Thinking About Value The three pillars of product and service value common to both lab and medical surgical products.
Every experienced, successful distributor account manager I know wakes up every morning committed to sell
value rather than price. While from time to time we need to either defend our business or increase it by pitching a price story, we usually do everything in our power to avoid participating in “the race to zero.” Moreover, I know a lot of highly qualified sales managers who coach value selling every day to their teams. Additionally, we all have our favorite sales texts and every one reminds us to sell value first.
By Jim Poggi
March 2022
The most successful distributor account managers I know establish their personal supply chain value around three elements: ʯ Personal value (how I help you) ʯ Company value (how my company invests in your success) ʯ Product value (why this product makes sense for you and why I recommend you consider it in your practice/business)