cited works in this handout are listed within the Works Cited section. The creator of this handout does not endorse or substantiate the facts originating in the works cited. The creators of this handout claim no responsibility or endorsement for actions resulting from the knowledge obtained in this handout. By reading this handout the reader implicitly agrees to abide by the disclaimer and not to distribute this handout. If any allergic reaction or other irritation occurs due to the ingestion of foods listed in this handout immediately contact medical help. The creator of this packet has not claimed having experienced the knowledge of this handout firsthand. The creators of this handout do not condone excessive ingestion of items listed in this handout.