JHC June 2022

Page 6



Battling Cancer Amid COVID How MD Anderson’s supply chain mobilized to protect employees and one of the largest and densest concentrations of cancer patients in the world during the pandemic.

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (MD Anderson) is one of

While hospitals across the globe had

the world’s most respected centers devoted exclusively to cancer patient care, research,

issues with PPE, MD Anderson had

education and prevention. MD Anderson’s mission is to eliminate cancer in Texas, the

to be extra cautious due to its patient

nation and the world. The organization does this through outstanding programs that

population. Many of its patients are im-

integrate patient care, research and prevention.

munocompromised, even if they’re in the hospital for a non-cancer related issue like a spinal fusion or a cardiac event.

With one of the largest and densest

chain was a hyperfocus on all products

This required MD Anderson to be overly

concentrations of cancer patients in the

needed to ensure the safety of our patients

conservative to protect the safety of its

world, MD Anderson’s job of providing

resulting in sourcing from non-traditional

patients. For example, restricting visitors

an adequate and consistent supply of qual-

sources, increased inventory and the ex-

and utilizing N95 masks and Power Air-

ity personal protective equipment (PPE)

panded distribution of various products,”

Purifying Respirators (PAPRs).

took on an even greater significance amid

said MD Anderson Chief Procurement

the pandemic. “The effect on the supply

Officer Calvin Wright.

Working with MD Anderson’s IT leadership, disparate data systems were

MD Anderson Cancer Center Campus


June 2022 | The Journal of Healthcare Contracting

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