JHC Oct 21

Page 52



Reliable Transportation is Part of Building a More Robust Supply Chain COVID-19 has created a host of complications. Those impacts extend into the

transportation of PPE and other

transportation system where congestion at vital ports, scarcity of containers, and critical

critical medical supplies so they can

labor shortages are preventing the return to the reliable flow of products healthcare pro-

move quickly through ports of entry

viders need. Rather than improving as the pandemic has continued, those challenges have

and into the U.S. distribution system.

grown more significant and are expected to stretch into 2022. 3. Ensure supply chain readiness. Government and industry need to work Transportation problems have become

should be on establishing our abil-

more collaboratively now to better

healthcare problems. Variability in logistics

ity to fulfill healthcare providers’

define our respective roles, expec-

prevents the consistency expected in

initial demand during a healthcare

tations, and connection points to

the supply chain. In addition to driving

emergency while giving critical time

access products in future pandemics.

up costs, it affects the ability of provid-

to ramp up additional manufactur-

The most effective approach is to

ers to offer quality medical care during

ing production capacity. We must

identify and embrace best supply

a public health emergency. The ongoing

anticipate needs by establishing a

chain practices. We must foster and

response to COVID-19 so far has shown

core critical supply list in advance

develop structured communica-

areas where industry and government can

and think beyond a conventional

tions protocols that will help avoid

partner to build a more robust and resilient

approach to stockpiling those

competition for the same critical

healthcare supply chain.

items. By absorbing the first wave

products. We need to ensure provid-

of pandemic demand, we can allow

ers understand the importance of

try Distributors Association (HIDA)

the supply chain the time it needs

partnering with proven, experienced

convened a meeting of board members

to generate and distribute more of

companies they can rely upon, espe-

from HIDA and the HIDA Educational

what providers need.

cially in an emergency situation.

Earlier this year, the Health Indus-

Foundation to share insights on supply chain challenges and solutions developed

2. Establish a national sourcing strat-

This is a broad overview of the

during the COVID-19 response. Their

egy. We must create the capacity to

detailed recommendations HIDA’s

goal was to develop policy recommenda-

quickly ramp up medical supply pro-

Thought Leaders developed to help guide

tions for a key issue: improving readiness

duction and an important element in

public-private planning to better prepare

and response to future pandemics.

that approach is diversifying global

the healthcare supply chain for future

sourcing. COVID-19 has revealed

pandemics. Providers can learn more

The nucleus of the proposals was the

the need to diversify the sources

about how they would benefit from these

need for strong public-private partner-

of supply. Key to diversification is

proposals and how they can contribute

ships to leverage each other’s resources

manufacturing of critical medi-

to their implementation by checking

and strengths. Based on that core prin-

cal supplies here in the U.S. – and

out HIDA’s “Building A More Robust

ciple, HIDA developed and released three

enable surge manufacturing when

Supply Chain: Industry Recommendations

strategic recommendations:.

emergency needs arise. Those are

For A Strong Public-Private Pandemic

long-term solutions. In the short

Infrastructure,” at HIDA.org/

term, we need to prioritize the


1. Build a bigger cushion. A vital focus on government-industry coordination


October 2021 | The Journal of Healthcare Contracting

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