JHC November 21

Page 46


Industry News LifePoint Health, Kindred Healthcare launch new company, ScionHealth

Kindred and the launch of ScionHealth

donated by someone in the community.

are expected to be completed by the end

All devices that can’t be repaired will be

of the year.

properly recycled.

Intermountain Healthcare asks Utahans to donate used medical supplies as global supply chain issues cause critical shortages

begins October 30 at several locations

LifePoint Health and Kindred Healthcare announced plans to establish a new healthcare company operating under the name ScionHealth upon closing of their previously announced transaction. Headquartered in Louisville, Sci-

The donation drive, LeanOnUtah, around the state. Collections will also occur on November 6 and 13 at the same locations and times.

Yet another sign of the ongoing supply

onHealth will consist of 79 hospital

chain issues affecting the world – In-

campuses in 25 states, including Kindred’s

termountain Healthcare, Univ. of Utah

61 long-term acute care hospitals and 18

Health, Steward Health Care, and the

of LifePoint’s community hospitals and

Utah Hospital Association are organizing

associated health systems.

a community drive to collect gently used

Vizient announces milestone of 100 million additional units of essential meds through Novaplus Enhanced Supply Program in under two years

medical supplies.

Vizient, Inc. (Irving, TX) announced that

ScionHealth will be led by a management team drawing from both LifePoint

“The COVID-19 pandemic dis-

its Novaplus Enhanced Supply Program

and Kindred. Rob Jay, current EVP of

ruptions to the global supply chain is

has brought 100 million additional units

integrated operations at LifePoint, will

impacting the ability of hospitals to

of inventory of essential medications to

serve as CEO of ScionHealth.

receive crutches and walkers due to an

the supply chain, many of which are used

international shortage of aluminum,”

to treat life-threatening illnesses.

At the close of the transaction, LifePoint will combine its 65+ remaining hospital campuses as well as its network

Intermountain said in a press release. “I’ve never seen a shortage of

The program was launched in 2020 and protects against shortages for these

of physician practices and outpatient

crutches this significant, and normally it’s

essential medications should a supply

centers with Kindred’s rehabilitation and

an afterthought because they’re always

chain disruption occur.

behavioral health businesses.

so readily available,” said Joey Kamerath,

The program now includes 79 es-

LifePoint will continue to be head-

MD, senior medical director of rehabilita-

sential medications and over 300 unique

quartered in Nashville, and David Dill will

tion services at Intermountain Healthcare.

presentations of these drugs. These

remain its president and CEO.

Intermountain said the shortage is

include antibiotics, blood thinners, certain

happening at a difficult time for hospitals

chemotherapy drugs and medications

be well capitalized businesses focused on

because November and December are

required in the operating room.

growth and grounded in commitments to

the busiest time of year for elective

outstanding patient care and quality out-

surgeries, especially in orthopedics,

Vizient include acute treatment drugs with

comes. The companies will have separate

which often require walk assist devices

no alternatives, chronic treatment drugs with

leadership and boards of directors.

for recovery.

no alternatives and high impact drugs whose

LifePoint and ScionHealth will both

Each ScionHealth hospital will oper-

Once collected, caregivers will sani-

ate under the same name it does today.

tize and inspect the devises for safety

Upon the completion of regulatory

Medications identified as essential by

alternatives are less clinically desirable. The Novaplus Enhanced Supply Pro-

before being sent to hospitals for use.

gram provides supply assurance for partici-

approvals and satisfaction of custom-

They will then be given to patients with a

pating Vizient members through increased

ary closing conditions, the acquisition of

note letting them know it was generously

inventory commitment from suppliers and


November 2021 | The Journal of Healthcare Contracting

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