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Hooters Delivers S ummer Fun Items and Toiletries to School in Bimini Carey Family Foundation to Host 5th Annual Father and Daughter Dance

Join Miami Dolphins Alum Vernon Carey and his two daughters for a Sports themed Father and Daughter Dance Presented by DeAngelo Contracting Services on Saturday, June 18th from 5 pm to 9 pm. The fun filled event will take place at the Broward Center f o r Pe r f o r m i n g Arts in the Potter Ballroom (201 SW 5thAvenue, Fort Lauderdale).


T i c k e t s a r e $ 1 0 0 f o r a f ather and daughter duo and $50 for each additional daughter, tables of 10 available for $1,000. Entry includes dinner, dessert, valet parking, activities, DJ Legato, dancing and entertainment sponsored by Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. Attire for the event is casual sports themed; you just need to represent your favorite team.

“We want to give Fathers and their Daughters in the South Florida community a memorable experience during Father’s Day weekend and we look forward to our fifth Father and Daughter Dance,” said Carey Family Foundation Founders Vernon and LaTavia Carey. T h e C a r ey Family Foundation (for merly the Vernon Care y Fo u n d a t i o n ) creates programs and provides support to encourage the improvement o f o u r y o u t h . These prog rams are designed to enhance educational and recreational development and economic opportunities within the community.

For more infor mation on the Carey Family Foundation Father and Daughter Dance Presented by DeAngelo Contracting Services or to register, please visit CareyFamilyFoundation.org or Instagram @CareyFamilyFoundation or call (954) 298-8784.

Nineteen Hooters Girls from Florida, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island distributed coloring books, crayons, sunglasses and toiletries to 90 children at Gateway Christian Academy in Bimini. T he Hooters Girls e n j oy e d s p e n d i n g t i m e w i t h t h e k i d s d u r i n g t h e i r v i s i t t o B i m i n i f o r t h e i r 2023 Hooters Calendar shoots.

T he 11 Hooters Girls from Florida who par ticipated in the school visit are from the For t Myers Beach, For t Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Hialeah, Sarasota and For t Myers Hooters locations. G r a c e B u r ch e t t ( Fo r t M y e r s B e a ch ) , Alexis Costello (Fort Myers Beach), Anjolie Santana (For t Myers Beach), Hana Joy (For t Myers Beach), Cour tney Sullivan (For t Lauderdale), Jenise Lebron (Fo r t La ud er d a l e), Aun o Fer r o (Bo ca Raton), Madison Novo (Hialeah), Jessica Dowling (For t Lauderdale), Sloan M i a v i t z ( S a r a s o t a ) a n d Ta r a A r c h e r (For t Myers) enjoyed the oppor tunity to put smiles on the children’s faces.

“ T h e e x p e r i e n c e o f g o i n g t o t h e school was absolutely breathtaking, a f e e l i n g l i ke n o o t h e r. I a u t o m a t i c a l l y felt unconditional love from all the kids r unning ever ywhere and hug ging us. It was more of a sharing of love moment rather than giving donations. It meant more to me to for m connections with t h e m , I i m m e d i a t e l y f e l t l i ke f a m i l y,” said Sarasota Hooters Girl Sloan Miavitz. Miavitz will be representing Sarasota Hooters in the Miss Hooters Inter national Pag eant in June.

“It was one of the best days of my life. I’ve never traveled outside of the countr y. T he kids had smiles from ear to ear. Instead of them r ushing to look at what g oodies we had brought them, they just wanted to know about us. I’m a kid at hear t so immediately I felt in my element. We took selfies, did car twheels and shared so many funny jokes. I told them that I would be representing Miami in the Hooters Inter national Pag eant, which was followed by them asking me if I knew any of the Miami Heat players. T his was absolutely life changing and I give the big g est thanks to Hooters for providing me with endless oppor tunities like this,” said Hialeah Hooters Girl Madison Novo. Novo will be representing Hialeah Hooters in the Miss Hooters Inter national Pageant in June.

“Visiting the elementar y school in Bimini was hands down my favorite part of the trip this year. Meeting the kids was such a special and memorable experience. We are for tunate that our company presents us with oppor tunities to give back, both in our local communities and inter nationally. I am so proud to be a par t of LTP,” said For t Myers Beach Hooters Girl Grace Burchett.

“We are thankful for the oppor tunity to visit and provide toiletries and activities for all of the children to enjoy this summer. We visit Bimini annually as par t of our calendar shoot and giving back to the community including schools and children is impor tant to us. It is always a highlight and tradition during our trip to Bimini,” said LTP Manag ement Director of Marketing Kristi Quarles.


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FAU Study shows 15 Housing Markets Over valued by More Than 50 Percent

The high cost of housing across the country is playing out in once-remote markets and major metropolitan areas, making homeownership unattainable for many Americans and a risky bet for others.

Four U.S. housing markets are overvalued by more than 60 percent, while 11 others are overvalued by more than 50 percent, according to the latest study from researchers at Florida Atlantic University and Florida International University.

Boise, Idaho, long considered a distant outpost far from big-city job centers, leads the nation in overpriced housing, with more people discovering the area while working remotely during the pandemic. Boise’s pricing history suggests homes now should cost an average price of $299,202, although the typical buyer is paying $516,548 – 72.64 percent above the area’s long-ter m pricing trend.

No. 2 Austin, Texas is quickly gaining ground, with buyers paying 67.70 percent more than they should. Buyers in Ogden, Utah (64.73 percent) and Las Vegas (61.48 percent) also are paying signifi cant premiums to live there.

Atlanta, Phoenix and Provo, Utah lead a contingent of communities overvalued by more than 50 percent. Meanwhile, No. 8 Fort Myers, Florida, formerly known as a vacation and retirement haven south of Tampa, has fast become synonymous with unaffordable housing. It moved into the Top 10 for the fi rst time.

T he full rankings with interactive graphics can be found here.

“Near-record-low mor tg ag e rates

helped fuel demand for housing, especially during the pandemic, and the competition for homes pushed prices higher. But now the Federal Reserve is raising rates to curtail infl ation, and already that’s cooling demand,” said Ken H. Johnson, Ph.D., an economist in FAU’s College of Business.

A looming slowdown could help people priced out of the market get into homes, but it also may be a serious concern for some consumers, Johnson added.

“If we’re not at the peak of the current housing cycle, we’re awfully close,” he said. “Recent buyers in many of these cities may have to endure stagnant or falling home values while the market settles – and that’s not what they want to hear if they had planned to resell anytime soon.”

Each month, Johnson and Eli Beracha, Ph.D., of FIU’s Hollo School of Real Estate, rank the most overvalued housing markets of America’s 100 largest metros by determining the premiums buyers are paying. The larger the premium, the more overpriced a market is. The researchers’ data dates back to 1996 and covers singlefamily homes, townhomes, condominiums and co-ops.

The rankings do not consider how expensive a market traditionally is. The two high-cost housing markets of New York and San Francisco, for example, are among the least overvalued in the country because homes in those two metros still are selling relatively close to where they should be, based on historical trends.

Shoddy underwriting and a glut of homes on the market led to the housing crisis of 2006 to 2011, but those aren’t factors now, according to Beracha.

“In the prior downturn, many homes lost half of their values, but I don’t think we’ll see anything close to that this time around,” he said. “Still, it could be painful for many consumers who are buying near the top of the market.”

Beracha and Johnson said outcomes from this housing crisis will vary across the country, with growing population cen-

ters suffering less from price declines but being saddled with prolonged affordability issues. Metros with stagnant or falling populations, however, will most likely take bigger hits to home prices but have far fewer issues with housing affordability.

Four U.S. housing markets are overvalued by more than 60 percent, while 11 others are overvalued by more than 50 percent.

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