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Question and Answer
from EGP Jan/Feb 21
What Books and Resources Do You Recommend?
Editor’s note: The DSO Secrets: Dentist Entrepreneurs Growing Dental Organizations Facebook page is a place to find resources, networking opportunities, information about upcoming industry events, and a forum to ask fellow dentist entrepreneurs questions you may have about running your business. The following was a recent discussion among DSO Secrets Facebook page members.
B.J. Alexander asked:
Any good book recommendations/informative resources you recommend on starting/running a DSO?
DSO Secrets Facebook page members responded:
“A DSO secrets book will be coming out in 2021. Hoping to provide a comprehensive guide. Until then I would recommend The DEO podcast series, DSO secrets, at deodentalgroup.com” – Emmet Scott
“DEO put out a list of books to read. It’s 100 or so books. That’s a ton of info for knowledge.” – Kartik Antani For more information, visit deodentalgroup.com/101-books-togrow-your-dental-group-or-dso. “Stan Kinder just released his book ‘Everything DSO.’ It’s on my Q1 reading list.” – Josh Cochran Here is the link: www.everythingdso.com
“There was a book published in 2015 entitled “Transforming the Cottage Industry – The Rise of Dental Support Organizations” by Quinn Dufurrena, DDS, JD. I haven’t read it yet so I can’t provide a review.” – Sina S. Amiri “The Entrepreneur Dentist: How to Exit Your Dental Business Rich,” by Jerry Lanier, DDS, Exec, MBA – DEO Facebook page recommendation