ATO Luncheon August 21, 2018 • Annapolis Yacht Club
early 50 brothers, some with wives, girlfriends or significant others, attended what
has become an annual event held August 21 this year at the Annapolis Yacht Club. It was especially rewarding for me to see everyone doing well and renewing old acquaintances, some as many as 50 years in the making. For some, it was a short drive; others came from as far away as California. There were many intense conversations and recollections and all had a common denominator. The relationships we began in the middle of the last century are as strong today as they were then. Speaking for myself, I found that I could easily spend time with someone I haven’t seen in 50 years and feel like it was only yesterday that we shared a drink, a meal and remember things that haven’t passed through my mind for years. Without exception, you are the only group of people that could make that possible. We are brothers by choice; not by accident of birth. After a few short hours of discussions of careers, health, grandchildren and those who are no longer with us, we all headed out into the rain and returned home. Hopefully, all will stay in touch and renew their connections with those who shared a special time in our lives. We came of age at 4611 College Avenue and made friends who will be part of our lives always. Plans are already underway for next year’s event. Watch your e-mails and stay healthy. By the way, here’s what we all looked like. I hope you enjoy these images. Jim Shaw PS: After we played our own award-winning rendition of “Those ATO Blues”, there were a number of requests for a copy. I have that on a DVD and will send one to you if asked.